At this moment, Sephiroth slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing his true face, allowing the other party to see clearly.

Now that he is ready to accept the other party as his younger brother, he must let the other party know what he looks like, otherwise it will be bad if there is any misunderstanding in the future.

"Develop and use your fruit ability well, you can try to fuse copper, iron, chromium and other metals together, or even perform biological and non-biological fusion...

I have something important for you to do in a week, don't let me down. "

Sephiroth patted Jim on the shoulder, put on the mask again, and left the studio.

In the end, before separating from Tezolo, he urged the other party to quickly complete the technology purchase transaction with Vegapunk.

Chapter 70 Experiment

a week later……

Chambord Archipelago, Island 71.

In the living room of a large villa, Sephiroth was wearing a white suit, crossed his legs, and sat on the single sofa.

Beside him, Tezzolo and Stella sat on the couch.

I haven't seen him for a week, and Jim's body has swelled from a thin bamboo pole to a round ball, and the speed of gaining weight can be described as exaggerated.

At this time, Jim was standing opposite the three of them, and he was holding a 1.6-meter-long heavy-duty rocket launcher in his hand. He patiently introduced to the three of them:

"This javelin rocket launcher, after adding the special alloy I created with my ability, not only can effectively reach 1000 meters, but as long as the special armor-piercing shells are loaded and fired, even a medium-sized sailing ship will be instantly destroyed. Fry to pieces.

Although it did not reach the effective range of 2500 meters that you requested, the boss, it is not up to the standard in terms of parameters...

But for now, it is the most powerful weapon in our weapons factory. "

"Oh? That's it..."

Sephiroth smiled, leaned his upper body slightly forward, and opened the box on the table, revealing two devil fruits inside, one in the wolf form of the dog fruit, and the other in the form of a door fruit.

He picked up the gray dog ​​fruit and handed it to Jim.

"You try to fuse this fruit with the bazooka, just like making an alloy...

However, I suggest you swallow it in one gulp without chewing..."


Hearing this, Jim shivered immediately, and a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead. He is not an idiot who doesn't know anything about devil fruits.

He knew that if a person ate two devil fruits at the same time, different forces would conflict in the body, and then the whole person would explode...

Jim glanced at the silver-haired boy sitting on the single sofa, feeling uneasy for a while.

Obviously, the other party is testing his loyalty...

If he doesn't follow suit, Sephiroth will definitely not let him go easily!

In the end, Jim sighed secretly, and his body began to swell and become more than three meters high. There was an extra wooden door in his abdomen, and a chimney grew on top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth wide, turning into a bloody mouth more than one meter wide.

Jim Mills!

This is his ability to swallow fruit to open up a different space inside his body, allowing him to transform and fuse living things and non-living things!


It was his first attempt to process devil fruit.

Jim first threw the dog fruit in his hand into his stomach without chewing it. Then he raised the bazooka with both hands and stuffed it down his throat.


A puff of black smoke rose from the chimney above Jim's head, and there was a clanking sound in his stomach.


As Jim reached out and opened the wooden door on his stomach, a two-meter-long gray wolf with gray fur all over his body came out from the door.


After howling, the gray wolf opened its mouth, stuck out its tongue, and sat down on the ground. The tail behind it was still shaking.

This gray wolf is obviously very mighty, but it has an inexplicable sense of stupidity, like some kind of dog that specializes in tearing down houses...


Sephiroth took two steps forward. He squatted down and looked at Gray Wolf carefully. He was surprised to find that there were no parts or traces of the bazooka on the opponent's body.

So, he tentatively asked the foolish Er Gouzi:

"Can you turn into a bazooka?"


After howling, Gray Wolf's figure changed, instantly turning into a bazooka and falling to the ground.

"Can half-beasts do it?"

As soon as Sephiroth's words fell, the bazooka on the ground shook for a while, and limbs, tails, and wolf heads grew out of the bazooka.

Tun Tun Fruit's ability to fuse and transform is called a bug!

