The kindness in the queen's eyes increased by three points, and she took a crystal ball of soul power from the tray in the female officer's hand.

Zhu Zhuyun obediently put his hands on it.

The purple light of soul power gradually accumulated, 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%...

When the soul power reached [-]%, the increase of purple light in the crystal ball gradually slowed down.


After the scale in the soul power crystal ball reached 9%, the rate of increase became slower and slower, and when it reached about 9%, it finally stopped completely. ....

Innate soul power level 9 and a half!

Although it is slightly inferior to the innate soul power like Davis, it can be called a peerless genius.

For this result, whether it is the emperor, empress, the Duke of Zhu family, Davis are very satisfied, maybe the only one who is not satisfied is Lian Guifei who is holding the third prince Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuyun must be Davis' fiancée, the higher her talent, the more difficult Dai Mubai's future will be.

Without any accidents, just today, the marriage contract between Davis and Zhu Zhuyun was signed by the two families.

Davis gave Zhu Zhuyun the "Wannian Hanyu Match" obtained by drawing a card when the system was turned on, as a token, and told her to carry it with her at all times.

This piece of cold jade accessory is a strange item, made from leftovers of the cold jade bed of the ancient tomb sect in the gold system world, carrying it close to the body can slightly increase the speed of cultivation.

This scene was seen by the emperor, and he couldn't help admiring his son's demeanor when he was young.

The last stone in the queen's heart also fell to the ground.

The son's innate soul power is full, and the daughter-in-law's innate soul power is nine and a half levels. The two seem to be in harmony. It will not be too difficult to comprehend the martial soul fusion technique. No matter what prince is in such a combination, it is impossible to beat him.

The elders all regard the "Wannian Hanyu Pei" that Davis gave to Zhu Zhuyun as a token of love. This jade pendant is cold and full of aura, and it is a rare treasure just by looking at it.

Zhu Zitan, Zhu Zhuyun's father and the head of the Zhu family, was no longer stingy, and gave Davis a one-meter-long gift list in return, including ten prosperous shops in the downtown area of ​​Xingluo City.

Davis readily accepted, and it happened to be used to develop the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce.

After the awakening ceremony, Davis still returned to Wanjin Villa to practice.

The cultivation of soul power, body training, soul, etc. are already on the right track, and they only need to practice step by step to make progress.

The focus that Davis needs to overcome at the moment is swordsmanship.

Perhaps it was because of possessing such an extraordinary sword spirit as the Seven Star Sword, Davis' talent for swordsmanship was ridiculously high.Under Cheng Yue's teaching, Davis' sword skills soon reached a bottleneck.

Douluo Continent's swordsmanship is divided into four levels: proficiency, nuance, transformation, and perfection.

It can only be called proficiency if you can use the sword like your arms and fingers, and you can master all the sword moves without any delay.

Those who have not reached this level are not considered swordsmen at all according to Cheng Yue's words.

That can only be called "a useless piece of wood with a sword".

Davis is at the proficiency level right now.

The swordsmanship recorded in "The Legend of the Five Sacred Swordsmanship" is of various types and profound skills. Davis, who used this as the foundation of swordsmanship, coupled with his outstanding talent, quickly achieved extremely high attainments in swordsmanship moves.

As the name suggests, it means that the swordsman has mastered the fighting opportunity to a point where every sword strike is the most suitable time, and every sword strike is the direction that poses the greatest threat to the enemy. It must be saved.

Thinking of reaching this level, a lot of swordsmanship experience and actual combat foundation are needed.

As for the two realms of Huajing and Zhijing, Cheng Yue didn't know much about it.

Because even as the number one swordsman in Xingluo, he is only on the threshold between subtlety and transformation. How can he fully explain to Davis the scenery above the swordsmanship? ....

In the world of Douluo Continent, due to the existence of soul skills, the research on combat skills is not in-depth.

After all, swordsmanship at the subtle level is difficult to master, but many soul kings possess ten thousand year-level soul rings.

Even Cheng Yue, the "Xingluo Sword Master", hadn't reached the realm of swordsmanship. Davis estimated that if he wanted to see the demeanor of a swordsman of transformation, he might have to wait for the Sword Douluo from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect in the future.

Davis, who has reached the bottleneck in swordsmanship, urgently needs a lot of actual combat to help him break through the shackles.

So on this day, there was a newcomer wearing an iron mask in the Xingluo City Great Soul Arena.

Ghost face.

The person in charge of the Great Soul Arena welcomes this mysterious ghost face very much, and it is okay not to welcome him, after all, no one can casually reject a person brought by a mysterious Contra.

Davis wore a mask and a golden sword, and did not intend to show his martial spirit in the fighting spirit, but only used pure swordsmanship and soul power blessing.

When arranging the opponents for the first match, the person in charge of the Great Soul Fighting Field was still very embarrassed.

Xingluo City is the capital of the emperor, and anyone who can survive in the big soul fighting field here, even if it is just a soul master, is an old oil with two brushes in his hands.

