This treasure, on the surface, is a multi-functional soul tool, which integrates invisibility, control, group attack, and single-target attack. Although it is precious, it is not irreplaceable.

But in essence, it is a key link in inheriting the Seagod's position.

Even if Davis himself didn't need to inherit the Seagod position, such a first-class god's succession opportunity, Davis would not let it fall into ashes in the Heaven Dou Palace, and finally be picked up by Tang San.

Everyone in the Demon King's team is a peerless genius, each of them has taken fairy grass since childhood, and has the superior martial arts gifted by Davis, their foundation is no worse than Tang San when he landed on Sea God Island.

The Blue Silver Grass is not a martial spirit that perfectly fits with the Seagod's seat, so many teammates try one by one, it may not be possible that no one will be able to win the Seagod's favor.

Of course, Gu Shoucheng, the owner of the earth dragon tortoise spirit, is definitely useless.

But even if there is no chance, a trip to Sea God Island will definitely bring you a lot of cash. Our respected Lord Sea God is a generous man.

As long as he can pass the divine test set by him, the level of soul power, the age of the soul ring, and the soul ring bestowed by the gods can be said to be whatever you want.

So, after this trip to the Heaven Dou Empire was over, Davis planned to take his teammates out to sea to find the mysterious Sea God Island.

Closer to home, the Vast Sea Cosmic Cover is the national treasure of the Heaven Dou Empire, and if Davis wants to take it, he must either steal it or pay enough chips to trade.

Stealing is the easiest option.

With Davis' current strength and his lightness skills, it is actually not difficult to steal the Vast Ocean Shield from the treasure house of the Heaven Dou imperial family without disturbing anyone.

Not to mention it's a cover of vast sea and universe, even if Davis emptied the treasure house of the Tiandou royal family, they wouldn't be able to find it.

But this choice, although Davis has enough strength to execute, is not for him.

With Davis's current strength and status, if he wants to be a gangster, it would be a bit of a shame. I'm afraid the king of Shura will be so angry that he will reward him with the Shura sword.

Moreover, the Heaven Dou Empire has now signed an alliance with Xingluo, and they have in-depth cooperation in many fields such as economy, politics, and military affairs. This is also the basis for the stable development of the two countries and their future joint resistance to the Spirit Hall.

Davis will not destroy the current good situation just for a vast sea of ​​heaven and earth.

Then there's only the deal left.

Then the question comes-

The status of the vast sea and the universe in the eyes of the Tiandou royal family, although it is not a forbidden area that is absolutely not allowed to get involved, is also called a "national treasure".

What kind of bargaining chip can impress the scheming Emperor Xue Ye?

A flash of inspiration flashed in Davis's mind, and an excellent idea appeared in his mind.

Things that can be traded for national treasures...does it count as news that is enough to shake the Heaven Dou Empire's Guo Zuo?

I'm sorry for my good friend and rival, Qian Renxue.

For the sake of inheriting the Sea God's throne, I can only backstab you justly. ....

It is enough to exchange the old Xueye Emperor Xue Ye for a "national treasure" that only has a symbolic meaning with the truth of revenge for killing his son and stealing the country.

As for Wuhundian's counterattack?

Davis is really not afraid now.

If the old man Qian Daoliu is willing to come out of the Temple of Angels, Davis is also willing to pull out his White Tiger Seven Star Sword to let him know that it is the young people's world now.

In fact, Qian Daoliu wouldn't care about such trivial matters.

The plan to steal the country was planned by the Pope's Palace. The old nerds in the Shrine had no brains to carry out such insidious calculations. They were only good at overthrowing all enemies head-on with absolute crushing strength.

It’s just about Bibi Dong’s Pope Palace, let alone Davis, even if he’s not there, Xing Luo already has the initial strength to resist Bibi Dong and her subordinates.

Li Fu at level 95, Dai Zhen and Zhu Zitang who both reached the Title Douluo level, a series of powerful Contras represented by Cheng Yue, Liu Qinfeng, Zhu Zitan, Niu Gao, and Yang Wudi, and a large number of Dai Zhen The young and middle-aged soul masters trained by Weiss, and the established White Tiger Army...

