The country of Wano, the capital of flowers.

Fu Lushou led the Orochi Yuting Banzhong, a group of 11 people, galloped out from the exit of the south gate of the Capital of Flowers, and walked towards Ebishou Village along the bluestone steps.

They had just received an order from Heitan Orochi, saying that they were to kill the navy's undercover Miyamoto Musashi.

As the ninja subordinates of Heitan Orochi, they only need to execute orders, and they don't need to think about why.

Therefore, after they found out the approximate location of Miyamoto Musashi, they set off directly!


When Orochi Imperial Court Fanzhong had just jumped off the bluestone stairs and was about to rush into Ebisu Village not far ahead, an orange-red sword slashing with a length of more than 11 meters instantly slashed down from the sky , Lasing towards [-] people.

Seeing this scene, the ninjas all showed horror, quickly retreated, and scattered in all directions, trying to avoid the blow.


The moment the fiery red sword energy touched the ground, it caused a violent explosion, the ground shook, gravel filled the air, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The 11 people looked intently, and saw a huge crater with a diameter of more than [-] meters in front of them. The ground was covered with scorched black marks, and the scorching high temperature even caused the air to twist for a while.

"Tsk! I didn't expect that! You guys came after me so quickly..."

In the sky, Sephiroth, who spread black wings behind his back and held a pair of knives, looked at the 11 people of Orochi Imperial Court Banzhong with a little surprise.

Now that they are here, other ninjas and samurai will come later, and even the Beast Pirates will come after them...

Since the members of Orochi Royal Court had no friendship with Sephiroth, they didn't even bother to say polite words, and launched an attack directly.

"Ninja Law Hell Pipa!"

"Ninja Shuriken!"

"Forbearance Kunai!"


Sephiroth looked down at the sword slash, kunai, shuriken, bullets and other attacks coming towards him. He just calmly swung the flaming sword in his left hand.

Fire tornado!

The domineering orange-red flame whirlwind mixed with armed color flew out from Mingyan's blade, and in an instant, it expanded rapidly from half a meter in size to more than 50 meters in size.

In an instant, those attacks towards Sephiroth were all swallowed up by this flame tornado!

When the flaming tornado fell from the sky to the ground, it didn't just disappear, but instead swept towards the Orochi Imperial Court, leaving a scorched black trail on the ground.

The scorching flaming tornado struck quickly with a tumbling heat wave, forcing the Orochi Imperial Court to flee in all directions, with no time to fight back.

Since the butcher's knife on Sephiroth's right hand, in addition to maintaining the portable space, now also opens the ultra-long-range space portal, which has almost reached the limit of his ability, so he does not dare to use the butcher's knife to travel through the space now to carry out The attack regardless of distance is afraid of affecting the stability of the other two spaces.

The ninjas of Orochi Imperial Court, all of them have one or two strange and unique skills, including those with devil fruit ability, and they even have sea stone weapons!

In order to be on the safe side, so that he would not capsize in the gutter, Sephiroth directly used the long-range attack to fly the kite to consume it.

He shot one after another flaming tornadoes and sword energy in the sky, driving the eleven people on the ground to run around, making them farther and farther away from Ebisu Village.

On the other side, they noticed the movement from the outskirts of the village. In the center of the village, the crowd crowded at the gate of the mansion quickly accelerated the speed of entering the space gate, for fear that they would stay in Wano forever if they entered late... …


A gust of wind blew up, and the sky above [-] meters suddenly became pitch black, with muffled thunder billowing, and winding thunder snakes flickering in the dark clouds.

A green dragon with a length of one thousand meters protruded its head from the dark clouds. He first observed the battle situation in Ebisu Village with his huge indifferent pupils.

Qinglong's eyes swept away, and when he saw Sephiroth flying in the air, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Immediately, he flew through the clouds and swooped down, heading towards the edge of Yebisu Village.


Navy undercover...die! "

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to less than a kilometer, Kaido opened his mouth wide and quickly gathered energy in his body.

"Hot breath!"

A huge pillar of orange-red fire spewed out from Kaido's dragon's mouth and shot towards Sephiroth.

You can't dodge this trick!

In the future foreseen by Sephiroth's knowledge and domineering, if he dodges this blow, behind him, the thousands of people who have no time to evacuate will be instantly gasified by the scorching flames!

"Explosive Fire Dragon!"

Sephiroth drank in a low voice, and the Mingyan Knife, which originally had a physical body, instantly turned into a knife-shaped flame.

Immediately, he wrapped the surging armed domineering energy around the flame, and swung it upwards violently.

Accompanied by a resounding dragon chant, a huge fire dragon entwined with armed domineering aura rose from the flames, collided with the flame light spit out by Kaido, and gradually began to push back, upstream .

