Davis is Qian Renxue's lucky star, this sentence is true.

After meditating on the spot for a while, and adjusting her state to the best, Qian Renxue decided that speed is the most important thing, and immediately started her eighth test of the angel.

Davis has no problem with that either.

Qian Renxue, who is at level 96, already has enough strength to face everything that may happen in the divine test.

He also believed that Qian Renxue, who hadn't met him in the original world line, could not be compared with the angel in front of him no matter what.

After making a "gentleman's agreement" with the God of Angels, Davis was not afraid that Qian Renxue would encounter the same bad things as the original world line in the divine test.

Qian Renxue chose to start the divine test, and in a burst of golden divine light, she suddenly lost consciousness.

When she regained consciousness, she had already appeared in another space, where there was a gorgeous golden seat, with golden wings engraved on both sides of the seat.

There is no one on the throne.

Qian Renxue had a premonition that this throne represented the personality of the God of Angels.

When she completes the Nine Trials of Angels and is promoted to the new God of Angels, she will sit on that throne.

And standing in front of the throne was a figure shrouded in black mist.

After Qian Renxue arrived, the black mist covering that figure gradually dissipated.

When the black mist cleared, that figure revealed the same beautiful face and body with bumps and bumps exactly like Qian Renxue's.

She is a copy of Qian Renxue!

The soul power fluctuation on this "Qian Renxue" is also level 96.

It is also an angel costume made of the fusion of six soul bones, and it also holds a holy angel sword in its hand.

Even, from the astonishing sword intent on her body, it can be known that her level of swordsmanship is not lower than that of Qian Renxue.

The only difference is-

The angelic armor on this "Qian Renxue" is black, and the angelic holy sword is also black.

There was a strong dark aura radiating from her whole body, and her face was also full of dark and resentful expressions.

Her martial soul is not a seraph representing light, but a fallen angel!

Just by looking at the appearance, you can tell that this "Qian Renxue" has completely fallen into the darkness!

The information of the divine test reminded her that Qian Renxue could only pass the divine test if she completely defeated the clone.

If he loses to this fallen "Qian Renxue" in this soul space, then everything about him will be swallowed by her.

And the body named "Qian Renxue" outside will also be occupied by this dark soul.

This is a consequence that Qian Renxue absolutely cannot tolerate.

Looking at the crazy self in front of her, Qian Renxue felt a chill in her heart, and couldn't help thinking:

Is this how it ends without Davis?

She painfully clenched her left hand holding the scabbard of the holy angel sword, and drew the sword out of the sheath with her right hand. The sword was instantly wrapped by the strong angelic soul power, and the sword energy was ready to go. ....

Looking at the self opposite, Qian Renxue had a firm idea in her heart.

Let the lucky me do it myself to end the pain of my other self!

Seeing Qian Renxue's appearance, the fallen Qian Renxue's face suddenly became more ferocious.

"Stop pretending there!"

"If it wasn't for that person who fished you out of the abyss, you would be the same as me now!"

"But it doesn't matter, during the divine test, that person can't help you, I will drag you into the bottomless abyss again! Let you and I become one!"

"Come and hug me! Hahahahahaha!" While Fallen Qian Renxue was still yelling loudly, Qian Renxue had already stabbed out with a sword, heading straight for the opponent's heart.

At this time, Qian Renxue's eyes were full of golden sun flames.

Her killing intent was unwavering.

If I say to let you go, I will let you go, and you will not make the sword in my hand dull if you chatter over there.

Fallen Qian Renxue saw that Qian Renxue didn't play cards according to the routine, so she immediately raised her sword to meet her.

The pitch-black soul power wrapped the holy angel sword in the hands of Fallen Qian Renxue.

No, that can no longer be called the Holy Sword of Angels, it should be the Devil Sword of Fallen Angels.

The tips of the two divine swords face each other, and the forces of darkness and light erode each other.

But then, something happened that frightened Fallen Qian Renxue.

The light soul power carried by Qian Renxuejian is far more powerful than the dark soul power of her fallen clone.

Just a face-to-face, the power of light will drive away all the darkness around!

The dark environment that Fallen Qian Renxue spent a lot of soul power to create, after this sword, completely melted away like the thin frost after sunrise.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I am your perfect copy. Not only do I have exactly the same martial soul, soul ring, soul bone, soul power level, and sword skills as you, but I also have a fiercer fighting will than yours!"

"How can you be stronger than me!"

