Just when Davis was struggling, the Contra priest in the team spoke.

"Your Highness, according to the Empress' will, to a certain extent, you have the right to choose your own soul ring, but you must have a reason to convince this old servant."

It seems that the golden inscription on the body of Davis Wuhun still attracted the attention of the elders.

But it is estimated that even the elders of the Dai family don't have much insight into the vision in Davis' martial soul, and can only let him choose according to his own feelings.

The Contra Li Fu who spoke was the guardian of Xingluo Zhu's family, Zhu Zhenyu, the father of Empress Zhu Zitang, and the life and death brother of the previous Duke of Zhenguo.

Back then when Li Fu was young, with his level 8 innate soul power and advanced black tiger martial soul, he had achieved quite a reputation in the Star Luo Empire.

Later, in a one-on-one duel, he was defeated by Zhu Zhenyu, the young master of the Zhu family at that time, and he obeyed his oath and followed him all the time.

The two experienced countless life-and-death battles in the army to suppress bandits, riots, and pacify border troubles. The relationship between the two has long been stronger than that of brothers.

After Zhu Zhenyu resigned as the head of the family due to his old injury, Li Fu did not continue to be in charge of the Zhu family.

Instead, through Zhu Zhenyu's introduction, he became a royal enshrined.

The purpose is to protect the queen Zhu Zitang and the eldest prince Davis.

In the past ten years, although Li Fu has served the royal family in name, he has mainly fulfilled the queen's entrustment.

That is to say, Davis's talent is too dazzling, and the queen is worried that he will be assassinated by some secret forces. Otherwise, he would never send this 89-level top Contra to the stage to hunt a soul ring for a prince of soul warriors.

A sentence enshrined by Li Fu surprised Davis.

Davis bowed to Li Fu and asked politely:

"Grandpa Li, in my white tiger spirit, there is an aura of pure gold. I guess I need a spirit beast with extremely strong metal properties to allow me to obtain the most suitable spirit skills."

"My target is—Platinum Saber Mantis, or Steel Claw Saber Toothed Tiger."

Li Fu only thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed:

"It makes sense, then do as His Highness the First Prince says!"

Then, among the three soul sages, he gave instructions to the auxiliary system soul sage who is good at perception:

"Mr. Wen Ke, please try your best to find the hundred-year-old soul beast within your perception range."

"Target, Platinum Saber Mantis, or Steel Claw Saber-toothed Tiger."

"Our range of activities is only on the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, General Luo, you are responsible for protecting Wen Keqing."

"Old man, I am responsible for protecting His Highness's safety."

The three of them saluted Li Fu when they heard the words, and immediately started to carry out the task.

On the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, a combination of one Contra and three Soul Sages could come and go freely.

Coupled with the strong mobility of the three of them (Davis was slipped by Li Futi and didn't need to act on his own), even though Platinum Saber Mantis and Steel Claw Saber-toothed Tiger are not very common, they still found each of them within a day. The soul beast that Fu wanted.

Platinum Knife Mantis in the early 400s;

One 500-year-old and one 300-year-old steel-clawed saber-toothed tiger.

When Li Fu saw the 500-year-old steel-clawed saber-toothed tiger for the first time, he waved his hand and asked him to release it, leaving only the 300-year-old saber-toothed tiger.

In Li Fu's decades of soul master career, he has never heard of a person whose first soul ring has reached 500 years.

Moreover, the children of the royal Dai family don't need to take risks.

So, in fact, there is only one choice left for Davis:

400-year-old Platinum Knife Mantis.

He is very satisfied, because this is the first choice of soul ring he wants.

Not to mention being angry with Li Fu for letting go of the 500-year-old steel-clawed saber-toothed tiger on his own initiative.

Because his thoughts are exactly the same as this Grandpa Li.

You must fight when you should, and even when it is time to make waves, you must think clearly before making waves.

Those who cheat may not be able to have the last laugh, but those who cheat and be steady will surely have the last laugh.

Davis was happy in his heart, but he was very agile in his hands.

With a swipe of the middle finger of his left hand with his right hand, he took out a golden long sword, and after only a little soul power was input, the edge of the sword glowed slightly, making the pupils of the three soul saints shrink.

The eldest prince is indeed deeply loved by His Majesty, but the long sword used to kill soul beasts and get rings is also a rare soul tool.

This sword is called Jinmang, and it is an incomparably precious and top-grade offensive soul tool.

In terms of the sword itself, it is a sharp weapon for blowing hair and breaking hair, and it has the property of piercing armor after being infused with soul power.

This was a sixth birthday gift from his mother, just to help him obtain a perfect soul ring, so he could ask his mother for credit when he went back.

Davis was thinking of soft things in his heart, but he was merciless in his hands. He stabbed with a sword, piercing Platinum Dao Mantis' brain.

A yellow soul ring immediately floated up from Platinum Dao Mantis's body, and flew towards Davis under the pull of Davis's soul power.

Although the 400-year spirit ring is close to the limit, it is not too difficult for Davis, the owner of the top beast spirit, to absorb it.

In just half an hour, this yellow soul ring appeared on Davis's white tiger spirit.

Raise Davis' soul master level to level 11.

And because the spirit power in this Platinum Knife Mantis spirit ring is extremely abundant, Davis is only one step away from breaking through level 12.

