【Brilliant victory】!

Today's Yu Yuanba is less than 40 years old, his cultivation has reached the first level of soul saint, and his soul power is as high as level 76.

What's even more frightening is that Yu Yuanba's real combat power after dragon transformation is enough to defeat most Contras.

Although he is not as good as the members of the Devil King's team, nor is he as good as Qian Renxue, but he has cultivated himself uprightly, and has not cheated.

There is no such a character as Yu Yuanba in the original world line, because if there is such a person, it is absolutely impossible for him to be unknown in the Douluo Continent, and it is absolutely impossible for him to never be mentioned in the story.

In Davis' eyes, Yu Yuanba is qualified to be comparable to Tang Hao in his youth.

As long as he is given time, he has great hopes of becoming a Super Douluo.

Perhaps it was because he was too brilliant that he was targeted by the Wuhundian.

Davis has experienced the pervasive assassination of Wuhundian.

Except for Davis, whose strength is far beyond ordinary people's expectations, it is difficult for anyone to survive.

In this life, perhaps because there is Davis who is ten times more brilliant than Yu Yuanba, Wuhundian has put all its thoughts on how to eliminate Davis, the biggest threat, so that the fate of Yu Yuanba can be changed. There has been a change.

As the portal of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, Thunder Academy decided to close the campus, dismiss students, and suspend teaching as soon as it felt that the atmosphere in the mainland was not right.

Those teachers and students who do not belong to the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, who are willing to join the sect, are all accepted into the sect by the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

But Yu Yuanba didn't want to hide in the sect and be a shrinking turtle.

Even if he is unable to face the threat of Wuhundian directly, he doesn't want to close the gate of the mountain like the elders in his family and wait for the invasion.

A person with a staunch personality like Yu Yuanba would rather take the initiative to seek change and find life by himself.

So Yu Yuanba brought those students from Thunder Academy who were unwilling to join the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, and some students from the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School who were unwilling to sneak into the mountains with their names, and merged into the freshman Four Elements Academy.

He himself holds the same position as the vice president in the academy, and is in charge of the Thunder Element Academy.

The first thing the Four Elements Academy did after its establishment was to actively contact the Star Luo Empire, seeking to relocate the site, because the turbulent Heaven Dou Empire was no longer suitable as a base for teaching soul masters.

And the person they contacted turned out to be Xingluo's Black Tiger Douluo, Li Fu.

Li Fu's martial spirit "Black Tiger" back then was of the wind attribute.

It was this Black Tiger Douluo who the Four Elements Academy was going to invite to be the dean.

When Li Fu traveled to the mainland when he was young, he was still studying at the Kamikaze Academy. He was taught by many seniors of the Kamikaze Academy, and he also obtained a soul ring with their help.

It can be said that Shenfeng Academy is also a blessed place for Li Fu.

Although there has been little contact over the years, when the current dean of Shenfeng Academy, that is, the former dean's direct disciple, sent him a letter asking for help, Li Fu still chose to help him without hesitation.

In Li Fu's opinion, helping Four Elements Academy relocate is really just a matter of effort.

Even though the Heaven Dou Empire would have dissatisfaction, but a weak country has no diplomacy, and the current Xing Luo is willing to have an equal dialogue with Tian Dou, which is already the greatest respect.

Moreover, the Four Elements Academy is very good at cultivating young soul masters. This new academy composed of four colleges is even higher than the Xingluo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy in terms of educational ability.

Li Fu would not let go of this kind of educational resources delivered to his door, even if he didn't have the affection he had back then.

Originally, the upper echelons of the Heaven Dou Empire were very resistant to the Four Elements Academy's practice of sharing wealth but not sharing adversity. They also wanted to use some means to make things difficult for the Four Elements Academy.

But when they knew that the place the Four Elements Academy wanted to move to was the Star Luo Empire, and they had contacted the Black Tiger Douluo Li Fu, even though they still had a lot of resentment in their hearts, they had no choice but to obediently let him go.

Black Tiger Douluo Li Fu was once Davis' guardian.Even now that Davis is invincible, he still has great respect for this former guardian.

This news is not a secret on the mainland. .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 193

During the period when Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, and Duguyan were practicing in seclusion, and the situation in the mainland was changing, the other members of the Devil King team were all experiencing turning points in their lives.

Liu Yunying and Luo Zhiwei, the ice and fire sisters, first went to the extreme north ice field.

It was a vast, boundless white world.Here, warmth is a non-existent word. There are only cold wind, ice and snow, and the sea of ​​ice that is not frozen all year round under the ice and snow.

[In view of the general environment, this place is known as one of the "Five Forbidden Lands of Douluo Continent".

The reason why it is called the forbidden area is not only because the extremely cold environment is not suitable for all soul masters except the ice type, but also because there are many very powerful soul beasts living here.

Moreover, unlike in the Star Dou Great Forest and the sea, the soul beasts of the Extreme Arctic Ice Field are extremely united, especially when facing outsiders.

Even if either of them has the strength of a Title Douluo and can do more damage when they join forces, in this place where everyone is enemy, it is difficult to guarantee their own integrity.

Liu Yunying and Luo Zhiwei lived carefully.

Because they heard from Davis that there were three powerful soul beast kings on this extreme northern ice field, and they couldn't provoke them with their current strength.

Even so, when they first arrived at the extreme arctic ice sheet, they still experienced several dangers.

Unfortunately, the first race of ten thousand year spirit beasts they encountered was called Ice Jade Scorpion.

