The woman of peerless beauty fell to the ground with serious injuries, coupled with the residual blood in the corner of her mouth, this scene made many palace guards who rushed over couldn't help but let go of their weapons.

Even if that face was cold, even if her figure was lying on the ground in a mess, it didn't reduce the attraction to others, and even aroused their desire to protect to a greater extent.

I see you pity, is this the kind of woman you are talking about?

Among the people present, there were only two people with unwavering expressions——

Davis, and Emperor Xue Ye who was almost taken from the country.

Davis walked up to Qian Renxue, but before she spoke, Qian Renxue, who looked down at the ground, spoke first, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear:

"You won, let's do it."

Even at the end of the road, Qian Renxue was unwilling to bow her head to Davis for mercy, she was even too proud to look up at him.

What she was thinking about at this moment was not even the battle that had just ended, but the scene where Davis fought swords with her and led her into the realm of sword transformation.

Davis didn't squat down so that Qian Renxue could look at him at the same level, then looked into her eyes, and asked softly:

"Don't want to climb to the top of the sword? Don't want to defeat me? Or, your pride of Qian Renxue has been completely shattered by me?"

Hearing these words, Qian Renxue's originally cold eyes froze, and then her eyes turned a little red.

Qian Renxue has always thought highly of herself, even though Davis's talent visible to the naked eye is higher than hers, she has never been discouraged, never given up chasing and defeating him.

But the distance between the two became farther and farther in the process of meeting several times.

No matter how hard Qian Renxue tried to catch up, she could only watch Davis's background get farther and farther away from her. This kind of despair, I am afraid that she is the only one in this world who can understand.

Because other people of the same generation are not even qualified to see Davis' back.

Even after repeated battles and defeats, Qian Renxue still became more frustrated and courageous. What really stimulated her was Davis' behavior of guiding her into the realm of swordsmanship before the battle.

She stared at Davis with a complex expression, hoping to see a flaw in his face, and asked word by word:

"Guiding me into the sword realm, is it your decision based on your heart?"

Davis was surprised by Qian Renxue's question, but it's not surprising after a little thought.

After all, who can figure out the point of a woman?

He nodded and replied:

"In this world, there are not many people who are qualified to step into the realm of swordsmanship. Everyone is my comrade. Your swordsmanship comprehension is also the accumulation for me to step into a higher realm."

"Kendo and politics are two different things."

"Even if I attack your Prince's Mansion alone, your subordinates join forces with the Heaven Dou Imperial Family, how many minutes can they block me?"

What Davis said was arrogant, but it was exactly what the disheartened Qian Renxue wanted to hear.


She changed her cold expression before, and even shrugged her nose, like a little girl who was bullied, looked at Davis aggrievedly and asked:

"what about me?"

Qian Renxue asked this question carelessly, but Davis understood.

She was asking Davis, besides the passage on the sword and the political enemy, does she have other identities and positions in Davis' heart?

Hearing these words, Davis' heart suddenly softened. After all, it was because of him that this stubborn and proud girl fell into the net of feelings, and she let go of part of her pride because of him.

Davis moved his head closer to Qian Renxue's face, and said softly:

"Of course you are different from everyone else."

"Otherwise, why would I have to take this trip myself to fish you out of the vortex of the Heaven Dou Imperial Family?"

"In my heart, you should be a dazzling sun, and the sun belongs to the vast sky, and should not be confined to a narrow ditch."

Davis' words, like a heavy hammer, suddenly hit Qian Renxue's heart.

It almost brought her to tears on the spot.

Yes, only people have ever cared about how well she plays Xue Qinghe, no one has asked her if she would like to be this spy.

Because that woman Bibidong is sure, Qian Renxue will definitely choose to compromise for the sake of "the grand plan of the Wuhun Palace".

Davis was the first to suggest that she shouldn't be here.This made Qian Renxue feel a thought: Even if he drew his sword and stabbed me to death right now, I would be willing.

Davis' words caused infinite grievances in the strong Qian Renxue's heart. She looked at Davis with bright eyes, and asked in a sad tone:

"Then in this scene, do you still have a way to let me leave alive?"

Of course she knew Davis had a way.

Even though logically speaking they belonged to the war criminals of the Heaven Dou Empire, the right to dispose of them should belong to Emperor Xue Ye.

But neither Xue Ye nor his generals or priests took any further action until they heard Davis speak.

Because punches are power.

After such a big battle, the only one who has the right to deal with everything on the scene is Davis, the person with the biggest fist.

Davis did not use force to oppress Xue Ye, because he would choose to be sensible.

He stood up and looked at Emperor Xue Ye, and told him Qian Renxue's identity by translating his internal energy.

Princess Wuhundian, the only daughter of the previous Pope, and the granddaughter of Level 99 Limit Douluo Qian Daoliu.

