Compared to the black-bellied Tang San, Tang Hao is quite shameless.

Davis was able to save the opponent's family in such a desperate situation with no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth. With Tang Hao's character, he must be embarrassed to mention Davis saving Tang San twice in the future.

Having settled the entanglement between the Tang family father and son and Wuhundian, Davis turned his attention to Yu Xiaogang in the Shrek Academy queue.

Cat-type and tiger-type soul masters have a characteristic - kindness and righteousness must be repaid, and grievances must be repaid.

Tang Hao took the risk to help Davis hunt down the soul ring of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear back then, and voluntarily gave up the soul bone. Davis must be sympathetic to this matter, so he took the initiative to save Tang Hao's family today.

And Yu Xiaogang, in order to let Tang San replace him as a teacher to become famous in the mainland, colluded with Bibi Dong and designed to force Dai Mubai to leave...

[In view of the general environment, it is inconvenient for Dai Mubai, a student, to settle this grievance with him, but it is not inconvenient for Davis, a student's parent.

What's more, exposing the true face of Yu Xiaogang's hypocrite will not only make Dai Mubai angry, but also make Bibi Dong, a poor woman who fell into darkness because of him, see clearly.

Only when you see clearly can you let go.

Davis looked at Yu Xiaogang, and almost no one in the room could detect it.

Except for Zhu Zhuyun who was already prepared.

Her vermilion lips moved slightly, and a secret but clear voice came into Yu Xiaogang's ears.

"Yu Xiaogang, in order to train Tang San, you conspired against your student Dai Mubai, are you also worthy of being a teacher?"

Zhu Zhuyun's words are not simple. They used three secret techniques in "Nine Yin Manual" at the same time - "Transmission of Sound into Secret", "Roaring Wind Roaring in Ghost Prison", and "Dafa of Soul Shifting".

Make sure that the voice can reach Yu Xiaogang's ears clearly, but cannot be heard by anyone else. At the same time, it will affect Yu Xiaogang's state of mind and induce him to tell the truth.

The gap between Yu Xiaogang's cultivation level and Zhu Zhuyun's is too big, Zhu Zhuyun only dared to use less than half of his strength when using these secret techniques on him.

Otherwise, the magic sound might directly turn him into a lunatic, or even explode his brain directly.

However, even with Zhu Zhuyun's semi-successful power, Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear it.

After hearing her voice, Yu Xiaogang was in a daze and became restless.


"Who is talking?!"

"I just want my direct disciple to be on the most eye-catching stage in the mainland, what's wrong with me!"

Yu Xiaogang's change alarmed everyone in Shrek Academy, and Flender and Liu Erlong hurriedly supported him who was about to go mad.

"Xiao Gang, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

Liu Erlong stared at Yu Xiaogang nervously, shook his body, trying to wake him up.

How can Zhu Zhuyun's "Soul Shifting Dafa" be so easy to undo? Flender and Liu Erlong have an agility attack system and a strong attack system, and they have no spiritual attainments.

If Shrek Academy has spiritual soul masters who are above soul sages like back then, maybe there is still a chance. ....

"Don't touch me! I'm the top theory master on this continent!"

Yu Xiaogang threw away Flender and Liu Erlong violently, then laughed wildly.


"I, Yu Xiaogang, synthesized the studies of the two major forces of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect and the Wuhun Palace on Wuhun, took the essence and discarded the dross, and wrote the article "Ten Core Competitiveness of Wuhun", shouldn't it be Become a master admired by everyone in mainland China?"

"Why do you look down on me!"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong finally confirmed that Yu Xiaogang's long-cherished wish was fulfilled for many years, and he went through too many changes in a short period of time, so he lost his mind.

She looked at Yu Xiaogang distressedly, and was about to hug him to comfort him, but when she heard Yu Xiaogang's next words, she froze her figure.

And Bibi Dong, who was injured by Davis and fell to the ground, was also completely lost because of these words.

"For the sake of these confidential theories, I did not hesitate to use myself as a bait, and deliberately created a refined and knowledgeable persona, which attracted the attention of Bibi Dong, the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall."

"Through her appreciation, it is difficult to obtain these materials from the Spirit Hall that the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect does not have."

"It's a pity that that **** Bibi Dong abandoned me for the glory and wealth of the Spirit Hall, otherwise I could have published more valuable papers!"

Hearing this, Liu Erlong felt as if struck by lightning.

It turns out that Xiao Gang, whom I have been longing for for a long time, whom I would not hesitate to betray my parents and family, violated the great etiquette of human relations, turned out to be such a mercenary person?

Bibi Dong is a ***?

So... all these years, what am I, Liu Erlong, worth?

Looking at Bibi Dong again, she was even worse than Liu Erlong.

Yu Xiaogang's evaluation of her made her suddenly feel that everything she had lost over the years was a joke!

And this joke, like a scar, was torn open by Yu Xiaogang in such a highly anticipated occasion as the finals of the Continental Soul Master Competition!