With these powers, the Star Luo Empire is no longer as fragile as when Davis came to this world.

This is a great situation that Davis has created for his country after years of painstaking efforts after he came to this world.


Thousands of miles away, Qian Renxue, in the form of Xue Qinghe, the prince of Tiandou, is practicing sword in the prince's mansion.

The petals in the mansion danced with Xue Qinghe's sword tip, and fell with Xue Qinghe's sword. In this clear sky, a beautiful flower petal rain fell in the prince's mansion.

It's a pity that Xue Qinghe was not at all moved by this beautiful rain of petals, but on the contrary, his overly handsome face was showing depression and bewilderment at this moment.

Ever since she teamed up with Davis to kill the Wild Cyclopes King, and was repeatedly trampled by Davis in the sword fight, Qian Renxue's swordsmanship has reached the pinnacle of the second level [detailed].

There is only the last film left to break through the Transformation Realm and comprehend the sword intent.

Originally, I thought that I only needed to retreat for a few days, or a hearty sword practice, to break through to the state of transformation, but it was this invisible film that blocked Qian Renxue for three years.

Three years!How many years has it been since she learned swordsman to this day?

For the past three years, Qian Renxue practiced sword day and night, invited dozens of swordsmanship instructors to accompany her, and even hid her identity to go to the Great Soul Arena, imitating the behavior of the "ghost-faced swordsman" back then to find someone to fight... …

He has tried all kinds of methods, but he still has no way to pierce the bottleneck film that seems to be visible to the naked eye. He can only imagine the world inside the gate of Sword Dao Transformation outside the gate.

The road ahead is clear, but there is no progress.

How excruciating is this?

In the past three years, among the methods Qian Renxue could think of, only one has not been implemented——

Go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and ask Sword Douluo to teach him.

This method can be said to be the simplest, and it may also be the most effective. The identity of "Xue Qinghe" maintains a good relationship with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and even has a teacher-student friendship with Ning Fengzhi. ....

But this was the only choice that Qian Renxue would never dare to practice.

Because she once heard from her grandfather Qian Daoliu that the Chenxin family's ancestral Seven Kills Sword Martial Soul and the Seven Kills Sword Art passed down from generation to generation are actually more subtle than her own Bright Holy Sword.

Chen Xin's father, also the owner of the Seven Killing Sword Wuhun, a level 97 Title Douluo, was seriously injured in the duel with Qian Daoliu, and died not long after.

In that battle, Chen Xin's father lost because his soul power level was too far behind, rather than because of his sword skills, and until the last time he passed away, he was still depressed about this defeat.

When Chen Xin was still young, he witnessed the whole process of this incident with his own eyes. I am afraid that Chen Xin would never forget the way of Qianjia Guangming Holy Sword even if he was turned into ashes.

Qian Renxue's current level of swordsmanship has not yet reached the stage of transformation, and she cannot really cover up her own sword skills. If she dares to use a sword in front of Chen Xin, she will probably expose her foundation completely within three moves.

Then her Xue Qinghe's vest will be useless.

The more unable to ask Sword Douluo for help, the easier it is for Qian Renxue to think of Davis.

If that amazingly talented young man could be by his side and guide his swordsmanship day and night, maybe he would have already broken through the realm of swordsmanship, right?

In that way, she would be qualified to really fight Davis with a sword.

After practicing a set of sword skills, Qian Renxue stopped.

She smashed the long sword in her hand to the ground and frowned. She thought of Davis again.

I remembered his superb swordsmanship, I remembered the experience of being "ravaged" when fighting swords with him, I remembered the rapid progress in swordsmanship after being trained by him, and I remembered the two of them fighting side by side in Snow Valley and jointly killing the wild Cyclopes The picture of Wang reminded me of the long conversation between the two that night...

In the end, Qian Renxue remembered the moment when she merged with Davis' domain, and an undetectable blush suddenly appeared on her fair face.

I really miss those two days in Snow Valley...

