Then, Davis smashed the item card of [Da Huan Pill], and a fragrant dark golden elixir appeared in his hand.

When Dugu Yan saw this elixir, his expression was a little hesitant.

As soon as this mysterious elixir appeared, she just smelled the escaping fragrance, and she felt the pain in her chest relieved by three points.

No need to think about it, this kind of elixir is absolutely extraordinary, probably even more precious than the [Spirit Snake Three-Star Berry] that she took before.

"Open your mouth."

Davis had a slightly commanding tone, and the warm feeling of hugging her, made Dugu Yan subconsciously forget all his worries, and opened his mouth obediently.

Davies returned Dan to Duguyan's mouth tightly. Even though this little snake spirit was seriously injured, he was so mischievous that he licked his fingers with his tongue, and only curled his lips to calm down after being stared at severely.

The Da Huan Pill melts in the mouth, and immediately turns into a warm current, which disperses into Dugu Yan's internal organs, limbs and bones.

The shallow scar on the heart, under the action of this powerful drug, only lasted for a few breaths before it completely healed without leaving any trace.

But the medicinal power of Da Huan Dan is more than that.

Not long ago, Dugu Yan raised her to level 30 through the Spirit Snake Three Star Berry, and after Dugu Bo helped him obtain the third soul ring, the remaining medicinal power of the Spirit Snake Three Star Berry pushed her to level 33 again.

With this Great Returning Pill in his stomach, Dugu Yan's soul power began to increase again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

34 level

35 level

36 level

37 level

38 level

39 level


It wasn't until breaking through the 40th level limit that Dugu Yan's surging spirit power fluctuation gradually calmed down.

A huge green snake appeared behind Dugu Yan, it was the Jade Phosphorous Snake Emperor Wuhun exactly like Dugu Bo.

Originally, according to Dugu Bo's prediction, Dugu Yan would not be able to completely evolve his martial soul into the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor until after he was a soul sage.

Now the medicinal power of the Great Return Pill not only allowed Dugu Yan to break through level 7 in a row and reach the threshold of promotion again, it also allowed her to complete the most critical Wuhun evolution at least 30 levels ahead of schedule.

After such a big wave of nourishment, Dugu Yan's originally pale complexion quickly turned rosy.

But for some reason, she still couldn't lift her strength, and her whole body felt numb, so she could only lie in Davis' arms to rest.

How could Davis not know why?

Among the effects of [Jade Su Xin Sword Art], besides "Life and death together", there is also a "communication of mind".

Even Dugu Yan himself didn't notice the small thoughts, but in Davis' eyes, there was nothing to hide.

She just wanted to stay in his warm embrace for a while longer.

After a while, Dugu Yan's face turned even redder.

Because she also found out—

I can roughly feel Davis's heart, and I can also be felt by Davis.

Doesn't that mean that the subconscious idea of ​​wanting to be in his arms has been completely seen by that guy?

But Davis chose not to point her out. ....

The two of them clearly understood each other in their hearts, but neither of them wanted to expose it. They enjoyed this ambiguous private time and were unwilling to break this quietness.

It wasn't until the Shadow Leopard Contra at Li Fu's feet coughed up a mouthful of blood that the tenderness between the boy and girl was interrupted.

Old man Li Fu stomped on him angrily, this guy is too ignorant, can't he hold back this mouthful of blood for a while, and spit it out later?

His old man is happy to see it!

Although Li Fu had protected Xingluo Zhu's family for half his life, in terms of core interests, he must have maintained Zhu Zhuyun's authority as Davis's wife.

But as Davis' elder and protector, he also really likes the little girl Duguyan.

She is talented, innocent, daring to love and hate, and willing to sacrifice her life for her younger generation. Which elders would not like such a good girl?

After all, Li Fu is just an ordinary old man who protects the younger generation.

In the eyes of the old man, Davis must be the supreme emperor of the Star Luo Empire in the future. Isn't it a matter of course that three concubines and six concubines are so difficult?

What's more, the gang of scumbags in the Zonglaohui were about to fall apart by Davis, and Davis' future heirs would certainly not face that cruel situation of fratricide.

What's wrong with marrying more wives?

breaking the law?

It just happened to spread branches and leaves for Xingluo Dai's family.

The old man was enjoying watching the younger generation with strong affection, but he was interrupted by you, a captive, so unconscious!