When Qian Renxue heard this, her eyes showed a touch of warmth, but she didn't explain anything to the fallen Qian Renxue.

Davis said that he was not worried, but in fact he still left her a hole card.

On Qian Renxue's sword just now, there was not only her own bright soul power, but also the ultimate golden sword energy that Davis left in her domain when the two domains merged.

How domineering is Davis' sword spirit?

Although there was not much sword energy attached to the holy angel sword, only one blow was enough, but it was enough for Qian Renxue to completely gain the advantage in the first confrontation with the opponent.

Sure enough, after being succeeded by Qian Renxue's sword, the aura of fallen Qian Renxue dropped a lot.

But this didn't make her give up resistance, instead it forced her to fall into a deeper level of madness.

"Hahahaha! It's him! It's that man!"

"I knew it, but I don't know how much you are capable of? After all, you still rely on the strength of that man!"

"But now this power is exhausted?! He can't help you anymore, you wait to fall into the abyss to replace me!"

"And I will replace you, become the patron of that angel god, and become that man's lover! Everything you have now will become mine!"...

Fallen Qian Renxue uttered nonsense, and the dark soul power in her body boiled.

She used a forbidden dark secret technique to burn her soul power, life, and even soul!

Under the blessing of this dark secret technique, the fluctuation of the fallen Qian Renxue's soul power continued to increase, and soon surpassed Qian Renxue who had just gained the upper hand.

At the same time, she used all her hole cards:

The seventh soul skill: Fallen Angel True Body!

Domain: Fallen to Heaven and Hell!

After raising her own strength to the peak state, the fallen Qian Renxue pounced on the real Qian Renxue.

In her eyes, she only needs to kill the body in front of her, and she can have a new life!

Perhaps the fallen Qian Renxue was just a false existence created by the God of Angels during the divine test.

But in this divine test, like the real Qian Renxue, she has thoughts, life, and soul.

Facing the monstrous flames of fallen Qian Renxue, the real Qian Renxue is not afraid at all.

Not only is she not afraid, but the golden flame in Qian Renxue's eyes is now several times stronger than before, the angel field is released, and the angel's real body is in a state of blessing.

[It has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the essence bookstore that old bookworms are using, the essence bookstore.】

Because Qian Renxue's words violated her taboo.

Qian Renxue will never forgive the sentence of owning Davis instead of her!

Since you want to possess everything of me, then come and fight!

Fighting head-on, who am I, Qian Renxue, afraid of?

Holding the sword in her right hand, Qian Renxue also activated the angel's real body, releasing the angel domain, facing the fallen Qian Renxue who was flying towards her, and using her angelic holy sword.

Excalibur and magic sword are constantly clashing, and light and darkness are constantly interlacing in this virtual space.

Fallen Qian Renxue's power of burning soul was obviously stronger, and the ferocity of darkness was even stronger, soon forcing Qian Renxue who controlled the light into a corner.

Small wounds continued to appear on Qian Renxue's body.

But at this time, any bystanders will find that Qian Renxue's aura has not weakened at all due to constant injuries, but is getting stronger as she fights!

Fallen Qian Renxue was very proud when she first gained the upper hand.

She kept provoking and insulting Qian Renxue, but when she found that no matter how much damage she caused to Qian Renxue, her attack could not reduce the opponent's fighting power at all——

She started to panic.

This guy is obviously a mortal body, why can't he be defeated at all?

No matter how powerful her soul skills were, how fierce her sword skills were, no matter where Qian Renxue was injured, she could always get up in the shortest possible time and meet herself again.

She is like a fighting spirit who will never be tired, never hurt, never despair.

At this moment, the fallen Qian Renxue began to doubt, which of the two of them was the perfect soul copied by the God of Angels.

If Qian Renxue knew what she was thinking, she would definitely sneer at it.

Everyone's soul is unique, how can the copied Xibei goods be described as "perfect".

Perhaps Fallen Qian Renxue was on the same level as her in terms of soul power, soul ring, soul bone, and swordsmanship. ....

But the love and persistence deep in Qian Renxue's soul is something she will never have.

These are the most precious diamonds in human nature, and they are talents that even gods cannot imitate or duplicate.

The balance of victory quickly shifted from the fallen Qian Renxue to the real Qian Renxue.

And in this thrilling battle with herself, Qian Renxue's sword practice has once again been greatly improved.

This is also the reason why Qian Renxue's advantages are getting more and more like a snowball.

I can become stronger in battle, can you copy physical fitness?

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