It is possible to perfectly fuse two completely irrelevant items together.

"Yes, very good! From now on, you will be called Erha..."

After giving Gray Wolf a random name, the silver-haired boy stood up excitedly, pulled out the long knife hanging from his waist, and took out the door fruit in the box.

"This demon knife is too sharp and fierce, you better not touch it... Just grow your mouth!"

After successfully merging a Devil Fruit once, Jim already had confidence in his heart. Naturally, he no longer panicked and feared, but opened his mouth wide, waiting to be fed.

Sephiroth held the blade with his right hand, started from the handle, and slowly pushed the butcher knife down Jim's throat. He waited until the long knife had completely entered the opponent's stomach, and then he threw the door fruit into it.

After a while, Jim stretched out his hand and opened the wooden door on his stomach, and the blue-black long knife fell to the ground with a "clang!".

Sephiroth squatted down, picked up the butcher knife, and held it in his right hand.

After he carefully felt the changes produced by the long knife, he lightly swiped towards the air.


The front half of the butcher's knife disappeared out of thin air and appeared on the side of the table beside him.

"This is……!?"

After seeing the knife divided into two, Tezolo couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face.

"The ability of the fruit of the door is nothing more...

I used the knife to draw a space channel, which made the blade appear in different places, creating an unexpected attack trajectory. "

The three of them looked carefully, only to find that there was a very fine light green gap where the blade disappeared...

By distorting the space, Sephiroth temporarily built a different space with the fruit of the door, making him ignore the relative position of objects in the normal three-dimensional space!

After seeing the perfect fusion of the two devil fruits, Tezolo couldn't help but muttered:

"Boss, since Jim can fuse devil fruits and weapons, there is no need for us to buy that technology, right?

Anyway, the other party hasn't taken the technology over yet, so we can just drop the appointment..."

"No! We still have to buy the technology that allows weapons to eat devil fruits, but it's not purely for this technology, but for the bloodline factor principle contained in it..."

"What's the use of that thing?" Tezuolo asked with a puzzled expression.

"As long as we can fully understand the bloodline factor and use it, we can mass-produce devil fruits."

It was said that the breathing of the three people present was stagnant, and their faces showed disbelief.

"Didn't the devil fruit form naturally?" Stella muttered to herself.

Hearing this, Sephiroth smiled and shook his head:

"I'm not very clear about this... but using the blood factor is the ability to artificially create animal-type and superhuman-type devil fruits.

Logically speaking, the natural system can also be manufactured..."

Tezuolo stroked his chin lightly, and said doubtfully:

"Since that bloodline factor can artificially create devil fruit abilities...

Does that mean that the devil fruit we are using now is also made by someone? "

"Is this?"

Sephiroth smiled meaningfully, he raised his hand and pointed towards the top of his head.

"Then you have to ask the people of the moon in ancient times..."

Although Vegapunk speculates that the devil fruit is produced due to the various possibilities of human evolution and prayer, so this unnatural evolutionary power will be rejected by the ocean of the mother of life, making the capable person become a landlubber .


The ability to realize those imaginations always requires a technology as a medium...

Faith is true, not simply relying on imagination!

Therefore, after thinking about it, Sephiroth can only trace the source of the same thing to the people of the moon...

Chapter 71 The Bug Ability of the Door Fruit

In the living room of the villa.

Sephiroth looked at the eyes of the three people full of curiosity, he did not explain in detail, but said perfunctorily:

"Forget it, don't talk about it!

Some things, you know too much, it is not a good thing..."

Sephiroth did not take Erha away, but kept him as a thug for the umbrella company.

After chatting about the company, the silver-haired boy put on his mask again, and using a butcher knife, gently drew a rectangular air door in the air.

As he stretched out his hand and pushed it, the light green world inside the door was revealed.

Sephiroth stepped in, and he felt it carefully, and found that the different space temporarily constructed with the fruit of the door can grow or shrink with his thoughts, and he can observe everything in the world outside the door.

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