
"How can the noble dragons be slaves of humans?"

Accompanied by these words, a silver light shot out from the Star Dou Forest below, and the silver light flew extremely fast.

Before Davis had time to react, that silver light entered Ditian's forehead.

After the silver light entered his brain, Ditian's pain was greatly relieved immediately, and the screaming stopped, but his eyes were still closed.

In Davis' perception, the blood-red divine power in Ditian's body was fighting fiercely with the newcomer's silver light.

The blood-red divine power wins, the effect of "Sura Blood Soul Wine" takes effect, and Di Tian will become Davis' most loyal servant.

And if Yinguang wins, it can help Ditian clear the effect of "Sura Blood Soul Wine" before he falls completely.

At the same time, Davis also felt that under the obstruction of the silver light, the blood-red divine power that connected him and Ditian seemed to disappear.

There are soul beasts helping Di Tian!


Nesting in the lake of life, Davis is well aware of the identity of the soul beast who is still qualified to fight against the soul power of God Shura——

Silver Dragon King, Gu Yuena!

The Silver Dragon King in this period was sleeping deep in the lake of life to heal his wounds.

Under normal circumstances, she would never take the initiative to expose herself.

After all, the relationship between the dragon clan and the gods back then could be said to be life and death.

If her whereabouts are exposed, she is likely to be targeted.

But Ditian, the golden-eyed Black Dragon King, is too important to the Dragon Clan.

So after sensing that Ditian was about to be enslaved, the Silver Dragon King finally couldn't sit still.

Gu Yuena took the huge risk of being discovered and besieged by the gods of the God Realm, and also used her soul power as high as the main god level to help Di Tian withstand the erosion of the blood-red divine power.

The Silver Dragon King is a character at the level of the main god, and his soul level is as high as the level of the god king. Even though he is seriously injured and his strength is ten to one, the quality of his soul power has not declined in the slightest.

In terms of combat power, even the Silver Dragon King at his peak is far inferior to the contemporary God Shura.

But now if he is allowed to do whatever he wants, with just a glass of Asura Blood Soul Wine, he might not be able to control Di Tian.

After all, the Silver Dragon King is right in front of him, but Davis' backstage Shura God is far away in the God Realm.

Shura Shengui is one of the five great law enforcers in the God Realm, if he failed to attack Ditian once, he would definitely lose face and then attack Ditian a second time.

Seeing the silver light wandering in Ditian's body, gradually expelling the blood-red divine power contained in Shura's blood soul wine to the surface of his body, he saw that it was about to finish his work and completely helped Ditian force out this cup of wine.

Davis couldn't sit still.

What about the Silver Dragon King?Strong strength can grab Lao Tzu's mount by force?

Also, the noble dragons must not be slaves of humans?

Do you want to see which race dominates the world?

I would like to admit defeat, Davis and Ditian agreed that if he can completely defeat him with one move, he will control Ditian's wealth and life.

Now that Davis has won, you Silver Dragon King will replace Di Tian to break the contract?

You are the wife and mother of the protagonist in future generations, so I want to get used to your bad temper?

Under the limitations of the Douluo Dalu plane, and in a state of serious injuries, if you Silver Dragon King can display the strength to break through the god level, I will count you as capable!

Davis was furious, and while he was still at his peak, he directly activated the eighth spirit ring.

Davis clenched his hands tightly, facing Di Tian, ​​who was struggling with the blood-red divine power, and slammed a pair of iron fists fiercely.

A dark gold bracelet-sized ring appeared in front of Davis' fists.

With the wind of Davis' double fists, he flew towards Di Tian who was opposite him unhurriedly, circling in the air while flying, not looking very threatening.

The bracelet is simple and small, but it contains the power enough to shake the gods!

Eighth Soul Skill: Dark Gold Soul Suppressing Bracelet!

This soul skill is different from the frozen space of Wuliang Zhenhai Bell, it is a strong control skill at the soul level.

From getting it to today, Davis has not encountered an opponent worthy of his own use.

The dark gold bracelet, which seemed to be flying unhurriedly, crossed the barrier of space in the blink of an eye, and hit Ditian's celestial spirit cover with one blow.



! "

Di Tian, ​​who was hit by the "Dark Gold Soul Suppressing Bracelet", suddenly let out a more tragic howl than before.

The soul defense that was impregnable just a second ago, after Di Tian was hit by the "Dark Gold Soul Suppressing Bracelet", it began to collapse like a dike, and could no longer maintain it.

The silver dragon king's soul power, which had previously had the upper hand, was broken through by the blood-red divine power that took advantage of the momentum, and the blood-red divine power instantly flowed into the depths of Di Tian's soul.

In Ditian's pair of golden longan eyes, there was a blood-red gleam.

Shura's divine power entered his soul, and it was a foregone conclusion that Ditian would be enslaved by Davis.