This identity was enough to make Xue Ye feel extremely troublesome.

Xue Ye lost three outstanding sons one after another due to Wuhundian's poisonous plan. Coupled with the hatred of seizing the country, there was an utter hatred between him and Qian Renxue.

But as an emperor, the first thing Xue Ye has to consider is the safety of the Heaven Dou Empire.

After going through a lot of inner struggle, Xue Ye finally nodded to Davis, signaling him to decide the ending of the Wuhundian group by himself.

This Qian Renxue, he and the entire Heaven Dou Empire cannot afford to offend.

After getting the consent of Xue Ye, the bitter master, Davis looked at Qian Renxue, chuckled, and said to Qian Renxue in a voice that everyone present could hear:


"You have a good background and a good grandfather. Because of his existence, even if you lose a lot today, the Heaven Dou Empire will not dare to deal with you, and can only let you go back."

"Congratulations, you are free."


Davis glanced at the four titled Douluo, Qianjun, Jiangmo, Snake Spear, and Dolphin lying not far away, with a malicious smile on his face.

Although he didn't say anything, everyone knew what he meant.

Qian Renxue has a strong enough backer to escape completely, but other people in Wuhundian don't have such a hard backer.Moreover, Wuhundian had to pay a price for taking the initiative to invade the Heaven Dou Empire, this price cannot be Qian Renxue, then it can only be the remaining people.

Without further ado, Davis activated the sixth soul skill "White Tiger Imperial Sword" again, and the two sharp long swords with soul power approached the throats of Qianjun and Jiangmo.

At this time, the two had already lost their ability to resist, and could only watch the deadly long sword stabbing at themselves, feeling desolate in their hearts, thinking that the curtain would end here.

However, from an angle that no one could see, Davis gave Qian Renxue a veiled wink.

There is nothing greater in the world than life and death, and these titled Douluo are facing the threat of death at this time, it is the best time for Qian Renxue to completely subdue them.

As long as these four people surrendered to Qian Renxue wholeheartedly, even if she failed the mission and fled back to the Hall of Spirits in embarrassment, it would be enough to set up her own banner in the Hall of Spirits.

Davis did this not only for Qian Renxue, but also for the Star Luo Empire and the peace of the mainland.

If there were two different voices in the Hall of Spirits, then this huge force probably wouldn't be as aggressive and desperate to start a war as it was in the original world line.

The Spirit Hall under the control of the little angel Qian Renxue is definitely more reassuring than when it is in the hands of Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue is also a very intelligent person. She understood what Davis meant after receiving only one look from him. When Davis was about to "kill" Qianjun and Jiang Mo with his sword, she immediately shouted shouted:

"Wait! Please wait!"

Qian Renxue looked up at Davis for the first time, humiliation and pleading appeared on her face just right.

Hearing Qian Renxue's pleading voice, Qianjun and Jiang Mo, who had closed their eyes and waited to die, opened their eyes and showed expressions of disbelief.

They watched Qian Renxue grow up step by step, and they knew how proud this little princess was, but now she actually begged her enemies for the sake of the two old men?

Even when her life was threatened just now, Qian Renxue didn't ask for help!

The two long swords stopped in front of the throats of Qianjun and Jiangmo. The sword energy that kept swallowing reminded them that the sword only needs to stab forward lightly, and it can take their lives away. .

Davis turned his head to look at Qian Renxue expressionlessly.

Qian Renxue pretended to be Xue Qinghe, and her acting skills honed over the years were brought to the extreme at this time. She barely stood up with her sword on the ground, looked at Davis and said loudly:

"Today's battle, there is only one main messenger, and that is me, Qian Renxue!"

"They are following my orders, I beg you, spare their lives!"


"I, Qian Renxue, bear all the guilt!"

Qian Renxue, who had already been sure that she could retreat by herself, suddenly let go of all her dignity and stood up for her subordinates, which moved Qianjun and Jiangmo to tears.

"Your Highness, you don't have to..."

Fifteen Jun Douluo wanted to stop Qian Renxue, but she yelled at her to stop him.

"Shut up! Are you teaching me how to do things?!"

Fifteen Ton Douluo was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, in the eyes of Qianjun and Jiangmo, Qian Renxue truly became the sun in the sky, dazzling, warm and irresistible.

From now on, the two of them will respect Qian Renxue as if they were gods.

Under the control of Davis' soul power, the two long swords turned from the direction they were originally facing Qianjun and Jiang Mo, and aimed at Qian Renxue's chest.

He looked at Qian Renxue and asked:

"For your grandfather's sake, I will give you one last chance to choose."

"Are you sure you want to carry it for them?"

Although Qian Renxue's hands trembled slightly, her eyes were full of determination.

"bring it on!"

"The thousand families have no descendants who are afraid of death!"

Davis chuckled and said, "Forget it, let me do it for you."

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