"As the Star Luo Empire grows stronger, their threat in the hearts of the higher-ups of the Spirit Hall will gradually increase, especially since Davis also killed an elder of the Spirit Hall."

"From another point of view, we Tiandou not only don't need to worry about the strength of Xingluo, but we should be thankful, because with the Xingluo Empire standing in front of us, we won't become the most unsightly target in the eyes of the Spirit Hall."

Emperor Xue Ye's eyes flashed, he looked at Ning Fengzhi and asked: "In the eyes of Sect Master Ning, the Spirit Hall is actually such a big threat?"

Emperor Xue Ye never dared to underestimate the Wuhun Palace.

Because everyone knows that Spirit Hall has the most high-level soul masters on the entire continent.

But he also didn't think that a religious organization like Wuhundian would subvert the rule of a great empire.In his heart, Wuhundian is at most an overly powerful religious organization.

Wuhundian is too powerful, it may have some influence on the rule of the empire, but it should not affect the continuation of the empire.

But Ning Fengzhi knew.

Through communicating with Sword Douluo, Ning Fengzhi learned a lot of information from Davis.

Including the terrifying true strength of Wuhundian, as well as Wuhundian's ambition to unify the continent that has never been extinguished.

This was also what Davis hoped to tell Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xue Ye through Jian Douluo's mouth.

Ning Fengzhi deeply believed in Davis' thoughts, so at this time he said the following words to Emperor Xue Ye:

"Wuhundian has borrowed gold coins from the two empires to favor a large number of low-level soul masters over the years. It has long been the most orthodox regime in the eyes of ordinary soul masters. Especially middle and low-level soul masters often only hear about Wuhundian. Don't hear about the two empires."

"As long as the current Pope Bibi Dong is willing, she can easily raise an army of tens of thousands of people, and every soldier in this army will be a soul master."

"At that point, if Bibi Dong wants to unify the mainland and build a huge empire... who can stop the further ambition of Spirit Hall?"

Ning Fengzhi's words shocked Emperor Xue Ye, as if being poured from head to toe by a basin of cold water.


This novel and terrifying vocabulary made Emperor Xue Ye stunned for a moment, but when he realized the meaning of this word, all his calm was suddenly broken, and even when he spoke, his lips trembled .

In fact, since Bibi Dong inherited the Pope, Spirit Hall's attitude towards the outside world has indeed become much tougher in recent years, but their identity as a religion has made the Heaven Dou Empire's vigilance.

At this time Ning Fengzhi used Davis' words to directly shatter Wuhundian's plan, which made Emperor Xue Ye no longer dare to take chances.

Seeing that Emperor Xue Ye realized the seriousness of the problem, Ning Fengzhi continued:

"Faced with such strength, no matter whether it is the Heaven Dou Empire or the Shang Sanzong, they are like a mantis holding a chariot, and will be defeated in one blow. In my opinion, there is only one person who can resist the Spirit Hall in the future..."

Who this person is, Ning Fengzhiming no longer needs to say.

Under Ning Fengzhi's persuasion, Emperor Xue Ye decided to form an alliance with the Xingluo Empire, and sent his most important prince, Xue Qinghe, to Xingluo to show his sincerity.

Chapter 100 The Reunion of Two Geniuses

Xue Qinghe, the eldest prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, is about to go on an envoy to Xingluo.

When Davis received the news from the palace and was appointed by Dai Zhen as the receptionist of the Star Luo Empire, responsible for receiving and protecting Xue Qinghe and his envoys in Star Luo City, the expression on his face was somewhat complicated. .

He passed the "Wuhundian ***" to Ning Fengzhi and Emperor Xueye through the mouth of Sword Douluo. It was originally just a free move, the purpose was just to prevent Wuhundian from stirring up Tiandou, The two countries of Xingluo are fighting.

Unexpectedly, his action of purging the elders' association and governing the local government would give Emperor Xue Ye such a sense of crisis.