The more Li Fu thought about it, the angrier he became, and he stomped Shadow Leopard Contra's foot fiercely. The unlucky guy couldn't hold back, and another big mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Okay, Grandpa Li Fu, if you stomp your feet again, this guy will die."

Davis hugged Dugu Yan, stood up, and interrupted the old man's thought of continuing to abuse the captives with a smile.

As for the Dugu Yan in his arms, after discovering Li Fu's presence, his face had already turned into an apple, and his whole head was buried in Davis's arms, refusing to lift it up to meet anyone.

But he refused to let go of the hands that were tightly wrapped around Davis' neck.

Davis looked at the purple-haired girl in his arms, his gaze was so gentle that he didn't look like an attack-type soul master with a white tiger spirit.

But when his eyes shifted to the shadow leopard Contra on the ground, he suddenly became fierce, and became the most tyrannical king in the world.

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 68 The Angry Dugu Bo


"Who is your superior in the Spirit Hall?"

Davis looked at the Shadow Leopard Contra who fell on the ground, there was no warmth in his eyes, and his tone made people feel like falling into an ice cave.

Shadow Leopard Contra struggled to raise his head, looked at Davis and wanted to defend:

"I'm not……"


Davis didn't have the patience to listen to his sophistry, and stepped on his knee wound that was severed by Li Fu.

"Who is your superior in the Spirit Hall?"

It was the same question, but the tone was colder than before.

"Do not……"


Davis' foot moved up half an inch and stomped down again.

Old man Li Fu pouted his lips as he watched from the sidelines.

Feelings, you let me be merciful, is it to save his dog's life to vent your anger on you?

This Shadow Leopard Soul Douluo can be considered a tough one, even if he is constantly being hurt, he is unwilling to reveal a little information.

But every time he said "no", Davis moved his foot up half an inch and stepped on it again. After a pair of thigh bones were completely shattered, Shadow Leopard Contra's will was on the verge of being broken.

At this moment, two black and white sword shadows flashed across Davis' eyes, piercing directly into the eyes of Shadow Leopard Contra.

The sword of divine sense!

This is the method of soul attack that Davis learned from "Lu Zu's Visualization Map". At present, it can only be used to attack people whose soul is weaker than his own, or people whose will is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, it is suitable to be used on Shadow Leopard Contra.

"I say……"

"It's the ghost elder..."

Those who can be called ghost elders by Contra of Wuhundian are ghosts.His martial soul is also called ghost, and he is Pope Bibi Dong's loyal confidant.

Titled Douluo of the 95-level control system, has a mole to make friends with Yueguan.The two can be regarded as Bibi Dong's "Heng Ha Second General".

Why is Bibi Dong's person?She should be busy receiving the forces in the Wuhun Hall at this time, and shouldn't be free to deal with herself.

Davis frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

"The assassination in Star Luo City a few years ago was also done by your people?"

"No, it's not...that was done by the previous pope."

"The assassination this time is because after Ghost Douluo fully took over the intelligence department, he discovered the information 7 years ago, and combined with the movement you made in Tiandou City, he decided to restart this assassination plan."

So it turns out that in the process of assisting Bibi Dong to take over the Wuhun Temple, he discovered that he was such a threat, so he cleared it in advance, right?

It seems that it was this Ghost Douluo who confronted Li Fu secretly just now and was repelled later.

Davis suddenly understood, and there was no need to ask questions alive.

He stepped down heavily, stepped on Shadow Leopard Contra's heart, and gave him a happy feeling.

After completely killing Shadow Leopard Contra, Davis had time to check the prompt in the system just now.

"Kill the soul saint with the strength of the soul emperor, and complete the achievement [leapfrog killing 1]."

"Reward: Martial Arts Card [Ice True Qi]."

"Kill Contra with the strength of the Soul Emperor and complete the achievement [Leapfrog Slash 2]."

"Award obtained: item card [Da Huan Dan]."

The rewards obtained by completing the two achievements happened to be useful to Davis.

Dugu Yan had just used the Great Returning Pill in stock, but it was replenished here unexpectedly, so I have to praise the thoughtfulness of the system. ....

As for the martial arts card [Ice True Qi], although it does not enter the peerless class, it can be regarded as an excellent choice for internal skills below the peerless class.

In Davis' camp, there is also the sniper Luo Zhiwei who lacks fundamental cultivation methods. This [Ice True Qi] has both control and attack, and it may transform her.

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