A disdainful smile appeared on Dugu Yan's face. Without saying a word, she watched the ghost recovering her health and directly activated her martial soul.

The huge Youhai Tongtian Python martial soul instantly appeared in the main hall of the Martial Soul Hall, and the nine soul rings attached to the martial soul are black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red, red!

Although this spirit ring configuration is not as exaggerated as Davis's, it is much brighter than Pope Bibi Dong's soul ring configuration, which is enough to shock people's attention.

At the same time, the trident carrying the Seagod Shenhui also appeared in Dugu Yan's hands.

She looked at Ghost Douluo and said coldly:

"Defeat me and you will live."

Although Super Douluo's strength is precious, it is nothing in the eyes of the Demon King team.

But upon hearing Dugu Yan's words, there was a hint of despair in Gui Mei's eyes.

Until now, Guimei didn't know why Duguyan asked Ye Lengleng to heal her.

Because she wants to do it herself, and kill the enemy in good condition in one fell swoop!

Although the level of spirit power is slightly better, just looking at the configuration of the spirit rings of both sides, Guimei knows that he is probably not the opponent.

But who would want to die if they had the chance to live?

Therefore, the ghost also summoned the martial soul.

The half-lived and half-dead martial spirit like a ghost appeared behind the ghost, and the spirit ring attached to it was just the configuration of an ordinary Titled Douluo on the mainland.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

A gleam of pleasure flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, but Qian Renxue couldn't bear to turn her head away. After all, this is a master who once served the Spirit Hall.

The moment they saw the Seagod Trident in Dugu Yan's hands, they knew—the ghost was doomed.

At first glance, that weapon was definitely an artifact of a god, and its power was definitely not something that a ghost, an ordinary mortal, could resist.

Ghost tries to make the first move and gain the upper hand.

So directly activated the seventh soul skill "Ghost Avatar".

Immediately afterwards, he activated his ninth soul skill towards Dugu Yan who was walking towards him: Hell sprite.

He had used this soul skill on Gu Rong before, almost cornering Gu Rong, a Title Douluo who was good at defense.

Several huge black hands protruded from the ground and grabbed Dugu Yan in the middle.

The ninth soul ability used in the spirit avatar state can be said to be Ghost Douluo's strongest ultimate move.Gui Mei knew very well that he only had one chance to deal with a peerless genius like Dugu Yan.

Taking advantage of Dugu Yan not paying enough attention to himself, he might be able to sneak attack and hurt the other party.

If this move can't defeat the opponent, then Dugu Yan's astonishing number of 10-year-old red soul rings and 10-year-old soul skills are enough to easily defeat him.

Dugu Yan stopped in his footsteps, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't use any soul skills to resist the big black hands that attacked him.

She just quietly watched the ghost struggling to death.

Until the big pitch-black hand was less than half a meter away from Dugu Yan, the Sea God Trident in Dugu Yan's hand lightly tapped on the ground——

A beam of Seagod's light was released from the tip of the trident.

Sea God's Thirteen Forms, Uncertain Storms!

This move can make the sea calm and calm. As soon as the magical skill of controlling Dugu Yan was released, the big black hands that attacked Dugu Yan, including Ghost Douluo not far away, were all controlled by Dugu Yan's "Unfixed Storm". ....

The big black hand that lost the control of the ghost, without the supply of soul power, directly dissipated into the air.

Under Dugu Yan's halberd, the chasm-like gap between gods and mortals was fully exposed.

eight seconds.

This is the control time of "Unfixed Storm". Whether it is an ordinary person without soul power, a titled Douluo like a ghost, or even a limit Douluo like Qian Daoliu, these eight seconds are not much. Not a lot.

Within the eight-second control time of "Unfixed Storm", Dugu Yan leisurely walked up to the ghost.

She took a closer look at the guy who almost killed herself, and when the control time was about to end, she stretched out her right hand and stopped at the ghost's brow——

The eighth soul skill: Blood Poison God Killing Spear!

A scarlet spear pierced the ghost's frontal bone and emerged from the back of his skull.

After penetrating the ghost's head, the "Blood Poison God Killing Spear" still hadn't exhausted its strength, and shot upwards obliquely towards the roof of the main hall of the Wuhun Temple, piercing it through a small hole.

The strong toxin corrosion began to corrode the roof. Even if only a trace of venom was left on the roof, the rate of corrosion gradually slowed down until the "skylight" with a width of tens of meters was exposed.

From that "skylight", a corner of the blue sky outside the Wuhun Hall was revealed.

Looking at that corner of the sky, everyone in Wuhundian was a little absent-minded.

The sky that represents freedom seems to represent that the era when Bibi Dong's magic power enveloped the Spirit Hall and the entire continent has passed.

At the end of the eight seconds, the control of Unfixed Storm was released.

And the sky-reaching blood hole on the ghost's forehead also declared that this elder who held a high position in the Wuhun Temple had completely cut off his vitality and had no possibility of surviving.

From the beginning to the end of the battle between the two, the ghost was unable to make a decent resistance.

