Regarding her own strength, Qian Renxue revealed it in front of everyone without any reservations.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone in the Spirit Hall, with the support of these powerful men from the previous generation and the leadership of Qian Renxue, the hero of the new generation, the Spirit Hall is still the strongest force standing on the top of the continent. ....

With this rapidly expanding strength, the middle and high levels of the Spirit Hall gradually became dissatisfied with the current situation. Looking at the declining and separated Heaven Dou Empire, they had some new ideas.

The hard bones of the Star Luo Empire are not easy to chew on, but the Tiandou Empire is a big piece of fat!

Instead of letting it disintegrate in the gradual decline, why don't we take advantage of the situation, control the major cities through the branch halls of the Wuhun Temple spread over many kingdoms and provinces, and establish our own empire of the Wuhun Temple?

As soon as this idea was put forward, it prevailed in the middle and high levels of Wuhundian.

In the past, there were the upper three sects, and it was difficult for the Wuhun Palace to take action against the two empires in the open, but now the Haotian School and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School are retreating behind closed doors, and the Qibao Liuli School is drifting away from the Heaven Dou Empire .

Such a large piece of fertile soil is like a little girl who is bullied, without any protection around her.

If you don't take it now, when will you wait?

Qian Renxue quickly noticed the signs of this kind of phenomenon appearing in the upper echelons of the Wuhun Hall, but she did not intervene in any way, and even secretly let her confidants contribute to the flames.

Because in Qian Renxue's heart, the Xue family's strength is not worthy of owning the Heaven Dou Empire at all, and that kid Xue Beng is even more unworthy of being on an equal footing with her lover Davis.

In Qian Renxue's heart, Davis should be the only emperor in the Douluo Continent!

Therefore, under such a situation where the middle and high-level officials pushed hard and the top management acquiesced, Spirit Hall finally formally took action against the Heaven Dou Empire.

They first contacted the kings and governors of the major kingdoms and provinces, asking them to rise up against the rule of the Heaven Dou Empire and join the Spirit Hall at the right time.

Then he dispatched the dark power of Wuhundian to stir up chaos in many kingdoms and provinces within Tiandou territory, and even assassinated several city lords.

After all parts of the Heaven Dou Empire fell into chaos, a large number of soul masters suddenly appeared in the branch halls of the Wuhun Temple in various cities to suppress the turmoil and control order.

After suppressing the turmoil in various places, Qian Renxue issued a papal decree——

Xue Bengde, the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, is incompetent and incompetent, causing rebellions in many places in the Tiandou territory, wars are everywhere, and the people are destitute.

Now Wuhundian is ordered by the gods to deny the legitimacy of the Tiandou Empire's royal family.

All the kingdoms and provinces under the jurisdiction of the Heaven Dou Empire have the right to break away from the jurisdiction of the Heaven Dou Empire and throw themselves into the embrace of the light.

As soon as this Pope's decree came out, those kingdoms and provinces that had colluded with Spirit Hall before all announced within a few days that they would leave the Heaven Dou Empire and join the camp of Spirit Hall.

In the huge Heaven Dou Empire, in just a few days, there is only the last piece of territory under the direct control of Tian Dou City.

At the same time, Wuhundian hasn't let the Heaven Dou Empire go.

The second priest of the Hall of Enshrinement, Golden Crocodile Douluo, led many elders and deacons of the Hall of Spirits, led a huge army of "Bright Knights", and drove straight in from the borders of the kingdoms that surrendered to the Hall of Spirits.

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Wherever the "Bright Knight" passed, the army of the Heaven Dou Empire was invincible, even those cities that were still loyal to the Heaven Dou Imperial Family were completely unable to resist the invasion of the army of the Spirit Hall. ....

In less than half a month, Golden Crocodile Douluo led his army to attack Tiandou City.


In the Tian Dou Palace, Xue Beng was holding a wine glass in his hand, his face was flushed and he smelled of alcohol.

