Next, he wants to make using a knife an instinct...

Click!Click! ...

Garp, wearing a white cloak of justice, came out of the cabin with a pack of senbei in his hand, biting the senbei in his mouth.

And behind him is the adjutant Bogart who is always with him.

"Ahahaha! Sephiroth, you kid, are you working hard?"

"Lieutenant General Karp, Lieutenant Colonel Bogart."

Sephiroth stopped what he was doing, nodded towards the two, and said hello.

"Bogart, go and fight him a few tricks." Garp said with great interest.

Hearing this, Bogart raised his hand to press the brim of his hat, and then slowly pulled out the long knife in his left hand, and made a gesture towards the silver-haired boy.

Sephiroth didn't talk nonsense, he also raised the autumn leaf knife in his hand, pointing the tip at the opponent.

At this moment, the silver-haired boy felt like he was being targeted by a ferocious beast that would choose to devour him.

In his heart, there was a kind of hesitation that he couldn't do anything.


The knife flashed.

He didn't move, but Bogart swung his knife first and stabbed at him at an extremely tricky angle.

Sephiroth's eyes flashed red, and he instantly turned on the arrogance of knowledge, predicted the opponent's attack trajectory, and swung his knife to block it.





Bogart's attack was more swift and violent with each blow, but he was still calm and calm, relying on his knowledge and arrogance to block it.


On the contrary, he can't find the opportunity to attack at all.

Seeing this scene, Karp couldn't help but pause while eating the senbei, and his brows raised slightly.

The steps of the silver-haired boy were too messy, he was like a layman in combat, but every time he blocked, he seemed so calm... Is he knowledgeable and domineering?

As a master swordsman, Bogart also discovered the opponent's problem after several rounds of trials.

Therefore, in the process of attacking, he deliberately exposed a not-so-obvious flaw.

next moment.

As expected, the silver-haired boy finally found an opportunity to attack, and he immediately swung his knife and slashed at him without hesitation.



Bogart's figure flashed suddenly, and disappeared from Sephiroth's eyes.

When the boy still maintained his inertia and swung the knife downward, the other party had already placed the back of the knife on his neck from behind.

Garp commented while eating the senbei with a "click click":

"The talent is very good, but I don't have the slightest combat experience and skills...

Bogart, this brat is in your training. "

After finishing speaking, he turned around shyly and walked into the cabin.

"When fighting, you need to learn to judge when is the time to attack, and when is the enemy's intentional weakness..."

"Although knowledgeable arrogance allows you to easily predict the enemy's offensive moves, what you need to know is that knowledgeable arrogance can also be deceived...

The enemy can use fake moves and change their moves to make you misjudge your knowledge..."

While explaining, Bogart also demonstrated several basic movements to help him understand.


"During the battle, unless the opponent's strength gap is too large, it is very necessary to conduct a tentative attack..."

Bogart is a guy who doesn't like bullshit.

Therefore, what he said and the actions he showed were basically technical points, so Sephiroth listened very carefully.

Compared with the talented fighting party like the three Boya sisters, who only know how to fight, but don't know how to teach others, Bogart has a very systematic guidance method, which makes Sephiroth learn with twice the result with half the effort.

After the explanation, the silver-haired boy fought Bogart a few more times before the other party turned and left the deck, preparing to go back to the cabin to sleep.

Sephiroth walked into the cabin after completing the rest of the knife swinging movements, took a shower, and fell asleep on the bed in the dormitory of the cabin.


The next day, at noon.

Under the guidance of the permanent pointer, the dog-headed warship arrived at the G3 branch of the navy.

This is an island of more than ten square kilometers. There are only naval base buildings on it, and there are no ordinary residential buildings. Unless you use permanent pointers or life cards to navigate, you can't find this island by relying on record pointers.

In this way, the concealment of the naval base is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

On the contrary, if the pirates also use similar islands as their bases, it will be difficult for the navy to find the location of the enemy's lair unless they accidentally discover it during cruise.

In this world, the reason why pirates are flooding is that apart from the surface of this planet, which is covered by seawater for nearly 90.00%, it is caused by its very chaotic magnetic field on the great channel.

On the great waterway, once the opponent's ship leaves the line of sight, people use the permanent pointer to sail towards a certain island, and you don't know where the opponent's final destination is.

In this case, continuing to chase is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, a waste of effort.

