In the audience, the teachers of Shrek Academy and the team members who left the field early stood up one after another, offering cheers and applause for Tang San.

Tang San was covered with exhaustion and scars, looking at his teammates and teachers, his heart was full of pride.

Just when the referee was about to announce the result of the game unwillingly, a roar came from the grass ball wrapped around Xie Yue.

Then there was a dazzling red light that split the grass ball in two!

Xie Yue didn't completely lose her ability to fight!

The red knife light that split the grass ball swept towards Tang San, Tang San's eyes were fixed, and he who had already made a celebration gesture suddenly turned around, and the Wuhun also changed from the Blue Silver Grass in the right hand to the Haotian in the left hand hammer.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Chaos Cloak Wind Hammer Technique!"

Even though he had exhausted all his soul power, he still relied on his physical strength and the affinity for the Clear Sky Hammer cultivated in day and night forging iron, to use this hammer of the Jedi's counterattack!

The sword light and the iron hammer fought head-on, and Tang San, who had no soul power, was swept away by Xie Yue's lore sword for more than ten meters, and was almost swept under the ring.

And Xie Yue finally exhausted her whole body's soul power and physical strength, not even the last bit of strength to support her body to keep standing, and fell down on the ring with a "Peng".

The two landed almost at the same time, and they were also the last ones on the field from both teams.

If neither of them can stand up, then the game will be considered a draw.

That would also be the first tie in the history of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Tournament.

The referee walked to the center of the arena and counted down the timer:







Just as the countdown was about to end, a thin figure stood up tremblingly on the edge of the ring.

It was Tang San who was hit by Xie Yue's knife.

With a superhuman soul cultivation base, after all, he is much stronger than Xie Yue in terms of will, even if the fuel is exhausted, he finally stands up with his own will. ....



The referee's countdown ended, Tang San stood up, Xie Yue fell down, there was no need to declare the outcome of this battle, Shrek Academy, won!

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Deafening cheers broke out in the entire venue, even the audience who had nothing to do with Shrek Academy cheered for them with all their might.

The victory of justice over evil, and the victory of justice over crooked ways, is a plot that everyone loves to watch after all.

It's just that this time it's not the Wuhundian who claims to be a follower of light, who is on the side of light and justice this time.

Even though Pope Bibi Dong's face was extremely pale, she still had no reason to organize these soul masters who came to watch the battle to cheer for Team Shrek.

She glanced at the direction of the Shrek team, stared at Tang San and Grandmaster who were surrounded by the team members, and heard Dai Mubai who had just been expelled from the field by her, secretly thinking in her heart:

Xiaogang, is this the student you want to spend half your life trying to cultivate?

Is it because of him that you did not hesitate to come to see me before the finals to gain experience in the cultivation of twin martial souls?

Is it because of him that at the cost of sacrificing another student's qualification for the finals, you have to make every effort to ensure that he becomes the tactical core of the Shrek team in the finals?

You want your disciple to be famous in the mainland, and let the world know that you Yu Xiaogang is not a waste, so you use me to squeeze out his biggest competitor in the team, right?

Xiao Gang, Xiao Gang, you are still so ruthless!

Still so sensible that it makes people desperate!

If Dai Mubai, who was sacrificed by you, knew all this, what would he think?

What would Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, the two proud girls of heaven, think?

Will the current harmonious Shrek team fall apart because of this?

As Bibi Dong thought this way, the malice in her heart began to spread under the influence of Rakshasa's divine power.

Driven maliciously, Bibi Dong swept her gaze over everyone in the Shrek team, when her gaze swept over Xiao Wu who was cheering happily in the team, she suddenly stopped.

This is--

10-year soul beast transformation! .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 179 The Pope's Solicitation, Wuhun Palace's Flip

Before going to Wuhun City, Tang San already sensed that Xiao Wu was different from ordinary people by virtue of his excellent soul cultivation.

After Tang San's questioning, Xiao Wu also told him her true identity.

Tang San deserves to be Tang Ritian's son, Xiao Wu's 10-year-old fleshy rabbit's true identity did not frighten him away, on the contrary, he pitied Xiao Wu even more because of her life experience.

It's just that how Xiao Wu can participate in the next final has become a difficult problem.

Xiao Wu in this world doesn't have the protection of the king of flowers, Acacia Broken Heart, that fairy grass has already been taken and absorbed by Dugu Yan.

This meant that Xiao Wu couldn't escape the Title Douluo's eyes.

Once the true identity of the 10-year-old soul beast is discovered——

I'm afraid that the entire Wuhun City will become Xiao Wu's enemy.

