Tang San's ability to accept this matter is quite strong.

Under Davis' guidance, Tang San poured his own blood on the Blue Silver Emperor.Stimulated by the blood of the descendants, it will stimulate the Blue Silver Emperor and greatly accelerate her awakening.

Sure enough, after Tang San's blood dripped on the Blue Silver Emperor leaves, the whole Blue Silver Emperor plant emitted a golden blue light.

In the original world line, Tang San needs to exert all his strength to display the Blue Silver Domain, exhausting his whole body's soul power, mental power, and physical strength five times in a row, and also needs to rely on the good fortune of the Seagod's Light to successfully revive Ah Yin.

But here in Davis, all this is not so troublesome.

With Davis's level of soul power close to that of a god, he only needs to import a large amount of his own soul power into the body of the Blue Silver Emperor, and then use the absolute healing power of the 10-year soul bone technique "Golden Lotus Healing Light" to shape his body , with Ye Lenglen's nine-star crabapple continuously providing vitality...  

With these things that Tang San didn't possess, it was actually enough for the Blue Silver Emperor to complete the resurrection process.

If there is an insurance for the whole process, then Dugu Yan's Seagod's Light is the last insurance.

Dugu Yan, who has been able to freely control the Seagod Trident, is already very skilled in using the Seagod's Light, and can fully play a role in the process of resurrecting Ah Yin.

After going through such a process, a humanoid figure appeared beside Tang San.

After the light faded, the man revealed his true face.

She was wearing a long golden blue dress, her face was as beautiful as an elf, although she was already the mother of a teenager, she still retained the appearance of a girl.

At this time, the Blue Silver Emperor was still in the form of a 10-year soul beast, and his cultivation was around the level of a soul saint, which happened to correspond to a 5-year-old soul beast.

When Ah Yin saw Tang San clearly, he suddenly hugged him in his arms, and Tang Hao had already caught up with him, hugging his wife and son.

Looking at the reunited family, Zhu Zhuyun and Duguyan had a strange look in their eyes.

The two women looked at Davis at the same time, and Davis understood the doubts in their eyes:

This family is obviously not the same as us, why bother about their affairs?And just after Tang San entered the range of Binghuo Liangyi eyes, that look was very dishonest.

If it wasn't for their own strength being too strong, they had reason to believe that Tang San would probably attack the elixir or even the fairy grass in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

[It has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, and the essence bookstore that old bookworms are using, the essence bookstore.】

Davis smiled and shook his head, saying that it doesn't matter.

The Tathagata Buddha didn't care about Monkey Sun turning somersaults on his fingers, or even urinating, because he had absolute confidence and could completely suppress him with his palm.

In terms of confidence in strength, Davis is the same.

Moreover, his temper is not as good as the Buddha's.

If a fly dared to jump under his nose, he would probably not choose to suppress it, but would choose to slap it into a dead fly.

Over there, the family of three from the Tang family finally ended their emotional hug. A Yin looked at Tang Hao whose face had obviously aged, stroked his brows distressedly, and asked about the experiences of father and son over the years.

Like a child, Tang Hao told Ah Yin all these years.

He even told about Tang San's heroic deeds of being the champion of the Continental Higher Soul Master Academy Classic Finals in Wuhun City, and the pope of the Big Face Wuhun Palace.

After hearing that her son was congenitally full of soul power and possessed a pair of twin martial souls, the Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Grass, Ah Yin was also very happy.

But besides being happy, she secretly made another decision.

"Little San, show your mother your Blue Silver Grass Wuhun, okay?"

Ah Yin suddenly made a strange request, Tang San had a mother first, of course he would not refuse such a simple request, so he showed the Blue Silver Grass spirit.

While looking at the blue silver grass, Ah Yin stretched out his hand to caress Tang San's forehead.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up on her hand, Tang San only felt a burst of warm heat flowing in from his forehead, then into the twelve meridians of his body, and finally flowed into his Blue Silver Grass Wuhun along the meridians. ....

Stimulated by this warm current, Tang San's Blue Silver Grass actually glowed with golden blue light, the Blue Silver Grass grew rapidly in size, and the strength of his spirit also increased sharply.

At the same time, a field full of infinite vitality was released from Tang San.

That warm current belonged to the power of the Blue Silver Emperor.

Ah Yin passed on the position of the Blue Silver Emperor in her body to her descendants.

Contrary to Tang San's greatly increased aura, Ah Yin still had strength at the level of a soul sage just now, but now she has fallen to the level of a soul emperor, and the incomparably noble aura on her body has completely dissipated.

The Blue Silver Grass race can only have one emperor in the world, and Ah Yin passed on the emperor's personality to Tang San, so he was naturally downgraded to the inferior Blue Silver King.

Seeing A Yin's movements, Tang Hao wanted to stop him, but A Yin's gentle but extremely firm eyes blocked all he wanted to say.

And although Tang San didn't know the Blue Silver Grass group very well, but only by looking at the changes in his martial spirit, he also guessed that his mother gave him something important.

Tang San was about to say something, Ah Yin, who was a little weak, stretched out a finger, blocking his opening.

"This is a meeting gift from mother to Xiaosan, and it is also the inheritance of the throne of our entire Blue Silver Grass group."

"From today onwards, Xiaosan is the emperor of all the blue silver grasses in the whole world. Wherever there are blue silver grasses, you can gain endless vitality."

"Little San, feel your new martial spirit, you will be pleasantly surprised."

Under Ah Yin's hand-in-hand guidance, Tang San became familiar with the use of the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit, including the Blue Silver Domain he had just obtained.

Davis is also happy to see all this.

