"Not only did his subordinates suffer heavy losses, but he was also severely injured."

"And when he was seriously injured and returned to his homeland, he was murdered in secret by his disciples, and he was blamed on the peerless murderer who injured him, right?"

Having said that, Qian Renxue's eyes were filled with tears, this was the first time she showed such a distressed look in front of Davis.

She finally knew—

Why since childhood, that woman always looked at her with endless anger, and always had such a look of disgust, contempt, and contempt.

She also knew why when she was young, she would occasionally show a little love for her mother, but when she was six years old, she awakened the seraph that has been passed down from generation to generation, and immediately became another look.

It turns out that her own existence, in her eyes, is shame and hatred, but not love.

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 185 Soul Salvation, Angel's Return

Shocked by the truth of Chihiro Ji's death, the original enemy who killed his father turned into an ordinary enemy who just injured his father, and his mother, Bibi Dong, who he had been waiting for for 20 years, turned out to be the murderer of his father.

What's even more ridiculous is that her father seems to be dead enough?

This made her, who had been beautifying Chihiro Ji in her heart, completely lose control of her emotions.

Qian Renxue looked at Davis with tears in her eyes, and asked helplessly, "Davis, what should I do?"

At this time, Qian Renxue, in the eyes of Davis, was no longer that valiant female swordsman, nor was she the noble princess of the Wuhun Palace, nor was she the heir of the holy God of Angels.

She's just a lost little girl.

Davis stretched out his hand, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Qian Renxue's eyes, stroked her temples by the way, and comforted her softly:

"Human nature is inherently evil. We live in this world, and some evil thoughts may be born every second, but the reason why human beings are human is that we can rely on our own morality to say no to evil."

"Your father and mother have done wrong things, and your father has paid the price for his actions."

"And your mother is actually the same. She sinks into a dark prison day and night, indulging her evil thoughts of aggression and killing, but I can guarantee that her heart is suffering more than anyone else."

"It's impossible for her not to love you, but she can't let herself go, so she can't let you go..."

Davis' words were very truthful and blatant, but they were very useful to Qian Renxue.

Because Qian Renxue is not a pure love brain, she is more resolute and brave than Qian Daoliu, Qian Xun Ji, Bibi Dong, and she is more suitable to be the Pope of Wuhun Temple.

There was hope in Qian Renxue's eyes, she looked at Davis nervously, and asked:

"So we need to break the cage she used to imprison herself, right?"

Davis looked at the radiant Qian Renxue in front of him again, his heart moved slightly, he couldn't help but reached out and tapped the tip of her nose, and replied with a smile:

"That's right, he is worthy of being the chosen heir of the Angel God, and also worthy of being my Qian Renxue!"

This sudden ambiguous attack made Qian Renxue's cheeks flush, and the backs of her ears were so hot that they were steaming.

But she still suppressed the shyness in her heart, looked up into Davis' eyes, reached out and held Davis' hand, and continued:

"I can't do it on my own."

"you teach me!"

This wasn't the first time Qian Renxue made a request to Davis, but it was the one he couldn't refuse the most.

Seeing the dependence and trust in Qian Renxue's eyes, as well as the attitude of asking for help as a matter of course, Davis smiled slightly, and clenched Qian Renxue's snow-white jade palm with his backhand.

He knew that after so many years and so many things, the relationship between the two of them had finally entered a new field.

"Okay, I'll teach you."

After saying these words, Davis and Qian Renxue laughed at the same time.

Davis's smile was as hearty as ever, and Qian Renxue finally let go of her frown that was always slightly frowned, showing a full smile for the first time.

The smile of an angel is the morning sun, the morning dew, and all the beauty in the world. ....

The hands of the two had already intertwined unconsciously. Davis looked at it and said:

"What you need to do now is rely on your own strength to pass the Nine Angel Tests as soon as possible, and inherit the position of God of Angels."

"Your mother lost a lot in the Spirit Hall today. Stimulated by this, she will definitely pass the test of Rakshasa as soon as possible and inherit the position of Rakshasa."

"As I said in the hall before, I will temporarily stop my cultivation at level 99. After you all reach the god level, I will fight you one against two."

Having said this, Qian Renxue suddenly interrupted Davis nervously:

"Resisting the gods with a mortal body, or one against two, Weiss, are you too..."

Qian Renxue didn't have the nerve to say the next thing, Davis smiled and helped her say it: "Are you trying to say that I am too arrogant and overestimated, right?"

Qian Renxue tightly shut her mouth, then shook her head, refusing to admit that it was what she wanted to say just now.

Davis didn't mind Qian Renxue's truth, which was also a manifestation of her concern for herself. He stretched out his left hand, and a pure and extremely condensed soul power appeared in his palm.

This is his way to prove his strength to Qian Renxue.