So, over time, many pirates began to actively or passively enter the safe haven of the Great Channel, and Roger's last words before his death caused the number of pirates to increase sharply, thus increasing the pressure of the Great Channel. Number of Pirate Inputs...

By the time the doghead warship sailed into the port of the base, rows of naval soldiers were already standing on the pier.

"Lieutenant General Garp, you have worked hard!"

Among the soldiers, a school officer with a mustache saluted Karp respectfully as he walked down the gangway.

This time, Garp didn't fall asleep, or turned into an old funny man, but said with a serious face:

"There are more than 300 pirates and one capable person detained on the warship, take them down and deal with them.

In addition... In this battle, seven soldiers were killed, you can arrange it. "

"Yes! I promise to make arrangements."

Hearing this, the school officer with the character Hu also replied with a serious face.

After Garp left, Sephiroth and other recruits were gathered on the pier to wait for the assignment.

In addition to their group of recruits, there were also recruits from other islands who had enlisted in the army, and came off from different warships one after another.

After waiting for more than half an hour, a man in his early 20s wearing a navy standard uniform stood in front of Sephiroth and others.

He has two mustaches on his face, two scars on the left side of his forehead, and a scar around his left eye.

"I am Corporal Kong Ming. From now on, I will be the squad leader of you recruits." The scar-faced man said seriously.

Sephiroth: "..."

Could this guy be the lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters who almost wiped out the Straw Hat Pirates by relying on tricks in the future...?

Chapter 25: Morning Exercise

At four o'clock in the morning, the sky was gray and hazy.

In the distant sky, there are still a few sporadic stars twinkling.

In the naval g3 branch, in a soldier's dormitory, apart from the clock on the wall making "tick! tick!", there was only the sound of soldiers snoring.

On the single bed closest to the door of the dormitory, Kong Ming opened his eyes naturally by virtue of his very punctual biological clock.

He quickly got up, put on his clothes, quietly opened the door, and left the dormitory.

Located in the corner of the dormitory, on a bed, Sephiroth also opened his eyes when he heard the movement. He glanced at the clock on the wall and found that it was only four o'clock in the morning.

According to the Navy's work and rest schedule, except for the need to go out to perform tasks, all soldiers must go to bed on time at ten o'clock in the evening and get up at six o'clock.

The silver-haired boy propped up his upper body, glanced at the playground outside the window, and found that more than a dozen naval soldiers from the g3 branch had already arrived on the playground, and started to run in the morning.

The run of each of them... NO!The sprint speed was ridiculously fast. It only took them more than 400 seconds, nearly 20 seconds, to complete the 30-meter lap of the playground, and they didn't intend to slow down at all.

"Sure enough! Involvement can happen everywhere..."

Sephiroth muttered softly, and he quickly turned over and got up. After putting on his clothes, he picked up the autumn leaf knife leaning against the bed, walked out of the dormitory, came to the playground, and swung the knife [-] times a day train.

There is actually a reason why these guys work so hard.

On the Great Channel, each naval base with the prefix G has ten places for soldiers to enroll in the Marin Vanduo Military Academy every year. As long as the military rank reaches non-commissioned officer or above, and the age is under 26, they all have the opportunity to enroll, and after they come out , the military rank starts as a second lieutenant, which can be regarded as officially entering the officer class.

The way to get admission to Marin Vandeau Military Academy is very simple... strength comes first!

As long as you are among the top ten most powerful beings among the soldiers, you will have a chance to be admitted.

The above are all the information that Sephiroth obtained from Corporal Kong Ming bragging to the recruits.

Moreover, according to the meaning in Kong Ming's words, the other party also wants to fight for a place in the military academy...

Under normal circumstances, recruits like Sephiroth who have just joined the army have to serve for six months before they can be promoted to private, one year to be promoted to private, and two years to be promoted to corporal.

Two years to qualify to compete for admission to the military academy was too long for Sephiroth.


This is the case without participating in the war.

If there is meritorious service, the promotion speed of military rank will become very fast.

Improving his military rank is one of the reasons why Sephiroth will choose to take the initiative to join the battle when he meets Paul's fleet...

At six o'clock in the morning, the sun rose slowly from the sea level, and the warm sunlight shone on the playground of the base. The sound of getting up horns sounded slowly, making the entire g3 branch instantly active, and more and more naval soldiers gathered On the playground.

In two hours, Kong Ming, who had run more than 200 laps, walked to the side of the silver-haired boy panting.

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