Hearing this, Sephiroth chuckled suddenly:

"If you can see Tianlong people causing similar things every once in a while, after watching it for three years, I think you will be as numb as I am..."


Gion walked ahead silently, as if thinking about something in her mind, while Sephiroth followed her, neither consoling nor enlightening.

Tianlong people are rotten, this is not a matter of a day or two, everyone knows it in their hearts.

In fact, if Sephiroth really wants to kill a Celestial Dragon, it can be said that it cannot be simpler. With a wave of the butcher knife, he can kill the opponent even if it is tens of kilometers away.


His weird way of attack has been spread for a long time, even if he has disguised and covered up, it is easy to attract investigation.

Therefore, he would not be idle and hurt to kill the Tianlongren, and the other party had no conflict of interest with him, so there was no need for him to provoke such a huge trouble just for the sake of a momentary pleasure.

What's more, if it's not considered the high heavenly gold, in terms of harm to ordinary people, the pirates are more brutal than the Tianlong people. They just rob the women of the people and kill them easily. In the world of pirates, that is purely the default basic The pirates have done a lot of things like massacring villages and cities...

"Forget it, we won't eat! Let's go drink..."

With that said, Gion grabbed Sephiroth's hand and dragged him into a bar.

Chapter 142 Drinking

Chambord Islands, Island 78, Simon's Bar.

When Gion pushed open the shutter door of the bar and pulled Sephiroth into the bar, he immediately attracted the attention of many drinkers, especially the white cloak of justice on her shoulders.

This island connects the lawless zone of islands 0-10. Among the drinkers in the bar, many people are wandering between black and white.

Among them, Sephiroth saw a few of them even if they were bounty criminals.

However, based on the principle that as long as the other party doesn't cause trouble, then he doesn't bother to take care of it, he didn't directly go up and hack all the bounty criminals to death.

There are countless lawbreakers on the Chambord Islands, and their interests are extremely involved. Perhaps someone he hacked to death on a whim may be the pawn of a high-ranking official...

Then he offended someone unintentionally!

Therefore, one thing more is worse than one thing less, hello, hello, hello everyone!

"Give me a bottle of tequila!"

Gion sat down on the chair in front of the bar, reached out and knocked on the countertop, signaling the bartender to serve the wine quickly.

"Drinking on an empty stomach is bad for your stomach... order something to eat!"

Sephiroth took the menu on the bar and glanced at the names of the dishes on the catalog before he raised his head and said to the bartender:

"Two cherry pies, beef sauce, roast lamb chops, fruit platter."

"what would you like?"

He turned his head to look at Gion beside him.


Sephiroth saw Gion pick up a bottle of tequila, like drinking cold water, "Ton! Ton! Ton!" Dried half of the bottle, she let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Sephiroth: "..."

Big sister, if you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, aren't you afraid of stomach bleeding?

After the food was gradually served, Gion only ate some fruit and a piece of cherry pie, and kept pulling him to drink, looking like he was not drunk.

Obviously, Gion is not in a good mood right now, it should be caused by that trash celestial being...

Some things, knowing it is one thing, but seeing it is another.

The scene of St. Charles Rose acting recklessly in front of her eyes reminded her of the mother and child who died innocently and tragically at the hands of another Tianlongren four years ago...

After so many years, she was still so powerless when encountering that kind of thing!

After drinking bottle after bottle of wine, Gion gradually became dizzy, inexplicably she wanted to cry very much.

So, she tore off the navy justice cloak on her shoulders, buried her face in it, and began to cry in a low voice, wiping all her tears and snot on it, especially the word justice, which was given special attention.

You don't need to guess, but under the catalysis of alcohol, Gion's current state of mind has reached the brink of collapse...

Sephiroth raised his head and downed a glass of whiskey first, then sighed helplessly, and patted Gion's shoulder lightly.

When they first entered the navy, and when they first entered the military academy, their superiors and their teachers told them that the navy represented justice, and they should take it as their duty to fight against evil pirates!


After gradually seeing the ugliness and darkness of the world government, how many people can still maintain their original aspirations?

In fact, among the corrupt high-ranking officers of the navy that Sephiroth made friends with, many of them were also naval soldiers with dreams and justice when they were young!


After experiencing all kinds of darkness and powerlessness, their hearts also became numb. They began to become depraved and corrupt. They put their personal interests first, and used the platform of the Navy to conduct drug trafficking, human trade, money and power transactions, and power for personal gain. , Corruption and bribery... various illegal acts.