The appearance of that spirit power really attracted Qian Renxue's attention. She almost cried out in surprise. Even though she suppressed her voice, she still looked at Davis in disbelief and asked:

"The strength of this spirit power has completely surpassed the limit of the mortal world. Even my grandfather's spirit power is not one-tenth of your strength. The legendary divine power is nothing more than that..."

"how did you do it?"

Davis smiled mysteriously and said:

"Not inheriting the god position doesn't mean I can't become stronger, on the contrary, I am becoming stronger every moment."

"It will take at least ten years for you and your mother to hope to become gods, right? By then, my strength will already be several times stronger than it is now."

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"Now, will you still question whether I have the strength to resist you?"

Davis is telling the truth, because the practice of the ninth, tenth, and eleventh levels of "Congenital Skills" is originally a process of continuously sublimating one's own internal strength.

Each layer needs to re-condense the whole body's internal force three times. After each condensing, the strength of the internal force of the "Innate Skill" will be greatly improved.

After the ninth success, the pure and condensed internal force was enough to form an innate golden pill.

This process is called "Nine Refining and Returning to True".

Now Davis's soul power has been condensed, and there has been a significant change compared to when he was just promoted to the ninth level of "Innate Skill".

When this change reached the ninth time, Davis believed that the intensity of his soul power would definitely far exceed that of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue who had just been promoted to the god level.

For mortals, the God of Douluo does not have any conceptual or rule-based crushing, let alone such pretentious words as "under the gods, all are ants".

For Davis, whose strength is still progressing on the high-speed lane, the gods are really nothing to be afraid of. ....

It's just a stronger person, as long as the soul power is stronger than the opponent's divine power, they can still crush the opponent.

This time, Qian Renxue was no longer worried about Davis.

She then asked, "But, just defeating the two of us one against two, can you break the cage she imprisoned herself in? You also defeated her today, but her reaction..."

Davis squeezed Qian Renxue's catkin, and denied it with a smile:

"With mortal bodies, one against two, defeating the two of you who finally became gods, the impact on Bibi Dong's heart is completely different from today's defeat."

"Besides... my plan is of course more than that."

"After defeating both of you, I will give her another chance to choose, just like today."

"Guess what I'll let her choose?"

Davis deliberately didn't answer directly, but looked at Qian Renxue maliciously, the smile on his face betrayed his bad taste at the moment.

Qian Renxue was originally the most intelligent girl in the world, she just hesitated for a moment, and when she saw the weird smile on Davis' face, she immediately reacted:

"Two people can only live one, you have to let her choose, is she dead, or I die?!"

Davis showed the praise of "children can teach" on his face, then turned into a demon, and continued:

"Based on the estranged relationship between you two and the hatred she has for your blood in her heart, there is a [-]% chance that your mother will hesitate when she receives my question."

"Based on what I know about her, she shouldn't be able to immediately decide to sacrifice you to survive, nor can she decide whether to sacrifice herself to protect you."

"At this time, I will help her decide, choose to let you live and let her die."

"When my White Tiger Seven-Star Sword is about to pierce her throat, you pounce on her and block the sword for her."

"I don't believe that your mother can really be as hard-hearted as iron. Seeing the scene where her own daughter died generously in order to save herself, can you not be moved."

At this time, Qian Renxue's childish hole suddenly shrank, and then she looked at Davis with a complicated expression, and she didn't know whether it was fear or joy.

Davis didn't need to say what happened next, Qian Renxue knew how things would develop.

She held Davis' hand but tightened unconsciously.

She understood Davis' plan thoroughly, and at the same time, she had a lot of confidence in the plan.

She could understand every step of the plan that Davis just mentioned, but combining these steps together was absolutely beyond her imagination.

This man's control over people's hearts made her feel scared.

But fortunately, this is her lover.

Thinking of this, the fear that had just arisen in Qian Renxue's heart was transformed into a strong sense of security. This frightening ability will be her dependable strength.

But in terms of words, Qian Renxue still didn't let Davis go.

She put on a straight face and hammered Davis on the shoulder pretending to be angry. Although the other left hand was still reluctant to let go of Davis' right hand that was holding her, she still asked stiffly:

"People who possess the white tiger spirit are always forthright and open-minded, just like your younger brother Dai Mubai, who dared to speak of that woman in front of the soul masters of the whole continent..."...

"How come you are such a devil who is good at manipulating people's hearts?"

"Be honest! I will fall in love with you. Is it because you specially designed it for my weakness?"

Davis looked at Qian Renxue's lovely appearance, smiled, stretched out his left hand, and touched her long golden hair. Before Qian Renxue's face turned red again into the sunset glow, he said:

"Yes, yes! I calculated everything!"

"Since the first day I came to this world, I have been planning how to plot against you."

"It's such a pity that you, a pure and deceitful little angel, have already fallen into the applause of a scheming Asura ghost like me!"

"How about it, don't be afraid!"

After finishing speaking, Davis flung his teeth and claws at Qian Renxue, as if he had really transformed into an evil spirit.

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