"Armed domineering is actually a kind of energy produced by human muscle cells.

We can feel its presence through rhythmic breathing to match meditation.

When you can clearly feel the existence of this qi, you need to try to mobilize it during body movements..."


Sephiroth listened to the words of the black, long straight girl, which reminded him inexplicably of the concept of "Qi" in Chinese medicine...

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, please continue!"

"Oh! If you can't feel the existence of armed color domineering through breathing and meditation.

Then, you need to go through long-term extreme physical exercise, and when your physical fitness improves to a certain level..."

Chapter 7 Drink more hot water

In the middle of the night, the snow stopped.

Above the night sky, the waning moon shines in the sky, casting endless silvery white brilliance.

"198! ... 199!"

Sephiroth put his hands on the deck of the clipper, doing push-ups one after another.


When he reached the last one, he was like a deflated ball, lying on the cold deck, panting for breath.

The silver-haired boy wasn't originally strong, and due to the long-term lack of exercise, he was even considered weak.

Even if he has the enhancement of the vampire fruit, without transforming into a vampire, it only makes his strength higher than that of ordinary adults.

Speaking of which, the devil fruit of the animal family can allow the eater to obtain the unique wild power of animals, improve the quality of the body, and obtain the corresponding characteristics of animals.

At the same time, the capable user will have three stages of transformation: human form, human-beast form and beast form.

The human form of the vampire fruit is not animalized, which is the current state of Sephiroth.

In the human-beast form, he transforms into a vampire, his speed and strength are improved, and wings that can fly will grow on his back.

As for the beast shape, in fact, he split his body into a group of bats in the prison, which is the beast shape transformation...

In that state, if most of the bats are killed, as long as he is willing to sacrifice his vitality, he can regain a complete body.

All in all, this is a very strong life-saving skill!

In addition to maintaining eternal youth and life by absorbing the vitality of others, Sephiroth is also capable of quick healing.

It can be said that before his vitality is completely exhausted, except for Hailoushi and Dahai, as long as he does not commit suicide, it is quite difficult to kill him completely...

As he consumed a little of the life force stored in his body, he originally had problems such as a sense of loss of strength, muscle damage, etc. due to doing push-ups.

In the blink of an eye, everything was swept away, and he became a young man full of motivation and drive again.

After Sephiroth stood up from the deck, he reached out and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and felt his own situation carefully. He couldn't help muttering to himself:

"This ability is good...it's just a bit of life!

Just recovering physical strength and damage, it consumed three days of life.

However, the mental fatigue still exists, and it seems that a quick cure is not a panacea..."

After finishing the push-ups, Sephiroth picked up the sheathed long knife leaning against the side of the boat, and pulled it out of the scabbard with a "clang".

Chop, sweep, tease, cut, collapse, pick, grid, stab...

There are thirteen moves, each of which is a basic movement, ordinary and without any fancy.

According to Marigold, who taught him the sword technique, no matter how powerful the moves are, they all evolved from the basics. Only when the basics are solid, can you learn everything quickly.

In view of the fact that the three women are all qualified female warriors on Amazon Lily Island, they developed armed domineering at a young age, and became full members of the Nine Snake Pirates.

As a rookie in combat, Sephiroth could only choose to believe the proposal of the three women.

Therefore, Sephiroth set himself a daily task of quickly swinging the knife [-] times a day, each move a thousand times, and strived to turn these moves into his own instinct as soon as possible.

When he swung the knife quickly at first, the silver-haired boy felt that he was in pretty good shape.

But gradually, he felt that the long knife in his hand became heavier, and his arms became weaker and weaker, and he even felt pain.

This made him only choose to use his lifespan to restore his physical strength and relieve physical fatigue, so as to maintain the high-speed movement of swinging the knife...

Even so, it still took him more than eight hours to complete the training of swinging the knife [-] times.

In fact, if ordinary people like him do super-high-intensity knife training, unless their hands are made of titanium alloy...

Otherwise, within a month, the hands will definitely be crippled!

At the very least, in order to complete the knife swing training, Sephiroth spent half a month of his lifespan...

The silver-haired boy sheathed the long knife in his hand, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and took out a silver pocket watch from his pocket to check the time.

In the morning, at four thirty-six.