What was even more unexpected was——

Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the upper three sects, clearly represented interests that were not completely consistent with those of the Heaven Dou Empire, but his persuasion to Emperor Xue Ye was unexpectedly so powerful.

After Ning Fengzhi's words, Emperor Xue Ye's sense of crisis had successfully shifted from targeting the Star Luo Empire and Davis himself to the Spirit Hall and Pope Bibi Dong.

This is how the eldest prince Xue Qinghe went to Xingluo as an envoy.

But except for Davis himself, no one knew that this candidate for the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, the eldest prince known for his wisdom, was actually the number one ghost placed in the Heaven Dou Empire by the Spirit Palace. .

At this time, it was too late for Davis to say to the Emperor Xue Ye who was far away in the sky: "There is an inner ghost, terminate the transaction."

Counting from time, Xue Qinghe, the real eldest prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, had already been murdered by Qian Renxue, and her identity was replaced by her.

She replaced the real Xue Qinghe at the age of nine, poisoned the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire at the age of 14, and the third prince at the age of 15, and now she is very deep in the spy business.

From the moment Emperor Xue Ye decided to send Xue Qinghe to Xingluo, Davis couldn't hide the change in his attitude towards Spirit Hall.

Therefore, this time, on behalf of the Star Luo Empire, the meeting with the Heaven Dou Empire delegation seemed to be peaceful on the surface, but in fact Davis was almost certain that there would be accidents.

This kind of public mission activity, Wuhundian wants to stir up the situation in it, don't be too simple.

[The great prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe, came here in peace, but was assassinated by outlaws in Star Luo City, escaped back to Heaven Dou after narrowly escaped death, and then triggered a war between the two countries...]

When the play was created, Davis could write a hundred chapters a day.

Davis didn't know if the people in Wuhundian would do this, but he knew that if he changed places, he himself would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Therefore, how to receive Xue Qinghe (Qian Renxue) has become a big problem.

After Davis took over the task of receiving Xue Qinghe, he returned to Wanjin Villa and thought in secret.

The high-end combat power in his hands at this time, in addition to himself and Li Fu's two Titled Douluo level combat power, there are also two Contras, Niu Gao and Cheng Yue.

And after the White Tiger Army absorbed the remnants of the Zonglaohui, among the current 1 soul masters, there was 7 Contra, 40 soul saints, and more than [-] soul emperors.

Among the guests of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, there are 1 Contra, 2 Soul Saints, and more than 50 Soul Emperors.

In addition, the royal guards entrusted to him by Dai Zhen are still under the control of Davis. Among them are 2 Contras, 11 Soul Saints, and over a hundred Soul Emperors.

The sum of these four forces should be enough to resist the apparent assassination.

After all, Wuhundian will only make the illusion of "assassinating Xue Qinghe", and it is impossible to really go out and kill Qian Renxue who pretends to be Xue Qinghe.

This is the real princess of Wuhundian, who enshrines Qian Daoliu's favorite jewel. It may be okay to be scratched during the assassination, but any titled Douluo who dares to seriously injure her may be killed by Qiandaoliu after returning to Wuhundian. Daoliu peeled off the skin.

Before the arrival of Xueqinghe, Davis divided the four forces in his hands into light, dark, far and near, and arranged them on the way Xueqinghe passed in Star Luo City, ensuring that after the accident, the troops deployed in other areas can be Rescue the scene in the shortest possible time.

As for him and Li Fu, as the highest combat power on the chessboard, of course, after Xue Qinghe entered Xingluo City, he would protect them with him, and try to suppress the unexpected situation as soon as possible.


Half a month later, the Heaven Dou Empire mission arrived in Star Luo City.

Davis had received the news earlier and was leading the people from the Tiance Mansion to greet him outside the city.

When the mission arrived, Davis immediately checked the soul masters in the mission with his powerful soul perception ability.

The strongest among them are the two Contras.

There is no Title Douluo.

It seems that the two titled Douluo, "Snake Spear" and "Porcupine Dolphin", who are closely protecting Xue Qinghe (Qian Renxue), are not hiding in the mission.