This young master who doesn't know where he came from is arrogant and arrogant. If he doesn't use Wuhun, those old men will not show mercy.

Don't get seriously injured at that time, that master Contra will find trouble in the Dahun field.

But in Davis's first match, within three seconds, he dispelled the ridiculous idea of ​​the person in charge of the Great Spirit Arena—

Martial soul was not activated, nor was the soul ring activated.

Davis just passed by in a blink of an eye, and with a light swing of his sword, he made a bloody gash on the "carefully selected" weak chicken in some big soul fighting arena.

The opponent immediately fell to the ground and surrendered without any hesitation.

Surrender immediately when encountering an unmatched opponent, this is the way of survival for these veterans who have been in the big spirit arena.

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 24 Star Luo Sword Master is not a fart


Davis won the first round easily without using any soul skills or even a martial soul.

This made the person in charge of the Great Soul Arena feel very unreal, but this feeling, for some reason, was vaguely familiar.

It seems like this happened some years ago.

"Schedule the next session."

Davis, who had just stepped off the stage, said coldly to the person in charge of the Great Spirit Arena, obviously dissatisfied with the opponent he had just arranged.

"Yes, yes, young master, I will definitely arrange a strong opponent for you in the next match."

The person in charge of the Great Soul Fighting Field quickly apologized with a smile.

10 minutes later, Davis returned to the arena.

On stage with him was a level 37 soul master.

Tieshan, Wuhun iron-backed pangolin.

This time the opponent was obviously much more sophisticated than the previous one. Just after the two saluted each other, Tieshan possessed his body with a martial spirit, and then a classic pangolin rolled and rushed towards Davis.

The first soul skill: Armor Charge!

The pangolin's solid back and tail curled up, hiding its soft belly, rolled into a khaki "ball" and rushed towards Davis at a faster and faster speed.

The force of the impact was so strong that Davis couldn't bear it, but it would expose his obviously superior physical fitness, and it would also fail to achieve the purpose of honing his swordsmanship.

So Davis just took half a step sideways, gently getting out of the way of the khaki "ball".


A fine steel sword was unsheathed at his waist, and a sword pierced the "ball" that rolled past him.

Huashan swordsmanship - Baiyun out of Xiu!


It was the sound of a sharp sword piercing into flesh. The iron armor on Iron Mountain's back did not protect him at all. Davis's sword was fast and accurate, and only a line of the belly pierced through the middle of the "ball".

After Tieshan rolled away from Davis, he quickly released the "ball" state of the first soul skill.

He was covering a small sword wound on his left rib, looked at Davis solemnly and said:

"What a fierce swordsmanship!"

Davis was unmoved. His character design in the Great Soul Arena is of the "cold-faced swordsman" type. At this time, he just needs to be silent. Talking too much will not only easily destroy the character design, but also easily reveal his identity.

Seeing that Davis didn't respond, Tieshan didn't think about it, so the young master who can become a soul master in his teens, it's normal to see many of them struggling in the big soul arena.

"Look at my move again, the third soul skill: Earth Shockwave!"

Tieshan stomped his right foot on the ground of the arena, and a burst of yellow energy waves surrounded by smoke and dust emanated from his feet, heading towards Davis.

Afterwards, Tieshan activated the first soul skill again: Iron Armor Charge, followed behind the yellow energy wave, and also attacked Davis.

The speed of the yellow energy wave is extremely fast, and it may be difficult for normal soul masters to avoid it, but that does not include Davis.

As long as the second soul skill "Golden Feather Assault" is activated, Davis's speed can be so fast that the opponent can't catch it.

But Davis didn't plan to summon Wuhun, nor did he plan to evade.

He wanted to try the effect of his swordsmanship on this kind of pure energy attack.

The soul power gathered in the palm of his hand. Looking at the energy waves and iron mountains rushing towards him, Davis felt no waves in his heart. He only waited until the attack was close in front of him, and then he slashed out with his sword again! ....

Chaoyang one Qi sword!

A purple sword light slashed out against the mighty energy wave, and the audience in the Great Soul Arena was shocked to find that this sword light seemed weak, but it simply split the ability of "Earth Shock Wave" into two!

Even Tieshan, who followed the energy wave and wanted to sneak attack, was also affected.



There was a sharp and ear-piercing sound, followed by Tieshan's scream.

After the dust and the effects of the soul skills gradually dissipated, everyone could see clearly the situation in the arena——

Tieshan half-kneeled on the ground, his face full of pain, there was a half-meter-long wound on the back of his armored scales, the blood was dripping very scary.

Davis still stood on the court wearing a mask, unscathed.

Iron Mountain was seriously injured and seemed to have lost the ability to continue fighting. The referee on the field quickly decided that Davis won.

After watching this battle, the person in charge of the Great Soul Fighting Arena in the audience finally remembered where he got the familiarity.

20 years ago, when Cheng Yue, who was not the number one swordsman in Xingluo, became famous, he used the same routine!

Using only soul power + swordsmanship, desperately challenge soul masters of the same level in the big soul fighting arena.

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