It's not because he likes to train opponents, but Tang San is his younger brother Dai Mubai's whetstone in his eyes, and before today, this whetstone was already somewhat unqualified.

How can Tang San at the soul sect level compete with Dai Mubai at the soul emperor level?How can Tangmen's secret technique compare to Shaolin's stunt?

Now that he has the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit and Blue Silver Domain, he has the qualifications to compete with Dai Mubai again.

For Dai Mubai, Tang San is actually very important.

Practice, pay attention to the wealth of legal couples, and the "couples" not only have partners, but also partners and competitors.Just like Davis and Qian Renxue.

If it weren't for that encounter in childhood, let Qian Renxue know that there is still such a talent in this world that is not inferior to her peers.

Then Qian Renxue in this world might be like in the original world line, obsessed with espionage, slack in cultivation, and still a mere soul sage when she was a few years old.

Look at Qian Renxue in this world, who was promoted to Soul Sage in her early twenties, and is now promoted to Title Douluo several years earlier than in the original world line.

This is the importance of "couple".

As for Dai Mubai's "couple", besides Zhu Zhuqing as a lover, the most important thing is Tang San, who is a teammate and competitor.

Davis wanted to cultivate Dai Mubai into one of the pillars of his future god system, so the existence of Tang San, the whetstone, was indispensable.

If Tang San's strength is too weak, he is not qualified to be a stepping stone for Dai Mubai today.

The family ethics drama of the Tang family was finally over. After Tang Hao expressed his gratitude to Davis, he took the whole family, including Xiao Wu, the prospective daughter-in-law, and left the Sunset Forest.

Davis is preparing to go to the Star Dou Forest.

The last time I came here was when I was hunting the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

If God Shura hadn't disregarded face and shot from the air that time, I'm afraid he would have no hope of safely taking the soul ring and soul bone from Di Tian's presence.

Although he got what he wanted in the end, he could only leave safely with the power of the gods. For Davis, it was no different from running away in disgrace.

Therefore, after that, Davis vowed not to enter the Star Dou Forest again unless he had the strength to deal with Ditian.Therefore, when he accepted the additional assessment task issued by God Shura, he accepted the task without any hesitation.

Now, with earth-shaking strength, he came back to this forest.

It is time to find the face of God Shura, and Davis himself.

Davis flew to the deepest part of the Xingluo Great Forest at the fastest speed, and roared loudly towards the direction where Ditian's breath existed:

"Di Tian! An old friend comes to the door!".

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 189

The undisguised coercion of the soul made Davis's phrase "the old friend come to the door" produce the same effect as "the old friend smashed the door".

Several kings in the Star Dou Great Forest were all attracted here at once.

In addition to the dark-faced Ditian, there are also the first nanny of Xingdou, the emerald swan Brigitte, the plant-type king, the evil-eyed demon tree Wanyao king, the red king, Ziji and other soul beast elders.

The other soul beast kings are still wondering, someone dared to call and challenge the beast god Di Tian by name, did they think their life was too long?

But seeing Di Tian's extremely different expression, they suddenly realized that something was unusual.

If it wasn't an opponent whose strength was equal or even surpassed by a margin, he was not qualified to make Di Tian put on the face of being owed money.

In fact, after just meeting each other, Ditian discovered——

The human being who came to provoke him was the guy who besieged Mr. Xiong a few years ago and severely reduced his face by relying on the gods.

Di Tian felt very angry.

He hasn't settled with the other party yet, but now the other party has the face to hit the door.

On the other hand, the improvement of Davis's strength also made Ditian feel startled. A few years ago, the human being who was still a little immature in front of him, he could not see through his current strength!

Just looking at the fluctuation of soul power contained in the sentence "the old man comes to the door", it is even higher than the golden-eyed black dragon king.

He couldn't help secretly hating in his heart:

This world also favors the weak race of human beings too much!

Obviously only have a lifespan of a thousand years at most, but they can reach the peak strength in the mortal world within a hundred years, which makes it embarrassing for a soul beast whose cultivation time is calculated in tens of thousands of years?

However, facing Davis' strong attack, Ditian did not show timidity.

Although he can't see through Davis' strength, as long as he hasn't become a god, Di Tian has absolute confidence.

In Ditian's view, with his own strong innate advantages of the dragon clan, coupled with the magical skill "Dragon God Claw" inherited from the Dragon God, as long as it is not a god, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

The pure blood dragon clan is the most powerful race in this world.

Di Tian looked at the arrogant Davis in the mid-air, he was not worried about his defeat, but rather worried that the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest would be destroyed in the waves of their battle.

The deepest part of the Star Dou Forest is his lair, if it is damaged by the aftermath of the battle between him and Davis, it will not be worth it.

So Ditian raised his chin to Davis and said, "If you want to fight, let's go to the sky above [-] meters, don't tear down my territory!"

Davis had nothing to do, nodded in agreement.

It's also good to go to fight at an altitude of [-] meters. Before, because he was worried about causing a devastating blow to the mortal world, he didn't dare to use the "Golden Sea Axe". Now he can try the one that he has never really used. Soul skills.

Davis also wanted to see how powerful this ax known as [Split the Sea] was.

One person and one dragon lift off at the same time.

With the blessing of the 10-year-old second soul skill "Golden Feather Assault", Davis' speed is even faster than Di Tian, ​​the golden-eyed Black Dragon King.

The dragon race is also a regular hexagonal race, so its flying speed is certainly not bad, but compared with the rare race like the "Golden Feather Arrow Falcon", which specializes in extreme speed, it is still quite different in the field of speed. ....

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