After hearing Davis' conditions, everyone in Shrek Academy was stunned.

Although several waves of people have come to recruit Qin Ming, the newly promoted "second talent in the mainland", Davis is still the first one who dares to offer such a generous and free contract.

No matter how talented he is, in the end Qin Ming is still just a soul king, and it would be a miracle to break through to become a soul sage after 10 years. What really attracts big forces is his potential—the potential to become a titled Douluo in the future.

Therefore, although the treatment given by other forces is high, they all require Qin Ming to be deeply bound with them and become a member of them forever.

Only the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce represented by Davis is willing to give Qin Ming the right to choose in the future.

Based on this alone, he has no reason to refuse.

Therefore, Fred, the dean and Qin Ming's mentor, directly accepted Davis' recruitment for him.

Fred dared to use his character to guarantee that he was absolutely thinking about Qin Ming's future, not for the incomparably charming sky-high sponsorship fee of 100 million gold soul coins.

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Chapter 51 Dugu Seeking Defeat On the Sword Monument


Flender's words still carry a lot of weight to Qin Ming.

In addition, the conditions offered by Davis were indeed the most generous among all the forces, so Qin Ming chose to join the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce without any hesitation.

The goal of recruiting Qin Ming has been achieved. Apart from Qin Ming, Shrek Academy can make Davis, only the future genius soul master of the food department——Oscar.

But Oscar should have been accepted as a disciple by Fred after he awakened his martial soul, and he is not currently in Shrek Academy.

After Davis leaves, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce will be arranged to go to various villages in the Barak Kingdom to find Oscar as a talent pool for the Tiance Mansion.

The "evil fire chicken" Ma Hongjun was adopted by Fred since he was a child, and he is now in Shrek, but Davis already has Liu Yunying in the Demon King team, so he is not very interested in Ma Hongjun.

The purpose of being in Shrek Academy has been fully achieved, and the group left on the same day, heading for Heaven Dou City.

Along the way, besides practicing by himself, Davis occasionally practiced with Gu Shoucheng, or cultivated a relationship with Ye Lingling.

After Davies practiced the "Quanzhen Fa" to the sixth level, the speed of accumulating soul power was already considerable. Coupled with the 24-hour on-hook practice, Davis still improved by 1 level even when he was on the go. soul power.

In addition, although it is not possible to practice swordsmanship on the carriage, Davis has practiced the "Quanzhen Swordsmanship" he just acquired to the point of proficiency by pointing at the sword.

After Gu Shoucheng got the "Dragon Elephant Prajna Skill", he felt like he had found a treasure, and he put all his thoughts into it. In addition, his physical cultivation was not weak, so he made great efforts in a short period of time, broke through two levels of checkpoints in a row, and reached the the third floor.

This breakthrough not only greatly increased Gu Shoucheng's physical strength, but also increased his soul power by one level, reaching level 1.

As for Ye Lingling, the journey is the best way to cultivate feelings. Davis has raised the little girl's favorability to 89, and there is only one step left before reaching the 90 required by the system.

However, the newly recognized god-sister is not the same as the confidant Li Yang cultivated since childhood. This last step seems to be not so easy to cross. Perhaps some small stimulation is needed to induce a qualitative change in the relationship between siblings.

Qin Ming, the genius soul king who just joined the team, was a little shocked to see Davis and Gu Shoucheng's practice along the way.

Originally, Qin Ming, as a genius soul master famous all over the mainland, planned to teach the two younger generations, Davis and Gu Shoucheng, in terms of cultivation.

In the end, after we got to know each other...

Good guy, Gu Shoucheng is only 14 years old this year, and he has already stood on the steps of the Soul Sect.

Then how old will he be when he breaks through the soul king realm? 19?Or 18?

What's more, Gu Shoucheng's excellence is not only the level of soul power, but also his astonishing physique, and superb capture techniques, all of which made Qin Ming dumbfounded.

As for the younger Davis, Qin Ming already guessed from his name that he is the famous eldest prince of the Star Luo Empire.

It's just that this strength is completely inconsistent with the rumors, right? !

Although Davis has never lit up the soul ring, he can knock Gu Shoucheng, the fully armed soul sect, on the ground without activating the martial soul...

Is this reasonable?

However, Qin Ming is worthy of being recognized as a young genius in the original world line. This phenomenon of completely breaking the rules did not destroy his will to practice, but instead stimulated him to work harder, unwilling to let himself be compared by two juniors.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the soul guide carriage turned up.

At the same time, Davis could feel that Qin Ming recognized him more and more.

After all, the loyalty prompted by the system cannot be faked.

Qin Ming's loyalty to Davis has gradually increased to 50 points after reaching the 60 points of the same faction's standard at the beginning.

This is also the result of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce not having time to start cultivating him vigorously.

When the training resources promised by Davis on behalf of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce are gradually in place, and the construction of Shrek Academy gradually begins, Qin Ming's loyalty will usher in a wave of leaps.

On the speeding carriage, Davis ushered in his 13th birthday.

A 13-year-old chance to draw a card, he got an unexpected item card.

Item Card——[Sword Monument of Dugu Qiubai]

This is a stone tablet, without any martial arts cheats on it, but it records the lifelong swordsmanship concept of Dugu Qiubai, a ceiling-level swordsman in the gold system world.

This is definitely one of the most precious items in the gold game world, but unfortunately, it has no effect on the current Davis, or even the entire Star Luo camp.

Because the effect of transferring this treasure to the Douluo Continent is: when a swordsman at the peak of Transformation Realm observes this stele, he has a certain chance of breaking through the highest realm of swordsmanship - the Ultimate Realm.