Since Wuhundian officially took action against the Heaven Dou Empire, he hadn't taken care of the government for a long time. Many courtiers who were deeply disappointed in the Heaven Dou Imperial Family resigned one after another, and left Tiandou City, the center of the continent's vortex.

It's not that the avalanche doesn't want to resist.

The 98th-level Golden Crocodile Douluo of this Wuhundian army is in command. There are several titled Douluo under his command, 30 Contras, nearly a hundred soul saints, and 2 ordinary soul masters!

You let the current Heaven Dou Empire take the lead?

"Your Majesty, the thieves from the Wuhun Palace have already attacked the city. With a body of ten thousand gold, you should avoid the edge for the time being, protect yourself, and try to restore the country in the future!"

The loyal court servant spoke kindly and advised him.

But at this time, Xue Beng had lost all hope. He had taken over the empire from his father Xue Ye, but before he could do anything, the situation had already deteriorated to this point.

In the final analysis, the Heaven Dou Empire without strong nationals is really a piece of fat on this continent that anyone can take or take away.

"Has the Dugu priest left?"

Xue Beng asked in a hoarse voice.

Although Dugu Yan and Davis became lovers, and Dugu Bo himself promised to be loyal to Davis, but before Davis ordered, he still stayed in Tiandou's palace and became his royal family's enshrinement.

It's just that for Xue Beng, he can no longer believe that Dugu Bo, the former royal family, can rely on him.

The servant replied: "Mr. Dugu and Prince Xuexing are defending against foreign enemies on the top of the city."

"Mr. Dugu has already confronted the opponent's titled Douluo master for two rounds, and they have gained the upper hand. It's just that the mysterious Golden Crocodile Douluo has not yet made a move. Mr. Dugu said that if he faces this person, he has no confidence. ..."

Dugu Bo, who has learned the "Five Poisons Cheats", now has a soul power level of 96, which can be called the top combat power in the mainland. Except for the 98-level Golden Crocodile Douluo in the Wuhun Temple army, the rest are really good. He put it in his eyes.

Xue Beng raised his head in surprise.

"He actually hasn't left yet?"

At this critical moment, many civil servants and military generals who have been loyal to Tiandou for generations have secretly fled Tiandou City. It is not surprising that Xue Xing, an uncle, is willing to live and die with Tiandou City, but Dugu Bo, a relative of the Star Luo Empire, actually He is also willing to fight to the death for the Heaven Dou imperial family.

You know, with Dugu Bo's identity, if he went to the Star Luo Empire, his status would definitely be higher than that of Li Fu, the Black Tiger Douluo.

Dugu Bo's persistence made Xue Beng, who was in despair, feel the last trace of warmth.

However, this persistence is also meaningless in the eyes of Xue Beng.

Even Xue Beng, who didn't know the top combat power of the mainland back then, now knows that it is impossible for Dugu Bo alone to lead the Tiandou Empire to escape this desperate situation.

If the opponent's army doesn't have a titled Douluo strong man who can resist Dugu Bo head-on, relying on his strength to dominate the world, he may be able to cause heavy casualties to those [-] "Bright Knights" and let the Heaven Dou Empire temporarily breathe a sigh of relief .

But with Golden Crocodile Douluo in the opponent's army, it's very difficult for Dugu Bo's poison kung fu to fully kill low-level soul masters.Fighting against a top powerhouse like Golden Crocodile Douluo, if you still want to poison the ordinary soul master army, you will pay a painful price.

After thinking for a while, Xue Beng said:

"The Heaven Dou Empire has survived for a thousand years, it is already a blessing from the heavens, and now the collapse of the kingdom is irreversible, there is no need for the emperor and Mister Dugu to sacrifice their lives for it."

"You go to the city wall to announce the decree, let the emperor and Mr. Dugu protect themselves, and leave Tiandou City!"

After saying these words, Xue Beng's eyes showed dead silence.

As the last emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, he has decided to die with this Heaven Dou Palace.