When they first arrived at the extreme northern ice field, Liu Yunying and Luo Zhiwei's goals were actually very steady——

Regardless of 21 or [-], find a place with the heaviest cold air and practice in seclusion for a while.

For Luo Zhiwei, a soul master who cultivates "Ice True Qi", the Extreme North Ice Field is a more suitable place to practice than the Ice and Fire Yangyiyan.

Here, she is confident that she can take the superior internal skill of "Frost True Qi" one step further.

At that time, the soul power of Ultimate Ice will be at your fingertips.

Now the biggest obstacle in the martial arts fusion between Luo Zhiwei and Liu Yunying is that Luo Zhiwei's soul power is not as strong as Liu Yunying's ultimate fire soul power.

After Luo Zhiwei also possessed the ultimate ice soul power, a relative balance could be reached between the two, and their martial soul fusion skill "Ice Fire Dragon Python Collapsing Sky Arrow" was completely completed.

As for whether Liu Yunying's practice will be delayed?

This extremely cold environment of ice and snow is a natural super cold jade bed for soul masters who practice the "Nine Suns Manual".

Continuous exercise to resist the surrounding chill is itself a kind of practice similar to hanging up.

So here, not only will Liu Yunying's cultivation speed not be delayed, but it will not be much worse than that of the volcano that suits her best.

The two planned it perfectly, but it's a pity that they forgot one thing——

The soul beasts in the extreme northern ice field all cultivate the cold attribute, and places with strong cold air are the treasure lands of heaven for these soul beasts.


When Luo Zhiwei used "Ice True Qi" to find the place where the cold air condensed, she locked on an ice cave, but she didn't expect to inadvertently break into the territory of a 5-year-old ice jade scorpion. ....

The Ice Jade Scorpion is the most powerful race in the Arctic Ice Field. The 5-year-old Ice Jade Scorpion is enough to crush most Contras, but it is nothing compared to Luo Zhiwei and Liu Yunying.

Any one of them has absolute confidence that they can deal with this ice jade scorpion within 1 minute.

However, the moment Luo Zhiwei and Liu Yunying found this ice jade scorpion, they chose to turn around and run away.


This thing is a flocking soul beast!

If this one ice jade scorpion is alarmed, there may be ten or a hundred ice jade scorpions chasing and killing them.

If one is extremely unlucky, one may even meet the Ice Emperor, one of the Three Great Northern Kings!

It can be said that Luo Zhiwei and Liu Yunying knew nothing about the topography of the Arctic Ice Field, and there are all glaciers, snow-capped mountains, and ice seas that look exactly the same at a glance... So after escaping from the territory of the Ice Jade Scorpion, they He ran continuously for a long time regardless of the direction, until he was far away from that place, and then gradually stopped.

This is also Luo Zhiwei's carelessness. She didn't use her first soul skill "Eye of Insight" to detect the terrain when she entered the ice cave.

As long as she had taken a look in advance, she would not have ended up in such a mess.

This time, Luo Zhiwei gained a lot of wisdom from a pitfall, and just when she stopped, she opened the "eye of insight".

"How is it, little Vivi?"

"Is there any suitable place near here?"

Liu Yunying asked excitedly from the side.

She has never been timid and afraid of getting into trouble. To Liu Yunying, the experience of encountering the ice jade scorpion just now is equivalent to a meticulous and exciting adventure, and it doesn't matter if it happens again.

But her question did not get an immediate response from Luo Zhiwei.

Luo Zhiwei, who had opened her eyes of insight, clenched her fists, her complexion turned pale, and she paused for a few seconds before responding:

"It's all..."

Liu Yunying happily accepted the words and said, "Are all the treasure lands suitable for your cultivation? Great! This Arctic Ice Field is really a good place!"

"All of them are ice jade scorpions!"

Luo Zhiwei's dry voice finally finished speaking again, and the moment her words landed, seven or eight ice jade scorpions came out from under the thick ice sheet, surrounding the two of them.

Afterwards, more and more ice jade scorpions came out from under the ice sheet, ten, one hundred...

They left the territory of one ice scorpion, but broke into the lair of hundreds of ice scorpions!

Looking at these ice jade scorpions, Liu Yunying's originally excited eyes gradually became serious, but her fighting spirit became more and more high.

Because in her opinion, although these opponents are numerous and not weak, they haven't been able to stop her from joining forces with Luo Zhiwei.

Now that they are surrounded, why not just make a scene and have a good time.

The fiery Yanlong Xiangtian Spear appeared in Liu Yunying's hands, she looked back at Luo Zhiwei, and said with a smile:

"I'm attacking and rushing forward. You follow me and help me block those cuties that I missed. Is it okay?"

"The boss has no rivals in the world, and our teammates can't be too far behind him."

"Today, our sisters will join hands to make a big fuss in the northern wilderness!"

Luo Zhiwei didn't speak, but just nodded, responding to Liu Yunying's words. ....

"Fifth Soul Skill: Flame Dragon Battle Body!"

"The first soul skill: Scarlet Flame Dragon!"

A scorching fire dragon appeared around Liu Yunying, including her and Luo Zhiwei's bodies.

Because of the connection between the two of them with their martial soul fusion skills, the fire dragon that should have weakened Luo Zhiwei did not have any effect on her, and just repelled the surrounding ice jade scorpions that were about to charge up in one fell swoop.

Surrounded by many powerful enemies, the battlefield talent inherited in Liu Yunying's blood was activated all of a sudden, and with just a glance, she found the weakest direction of the encirclement.

"Xiao Weiwei, follow closely!"


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