
The crimson knife light bloomed, and the butcher's knife easily broke through the defense of the opponent's domineering neck, but after going a little deeper, there was a metallic clang, making it impossible for the blade to penetrate further.

A single strike was useless, and Sephiroth did not drag his feet. He retracted the knife very quickly and adjusted his body and pace.

After dodging the oncoming laser beam bombardment, he swung his knife again and slashed at other parts of Quinn's body, directly slashing him until he screamed.

How many parts of his body has this guy transformed! ?………… Sephiroth couldn’t help muttering in his heart for a while.

A mere skin trauma would not have much impact on the ancient animal species, and dozens of such wounds would not be life-threatening.

Although Sephiroth can widen the distance, slowly grind Quinn to death, causing the opponent to lose too much blood to death.


This is really time-consuming, God knows how thick the opponent's blood is!

This is the territory of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and he doesn't know when the other party's support will arrive...

Um! ?... Although Quinn has covered most of his body with special alloy bones, but...

There is a place, as long as he is still a normal man, it is impossible to give up!

Thinking of this, Sephiroth suddenly showed a grin, and swung the butcher knife in his hand.


Immediately, Quinn, who had been outputting crazily, suddenly felt a pain in his crotch!

Immediately afterwards, he seemed to have thought of something, and subconsciously looked down...

Um! …Being blocked by his own big belly, he couldn't even see the tip of his toes, but the sound of blood dripping "tick! Tick!" did not hide his arrogance at all, and it could be said to be clear to his ears!

Moreover, he clearly felt that there seemed to be something missing under his crotch, and something was added in his crotch...

Subconsciously, he squeezed his legs together slightly, and finally confirmed a terrifying fact...

Quinn: cry (?д?;)

His little Gigi and balls were cut! ! ?


you asshole!

I will absolutely kill you!

kill you! ! ! "

Quinn's eyes were bloodshot and he roared again and again. A low and tyrannical aura suddenly erupted from his fat body, like a ferocious beast that had completely lost its mind.

Regarding this, Sephiroth just showed a grim smile, and looked at the other party with cold eyes. The two knives in his hands were put into the scabbard by him.

After some tentative attacks just now, he also confirmed one thing!

If he only uses two knives, it will be very difficult to cut through the alloy bones of the opponent. It can only cause skin trauma to the opponent, and it is difficult to injure the internal organs...

Therefore, he decided to change his attack method!


After Sephiroth let out a beast-like growl, he transformed into a human-beast, and his height rose from two meters to three meters.

Life Return · Muscle Strengthening!


A mass of scarlet blood exploded from Sephiroth's body. Amidst the crackling of bones, his body seemed to be inflated, rapidly expanding to a height of more than six meters, and his body became full of muscles.

In this way, the black suit on his upper body was directly stretched and burst open, turning into rags, and the trousers on his lower body were directly turned into shorts.

His limbs became blood red, with strange red patterns spreading at the ends, and a faint white heat rose from his body surface, forming white ribbon-shaped spots on both sides of his shoulders The smoke and cloud set him off like a demon god descending...

This is a move he developed in reverse after he mastered "Return of Life·Paper Era Wushen".

At the cost of slowing down your own speed, you can fully unleash your domineering aura in your body, completely liberating your own muscles, thereby greatly improving your strength and defense!

However, since Sephiroth has been majoring in swordsmanship, and in this state, his height has risen to more than six meters, and when using a saber, he will become very uncoordinated and easily reveal many flaws.

Therefore, he never used this skill in actual combat.


Today was an exception. With Quinn's alloy endoskeleton defense, it would be difficult for Sephiroth to kill the opponent with his sword skills alone.

However, it is different if it is replaced by fists!

Compared with piercing the face with a knife blade, the blunt fist injury in the front can allow him to infuse a large amount of armed domineering energy to internally destroy Quinn's internal organs when attacking!

"See if I don't beat you up!"

Sephiroth roared angrily, he stepped on the ground hard, his body suddenly jumped, he swung his right fist, and hit Quinn, and the opponent also raised his right fist.

At this moment, these two wild beasts that have completely fallen into a state of rage, in each other's eyes, only have the purest killing intent, they both want to get rid of each other and then hurry up!

Bang -!

The two collided with fists, and there was a loud noise as dull as thunder in the air.

next moment.

Quinn, the "big sign" of the Beasts Pirates, had bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and he flew upside down. He tossed several times in the air, brought out a parabolic trajectory, and landed heavily tens of meters away.


