What he was going to save was the steam locomotive!

If he scrapped a steam engine every time he failed, his wallet wouldn't be able to bear the waste!

The murlocs are the darlings of the sea. Compared to on land, they can fully display their racial talents in the sea.

Soon, Tom went down from the bottom of the sea, carried the head of the steam locomotive on his shoulders, and climbed onto the shore.

Frankie, who just swam to the shore from the sea, shook his wet blue hair, and said with a speechless expression:

"Mr. Tom, isn't the locomotive you built said it can sail on the sea?

Why did you fall into the sea..."

Hearing this, Tom suddenly laughed and scratched his head.

"Ahahaha! This is also impossible...

This situation will happen, in addition to the lack of buoyancy of the suspension device of the track and the car body, and the speed of the sea train is not fast enough...

I am also very distressed!

If the efficiency of the steam engine can reach more than 15.00% from [-]%, it should be able to enter a balanced state, right? "

"What if it is replaced with another mechanical device to provide power, and the energy efficiency can reach more than 20.00%, or even 40.00%?"

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Tom turned his head in surprise, and looked at the silver-haired boy who was walking slowly.

"If that's the case... then it's really loud!

Maybe, the sea train will be able to drive directly on the sea, hahahaha! "

"Oh!? Then I think you should be very interested in this thing."

Sephiroth opened a design drawing in his hand in front of Tom.

"Can you tell me how it works?"

Tom, the shipbuilder, looked at the mechanical schematic diagram and the rough cross-section of the internal combustion engine in the boy's hand, and he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He dared to boast in front of the judge, saying that a sea train connecting multiple islands could be built within ten years.

That's because his own mechanical engineering attainments are very good, and he knows that as long as he breaks through certain technical difficulties, he can turn the sea train into reality.

Therefore, Tom the shipbuilder understood many things in an instant when he saw this internal combustion engine drawing.

"This is a heat engine that uses diesel as fuel and can convert heat energy into power..."

Sephiroth told the world's number one shipbuilder of One Piece the internal combustion engine knowledge he had learned in high school in as much detail as possible, hoping that the other party could understand the existence of this machine as soon as possible.

Frankie came over by force, after he listened to the silver-haired boy's commentary, an excited smile appeared on his face immediately:

"Mr. Tom, this thing is so interesting! I think I can try it!"

"Hahahaha! It's really loud!

Brother, you are willing to tell me the principle of this machine, you are really a resounding man! "

Franky can understand it, and Tom, as his teacher, naturally has no problem understanding it.

"Brother, can you show me the relevant part size drawings."

Hearing this, Sephiroth shook his head decisively, and casually said:

"I don't have that kind of thing at all. This is all I figured out on the spur of the moment."

As a surgeon, if someone asks Sephiroth to talk about medicine, he can talk about it in detail and make sense.


mechanical engineering?

It's really difficult for some strong people to separate each other like a mountain!

"Oh! That's it! That little brother, you are also very powerful...

By the way, what's the name of this machine? said Tom with a laugh.

"internal combustion engine."


After chatting with Tom about the internal combustion engine, Sephiroth took the swordfish and headed home.

Professional things are left to professional people.

In the case of the sea train project, that's all he can do.

Of course, he is not without extra gains, at least he has won the favors of Tom, Franky, and Asbagu.

If he wants to ask the three of them in the future, with their personalities, as long as it is not too troublesome, the other party should help...

When Sephiroth returned home, a guest had already arrived in the living room of his house, and the three Boya sisters were sitting on the sofa next to them, waiting for his return with each other.

The guest was Hughes Silk, the president of the Hughes Shipbuilding Company. He was a red-haired middle-aged man with a burly figure and a tough face in a black suit.

"Sephiroth, it's really you...it's great that you're fine!

I heard that your passenger ship was attacked by pirates...

By the way, where's your father Parr? " Hughes Silk said excitedly.

"He was killed by pirates to protect me..."

When speaking, the silver-haired young man sighed, his eyes were a little sad.

That man, Karl D. Parr, was a great father who would sacrifice his life for his son.

Carl D. Sephiroth's mother died of illness not long after he was born, and only his father raised him.

Therefore, in Yuan Bo's heart, his father is the most important existence in his heart...

Hearing this, Hughes Silk also sighed softly. He looked at the silver-haired boy and said solemnly:

"How about it!... Sephiroth, how about you come to work in the shipbuilding company from now on?