As it should be, no soul bone appeared.

There is no external spirit bone.

The chances of this kind of treasure appearing on a thousand-year soul beast are pitifully small, let alone a century-old soul beast.

But at this time, Davis was content.

Because the soul skills he obtained were impeccably powerful.

Chapter 4 Perfect First Soul Skill, White Tiger Essence Gold Astral Qi

The 400-year-old Platinum Knife Mantis gave Davis the soul skill named: White Tiger Essence of Gold.

This is not a traditional attack or defense move, but a soul skill similar to augmentation, like Douluo's version of Armed Domineering.

By activating this soul skill, Davis can consume soul power to condense an incomparably pure adamantine qi, which can be used to attach to the body, weapons, armor, bows and arrows, and hidden weapons.

Objects attached to the white tiger's pure gold qi are indestructible when used for defense, and unstoppable when used for attack.

As an open soul master with a body system, Davis will inevitably acquire various self-created soul skills (martial skills) in the future.

Under the blessing of "White Tiger's Essence of Gold", ordinary punches and kicks can have the power of soul skills.

For Davis, this is undoubtedly the most perfect first soul ability.

Of course, the effect of Gang Qi's blessing is related to the tricks used.

For example, the power of ordinary fist and kick moves will be increased by about 30% after being blessed with the white tiger's fine gold qi.

And Davis has already obtained the "Shenshan Iron Palm", which belongs to the masculine martial arts, and it is compatible with the white tiger's fine gold aura, and its power is increased to more than 40% after blessing.

If it is a martial arts such as swords that rely on the sharpness of weapons, the increase ratio can reach an astonishing 60%!

But if you use feminine martial arts such as "Mian Zhang", which does not match the compatibility of the white tiger's fine gold qi, the increase rate will drop to about 20%.

At the same time that Davis obtained the first soul ring, the system prompted him to get another chance to draw a card.

After absorbing the spirit ring, Davis tapped the card with the help of the "Perfect First Soul Skill".

Get the martial arts card - "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Practice Golden Bell Cover".

This is Oboi's housekeeping ability in the world of the heroes of the Jin family. The Qing court used the Buddhist unique "Golden Bell Cover" as the framework, and combined many martial arts such as iron cloth shirt, thirteen Taibao horizontal exercises, and iron clothing skills. Adapted from learning.

No longer confined to the cultivation of a Buddhist boy, the strength of the muscles and bones can be greatly improved. After the cultivation is completed, there is only one vital point in the whole body. If the cultivation is complete, there will be no flaws in the whole body.

After drawing this card, Davis couldn't help but praise himself for his European spirit.

This is almost the most suitable body training martial art for him in the world of Legend of Heroes of the Golden Series.

After all, the well-known body training methods in the metal system world, such as Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu and Vajra Immortal Body, all require advanced esoteric and Buddhist cultivation bases.

Only this "Thirteen Taibao Horizontal Training Golden Bell Cover", which is better than the blue, can make Davis, who has the "Quanzhen Fa", practice with peace of mind.

With this martial art, coupled with the tempering of the "Jufeng Locking Soul Bracelet", Davis is confident that before level 40, he will meet the physical requirements for absorbing the ten thousand year spirit ring.

As for the soul impact of the ten-thousand-year soul ring, it can only depend on the performance of the system. If it doesn't work, choose a 900-year-old one to make do with it. Afterwards, the divine test will naturally have a chance to rise to ten thousand years.

After doing all this, Davis slowly opened his eyes.

Priest Li Fu didn't ask Davis what kind of soul skills he had obtained, but only saw that he had rested and recuperated, and immediately ordered to return.

After returning to the palace, Davis followed Li Fu to return to Emperor Xingluo.

After Dai Zhen learned about the soul ring that Davis had hunted, he just nodded slightly, and didn't ask any more questions about the soul ring and soul skills.

After only trying a few words, he motioned to Davis to report to the Queen that he was safe.

Davis knew that this was the Emperor Laozi's disguised protection for him.

Concealing the difference of his martial soul, admitting that it is the traditional white tiger martial soul of the Dai family, and helping him cover up the first soul skill, the purpose of course is to help Davis cover some people's sight.

Maybe it's the Wuhun Palace, maybe it's other members of the royal family, maybe it's the Zhu family, or maybe it's other princes and nobles.

Davis understood.

Perhaps Dai Zhen, Emperor Xingluo, was not as ruthless as he had imagined.

Sit back and watch the rivalry and killing among one's own sons and daughters is not necessarily intentional.

It's just that in the face of the mountain-like strict family rules, even the emperor, if he doesn't have the absolute power to suppress everything, he can't do whatever he wants.

Davis kept this matter in mind, bowed to his father and left, and went to the Queen's Jiuling Palace.

Because the queen of the Star Luo Empire will always be the daughter of the Zhu family who owns the Nine Ghost Cat, the queen's palace will always be called the Nine Spirits Palace.

This is where Davis has stayed the longest in the six years since his birth.

In the Nine Spirits Palace, the queen retreated to the left and right, leaving only Davis alone.

The head of the Star Luo Empire, looking at the son who had returned from hunting the soul, was a little dazed for a moment.

Empress Zhu Zitang is Davis' biological mother, and she is also the most loving and strictest person in the world to him.

Affection is, of course, the nature of motherhood.

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