Even if not everyone needs a 10-year spirit ring, no one can refuse a 10-year spirit bone that is almost free.

So before entering the arena, Tang San tried several times to persuade Xiao Wu to give up her qualifications to avoid being discovered by the title Douluo of the Spirit Hall.

You know, under the arena of the finals, there will definitely be more than one titled Douluo from the Hall of Spirits watching the battle.

Bibi Dong, and her two most trusted titled Douluo, Ghost and Wild Lion, these three top fighters at the Super Douluo level, will definitely appear in the finals.

If they found out, it would be a death without a burial.

But Xiao Wu still wants to compete.

The team that has struggled together for so long, quit before the final final?

This was unacceptable to Xiao Wu who always liked to be competitive.

In desperation, Tang San thought of a compromise.

He taught Xiao Wu a kind of kung fu, which is the "Breaking Breath Jue" that every killer in the Tang Sect must learn.

The assassins of the Tang Sect in the previous life were able to quietly harvest the lives of the assassins like ghosts and ghosts. This technique can be said to have contributed the most.

Although he had secretly vowed not to spread the Tang Sect's kung fu to the outside world, the safety of his lover was far more important than the Tang Sect's rules in Tang San's heart.

In the original world line, Tang San didn't teach Xiao Wu the "Containing Breath Jue" because Xiao Wu already had Lovesickness Heartbroken Red, which is much more reliable than "Collecting Breath Jue".

If it hadn't been for Acacia Heartbroken Red not falling out of her arms after the final, even Bibi Dong would not be able to see through Xiao Wu's identity.

In fact, in the final analysis, in Tang San's eyes, these Tangmen's rules could be broken.

After all, he himself learned "Xuantian Treasure Record" secretly, just to see if the benefits of breaking the rules can make Tang San tempted.

With this technique, Xiao Wu's soul power fluctuations can be restrained to the extreme.

Even if a Titled Douluo level expert was watching him head on, it would be difficult for the other party to see through Xiao Wu's details at a glance.

There is only one thing, you need to hold a breath of true energy in your chest all the time.

As soon as the zhenqi dissipated, the effect of the "Containing Breath Jue" would be invalidated instantly, and Xiao Wu would immediately reveal her true colors.

So before the start of the final, Tang San exhorted Xiao Wu thousands of times, even if he was defeated by the opponent and left the stage, he must not dissipate the genuine energy in his chest.

Xiao Wu did as well.

So much so that in the finals he only showed [-]% of his strength, and after he blocked Tang San with the "Invincible Golden Body" at the end, he left with regret. ....

Everything was supposed to be perfect.

But unfortunately, when Tang San finally defeated Xie Yue and stood alone on the final stage to accept everyone's cheers, Xiao Wu was filled with infinite pride for her lover, and couldn't help but also cheered.

With this cheering, the true energy in her chest dissipated, and the effect of the "Constraining Breath Jue" disappeared.

How sharp is Title Douluo's perception?

At such a moment, several Title Douluo, Bibi Dong, Ghost, Wild Lion, Gu Rong and others who were fighting on the outside of the arena, all noticed the change in Xiao Wu's aura.

At this time, Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and Dugu Yan, who were sitting in the spectator seats, showed interest in their eyes.

They are curious about where things will go next.

Xiao Wu's face turned pale, and her eyes showed deep fear and regret.

But what Davis didn't expect was that, unlike the plot of the original world line, Bibi Dong didn't directly expose Xiao Wu's identity, let alone attack her directly.

Seeing that the elders of their own camp did not move, Wild Lion and Ghost would naturally not act rashly.


Bibi Dong lightly dropped the scepter in her hand to the ground, and under the shock of her soul power, there was a metal vibration sound that resounded throughout the audience.

The explosive atmosphere in the arena was instantly suppressed by Bibi Dong.

"Shrek Academy, your performance gave me a pleasant surprise."

"After losing Dai Mubai, an illegal foreign aid, with an average strength nearly 10 levels lower than the Wuhundian team, you still managed to win this final."

"This is something you should be proud of."

After saying this, even the Shrek team, which was at odds with the Spirit Hall, everyone showed joy at this moment.

Regardless of the position, this is after all the affirmation from the most powerful helm of the mainland—the Pope of Wuhundian.

On the other side of the defeated Wuhundian team, several members headed by Hu Liena showed shame expressions and lowered their heads.

With Dai Mubai, the strongest player of the Shrek team, being expelled and their own strength fully gaining the upper hand, they still lost the match they were determined to win.

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