Although the company is in a downturn right now, you come to work in the company and you have a stable income..."

"No, thank you for your kindness! Uncle Silk, to be honest, I am going to join the navy..."

Hearing this, the three Boya sisters next to them suddenly spoke in unison and shouted in surprise:

"Navy!!!" ×3

"Sephiroth, why do you want to be in the navy?" Boya Hancock frowned slightly, his tone full of doubts.

"Because...! Not only do I need strength, but I also need to have the power to rival the Hundred Beasts Pirates in order to take revenge...

Joining the navy is my best choice at the moment. "

The silver-haired boy's eyelids drooped, and there was no expression of joy or anger on his face, but his tone was very firm.

The navy of the One Piece world is established by the world government to serve the world government members and world nobles.

The navy has no right to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, and even less has the right to disobey the orders issued by the world government. Their duties are only to maintain the law and order of the sea, fight against pirate forces, and help the world government do some dirty work, and sometimes even kill people. They also help set the fire...

However, even though the navy has various constraints and disadvantages, it is undeniable that the navy already has a fairly mature system for cultivating talents.

Anyway, after this period of training, Sephiroth can be regarded as able to see that he has the overlord-like arrogance and the phantom beast-like vampire fruit, but he does not have a systematic way to become stronger, and he cannot exert these things to their maximum effect .

As a result, even if he spends ten hours a day exercising, he only feels that his physical fitness has improved slightly. In terms of combat experience, he is still almost equivalent to a blank sheet of paper...

In this world, there has never been a shortage of top powerhouses who grew up from constant fighting, Roger, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Edward Newgate...


Compared with Ye Luzi becoming a monk, Sephiroth, who had received a systematic education in his previous life, still believes in the training of a professional class system, and the navy is a more reliable existence.

"Is that so? Both strength and influence are necessary..."

Boya Hancock murmured thoughtfully.

Seeing this scene, Hughes Silk stood up from the sofa, patted the silver-haired boy on the shoulder, and sighed:

"Hey! Sephiroth, since you have already made a decision, I won't persuade you anymore.

If you need my help in the future, you can come to me..."

Chapter 14 Like?

At sunset, at dusk, a few gorgeous sunset glows appeared in the sky.

Water Capital, Commercial Street, Bolton Bar.

At this time, the lively bar was full of people, and it was unbelievable...all of them were women!

These women sitting in the bar, they all have a common identity...members of the Nine Snake Pirates!

Nine Snake Island Amazon Lily Kingdom, due to its special geographical location, is located in the windless belt, and almost no ships can enter it.

In this way, although the country is kept away from the turmoil of this era, it also restricts its resources and trade.

Therefore, the Nine Snake Pirates were born under the official needs of this kingdom. They are not only the army of the country, but also a group of pirates who go out to plunder, plunder merchant ships at sea, and replenish the country with wealth and resources.

This kind of similar situation is actually not uncommon in this world. For example, the official pirate forces of the Kingdom of Flowers, the Babao Navy is like this, and what's more, like the Wensmoke family in Beihai, their entire country They are war mercenaries. As long as someone gives them money, they will help other countries fight wars.

Amazon Lily Kingdom In order to optimize the overall combat power of the pirate group and reduce battle damage, every woman who can board the ship is an elite fighter carefully selected from the country...

On the bar counter of the bar, there was a slender woman with ear-length black short hair, holding a glass of whiskey in her left hand and a cigarette in her right hand.

She listened silently, while Boya Hancock beside her was talking about her experiences these days.

"Let me tell you! Captain Xia Qi, Sephiroth not only cooks delicious food, he is also very gentle..."

Xia Qi raised her wine glass and took a sip of whiskey before she smiled half-smile and said with a slightly teasing tone:

"Little Han Cook, don't you fall in love with that kid?"

"Love? ... what is that?"

The black long straight girl tilted her head, her eyes were a little dazed.

Boya Hancock lived on Nine Snakes Island, known as the "Nation of Daughters", and was surrounded by women. Being in this special environment caused her to lack a lot of necessary common sense.

In fact, this is also the status quo of many Daughter Island residents, and even most of the women have never seen a man.

Men, on Daughter's Island, are completely legendary creatures. I have heard of them, but I have never seen them. Most people don't know much about them, let alone fall in love...

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