Kaido: "!?"

This mouthful of dragon's breath, he was just spitting out casually, and he didn't use all his strength at all.

Unexpectedly, Sephiroth also came back with a dragon-shaped flame attack, which caught him off guard!


As Kaido gradually exhausted, the fire dragon swept up and collided with Kaido's dragon head, causing a violent explosion, and his dragon head was even thrown back.

The flames soaring into the sky dispersed the dark clouds that covered the sky and made the sky clear again.

Although the giant cyan dragon soaring in the sky was hit by the fire dragon, he didn't suffer any damage, not even the cyan scales on his body were burnt!

After all, he has a very high fire resistance and is not afraid of high temperatures, and he has a fire dragon torch, which is to create a huge fire dragon to wrap his body.

Those things that are touched by the flames on his body will be melted in an instant!

His fire dragon torch is much stronger than the fire dragon that the young man just had!

If it weren't for the armed domineering dragon wrapped around it, he would have ignored it without even shaking his head!

After the flames in the sky dissipated, Kaido opened his mouth again and took a deep breath.

"Bad wind!"

In an instant, hundreds of huge blue wind blade slashes were spit out from Kaido's mouth, tearing through the air, and shooting at Sephiroth, making the latter only to swipe a series of piercing blows The sword energy slashes and collides with each other to cancel it.

boom!boom!boom! ......

The violent wind blade mercilessly destroyed the houses and buildings, cutting out huge gullies on the ground, and the sand, gravel and mud splashed everywhere, causing a burst of thick dust to fill Yebisu Village.

The ninjas of Orochi Imperial Court, seeing Kaido's attack like a natural disaster, they were afraid of harming the fish in the pond, they had already run wildly, ran to a distance, and watched the battle of one man and one dragon from a distance.

Sephiroth turned his head and found that the crowd below had all evacuated to the empty island, and he also felt a retreat in his heart.

In Kaido's base camp, it is not a wise choice to single out Kaido!

Immediately, the black wings behind Sephiroth flapped again and again, causing his figure to swoop down from the sky and enter the mansion.

With a "whoosh", he passed through the space door, arrived at the empty island, and directly closed the space door.

Kaido, who was at an altitude of a thousand meters, saw Sephiroth hiding in the house, and he immediately took another deep breath, making his chest bulge high.


A thicker and more terrifying flame beam than the previous one spit out from Kaido's mouth in an instant and shot towards the mansion in the distance.


After a while of shaking, the mansion that was hit by Kaido’s dragon’s breath had completely gasified and disappeared. There was only a huge pothole with a diameter of hundreds of meters and a bottomless depth. Traces of Sephiroth.


In the sky, Kaido first burped heavily unconsciously, and then he controlled the flame cloud and floated over the giant pit.

"Uh!?... burnt to death?"

Kaido glanced into the deep pit, and turned on his informative arrogance to roughly sense it, but he didn't feel any breath of living people.

"Hmm! It should be dead... boring! Go back and continue drinking!"

After speaking, Kaido's thousand-meter-long dragon body began to lift off, submerged into the clouds again, and flew towards the island of ghosts.


The country of Wano, the island of ghosts.

In a dense forest, Yamato sat cross-legged on the grass, with her eyes closed, and her chest rose and fell regularly between each breath.

Recently, when she focused on perceiving the surrounding environment, she could always vaguely feel the breath of other creatures. In the words Miyamoto Musashi told her, this kind of power is called knowledge-colored arrogance. As long as she masters this power, she can Better dodge attacks.


A blood-colored bat flew towards her, and finally hung upside down on a big tree. The girl unconsciously opened her eyes and stood up.


Accompanied by waves of space ripples, a space folding door opened, and Sephiroth, holding a butcher knife, stepped out and stood in front of Yamato.

"Yamato, come with me!"

Hearing this, the girl couldn't help but tilt her head, she looked puzzled and said:

"Where to go?"

"Go out into the world."

"But I have these handcuffs on my hands..."

"I can open it for you!"

Sephiroth put the butcher knife on his right hand into the scabbard first, and then put his hands on Yamato's pair of shackles.

Immediately afterwards, his hands began to gather a large amount of armed domineering.

"Although I don't think it should explode, when you throw it later, let's throw the handcuffs farther away..." Yamato quickly reminded.


Accompanied by the violent armed domineering impact on the shackles, the shackles made of steel burst apart in an instant, and Sephiroth immediately threw the pair of shackles with his backhand and threw them hundreds of meters away. Among the jungle.

next moment.


A deafening explosion sounded, the flames soared into the sky, and the strong air wave impact directly blew the surrounding trees down.

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