! "

A heart-piercing roar came from Bibi Dong's mouth, she was in a state of embarrassment like a ghost under the Nine Netherworld, staring at Yu Xiaogang who had fallen into madness.

This is the first time that Bibi Dong has a stronger killing intent towards a person than Chihiro Ji back then.

The ridiculous thing is that this person is the lover she would rather give her life for back then!

If it wasn't for this man, how could she turn against Chihiro Ji?

How could you suffer such humiliation?

How could it be like today, completely plunged into darkness?

And all of this, from Yu Xiaogang's mouth, there are only two words left——


Speaking of Yu Xiaogang here has not stopped.

"Fortunately, I have received a genius apprentice with twin spirits. Although his first spirit, Blue Silver Grass, is useless, his second spirit is the Clear Sky Hammer!"

"From the moment I met Tang San, I knew that the tool to help me become famous in the mainland finally appeared!"

"I can test my ideas on him as much as I want, even if I make a mistake and destroy him, it doesn't matter, it's just a test product, a tool!"...

After this passage came out, the remaining people present among the Shrek Seven Monsters also began to look at Yu Xiaogang with very complicated eyes.

Who is this?Even his own direct disciple Tang San is only regarded as a test product?

What about those of us who are just students trained by him?

Wouldn't it be even worse than a test product?

In fact, Yu Xiaogang's feelings for Tang San may not be as bad as he said, otherwise he wouldn't stand up and stand in front of Tang San Xiaowu just now.

But under the control of Zhu Zhuyun's "Soul Shifting Dafa", the darkest and most evil corner of his heart was exposed.

At this time, he said it through his own mouth, and I am afraid that it will be useless for him to clarify it in the future.

"I managed to train Tang San with great difficulty, but as a result, among the Shrek students, a radiant Dai Mubai emerged, completely overshadowing my disciple's limelight!"

"How can that be done!"

"So I felt wronged and went to find that **** Bibi Dong and made a deal with her..."

When Yu Xiaogang started breaking the news about his relationship with Bibidong, the audience had already quietly left the stage.

After listening to it, they were afraid that they would have their lives to eat melons, and they would not have their lives to eat tomorrow's breakfast.

But after listening to all of Yu Xiaogang's words, there are at least a thousand people. After these thousands of people spread the word, it only takes less than a month for Yu Xiaogang's notoriety to spread throughout the Douluo Continent. .

Even Tang San, who had already escaped from birth, might break with him because of this.

The notoriety spread far and wide, and everyone betrayed their relatives.

This is what Davis did to Yu Xiaogang.

Those who remained in the main hall, apart from everyone in the Wuhun Hall, only the Shrek Academy group, Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and Duguyan remained.

Qian Renxue was holding the angel holy sword scabbard with her left hand, and her thumb had slightly pushed away the guard of the sword. As long as Yu Xiaogang dared to say a word about Bibi Dong, she would slash out with one sword and take it away. His life.

Although she had a bad relationship with Bibi Dong's mother and daughter, she still couldn't help the killing intent in her heart when she heard Yu Xiaogang slander Bibi Dong so much.

But Davis shook his head slightly at her.

Seeing Davis' eyes, Qian Renxue suddenly woke up.

Today's Yu Xiaogang, if he doesn't kill him, is the greatest punishment for him. .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 182 The Choice for Bibi Dong

After Yu Xiaogang cleared up all his nasty things one by one, Zhu Zhuyun stopped the hint of "The Dafa of Soul Shifting".

Yu Xiaogang, who fell into madness, suddenly woke up.

The memories of what he said when he was insane just now flooded into his mind, leaving Yu Xiaogang completely stunned.

Looking at the strange eyes of his close friend Flender, looking at Liu Erlong's eyes full of tears and resentment...

Yu Xiaogang wanted to explain: "That's not the case, I seemed to be controlled by someone just now..."

"Enough! Yu Xiaogang! You shameless bastard!"

The voice of Bibi Dong kneeling on the ground seemed to come from hell, distant and eerie.

"When you went crazy just now, I hoped that you were controlled by someone's mind, but I searched the entire hall, and there is no sign of using soul skills!"

"In this hall, the only one who has the ability to avoid my perception and attack you is Davis, who seriously injured me just now!"

[Currently used, it has the most complete and best audio for listening to books. It integrates 4 major speech synthesis engines, over 100 kinds of timbres, and it is also an artifact of Jingshuge that supports offline reading, Jingshuge. Jingshuge]

"Yu Xiaogang, you don't think that with your humble strength, you are qualified to let him attack you?!"

What Bibidong said was correct, what Zhu Zhuyun used to attack Yu Xiaogang was not a soul skill, but the "Soul Shifting Dafa" performed by relying on spiritual power.

Bibi Dong's words made Yu Xiaogang wake up suddenly.

Davis really has reason to shoot him!

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