Sephiroth didn't stop there, he immediately pushed forward, and before the other party recovered, he directly pressed Quinn under him with his left hand.

The surging armed domineering energy spewed out from his fist, pierced through Quinn's body, and the strength directly penetrated into the ground.

"Go to hell!

Fuck me! ! "

Bang -!Bang -!Bang -! ...

With every punch of Sephiroth, the ground trembled.

A series of huge cracks and ravines, centered on Quinn's body, continued to spread to the surroundings, causing a huge pit to appear on the ground.

The alloy skeleton that Quinn is proud of is in a state of deformation-recovery-deformation... and his internal organs have already been smashed to pieces by Sephiroth's terrifying punch... .

On that stormy night, the wailing and screaming on the large tourist sailboat, the lifebuoy that my father desperately won for himself...

That scene once again appeared in front of Sephiroth's eyes, making him look like a madman, almost losing his mind.

Using his fists as a medium, he crazily vented the hatred in his heart. He tried his best to mobilize the power in his body, and punched Quinn's body.

The overlord's color entrenched in his mind was drawn by his will, and quickly gathered on his right fist.


"Death to me!!!"

The dark red lightning distorted the void, and Sephiroth's right fist, carrying a terrifying power to destroy everything, landed on Quinn's chest with a heavy punch, directly breaking the alloy endoskeleton on the opponent's chest, smashing through to the ground.


The terrifying fist strength remained undiminished. It penetrated the ground and punched a hole with a diameter of more than one meter. It went hundreds of meters deep underground before disappearing. The huge pit with Quinn at the center also sank and expanded again. After a circle, it reached a diameter of more than [-] meters!

Ever since Quinn was hammered on the ground by Sephiroth, doubts flashed in his mind. In his memory, he had no intersection with the latter.


This silver-haired young man holding his hammer, his eyes will contain monstrous hatred, and the face on his face is so ferocious that it is almost distorted...?

Obviously he is the one who should be hated the most, okay? ?

After all, even the most important thing about him as a man was cut off!

Quinn didn't know it until his death.

All in all......

It was only seven years ago that he was ordered by Kaido of Beasts to go to the first half of the Great Channel to hunt down the cause and effect of the betrayers of the Beasts Pirates.

At that time, according to the location of the life card, he found one of the traitors hiding on a large tourist sailing ship.

So, in order to save trouble, he directly issued an order to burn, kill, loot, and leave no one behind!

And Sephiroth was a weak ant who survived the bloody massacre...

In the giant pit, after Sephiroth came back to his senses, he discovered that Quinn had already withdrawn from the human-beast form and returned to the human form.

Sephiroth lowered his head, staring blankly at Du Quinn beneath him.

At this moment, Quinn was vomiting blood, the left half of his head was sunken, his internal organs were shattered, and his chest was even more bloody.

Obviously, it is already a corpse that can't die anymore!

Sephiroth slowly pulled his blood-stained right arm from Quinn's pierced sternum.

He stood up, his body gradually returned to normal size, and he exited the life return state and human-beast form.

A relieved and relieved smile subconsciously appeared on the corner of Sephiroth's mouth.

As the long-settling hatred in his heart was completely vented, he felt that the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed.

It was strange, he didn't know why he had such a strong emotion...

Sephiroth looked down at the broken clothes on his body, black bats split out of his body immediately, covering the body surface, and re-formed a black suit with his ability.

Even the blood stains on his body naturally slipped off during the splitting of the bats and fell to the ground.

The clothes on his upper body are made by him with his ability. They are essentially energy mimics. They will disappear when they encounter sea water, and he needs to consume energy to maintain them. It is similar to the principle of avatars, and it is also the same as his body. The principle of changing from big to small is similar.

These little skills are the skills he has been able to master through continuous development of fruit abilities!

It's hard to imagine that its original basic ability is just bat splitting...

The power of the devil fruit will derive various skills based on the basic ability according to the way of use and training.

Today, he has a deep understanding of Crocodile's point of view.

Um! ...Although this guy is seriously biased, focusing on the development of fruit abilities, his domineering and physical skills are completely decadent because of his poor performance!

Sephiroth spread out his black wings behind his back, flapped vigorously a few times, left the huge deep pit, and flew into the sky.

Just as he was about to turn around and fly away, he inadvertently saw Xiaotang and Monet hiding behind a huge rock and preparing to sneak away.

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