As long as there is one team in this world that can complete these tasks, it must be their Demon King team.

Attracted by the huge rewards, everyone in the Demon King's team actively participated in the Seagod Trial.

Davis is not very concerned about their respective tasks, because in his opinion, with the strength of his teammates, the tests in the first few levels will not be difficult for them.

Moreover, Davis has stored a sword intent in every teammate.If they were life-threatening, he knew it immediately.

After watching his teammates enter the divine examination one by one, Davis himself did not waste time and devoted himself to the new practice.

Since his soul power level reached level 90, his swordsmanship and body training skills have fallen into a bottleneck.

This trip to the sea, besides sending teammates to Sea God Island, a treasure land of practice, has another most important purpose——

[It has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the essence bookstore that old bookworms are using, the essence bookstore.】

Seek a breakthrough.

To this end, the first thing Davis did was to dive into the deep sea.

Deep sea body training is a way that every traveler can think of, but not everyone is qualified to do so.

The water pressure in the deep sea is so strong that those who are not strong enough to enter it may be quickly crushed into meatloaf, not to mention the use of water pressure to train their bodies.

But Davis now has that qualification.

With the physical strength of the twelve levels of Davis' "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover", the sea area of ​​​​ordinary depth can no longer provide him with pressure.

So the first time he dived, he went directly to 2000 meters below sea level.

This depth is generally close to the active range of ten thousand year level sea soul beasts.

The water pressure here is 200 times that of atmospheric pressure. After diving here, Davis took the initiative to practice "The Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover", and found that the progress that had been stagnant was slowly increasing.

But the water pressure here is still a bit lighter for Davis.

Davis continued to dive while testing the training speed of "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover", 3000 meters, 4000 meters, 500 meters...

It was not until the depth of 5000 meters under the sea that Davis finally discovered that when the "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover" was running at full capacity, small cracks would still slowly appear on the surface of the body's skin. ....

This is a performance that slightly exceeds the limit of the body, but with the repair of the body in "The Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover", the damage caused by this pressure just offsets Davis' own recovery ability.

In this state, it is just right to retreat and train the body.

In addition to body training, Davis also plans to practice swords under the sea.

He summoned the White Tiger Seven-Star Sword, which can change the size and weight as he likes, so that the size of the sword remains the same, and the weight is adjusted to the heaviest level.

Holding the Excalibur, Davis practiced the sword in the sea every morning and evening, and at the same time resisted the tide of the seabed with his own sword power.

At first, when faced with the three difficulties of the heavy pressure on the bottom of the sea, the heavy White Tiger Seven Star Sword, and the surging tidal power, Davis could only barely maintain the basic sword path, and could not control his own sword intent as he wanted.

As time went by, Davis gradually discovered that the pressure to exercise body and sword at 5000 meters under the sea became less and less, so he dived again.

When Davis reached the depth of [-] meters under the sea, the pressure on each of his fingernail-sized skins was like an elephant standing on it.

This kind of pressure made Davis feel that, let alone practicing swords, every movement of the body needs to resist tremendous pressure. Every organ and every cell in the body is struggling to absorb energy.

Ordinary people in such a stressful environment can only watch helplessly as the soul power in their bodies is gradually consumed, and dark wounds are gradually accumulated in their bodies.

Only Davis, who possesses top-level physical training martial arts, can turn pressure into advanced accumulation and seek breakthroughs in this extreme environment.

After finally reaching a critical point——

There was a sound like something breaking in the body.

The twelve orthodox meridians, the eight extraordinary meridians, and hundreds of tiny meridians in Davis' body were infused with golden soul power at the same time.

These golden soul powers flowed into the skin, tissues, tendons, and major organs in his body along with his meridians, and finally dyed Davis golden from the inside to the outside.

Even a small piece of sea area that was originally dark around was illuminated by the golden light emitted from Davis' body.

"Thirteen Taibao Henglian Golden Bell Cover", No.13 level, completed!