Don't worry about your respective identities, don't worry about your own heavy mission, just purely have a spiritual collision with the person you admire.

It's a pity that after the two parted ways in Xuegu, those years are gone and there is no turning back.

It turned out that the figure of Davis was just a shallow shadow in Qian Renxue's mind, but the three years before she was trapped in the sword state, she kept deepening her memory of that boy, and the figure in her mind became more and more more profound.

The ground is a prison, that's what Qian Renxue said.

Qian Renxue leaned against the wall of the training ground with her long sword in her hand, slightly dazed:

If I can fight swords with him again, my kendo will definitely break through!

In the past three years, this thought had appeared in Qian Renxue's mind for more than the thousandth time, and she didn't feel any problem with it.

The ruthless Qian Renxue who was unscrupulous and ruthless in order to achieve the great cause of the Wuhun Temple back then, has already become quite different from the original in a subtle way after getting acquainted with Davis.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue suddenly had an outrageous impulse: She wanted to travel far away to find Davis in the Star Luo Empire. ....

As soon as this crazy idea appeared in Qian Renxue's mind, it immediately took root and sprouted, growing against the wind, and could no longer be restrained.

Even though she knew that with Xue Qinghe's current status, she would never leave Tiandou City without a special mission, but the desire to see Davis still urged Qian Renxue to carry out this crazy idea over and over again .

Just when Qian Renxue was in the midst of a battle between heaven and man, a confidant came to her and delivered a piece of news that made her ecstatic:

Emperor Xue Ye's decree came from the palace: Prince Xingluo Davis will visit Tiandou City in the near future!

Yes, Davis wanted to come to Tiandou City, even if it was a private visit, he still had to go through the official channel of international visits.

Otherwise, the prince of the neighboring country and the strongest soul master of the neighboring country sneaked into the capital of the country quietly, and this horror story would make Emperor Xue Ye sleepless for three years.

Just like when Xue Qinghe visited Star Luo City before, it was he, the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire who matched Davis' status, who was in charge of receiving Davis throughout the process.

Qian Renxue's face showed joy when she heard the words, she put the long sword into the space soul guide, and ordered to her subordinates:

"Receive Davis with the highest standard!"

"No, I'll go out of town to pick it up myself!"

After saying this, the corners of Qian Renxue's mouth curved slightly.

In fact, Davis' visit this time is a private visit, which is different from Xue Qinghe's previous visit to Star Luo City as an envoy.

Qian Renxue was overly enthusiastic about Davis' visit, which not only surprised her confidants, but also made the two titled Douluo, Snake Lance and Porpoise who secretly protected her, whisper in their hearts:

The behavior of this little princess is too abnormal.

She has always only cared about the two things of strengthening the Wuhun Hall and self-cultivation. When will she be happy because of another man?

However, the two Titled Douluo were relieved when they thought of the boy's defying nature.

That's right, no matter how decisive the little princess is, she is still a young girl after all. Which girl can resist such a young man?

Thinking of this, the two old men from Wuhundian looked at each other and sighed together.

No matter how you look at it, this time, his own Wuhundian seems to be given away for nothing.

At this time, Qian Renxue had happily started to practice sword skills again, and she didn't notice any abnormalities in her behavior at all, let alone that the sword skills she practiced this time were much more agile than the previous ones. ...

A day later, Davis arrived in Heaven Dou City.

This time, he didn't bring anyone with him, because he wanted to expose Wuhundian's "Nation Stealing Plan" to Emperor Xueye, and he might end up fighting the titled Douluo of Wuhundian.

Although Davis himself is not afraid of this, the teammates of the Devil King team are still a little immature when they want to face a strong person at the Title Douluo level.

What he didn't expect was that the person he wanted to stab - Qian Renxue, who was pretending to be the prince Xue Qinghe, was waiting for him at the gate of Tiandou City.

Qian Renxue's enthusiasm made Davis feel a little guilty for no reason.

I came to spoil the good things of your Wuhun Hall, why did you come out of the city to meet me in person? ....

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