Although this navy is still immature, their future commander will be very powerful.

As the inheritor of the Sea God, Dugu Yan will naturally be the first admiral of the Star Luo Empire, which does not conflict with her status as the future concubine.

Under Dugu Yan's leadership, this navy will eventually become useful.

And the existence of the Purple Pearl, in Davis' plan, is the best candidate to take over as Admiral of the Star Luo Navy after Dugu Yan accompanied him to the God Realm.


The journey back was particularly smooth, with Dugu Yan's Sea God Trident controlling the wind direction to help the ship sail forward with full sail, and the demon spirit great white shark group opening the way ahead, driving away those sea spirit beasts that did not have eyes to block the way.

Not long after, everyone arrived in Hanhai City again. ....

This mighty large fleet suddenly appeared outside the port, which alarmed the people of the entire Hanhai City, especially the members of the navy who remodeled the original colorful pirate ships into a single-color star Luo warship style.

Even the flag of the Star Luo Empire was hung on the mast.

The soldiers and civilians of Hanhai City who didn't understand the situation thought that the Star Luo Empire was going to declare war on the Tiandou Empire, so they sent a large number of navy to attack Hanhai City, which is the richest coastal city.

Especially when they saw the human head hanging on the mast of the main ship, this guess became almost certain.

The face on that person's head was almost exactly the same as Mo Jian, the lord of Hanhai City!

Could it be that the city lord, Mo Jian, was unknowingly killed by these Xingluo troops?

Then do we still have to resist?

This was the thought that popped up in the minds of all the soul masters who saw the human head clearly.

Fortunately, the Star Luo Empire quickly clarified this misunderstanding——

Dugu Yan stood at the bow of the boat, holding up his Green Snake Pearl Sword, and shouted loudly to the people below:

"Mo Jian, you have allowed your younger brother Mosha to burn, kill, and loot the sea, and you have also established the largest pirate group in the sea, the Black Shark and Haize Group, colluding with officials and bandits. I don't know how many people have been killed over the years!"

"Now, the Black Shark Black Thief is in the hands of my Xingluo Navy, and the Thief Chief Black Shark has been given the head. You, the black hand behind the scenes, hurry up and lead him to death!"

Through the use of internal strength, Dugu Yan's words spread throughout the entire Hanhai City, ensuring that every household in the city could hear them.

Especially at the end, the words [quickly lead to death], which was emphasized by Dugu Yan, floated back and forth in the entire Hanhai City, and it took a long time before it gradually disappeared.

When the soul masters at the port heard this, they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not a war, they don't care about the life and death of the city lord.

The city lord Mo Da who sat high in the city lord's mansion was not a good official with two sleeves, and all walks of life in Hanhai City these years had been given his help.

When someone knocked on his door, the civilians in Hanhai City were not only not worried, they might even secretly applaud him.

Mo Jian in the City Lord's Mansion naturally also heard Dugu Yan's voice, and he was immediately furious.

However, no matter how angry it is, it must be contained.

Because Mo Jian could see very clearly that the fleet that just appeared was really too big.

The number and quality of the soul masters of the other party may have exceeded the total number of soul masters in the entire Hanhai City. The most frightening thing is that there are several leading soul masters among them who are familiar with him in the "Black Shark Pirates". face.

Among the three big pirate groups, the leaders of the other two, "Purple Pearl" and "Green Ghost", also appeared in this fleet.

Obviously, the other party subdued the three big pirate groups with absolute strength, beheaded the black shark, and took all the remaining pirates for his own use.

With this kind of strength, he is absolutely unaffected by only a Contra or the Lord of the Hanhai City.

Therefore, even though he had the blood feud of killing his younger brother, Mo Jian still chose to hide his body and run away secretly, waiting for the opportunity to take revenge in the future.

Maybe the day of revenge will never come, but who cares?

Mo Sha is dead, but Mo Jian still wants to live well. ....

However, his clown-like movements, not to mention hiding from Davis, even Dugu Yan, who has received the Sea God's inheritance, couldn't hide it.

"Rat! Still trying to escape?"

Dugu Yan stepped a little harder, vacated to a high place, then held his "Green Snake Pearl Sword" with his backhand, and threw it at the fleeing Mo Jian.

Dugu Yan's swordsmanship has become very superb under the joint training with Davis, at least better than Li Yang.

After the Green Snake Bead Sword was out of her hand, the soul power attached to it made the sword fly faster and faster, so fast that Mo Jian couldn't even react.


The long sword passed through Mo Jian's chest, wrapped in Dugu Yan's soul power, without a trace of blood.

And Mo Jian's entire body was frozen in place while fleeing, only the blood gushing out from the big hole in his heart, heralding his imminent death to everyone around him.

Mo Jian has been able to dominate Hanhai City for many years, and his own strength is also extremely strong, but with his strength, in the hands of Dugu Yan, who is also a Contra, he couldn't survive a casual blow.

Seeing this scene, the masters of Hanhai City couldn't help feeling terrified, and they didn't even dare to provoke this Xingluo army.

The black-hearted city lord who had been fish and meat for the people of Hanhai City for 20 years was finally terminated at the hands of Dugu Yan.

After killing Mo Jian, Davis called other officials of Hanhai City to inform them of the fact that Mo Jian had colluded with the two "Black Shark" brothers to cause disaster, and showed a large number of treasures obtained from the Black Shark Pirates. evidence of.

Originally, those officials still had some doubts about the Star Luo Empire's naval fleet appearing in the port of Hanhai City.

