After taking Xiao Huan Dan, the soul power that had just been promoted to level 14 soared again.

15 level

16 level


It wasn't until Davis's soul power reached the peak of level 16 that the growth rate of his soul power slowly slowed down and stopped before breaking through the 17th level.

A Golden Origin Fruit and a Small Returning Pill allowed Davis's soul power to break through level 5 in a row, directly saving him at least a year of training time.

He could feel that after the medicinal power of Jin Yuan Guo was completely absorbed by the body, there was an incomparably pure and sharp aura that quietly diffused into the limbs and bones.

The metallic nature of his martial soul became more and more pure after this baptism.

Perhaps, after cultivating a few metallic spirit rings, the metallic nature of his white tiger spirit could hopefully be upgraded to the ultimate gold.

Davis gradually stopped the operation of "Quanzhen Fa" and opened his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the soul master's 10 steps.

Even if the "Quanzhen Fa" was released, Davis originally expected to complete it in 2 years.

As a result, one meditation session helped him get up to level 5.

This is the joy of royal children.

Davis couldn't help but rejoice over his time-traveling identity. If he was only the godson of the village head Jack of Holy Soul Village, would he understand this kind of happiness?

Although it is far inferior to the fairy grass taken by the Shrek gang, which can increase the soul power of five or six levels per capita by taking it at level [-] or [-], such a result can already make Davis wake up laughing from his dreams .

He couldn't help but make a small comparison in his heart:

Davies, the great prince of the Star Luo Empire, the fraud sealer, 6 years old, level 16.

Dai Mubai, the third prince of the Star Luo Empire, is an aboriginal, 0 years old and 4 days old, and his spirit has not yet awakened.

O Doudou, my fish lip, looks at the gap like a sky, come and chase me!


Afterwards, under the arrangement of the maidservant, Davis took Li Yang, Zhu'er, and Pei'er, a total of four little ones, and moved them away from Jiuling Palace in a big cart.

In the carriage, Davis closed his eyes and rested his mind. In fact, he continued to practice the "Quanzhen Fa" to cultivate his soul power, hoping to reach the realm of walking, sitting and lying down as soon as possible.

Zhu'er and Pei'er were quietly massaging Davis, wanting to get a better look at the man their sisters would serve all their lives.

As for Li Yang, it was the first time to fulfill the lofty duty of protecting the lord, and he was sitting in front of the carriage, as if an assassin would leap out of the street in the next second and assassinate the eldest prince.

Even the groom who was driving the carriage thought it was funny with that tense look.

Of course, the groom would never dare to laugh.Although this young adult is extremely naive, he is a noble soul master, and even the personal bodyguard of the eldest prince.

It wouldn't be worth it to get him whipped if he got angry.

The other servants were looking after the luggage of more than a dozen large carts, and in the luggage cart following the prince's carriage sat Li Fu, the black tiger general who was famous in Xingluo City back then.

Until the convoy arrived at the Wanjin Villa in the suburbs, there were no setbacks on the way.

Li Fu opened his eyes and sighed.

"Patience is really good, it seems that the old man will have to worry about it in the future..."

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he entered Wanjin Villa without alarming anyone.

The prince's relocation this time was not only for the convenience of Davis' practice, but also designed by Empress Zhu Zitang and Li Fu as a trap for the power of the three princes and mother clan.

If Concubine Lian and the forces behind her see the eldest prince moving, and there are not many high-level soul master guards on the way, they may choose to assassinate impulsively.

After all, time is not on Dai Mubai's side.

Davis is not only extremely talented, he is also six years older than Dai Mubai, and his mother family is the Zhu family.

As far as the current situation is concerned, no one in the imperial capital will be optimistic about the newly born third prince.

If the people in the third prince's party wanted to counterattack, the only way to go was to assassinate them.

So the queen gave them this chance.

In this plan, in addition to the 89-level Contra Li Fu who sits in the convoy, there are four soul saints, 2 from the queen's command, the other 2 from the Zhu family, and the rest of the guards are soul kings and above.

As for why the Zhu family contributed?

Although no matter who is the crown prince, the daughter of the Zhu family must be the queen.

But don't forget-

If a prince is eliminated early, the Zhu family will save a daughter who was buried with him...

It's a pity that the hastily arranged killing scheme was too crude, and the opponent was considered an excellent hunter, so he wasn't fooled at all.

Chapter 6 "The Fa of the Whole Heart"

After staying in the Wanjin Villa, Davis went straight into the Wanjin Pavilion.

He wants to experience how much this top-level mimic training field can increase his training speed.

Wanjin Pavilion is a 20-meter-high single-storey building with a length and width of about 30 meters.

The whole body is composed of various metals and alloys, especially the whole building is surrounded by 33 giant metal columns in a special formation.