He agreed with Hancock to change shifts at four o'clock in the morning, and now 36 minutes have passed, but the other party still hasn't come.

Sephiroth sighed helplessly, had no choice but to walk down from the deck and into the cabin, preparing to wake up the long black girl.

After some high-intensity training, although his physical condition is not bad, he is already very tired mentally.

Right now, he just wants to take a good bath, go to bed and fall asleep...

On the corridor of the cabin, Sephiroth, who was holding a kerosene lamp in his left hand, stood at the door of the captain's bedroom, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door, but no one in the room responded.

The silver-haired boy stretched out his hand and pushed open the wooden door, only to find that Hancock was still lying on the bed under the quilt. Her eyes were closed, as if she was still sleeping.

"Hancock, wake up! It's your turn to keep watch."

Through the quilt, the boy stretched out his hand and pushed the black, long straight girl, who immediately replied in a weak tone, vaguely:

"it is good……."


After Sephiroth noticed that something was wrong with the girl's voice, he subconsciously reached out and stroked the girl's forehead.

However, in the next second, he remembered that he had just finished exercising and his body temperature was too high, so there was no reference value at all.

So, he stretched out his right hand, got into the bed, and took Hancock's hand to check his pulse.

"I actually have a fever... I promised you never got sick?"

The silver-haired boy looked at the girl lying on the bed with a speechless expression.

He thought that the other party was not only wet from the rain today, but also wore wet clothes for a long time.

If you don't catch a cold like this, you're outrageously home!

Hancock supported his upper body with his right hand, and said weakly:

"Sorry, I overslept.

I'm going to watch the deck now..."

"If you're sick, rest well, watch the night.

I will re-discuss with Sandersonia and Marigold..."

While speaking, the silver-haired boy pressed Hancock back on the bed and helped her wrap up the quilt.

On the desk in the bedroom, there is a first aid kit. Sephiroth opened the box and looked at the contents under the light of a kerosene lamp. Gauze, alcohol, anti-inflammatory drugs, needles and threads, and anesthetics are all medical supplies for trauma , but there is no medicine for cold and fever...

Seeing this situation, Sephiroth couldn't help cursing in a low voice:

"What a stupid human being!"

Don't those guys worry about getting sick even if they don't prepare enough common medicines when sailing on the sea...?

The silver-haired boy took a look at the anti-inflammatory medicine in the box, and frowned slightly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are effective for fever symptoms caused by inflammation, but Boya Hancock is caused by cold air entering the body, but the other party's forehead is also injured, and bacterial infection cannot be ruled out...

After thinking about it, he still poured out a tablet of anti-inflammatory medicine and prepared to give it to the girl with long straight hair.

Without symptomatic drugs, he can't make up normal saline without equipment and give her an infusion, right?

water! ?

By the way, how could I forget about this!

With this in mind, Sephiroth walked into the kitchen, lit the gas stove, and boiled a pot of hot water with the kettle.

There is no suitable medicine, sometimes a pot of hot water is also a good choice.

When the hot water boiled, Sephiroth carried the kettle, walked into the captain's cabin again, came to Hancock's side, poured a cup of hot water in front of her bedside table, and put the anti-inflammatory medicine beside her .

"You have a fever and need to sweat, drink plenty of hot water!

Only in this way can we get better faster. "


Boa Hancock got up from the bed in a daze, slowly drank the hot water, and vomited down the anti-inflammatory medicine.

In the end, Sephiroth brought a quilt to the girl from another cabin and covered her...

Chapter 8 What the hell is she talking about?

In the blue sky, white clouds are blowing away with the wind.

Under the blowing of the sea wind, a fast sailing boat set off waves of white waves on the sea and headed towards the destination.

Sephiroth's body was large, and he lay on his back on the deck. He stretched out his hand and brushed away the wet bangs on his forehead. Looking at the sunny sky above, he couldn't help cursing in a low voice:

"Great fairway damn the weather!"

Who would have thought that more than ten minutes ago, this fast sailing ship was still crumbling in the storm. He, Sandersonia, Marigold, and the three were busy running around, for fear that if one was not careful, the ship would sink into the sea .

At the same time, Sephiroth also experienced the restraint of sea water on devil fruit users.

Just now, when the ship was sailing in the storm, the huge surging waves hit the silver-haired boy, causing him to feel powerless all over his body.

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