For a swordsman like Sword Douluo who is only one step away from the ultimate state of the sword, this stele is more precious than a 10-year-old soul bone.But in Davis' camp, even Cheng Yue, the Xingluo Sword Master, is still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the ultimate state of swordsmanship.

Therefore, it is almost predictable that this treasure will be left in Davis's system warehouse for a long time.

After his 13th birthday, Davis and his party also arrived in Tiandou City.

Heaven Dou City is worthy of being the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, and its prosperity is even higher than Xing Luo City, which focuses on military defense.

After Davis entered the city, he didn't wander around. Instead, he asked Qin Ming to find a branch of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce in Tiandou City immediately, and bought a good mansion.

In Davis' plan, they would live in Heaven Dou City for quite a while.

After all, whether it is to experience the Great Soul Arena in Heaven Dou City, or to obtain the remaining celestial grasses from Dugu Bo's Ice and Fire Yinyi Eyes, it will take time.

After settling down, Davis went to the Great Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City, and started the ghost-faced sword hero's journey to challenge Heaven Dou City.

Before Davis challenged in the Great Soul Arena in Star Luo City, he basically picked out all the well-known masters of the level of Soul Master and Soul Sect, and his swordsmanship has also made great progress because of this.

It's a pity that the ghost-faced swordsman's reputation grew and his winning streak became higher and higher. There were fewer and fewer people who were qualified to match him and were willing to fight him.

Now in Heaven Dou City, there are a large number of opponents to choose from in the Great Soul Arena here, how can Davis not be excited about this?

Sure enough, the Great Soul Arena in Heaven Dou City did not disappoint Davis.

The last three sects are all within the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire. As the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, Tian Dou City actually has more and stronger young heroes than Star Luo City.

Davis only spent five short days in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, and saw many top, Advanced Martial Soul.

The level of these soul masters participating in the battle is above the soul king level, and they are basically the backbone of the major forces over the age of 30, but Davis still fights with one sword and one sword, and does not use soul ring skills to fight against them.

With the increase in Davis' winning streak, the legend of the ghost-faced swordsman began to spread in the Great Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City.

Compared with the Heaven Dou Empire, the cultivating families and sect forces of the Star Luo Empire are actually slightly inferior in general.

The reason why the Star Luo Empire has been able to maintain a slight advantage in so many years of seesaw and confrontation is because the martial arts in the country are stronger than Tiandou.

The Star Luo Empire is far ahead of Tiandou in terms of the army and regular training of soul masters, the research and development of ordinary ordnance, and the use of war soul tools.

Therefore, Davis, who has sealed his own martial spirit and soul skills, still encountered a lot of trouble if he wanted to compete with the geniuses of the previous generation with only sword skills.

Among them, the one who brought him the greatest crisis was a core member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.


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Chapter 52 Ghost-faced Swordsman VS Yu Yuanba


This is the fifth day of Davis's spirit fight in the Heaven Dou City Great Soul Arena as the "Ghost Face Swordsman".

There have been many famous soul kings defeated by him, but still no one can force him to use even the first soul skill.

If you don't use martial spirits or soul skills to fight, the damage from swordsmanship may be high, but the insult may be even stronger.

Many of those defeated opponents were once called geniuses. They really couldn't accept this reality, so after some discussion, they made a decision that went against their ancestors——

Defeat wall hangings with wall hangings.

Before the "ghost-faced swordsman" came to Tiandou City to fry fish, there was another tyrant in this field——the genius of the Blue Lightning Overlord Longzong, Yu Yuanba.

This person is the distant cousin of Yu Yuanzhen, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect. It is said that he is the son of the youngest elder of the Yu family in his 80s. There are not many people in Yu Xiaogang's generation who are younger than him.

This Yuyuanba is extremely talented, he is already a level 28 soul king at the age of 58, and he is even more talented in the dragon transformation skills unique to the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon martial soul.

The soul king-level Yu Yuanba can already perfectly control the dragon transformation with both arms and back wings. After the dragon transformation, Yu Yuanba's strength will at least increase by a large amount.

Such super-standard combat power has caused Yu Yuanba to basically not encounter decent resistance in the soul king level fighting spirit arena, so half a year ago, he had already switched to the soul emperor level, which is what the big soul fighting arena can allow. Competing at the highest level of competition.

Even in the Soul Emperor field, Yu Yuanba wins more than loses.

Now, those soul kings once again encountered an existence like Yu Yuanba who informed the arena.

In their eyes, the ghost-faced swordsman is even more excessive than Yu Yuanba, he doesn't even activate his martial soul!

So, one of them "genius" came up with an idea:

Encourage Yu Yuanba to have a fight with "Ghost Face Swordsman".

As for how to push?

That's too easy.

For an incomparable genius like Yu Yuanba, all he needs is someone to whisper in his ear, "A very powerful newcomer has come to the soul king level fighting field, and he can boast that he is invincible at the soul king level".

Even if Yu Yuanba knew that this was Gonghuo, he would definitely go.Because this not only represented his own pride, but also represented the glory of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's martial soul!

Therefore, on the fifth day after "Ghost Face Swordsman" appeared in the Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena, Yu Yuanba, known as "Thunder Prison Dragon King", challenged him.

Because it was the soul king challenging the soul king, there was no obstacle in this match.

What's more, the Great Soul Arena is absolutely looking forward to seeing this kind of "previous generation king VS new generation king" game. With a little simple operation, they can make a lot of money in their peripheral gambling games.

No matter who wins, the Great Soul Arena will never lose.

And Davis certainly had no reason to refuse.

The purpose of his coming here is to experience the joy of fighting against different soul masters, and to hone his bottlenecked swordsmanship.

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