Each one is 1 meter thick.

Each giant pillar is connected to the essence of a small ore vein that has been moved deep in the ground.

33 metal ore veins, linked by building materials made of hundreds of alloys and silk threads, in the form of ancient soul guidance arrays recorded in ancient books, constituted this top-level metallic mimic training field.

Davis walked outside the door of Wanjin Pavilion, but still didn't feel anything unusual.

But the first second you stepped into the Wanjin Pavilion, you could find that the metallic energy scattered in the air was extremely active.

Trying to run the "Quanzhen Fa", it turned out to be about [-]% faster than before.

With the bonus of Wanjinge, it will definitely not take a year for Davis to reach level 20.


Davis has two months of free practice time.

Two months later, he needs to enter the Xingluo Royal Junior Soul Master School to learn various knowledge related to soul masters, soul beasts, and fighting souls, as well as basic abilities such as royal etiquette and history.

Although Davis only wanted to practice in closed doors, as a child of the royal family, he couldn't choose this point.

In the next two months, Davis spent more than 8 hours a day retreating in the Wanjing Pavilion and practicing the "Quanzhen Fa".

Fortunately, Davis has a high degree of fit with this internal skill.

In just seven days, Davis completed the practice of the first level of entry.

After getting started with internal strength, Davis fully felt the joy of practicing.

Most of the meditation methods on the Douluo Continent are boring and tedious to practice, but after practicing the "Quanzhen Fa", an authentic inner strength of Taoism, Davis felt warm all over his body, as if every pore was relaxing .

The level of a soul warrior corresponds to the first level of the "Quan Xin Fa", and not long after, two of the twelve scriptures were penetrated by the pure soul power cultivated in the "Quan Zhen Fa".

The cultivation speed of "Quanzhen Fa" has increased again, which is 15% faster than the secret "White Tiger Meditation Method" passed down by the royal family.

Do not underestimate this ratio.

You must know that "White Tiger Meditation Method" itself is already a rare high-quality meditation method in Douluo Continent.

And as the number of layers of Davies practicing the "Quanzhen Fa" increases day by day, the gap between "Quan Zhen Fa" and "White Tiger Meditation" will become wider and wider.

Accumulated over time, the most may be 95 to 96, or even 98 to 99, which is the crucial first-level soul power.

There are seven layers in the "Quan Xin Dharma", the first six layers are each layer, and for the two of the twelve scriptures, the seventh layer connects the twelve scriptures into a complete cycle, from then on the true energy will be self-generated and endless.

After being promoted to the third level, one can master the ability to walk, sit, lie down, and practice.

This kind of passive practice can probably have half the efficiency of active exercises.

In other words, the same 8 hours of practice time a day, Davis plus the 16 hours of passive "hanging up", the actual practice time is twice that of other people!

Of course, "Quanzhen Fa" is the introductory internal strength of Quanzhen Sect, and it has an upper limit.

After reaching the Soul Sage of the Seven Rings, this internal skill has basically reached its limit. Although it can still be used to cultivate soul power, it does not have much advantage compared with the local meditation method of Douluo Dalu.

However, the time before level 70 is enough for Davis to distance himself from his peers.

And with Davis' little red hand of the beluga, there are so many unique internal skills in the world passed on by the heroes of the gold series, are you afraid that you won't be able to get one of them?

After more than a month of practice, Davis's soul power broke through the bottleneck of level 16 and reached level 17.

At this time, it was only two months before Davis awakened his martial soul.

In addition to practicing, Davis has done another thing in the past two months——

Do business.

In the world of Douluo Continent, money, as currency, actually has an embarrassing status.

Things that are truly precious to high-level soul masters, such as soul bones, self-created soul skills, and high-year elixir, are difficult to buy with gold coins.

But for the children of the royal family, money can show its power in all aspects.

For example, building a country, training an army, researching and developing updated weapons, and so on.

And as a time-traveler, there are countless money-making projects in his mind.

And Davis's status as the eldest prince determines that even if he intervenes in some profit-making industries, as long as it is not banking, iron smelting, and weapon casting that may shake the country's foundations, no one else will be able to grab food from him.

So during the break, Davis formulated three business plans and asked Forber to find a trustworthy family to implement them.

The three business plans are:

winemaking scheme;

new restaurant plan;

Fine Jewelry Program.

Among them, except that the brewing plan is to a large extent referred to the hundreds of kinds of colorful wines in the world in the previous life, improved the brewing process of Douluo Continent, and combined the essence of the two worlds of Dixing and Douluo Continent. .

The other two plans only refer to the management model and design style of Earth Star.

Even if it is just like this, this brand new concept will bring unprecedented impact to the Douluo Continent, which has been standing still for thousands of years.

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