The Silver Dragon King took great risks to save Ditian, but in the end it came to nothing. Ditian, the king of the black dragon clan, finally became a slave of human beings, which made her furious.

A looming silver light appeared in the Star Dou Forest below, which contained sharp edges that could penetrate everything.

That's a gun!

Although the silver soul power has not yet fully formed, Davis, who has reached the ultimate level of swordsmanship, is equally sensitive to the breath of other weapons.

Just feeling a breath, Davis discovered——

The implication carried on that spear is no less than that of a swordsman of the highest realm!

It's just that maybe Gu Yuena still hesitated in her heart, wondering if she should completely reveal her face at this time, so that silver soul power did not completely condense into a spear.

Davis was not afraid at all.

To be precise, he was even a little excited.

Ever since he was promoted to the title of Douluo and his cultivation of "Innate Skill" entered the stage of "Nine Transformations of Condensation", Davis has never met an opponent in the mortal world.

I am completely invincible in the world, if I do not fight God, who will I fight with?

The Silver Dragon King, who was seriously injured and half asleep, might be his best opponent at this time.

Having just used the "Mysterious Gold Splitting the Sea Axe" in the ninth soul skill, it proved the invincibility of this axe. Now Davis wants to try the defensive power of another ninth soul skill "Infinite Zhenhai Bell". Not as strong as he expected.

As Di Tian's soul was gradually eroded by the blood-red soul power, the killing intent in the Silver Dragon King's heart became more and more intense, and the silver soul power finally condensed into a completed spear.

After the light of his own soul on Ditian's body was completely extinguished, the long spear finally stopped suppressing himself and flew towards Davis in the air!

Davis activated his ninth spirit ring at the same time——

Ninth soul skill: Infinite Zhenhai Bell!

Unlike the previous clock that was only controlled by this skill and only showed a palm-sized body, this time Davis used the "Infinite Zhenhai Bell" with all his strength, which was as tall as a person, and directly enveloped Davis inside the ancient clock .

The silver spear broke through the distance of [-] meters in less than a second, reached in front of Davis, and stabbed fiercely on the "Infinite Zhenhai Bell".


! "

A sound resounded through the entire Star Dou Forest, and all the moving spirit beasts stopped in the area where the dull bell rang.

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 191 Di Tian surrenders, the situation in the mainland

The huge ringing sound produced by the Silver Dragon King's silver spear hitting the "Wuliang Zhenhai Bell" caused the small half of the Star Dou Great Forest to stagnate for a moment.

After a brief hiatus, everything returned to normal.

The energy pouring from the silver spear ended and gradually dissipated in the air, and Davis' "Immortal Zhenhai Bell" also faded from the bronze color that was close to the substance to a nearly transparent state.

This Silver Dragon King is really extraordinary.

Although she was seriously injured, her strength was one in a hundred, and was restricted by the plane rules of the Douluo Continent, making it difficult to mobilize power above the god level.

But the final power of this spear is enough to defeat some less powerful god-level powerhouses.

That is to say, Davis' strength is too high, otherwise there would be no existence in the world that could resist this shot.

After failing to succeed in one blow, the Silver Dragon King seemed even more annoyed, and wanted to mobilize more power to deal with Davis, the "enemy of the dragon".

That's right, in the mind of the Silver Dragon King Gu Yuena, Davis, who attempted to enslave the Black Dragon King Ditian, and almost succeeded, was enough to be called the second "Enemy of the Dragon Clan".

By the way, the first "Enemy of the Dragon Clan" used the Shura Sword to kill the Dragon God Shura.

In the late stage of the original world line, the Silver Dragon King will work hard to find a way for humans and soul beasts to coexist, which shows that compared with other dragons, she is already the one with the broadest vision.

Of course, this is because the Dragon Clan, or the entire Soul Beast Clan, has absolutely no advantage over the Human Clan.

But even such Gu Yuena was completely enraged by Davis' behavior of enslaving Ditian.

What's more, the combination of Shura God-Sura God's successor (Davis) has given her an outlet for the hatred in her heart.

As for whether or not her whereabouts will be exposed, Gu Yuena can't care so much at this time.

"Silver Dragon Spear..."

Just when there was a large amount of silver-white soul power below, and Davis was ready to attack, a blood-red long sword appeared in midair.

It is the Sword of Shura under the control of God Shura!

It was the peerless weapon that took the life of the Dragon God!

As soon as the Shura Sword came out, it activated Gu Yuena's long-sealed memories of hatred, making her mobilize her soul power even more frantically, to fight to the death with God Shura.

Even if she doesn't even have a [-]/[-] chance of winning, even if she wins, it's just a sword, not the real God Shura.

But from Gu Yuena's point of view, this is her responsibility as the Silver Dragon King!

"Oh...why are you doing this..."

A helpless sigh came from the Shura sword, and then the sword was full of blood, covering everything around it.

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