

The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

Fengyue Pavilion, the backyard.

In the corridor outside the house, Sephiroth held Black Maria in his left hand, while his right hand seemed very restless, stroking up and down for a while.

Next to the two of them was Kozuki Hiyori, who was wearing a pink kimono and was kneeling in the corridor. She would secretly glance at the two of them from time to time, but would quickly look away, not daring to look any further.

Kozuki Hiyori didn't quite understand that she was clearly here to apply for a geisha, but under the arrangement of Lady Black Maria, she became Sephiroth's maid.

However, when she thought of her life of luxury and wealth during this period, and compared with the days of wandering and wandering, she was not so entangled in the matter of her career change.

After all, the current Wano country is very lucky to be able to live without worries, eat and drink without worrying about it!

The only thing that concerned her was that Lady Black Maria would always teach her some weird things, saying that if she wanted to please her master, she had to learn...

When Sephiroth was about to have an in-depth discussion with Black Maria, his movements stopped for a moment, and his brows frowned slightly.

Noticing the strangeness of Sephiroth, the black Maria in his arms, she couldn't help asking with concern:

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"I suddenly remembered that there is something urgent to do!"

Saying so, Sephiroth let go of the black Maria in his arms, lifted his pants, picked up the pair of knives placed in the corridor, and quickly left the courtyard...

Black Maria: (??)

Chapter 220 Yes, but not necessary!

As night fell, darkness enveloped the sky, and the stars were looming.

Atwall sea area.

The g5 branch, on the warship of the 03 unit, the commander's office.

Frank just closed the door and turned to leave.

After a while, a space door opened quietly, and Sephiroth, who was wearing a black suit and holding a butcher knife, stepped out of the door.

With a light snap of his fingers, the bat clone instantly split into a large group of black bats, poured into his body, and fed back the unconsumed life energy to him.

In midair, there was only one bloody bat left, flapping its wings constantly.

Behind the desk, a white cloak and two long knives fell on the office chair.

Sephiroth controlled the bloody bat and made him return to an iron cage in the room.

In addition, in that iron cage, there is also a blood-colored bat that he uses as an emergency backup, just in case.

Immediately afterwards, after Sephiroth hung the white cloak of justice that had fallen on the office chair on the coat rack, he waved the butcher knife, swiped it in the void, opened the portable space, and put two weapons modeled on the butcher knife and Mingyan The long knife was thrown in.

Because this is a new world, pirates frequently haunt the sea, and this warship can often encounter pirates.

In order to save himself from tossing back and forth, and also to make up for the flaw that the avatar was not equipped with dual knives, Sephiroth made four long knives by himself.

Because it is only imitating the appearance, and the casting time of each knife is only about ten days, even if he used top-level forging materials, the grade of the four long knives only belong to the series of fast knives, Lianliang fast knives Standards are not met!

According to Kozaburo's words, there is only one word to describe it... "Waste!"

In fact, if Sephiroth spends several months forging each knife, he is still very sure that he can meet the rating standards of good and fast knives...

After all, not only did he learn forging from Kozaburo for three years, but he also acquired Kozuki Sukiyaki's knife forging technology. It is not difficult to forge a good sword-level weapon. If he is willing to spend a few years, maybe There is also a chance to forge a big sharp knife.


Yes, but not necessary!

These four long knives are just props for the bat clone to play two identities!

He doesn't need to go through a lot of trouble to imitate it. It looks similar in shape and spirit. At first glance, it's enough that he can't tell the truth from the fake!

After packing up the things in the office, Sephiroth opened the door and walked towards the deck of the warship.

Elegia, the kingdom of music... an unknown monster...?

Inexplicably, Sephiroth thought of the Demon King of Song...

Could it be that, even with the influence of my butterfly, Uta finally went to the Kingdom of Elegia and sang the song of disappearance...?

There is one thing to say, just by relying on a song, you can summon the devil king, which is more or less outrageous!

Sephiroth is more inclined to the appearance of the Demon King of Songs, which is actually just the awakening state of the song fruit, and the song is just a key to awakening by trickery!

In view of the fact that there is a case where the form of human fruit, phantom beast, and Nika was forcibly tampered with by the world government to become a rubber fruit, so it does not rule out that the song fruit has also been tampered with...

Maybe, the real name of the fruit of the people is the fruit of everyone, the phantom beast, the form of the demon king of song...?

It is not unreasonable for Sephiroth to have such a guess!

After all, in the original plot, Chopper who ate the fruit of everyone and the common people form, under normal circumstances, it can carry out three basic transformations, prototype (deer), beast type (furry strong man), human-beast type (Little civet cat).

In addition, it can also obtain more morphological changes through the blue wave ball, such as fur enhancement, brain enhancement, jump enhancement... and other specific enhancements, which are equivalent to different evolution directions of the human body.