I don't know if he was secretly protecting from a distance, or he heard the order from the Wuhun Temple to make room for the upcoming "assassination"?

Xue Qinghe got down from the frame, and formally met Davis who was welcoming him at the gate of the city.

At this time, both of them felt a lot of sighs in their hearts.

In fact, both of them knew that this was the second time they met in their lives. The last time was when they met when they were young, when they obtained the soul ring in the Star Dou Forest.

At that time, they thought each other: the other party is the existence in this world whose talent is second only to their own, and will also be their own worst enemy.

Nearly ten years have now passed.

Qian Renxue practiced higher than Davis.In the original world line, she sacrificed a lot of training time in order to complete the spy mission of Wuhundian.

But in this world, with the encouragement of such a potential rival as Davis, Qian Renxue's practice has become a lot harder.

Although she has not yet reached the same soul saint level as Davis, she is already a peak soul emperor. With Qian Renxue's talent, breaking through to soul saint is just around the corner.

The original genuine innate talent of level [-] soul power is just so terrifying.

However, due to a series of karma, Davis now possesses strength comparable to that of a Titled Douluo as a Soul Sage.

Coupled with his status as the prince of Xingluo, it is enough to stir up troubles in the mainland.

This is much more majestic than Qian Renxue, the prince of Tiandou in the open, and the princess of Wuhundian in secret.

The difference between the two of them back then has been completely reversed after so many years. This can be regarded as a kind of impermanence in life.

On behalf of their respective countries, the princes of the two countries had a friendly exchange of evil intentions.

The two young vixens can be said to be rivals in chess, and they will meet good talents.By the time the two walked into Star Luo City together with mutual humility, they had already called each other "Brother Xue" and "Brother Dai".

"Brother Dai, I originally thought that Tiandou City was already the most prosperous city on the mainland, but I didn't expect your Star Luo City to surpass it in terms of commercial prosperity. It really opened my eyes."

Davis shook his head when he heard the words, and said to Xue Qinghe solemnly:

"If you want to talk about the most prosperous city, it has to be Wuhun City. It's just that ordinary people who are not soul masters can't enter, so it doesn't have a good reputation on the mainland."

Hearing Davis' answer, Xue Qinghe's footsteps obviously paused, and then quickly returned to normal.

"Brother Dai has been to Wuhun City?"

Xue Qinghe asked curiously.

"I haven't been there, it's not the right time yet."

Davis shook his head, turned his head to look into Xue Qinghe's eyes, and said jokingly:

"However, one day there will be."

Xue Qinghe was stimulated by the seeming aggression in Davis's eyes, and couldn't help asking a question that shouldn't be asked:

"Brother Dai said the right time, when is it?"

"Is it the time when you are invincible and have no scruples anymore?"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the two people stopped walking side by side at the same time, and the atmosphere in the field froze for a moment.

Xue Qinghe secretly groaned in his heart.

Provoked by Davis's contemptuous attitude, she was furious for a moment, and she actually said this sentence from the perspective of Wuhundian, which is completely incompatible with Xue Qinghe's identity.At first glance, Davis is a little vixen who is well-versed in human feelings and insightful. He doesn't look like a 16-year-old youth in his words and deeds, but don't let him see the flaws.

But Davis certainly wouldn't debunk her.

At this time, it would be beneficial and harmless for him and the Star Luo Empire to break the table with Wuhundian, so even if Xue Qinghe exposed such obvious problems, he still acted nonchalantly.

Instead, he chose to pass the steps to the foot of "Xueqinghe".

"Haha, brother Xue is too famous, I dare not say that he is invincible."

"However, Wuhun City has the most and strongest masters in the world. When one day my strength progress is hindered, I may choose to go there and challenge those masters as a source of self-improvement."

A person who is cultivating a madman and a martial idiot is easier to dispel Qian Renxue's scruples than a young and mature prince.

Sure enough, after hearing this, "Xue Qinghe" no longer had doubts, smiled and continued to walk forward.

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