Although he is useless, he will never allow himself to be captured by the enemy! .

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 196 Star Luo God General, Xue Beng Self-immolation

When Xue Beng's imperial decree reached the city wall, Dugu Bo just defeated the last titled Douluo in the Wuhun Temple besides Golden Crocodile Douluo before the battle.

Of course it is a wheel battle.

Due to the special status between Dugu Bo and Davis, Wuhundian didn't dare to swarm him when fighting him, and directly killed the old poison.

This is also the reason why this old man can drag the war to the present stage.

But this is also Dugu Bo's limit.

After all, he was only a level 96 Title Douluo, and after defeating five Title Douluo from the Wuhun Hall in a row, his own soul power reserves had also fallen to the bottom.

He was a little immobilized.

But at this time, standing in front of Dugu Bo was the second priest of the Wuhun Hall, Golden Crocodile Douluo.

This old thing can be called the number one horse boy of Qian Daoliu. Even if you count the strong people of the human race on the entire Douluo Continent, even in this world where all the heroes are fighting together, he can still be ranked in the top ten. list.

Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't attack Dugu Bo directly, but looked at him with admiration, and cupped his hands to persuade:

"Old poison, you give up!"

"This country is hopeless. Except for the gods, no one can drag this broken empire up from the abyss. If you continue to fight, you will just fall with it."

If Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't send masters to besiege Dugu Bo at the beginning because he was concerned about his relationship with Davis, then the warning now is that he simply appreciates Dugu Bo's loyalty.

Because he himself is such a person.

It's just that what Golden Crocodile doesn't know is that Dugu Bo's loyalty is not towards the Heaven Dou royal family.

With his own strength, he desperately dragged down the Wuhun Palace army under Tiandou City, there was only one reason - Prince Xuexing had saved his life in the past.

Now it's just returning this old life to the other party.

Seeing that Dugu Bo, whose soul power was almost exhausted, still refused to move away, Golden Crocodile Douluo also understood the opponent's determination.

"Since you want to die with all your heart, you can't blame the old man for not giving that Sword God Douluo face!"

"Golden crocodile, possessed!"

After saying this, Golden Crocodile Douluo immediately summoned the martial soul, and the gorgeous golden giant crocodile martial soul appeared behind him, and the huge fluctuation of level 98 soul power set off a violent storm.

Facing Dugu Bo, whose soul power was exhausted, Golden Crocodile didn't even need to use any amplified soul skills, and just slapped him, and sent Dugu Bo flying dozens of meters away.



Dugu Bo's body hit the wall of Tiandou City, he was injured by the palm of the golden crocodile, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although this blow wasn't Golden Crocodile's all-out attack, it was enough to make Dugu Bo lose his ability to move in his eyes.So after swinging this palm, the golden crocodile was ready to lead the army of the Wuhun Temple to attack the gate of Tiandou City head-on.

But after Dugu Bo barely stood up, he still returned to the front of the city wall of Tiandou City, blocking the way of Golden Crocodile Douluo.

Golden Crocodile frowned, and issued an ultimatum: "Dugu Bo, if you don't get out of the way, I'm going to kill you!"


Dugu Bo spat out a mouthful of blood foam, looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo calmly, and said indifferently: "Then you come."...

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This time, Golden Crocodile Douluo was completely enraged, the fourth spirit ring behind him lit up, and a giant golden meteor hammer appeared behind him.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

"The fourth soul skill: Alligator Tail Meteor Hammer!"

With the tail of the golden giant crocodile martial soul flicking vigorously, the golden meteor hammer flew towards Dugu Bo's head. If this blow hit, it would be enough to shatter Dugu Bo's head that had absorbed the spirit bone into pieces!

Seeing the golden meteor hammer getting bigger and bigger in his vision, Dugu Bo gradually closed his eyes.

"Mr. Dugu!"

Prince Xue Xing on the city wall roared in grief and anger, he was regretting why he begged Dugu Bo to fight for the Tiandou royal family for the last time.

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