Davis savored the changes in his body carefully. In addition to a substantial increase in his physical strength, he also cultivated a special physical state.

In this state, no matter which part of Davis' body is attacked, he will be resisted by him with the strongest defense, and all activities of Davis will save the dissipation of physical and soul power to the greatest extent.

At this time, Davis, there is no vital point in the whole body, and there is no loophole in the whole body.

He called this kind of physical state—the flawless golden body!

From the moment when the flawless golden body was successfully forged, Davis's "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover" can be said to have been cultivated successfully.

But that's not Davis' biggest takeaway.

After the "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell Cover" was completed, there was the impact of tidal sea energy on the outside, and the washing of the ultimate gold-level white tiger soul power inside. Gradually, some subtle changes occurred in Davis' body.

Davis found that when he was running the "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover" at full strength, his whole body's muscles and bones were screaming, and there was a sound like a tiger's roar between his breaths. ....

Just as swordsmanship acquires sword intent and sword moves have spirituality, after the body training method reaches the extreme, it can also endow one's body, flesh and blood with a special will.

This new version of body training method transformed from "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover" seems to make Davis's viscera, bones, muscles, blood, and skin have martial arts will.

Just like what was said in a previous book, the special realm of martial arts, such as rebirth from a drop of blood, and condensed fists into essence, although Davis's physique is far from reaching that level, at least he has embarked on a path. The fleshly body reaches heaven.

With the blessing of this physical will, Davis' physical strength, including strength, speed, physical defense, etc., can be increased by as much as [-]%.

Now, he has reached the strength line of Limit Douluo only relying on his physique.

Because of the roaring sound of the tiger when running the body training method at full strength, and because of his own white tiger martial spirit, Davis named this new body training method-"Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Jar".

"Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell Cover" has completed his cultivation, Davis has come to the end of his body training in the world of Douluo, but the appearance of "Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Cover" has given him new possibilities .

As long as one keeps cultivating one's martial arts will, the increase in physical strength of "Tiger Roaring Golden Bell Cover" will be greater.

There is no upper limit to the strength of a person's will, so theoretically speaking, there is no upper limit to the physical training martial art of "The Tiger's Roaring Golden Bell".After completing the body training, the [-]-meter deep sea no longer exerted any pressure on Davis' body.

In order to test his physical strength after breaking through, he continued to dive until he got below [-] meters under the sea, and he felt that he was approaching the limit of "The Tiger Roaring in the Golden Bell".

During the non-stop diving process, Davis completed a new achievement [[-] meters under the sea], rewarding the peerless swordsmanship - "Black Iron Swordsmanship".

The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

This is the unique art of kendo practiced by Yang Guo in the gold system game world, after Yang Guo broke his arm, under the guidance of the gods, he practiced swords among mountains and torrents.

Although this kind of swordsmanship does not exactly match Davis' sharp and extremely sharp swordsmanship, it records the most suitable method for tempering swordsmanship in the [-]-meter deep sea.

Davis did not study this martial art in depth, but used the method of tempering sword intent in the mountain torrents recorded in it to temper and cultivate his own sword intent.

With this swordsmanship, under the tempering of the tidal energy under the [-]-meter deep sea, Davis's last layer of diaphragm, which is far from the ultimate state of the sword, has become thinner and thinner, so thin that Davis can clearly see , What happened after I broke through to the ultimate state of swordsmanship.

There is no time to practice, and Davis' practice in the sea seems boring, boring, and painful, but he himself enjoys it.

Struggling with the sky is a lot of fun.

While Davis was enjoying the joy of this practice, a figure kept watching him from afar.Even the [-]-meter-deep sea water couldn't block that gaze.

The source of that gaze was Bo Saixi, the High Priest of Sea God Island.

The two members of the Demon King's team have been captured by her.One is Dugu Yan, who has accepted the top seven exams, and the other is Davis, who unabashedly showed her fighting spirit. ....