Among them, the early Chopper would completely lose consciousness after knocking down three rambo balls in a row, turning into a gigantic monster.

In this case, drug assistance should be used as the key to open the awakening state in advance, and Chopper's consciousness is also temporarily captured by the will in the fruit...

Sephiroth has developed the vampire fruit for so many years, and he has a vague feeling that he is about to reach the state of fruit awakening.


He didn't try to awaken the fruit rashly!

After all, the fruits of phantom beasts all contain a very strong will. If the awakening fails, they will be completely swallowed by the will of the fruit, and reduced to monsters like those jailor beasts in the city!

Therefore, Sephiroth has been researching for a long time, how can he not lose consciousness and be taken away by means of drug assistance, but also achieve fruit awakening...

Sephiroth had just walked from the cabin to the deck, standing on the observation deck and watching Frank, who was watching the distant sea with a telescope, he immediately climbed down through the rope and saluted him:

"Report to Commodore Sephiroth!

I have just observed with a telescope, and I have seen the flames from Elegia Island, and the estimated distance should be about 25 kilometers...

The current wind and current are not polite to us, we want to land on Elegia Island, and it is estimated that it will take about four to five 10 minutes..."

"Hmm! I see..."

Sephiroth nodded thoughtfully before he turned to say:

"Give me the Eternal Pointer of Elegia."


Hearing this, Frank immediately ran to the cab, fetched the permanent pointer engraved with the word "Elegia" from the cabinet with a pile of permanent pointers, and handed it to Sephiroth.

"You continue to command the warship to sail towards the target, and I will check the situation first."

As he said that, Sephiroth's black wings spread out from behind. He stepped on the deck hard, the wings vibrated, and his figure jumped up instantly, rushing into the sky.

He looked at the permanent pointer on his left hand, confirmed the direction, and then fully displayed his arrogance of knowledge and knowledge, instantly covering a radius of twelve kilometers in his own perception.

Although Sephiroth's sense of knowledge is extremely powerful, but without using bats for perception sharing, the perception range of twelve kilometers is his current limit!

Beyond this distance, his perception will become very blurred, and he will not be able to perform positioning perception at all.

Although the covering area of ​​twelve kilometers is already very wide, Sephiroth has no intention of stopping there!

He is still sharpening his knowledgeable arrogance every day, hoping that one day he can catch up with Marigruder's range of knowledge...

After Sephiroth determined the direction, he immediately pulled out the butcher knife pinned to his waist, and opened a space door.

Sephiroth flapped his wings, and his figure instantly passed through the space gate and appeared on the sea twelve kilometers away.

At this time, he was flying in the sky, and he could already see the soaring flames from Elegia Island!

After using the space gate three times in a row, Sephiroth finally reached the sky above the island...

Chapter 221

New World, Kingdom of Elegia.

In the flames soaring into the sky, under the ruined walls, corpses were buried one after another, a scene of the end of the world.

In the distance, members of the red-haired pirates continued to attack the Demon King of Songs, smashing its limbs and head again and again.


In the blink of an eye, the body of the Demon King of Songs grew out again, and he constantly vented his power towards the surrounding creatures.

Since they don't know the ability mechanism of the Demon King of Songs, the red-haired Shanks and others can only engage in a war of attrition with the Demon King of Songs. They try to weaken him gradually by destroying his body.

In fact, they knew very well in their hearts that the source of everything was Uta wrapped in the body of the Demon King of Songs.

As long as their attack breaks through the body of the Demon King of Songs and directly kills Uta, the Demon King of Songs should also disappear.


Knowing it is one thing, doing it is quite another!

Uta has been on their boat for so many years, and they have already regarded the little girl as a relative.

How could they swing their knives at each other...! ?

In the sky, Sephiroth vibrated the black wings on his back and soared high in the sky, as if he had sensed his existence.

In the distance, the Demon King of Song who had just reassembled his head immediately controlled a red thunder pillar the thickness of a bucket, and it fell from the dark sky, aiming at Sephiroth!


The jet-black armed arrogance wrapped around the butcher knife, and Sephiroth casually slashed out a bloody slash mixed with armed arrogance, met the red lightning, smashed it into pieces, and turned it into a mass of scattered red thunder. disappeared into the air.

Through knowledge perception, Sephiroth found that within twelve kilometers, although there were still breaths of living people, they all passed out...

Were all the people in the Kingdom of Elegia drawn into the dream world by the Demon King of Songs?

No wonder in the original plot, everyone except Gordon died...

It should be that after Uta's physical strength was exhausted, the dream world was closed, and the souls of those people were also swallowed by the Demon King of Songs, and they could never wake up again!

Thinking of this, Sephiroth scratched his head helplessly, and sighed softly:

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