The whole world government is full of rot and darkness, and they are powerless to change it!

That being the case, we can't change anything, just blend in!

Everyone rot together!

Most of the corrupt high-ranking officers in the navy have this kind of mentality, and plan to hang out until retirement, earn enough money, and spend the rest of their lives in style...

In all fairness, in such a rotten environment, navies like Karp and Aokiji, even though they have all kinds of minor problems, can already be regarded as clear streams in the navies!

It's better than some navy scum who just wear navy uniforms and plunder countries that are not part of the world government to make money. It's not 01:30 points...

"Jie, jie, jie...! You navy chick, you're crying and crying... It makes my wine hard to drink... What's there to cry about!"

A vicious man with a height of three meters, a muscular body, a hideous scar on his left face, and a big bald head.

His face was flushed, he smiled evilly, walked to Gion's side with swaying steps.

"Do you need me to comfort you...

I promise to make you so happy that you will forget all the sad things! "

Sephiroth looked at the bald man indifferently, and said coldly:

"Bald Johnson...I don't think you're drinking enough, how about two more glasses of wine...?"

"Jie jie jie...! Do you know me?

oh!That's right, I'm offering a reward of 6200 million Baileys, so it's not a big deal..."

"Yeah! Big man... How about a couple more drinks?"

While speaking, Sephiroth picked up a bottle of whiskey with his left hand and handed it to the bald man.

In the eyes of the onlookers, it looked like the silver-haired young man was already timid, and wanted to resolve the conflict without bloodshed by inviting the bald man to drink...

Hearing this, Bald Johnson spit on the floor immediately, and he said with disdain:

"Bah! Drink as you please!? Who are you! Why should I give you face...

I don't even inquire, not everyone is qualified to toast to Lao Tzu, let me tell you..."


The crimson knife flashed, and in the eyes of Bald Johnson full of shock and astonishment, he only felt a slight pain in his neck, and saw the silver-haired young man slowly put the almost black butcher knife into the scabbard.

He didn't even see how the other party drew his sword...


This three-meter tall man, with a painful expression on his face, covered his bleeding neck, and fell heavily to the ground, gradually feeling the passing of his life.

"Originally... I was thinking, let you drink two more glasses before you die, so that you can go on the road...

Since you don't know good from bad, then the farewell wine is also free..."

Sephiroth's eyes were still extremely indifferent, as if what he just killed was not a human being, but an annoying fly.

He took out his wallet from his trouser pocket, took out a few banknotes and put them on the bar counter, paid for the drinks and food, and said to the bartender:

"This guy's body will be given to you. You can deal with it however you want!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted the drunken Gion up. Seeing that the man's cloak of justice was still on the bar, he immediately stretched out his hand to get it.

"This kind of dirty thing, don't worry about it!"

Gion stretched out her right hand with a drunken eye, and stopped him from holding the cloak, and there was a hint of inexplicable disgust in her tone.

"It's clean after washing. It's still usable. There's no need to throw it away..."

Sephiroth shook his head slightly, explained something, and took the cloak of justice on the bar in his hand.

"Hehe! Wash it...can it really be clean?"

Sephiroth looked at the cloak stained with snot and tears, he was silent for a moment, and then said:

"Should...you can!

If you don't try, how will you know? "

With his support, Gion walked out of the bar with erratic steps.

"Hey hey! Sephiroth... let's go to that bar and continue drinking!"

"You're drunk... where do you live?

I'll take you back..."

"I'm not drunk...I still want to drink~!"

Muttering in his mouth, Gion put his arms around Sephiroth's head with a look of reluctance, causing his side face to step into a snowy ravine, and was about to drag him into a bar not far away inside.

Seeing this situation, Sephiroth could only sigh helplessly. He pulled out the famous sword Kimpiro that the long-legged Yujie had pinned to his waist, and after hanging it around his waist, he squatted down slightly, He directly stretched out his hand and put the opponent on his shoulder, but the latter was struggling and wanted to get down.


He raised his hand on the long-legged sister Yu's buttocks, and slapped her gently.

"Good boy, Gion!...Stop making trouble! Get a good night's sleep and forget about all the unhappy things today..."

Sensing that the Gion on his shoulders finally stopped making noise, Sephiroth resisted her into a nearby high-end hotel and opened a luxurious suite on the third floor at the front desk.

After Sephiroth pushed the long-legged sister up to the third floor, opened the door with the key, and locked the door, she laid her flat on the big bed, and leaned the famous sword Jinpiro against the bedside table superior.

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