Dugu Yan is currently fledgling, no matter what special arrangements Sea God has for her, it won't be able to influence Bo Saixi in a short time.

Instead, it was Davis. When he drilled into the [-]-meter-deep ocean to practice, Bo Saixi already knew that this young man might be a formidable opponent.

If I want to take action against Dugu Yan in the future, I'm afraid I have to pass Davis first.

You know, even among the three Limit Douluo including herself, only she can dive to this deep sea because she possesses the Seagod Martial Soul, neither Tang Chen nor Qian Daoliu can do it.

And not only did Davis do it, but he was also able to cultivate in the sea at a depth of [-] meters, but there was no trace of the ocean in his soul power fluctuations. He was a typical mainland soul master.

This is enough to prove that Davis' physical strength far exceeds Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu.

And when Davis began to realize the sword in the sea, Bo Saixi raised his vigilance again by another level.

The sword intent that cannot be completely suppressed by the [-]-meter deep sea is really impossible to ignore.

Davis practiced in the sea for eight months, and Bo Saixi sat staring at Sea God Mountain for eight months. Until one day, an unusual wave broke out in the sea where Davis was.

At first it was just a small wave, inconspicuous in the turbulent ocean, and did not attract Bo Saixi's attention, but as time passed, this wave became more and more intense, and gradually rolled up into a mountain-like wave. Towering waves.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden sword light lit up the surrounding sea area, and after splitting the huge wave in two, the sword light still had enough strength to rush to the sky, and smashed a piece of dark cloud in the sky, This gradually disappeared without a trace.

The strange scene just now was caused by Davis' two consecutive sword strikes.

The waves rolled up by the first sword represent that Davis has completely turned the peerless martial art "Mysterious Iron Sword Technique" into his own use, and created a "Mysterious Iron Sword Technique Overcoming the Sea" that is more suitable for his own use. Its cultivation has reached the peak state.

The second sword is the sword light that rushes out of the sea, cuts through the waves, and cuts through the clouds above the sky. It is the sign that Davis has officially broken through the ultimate kendo!

After honing his kendo in the deep sea day after day, Davis' kendo finally broke through naturally!Moreover, the exaggerated scene when he broke through the way of the sword just now was more than ten times bigger than the scene when Sword Douluo broke through the ultimate state of the way of the sword.

The ultimate state and the ultimate state are also different.

The way of the sword has broken through to the limit, and Davis can't wait to leave the deep sea to find a place to study the set of [Sword Monument of Dugu Qiubai] that he has collected for many years.

Now Davis is no longer afraid that his kendo will be affected by that stone tablet.

Bo Saixi, who was praying to the gods on Sea God Mountain, saw this scene, and her heart moved, so she flew to the area where Davis dived into the sea to practice.

When Davis got out of the sea, he bumped into Bo Saixi who came to investigate the situation.

At this time, Bo Saixi looked serious, ready to fight.

She has a golden laurel wreath on her head, a luxurious bright red robe, and a 3-meter-long golden scepter in her hand... The equipment in this body is either the artifact left by the sea god in the world, or the top-level ancient soul guide .

"Sea God Domain!"

In the vicinity of Sea God Island, Bo Saixi possessed a strength that far surpassed that of her peers. A Sea God Domain opened up, covering a radius of one kilometer.

In her domain, no matter whether Davis wants to escape or has any evil plans, there will be nowhere to hide.

Bo Saixi's level 99 Ultimate Douluo's aura scattered unrestrainedly in the surrounding sea area.

"Your Excellency has such strength, what is the purpose of coming to my Sea God Island?"

It seemed that if Davis could not give a reasonable explanation, she would act immediately to expel or even obliterate the unknown threat in front of her. .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

Facing Bo Saixi's serious questioning, Davis shrugged his shoulders and replied frankly:

"Send my teammates here to accept the test of the Sea God, and come by the way to meet you, the number one powerhouse in the ocean."

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