At this moment, Bibi Dong, who had been repeatedly slapped in the face, finally couldn't bear it any longer. Even though she was still afraid of Davis in her heart, she unceremoniously issued an order to evict her:

"Okay, masters of the Star Luo Empire, your goal has been achieved, you can leave our Spirit Hall now!"

"We still need to hold a funeral for the ghostly elder who just died!"

For the sake of the future stability of Wuhundian, Bibi Dong didn't mention the ghost's betrayal just now.Her words were very blunt, but the sternness revealed in them could not be hidden from any of Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and Dugu Yan.

Even Qian Renxue could see her fragility at the moment.

Davis' purpose of coming to Spirit Hall this time has been fully achieved, and he didn't bother to provoke Bibi Dong anymore. He turned to look at Qian Renxue, and asked:

"Your sword practice has improved a lot since the last time we met, do you want to find a place to compete again?"

To be able to be alone with Davis and to fight swords, of course, Qian Renxue couldn't wish more.

But the elder of the Wuhun Temple had just died at the hands of the people around Davis, so she couldn't express her excitement at this moment, so she could only suppress the joy in her heart and nodded coldly.

The two left the hall one after the other, acting like pure competitors in the way of swordsmanship, at most there was some sense of mutual appreciation.

Having such a relatively restrained relationship with Davis will not affect Qian Renxue's reputation in the Spirit Hall.

On the contrary, because her swordsmanship was praised by a ceiling-level master like Davis, other high-level people in the Wuhun Temple would take a higher look at Qian Renxue.

People in this world always admire the strong.

Even if the strong man is their enemy, this kind of admiration does not conflict with the feelings of hatred and hostility.

After Davis left, Bibi Dong looked viciously in the direction of Shrek Academy, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Yu Xiaogang... These people were also involved in today's incident that made her lose face.

But due to the existence of Davis, Bibi Dong no longer dared to attack Dai Mubai.

As for the father and son of the Tang family, it's natural that Qian Renxue, that scoundrel, has to deal with it. Her hatred for Tang Hao is much deeper than her own.

However, what Bibi Dong never expected was that Davis would give her a bottom line. .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 184 Qian Renxue Belongs to Davis

When leaving Spirit Hall, Davis ran into Dai Mubai who was expelled early.


Seeing Davis coming here, Dai Mubai didn't know that he came here specially to watch his finals.

It's just that Dai Mubai was expelled from the arena by the black hand of His Highness Wuhun, so he couldn't show his majesty as the "Vajra Tiger Emperor" in the venue of Wuhun Palace, which is quite a pity.

Davis punched Dai Mubai's chest, feeling Dai Mubai's somewhat lost mood, he smiled and comforted:

"Alright, Mubai, there is nothing to regret."

"With your current strength, you can hope to win the battle against ordinary soul saints. Isn't it bullying children to go to that level of competition?"

"Look at my Devil King team. At our age, if we want to participate, we are also eligible for registration, but what's the point?"

"A team full of titled Douluo and Contra, at worst a team of Soul Saint-level support department, going to make a fool of yourself in this group of students' arena?"

"Accompany you to play house with children?"

"Our strength no longer needs to be recognized through such a game."

After hearing what Davis said, Dai Mubai immediately scratched his head embarrassedly.

He thought about it.

My eldest brother is such a genius, but he has never participated in this "Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Classic Competition", it seems that he really despises this competition.

Then, as a younger brother, he can't lose face to his elder brother.

Dai Mubai's knots were untied, and he learned about what happened to Xiao Wu from Davis, he was a little worried.

Although he had conflicts with Tang San and Xiao Wu when they first met, even because of Tang San's killing intent towards Zhu Zhuqing, he was once very wary of him.

But after several years of getting along, they have long since settled down, and now they are the Seven Shrek Monsters, a whole.

One glory and one glory.

As the boss of the Shrek Seven Devils, Dai Mubai would of course be worried about his team members.

After parting with Davis, Dai Mubai quickly rushed to the main hall of the Spirit Hall, looking for Grandmaster and Dean Flender to learn more about the situation.

It's just that he still doesn't know what happened to Yu Xiaogang, otherwise he would be ashamed to have such a teacher.

After Dai Mubai left, Davis also brought Qian Renxue to the suburbs hundreds of miles outside Wuhun City.

Davis looked at Qian Renxue, whose face was full of worries, and wanted to make her relax, so he threw a long sword at her with a smile, and asked:

"Old rules, sword fighting first?"

"It's beautiful, I'll tell you."

Qian Renxue rolled her beautiful eyes and cursed softly:

"Hmph! I thought you were a gentleman before, but I didn't expect that you were all pretending to deceive young girls. After getting acquainted with you, I realized that you are a big hooligan!"

This time the dialogue between the two was obviously much more relaxed and intimate than the previous few times.

Davis is not a frivolous and vulgar person, if the sense of distance from Qian Renxue was not almost cleared in his heart, he would not be able to make such a joke anyway.

Long time no see, Davis and Qian Renxue are not unfamiliar.

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