[The problem of slow update of new chapters finally has a solution on Nengjingshuge, download Jingjingshuge.jingshuge here, and view the latest chapters of this book on multiple sites at the same time. 】

But these evidences all record the fact that Mo Jian and Mo Sha, a pair of unscrupulous brothers, have cooperated internally and externally over the years to slaughter the caravans going to sea as fat sheep.

Ironclad evidence.

Those caravans included all the forces in the entire Hanhai City except the City Lord's Mansion, which made the officials of Hanhai City hate the Mo brothers, and most of their doubts about the appearance of the Xingluo Army were immediately dispelled.

Under their witness, Davis wrote an autographed letter explaining the brutality of Mo Jian, the city lord. Those officials signed the letter one after another, and the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce was responsible for delivering the letter to the current emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire——


Yes, unlike in the wishing world line, after the battle at Tiandou Palace, perhaps because he was too frightened and under too much pressure, Emperor Xue Ye soon fell ill.

Not long after Davis left Tiandou Palace, the emperor's life came to an end.

After Qian Renxue's identity was dismantled, the one who was qualified to inherit the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire was undoubtedly Xue Beng, the only remaining prince.

So Xue Beng, with the support of the ministers and prince Xue Xing, ascended to the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire at the age of teens.

Davis believed that with these ironclad evidence and the signatures of Hanhai City officials, Xue Beng would not be misunderstood.

It's just that when he wrote this letter, he didn't seem to think about it——

As a newly succeeded emperor, Xue Beng only got the chance to succeed to the throne with the help of Davis. After seeing the mighty power of Davis in that battle in the Heaven Dou Palace, he will continue to deify him in his heart.

In the interaction with Davis, every detail will make Avalanche walk on thin ice.

For Davis, it was just a letter to state the truth and prevent misunderstandings, but in Xue Beng's hands, it might be mistaken for a questioning or reprimand.

After all, the two great empires of Tiandou and Xingluo today are completely out of balance no matter in terms of top-level strength or grass-roots strength. .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 168 Ceding Hanhai City, the idea of ​​the god system

A few days later, Xue Beng, who was far away in Tiandou City, carefully opened the letter after receiving Davis' letter.

As a result, Xue Beng's complexion became worse the more he read it...

By the time he read the last line, his hands were already trembling involuntarily.

Davis writes here:

"I hope His Majesty Xue Beng will not harm the alliance between the Heaven Dou and Star Luo countries because of a mere bastard in Hanhai City, and let the forces secretly spying on you and our two countries have a chance to succeed."

This perfectly normal sentence, in the eyes of the frightened Xue Beng, was automatically translated into:

You Tiandou Empire has such a scum city lord, you dare to offend my majesty, and you have to send people to apologize quickly, otherwise it will be too late for the two countries to turn against each other!

Not only Heaven Dou Emperor Xue Beng, but even his servants and close ministers thought so after reading this letter.

Because Davis puts too much pressure on them!

No one dared to believe that a peerless powerhouse like Davis, with a background like the crown prince of the Star Luo Empire, would have no idea about the land of the Heaven Dou Empire.

After a painful court debate, finally, Xue Beng and several close officials decided to send envoys to Star Luo City to express the highest apology to Davis.

Not only that, Xue Beng also made a decision that violated his ancestors——

Take the initiative to cede Hanhai City to the Star Luo Empire!

Not only that, the huge shipbuilding industry of the Heaven Dou Empire built around Hanhai City also surrendered to the Star Luo Empire.

There is no way, Davis said in the letter, don't cause the two countries to break off diplomatic relations because of the young people in Hanhai City.

Davies has already executed Xiaoxiao himself, so what means can the Heaven Dou Empire use to obtain forgiveness from the other party?

I am afraid that the only way to appease the anger of that Sword God Douluo is to hand over the entire Hanhai City, the richest city along the coast.

Therefore, even though it seemed very incompetent and unfilial to cede the land for compensation just after succeeding to the throne, for the survival of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Beng could only grit his teeth and send out this city that ranks among the top three in the entire country in terms of tax revenue.

When Dai Zhen and other ministers in Star Luo City received the letter of credence from the Heaven Dou Empire, they were stunned.

What did my son (His Royal Highness) do?

Scared the young emperor Xue Beng like this?


Such a large piece of fat in Hanhai City has been delivered to the mouth. Wouldn't it be a bit too sorry for His Majesty Xue Beng's affection if he didn't eat it?

As a result, the gang of unscrupulous monarchs and ministers in the court of the Star Luo Empire could only accept the letter of apology and land cession from Emperor Xue Beng half-heartedly when Davis could not be contacted.

Since then, Hanhai City has hung the flag of the Star Luo Empire.


Not to mention how Xue Beng misunderstood what Davis meant, and how he would deal with it. Davis himself was planning to go to the Ice and Fire Yinyan Eye near Tiandou City.

If he knew about this, Xue Beng would probably think that Davis had come to ask for an explanation in person, and he would definitely be so scared that he couldn't sleep at night.

[It has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the essence bookstore that old bookworms are using, the essence bookstore.】

After leaving Hanhai City, the Demon King's team was divided into several teams, each heading in a different direction. ....

The strength of everyone in the team has reached the level of Soul Douluo, even the youngest Ye Leng Leng is already a Soul Sage.

Experts at this level are strong enough to stand alone on the mainland.

But over the years, everyone has been growing up under Davis' wings, and they rarely have the opportunity to practice alone.

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