Just at this moment, Davis unexpectedly felt that the minds of him and the "enemy" in front of him seemed to be drawn a lot closer by the bright moon in the sky.

Being Xing Luo's prince is of course tiring, but to be a prince who changed Xing Luo, changed the world, and changed the fate of many people like him is more than a word can describe.

Although there is a golden finger system by his side, he still needs to rely on himself for real practice, battle, and strategy.

To abolish the anti-human system of the Zonglaohui, to beware of the powerful Wuhun Temple, and to be wary of the black-hearted king who is likely to rise in the future...

Even Davis knew that after breaking out from the Slaughter Capital and gaining combat strength comparable to that of a Title Douluo, the pressure was only slightly relieved.

And as a visitor from another world, the loneliness in Davis' heart has never been humane.

Even the closest parents and lovers cannot confide in this feeling of loneliness.

But at this time, he actually confided a little bit to the enemy Qian Renxue:

"I wasn't so tired at first, it's just that I want a little more, so the more I live, the more tired I am."

Yes, all the burdens on Davis now are added by himself.

In fact, with Davis' talent and Golden Finger's ability, as long as he cultivates with peace of mind, even with Tang San's help, Dai Mubai will not be able to snatch the crown prince from him in the future.

But he is not happy.

He didn't like to watch the tragedy of Xingluo's princes fighting for generations, he didn't like to watch the process of the two countries killing and injuring countless people in order to resist the Wuhun Temple, and he didn't like to watch the distorted world after the order was changed by the victor.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the peak for a walk and take a look.

He wants the world to be the shape he wants it to be.

Therefore, on the way for Davis to reach this ultimate goal, all those who may hinder him are his enemies.

In just a few words, Qian Renxue clearly felt how heavy the loneliness was in the heart of this young genius looking down on the world.

She actually felt a sense of sympathy.

It's a pity that the identity of Princess Tiandou "Xue Qianqian" she said and her own life experience are all fake. This makes Qian Renxue, who has always been scheming and plans before acting, feel guilty. For the first time, she has the opportunity to confess everything impulse.

Of course, that's impossible.

Thus, from Qian Renxue's mouth, a processed life experience was revealed.

Since she was a child, her father had no time to pay attention to her, and her mother cared more about other people's children, but she was indifferent to her. Only an elder in the family discovered her talent and cultivated her carefully.

In order to be able to inherit the throne without any risk, she did many things that made her feel disgusting. Now the youngest brother fears her like a tiger, and her uncle regards her as an enemy.


The life that Qian Renxue talks about belongs to both Qian Renxue and Xue Qinghe's identity.

During these years of spy career, many things have been intertwined in her mind, and she even no longer remembers whether some memories belong to Qian Renxue or Xue Qinghe.

And it was only a teenage girl who took on all of this.

She should have existed as a little princess among the most powerful forces in the entire continent, and should have been the saint of the stars in the Wuhun Hall, but she was sent to other countries by her biological mother who hated her to do the most miserable work. Spy work.

And the woman who abandoned her own daughter is now sitting on the high position of the pope, playing ridiculous tricks with her disciples.

don't you have a daughter

Why did you abandon your own daughter, but feel like mother and daughter with other people's daughter?

This is the question Qian Renxue wants to ask Bibi Dong every time she sees her.

Does she hate Bibi Dong in her heart?

Presumably hate.

But does she still love Bibi Dong, the mother, in her heart?

Hate comes from not being able to love, and if there is no love, how can there be hatred?

Davis and Qian Renxue were talking like this. There may be many lies in their words, but their attitudes when they spoke were extremely sincere.

Every sentence is not yourself, and every sentence is yourself.

Finally, Qian Renxue asked Davis a question:

"What do you plan to do with your third brother in the future?"

Davis gave her a strange look, and asked back, "How can you use the word dispose of your own family? The world is so big, isn't there a place for him?"

"He can go wherever he wants!"

"If you want to go out and make a living, you should make a good name for my Xingluodai family."

"If you want to go home, then go back to Xingluo and become my general. What's the problem?"

Davis' tone was very flat, as if what he said was a perfectly normal thing, but this kind of flatness required infinite self-confidence to support.

Only if he has the absolute confidence that he can control the situation of the Star Luo Empire under any circumstances, can he say such words of letting Dai Mubai choose where he wants to go.

The general trend is with me, no matter what you choose, it doesn't matter.

This is the strong self-confidence that Davis has gradually cultivated through his practice and struggle to this day.

Moreover, Dai Mubai from the original world line is indeed not a wolf-hearted person, on the contrary, his loyalty is recognized by the Shrek Seven Devils.

After the eradication of the Elder Association, the news that Concubine Lian Gui was still in the world also spread, and it must have reached Dai Mubai's ears by this time.

His ridiculous hatred for Davis is probably gone long ago, and some of it may only be guilt.

Davis's boldness made Qian Renxue's heart arouse a burst of unyielding pride.

Since you Davis can accommodate Dai Mubai, then I will also leave a way for Xue Beng to survive in the future.

Although Xue Beng is not really her family, after all, she has been her eldest brother for so many years, and she has also taught Xue Beng to write and ride horses...

And what Qian Renxue needs is the throne of Heaven Dou, there is no need to have trouble with that dude Xue Beng.

In addition to life experiences, Qian Renxue also chatted with Davis about many other things.

Talk about business and personal matters, such as their swordsmanship, Davis's two lovers, Qibao Liulizong with whom both of them have a close relationship, and worries about bandits in the border areas of the two countries...

The two even made an agreement that after they left Snow Valley, they would join hands to advance the two countries to form a coalition to clear up the increasingly serious banditry in the border area.

At the end of the chat, the two people who were not sleepy at first fell into a light sleep.

It wasn't until the sky turned bright that the two woke up from sleep one after another.

Chapter 107 Red Blood Punishes God Light

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight came, Davis and Qian Renxue opened their eyes one after another.

Qian Renxue took a long-lost sleep to relax her body and mind. She couldn't help stretching, but inadvertently showed her perfect curves to Davis' eyes.

After the previous battle and the communication last night, Davis was no longer a stranger to Qian Renxue, and he did not avoid the welfare of the beautiful woman, but appreciated it generously.

Qian Renxue noticed Davis' slightly scorching eyes, and gave him a reproachful look, but she wasn't really annoyed.

She looked at Davis with a smile in her eyes, and the depths of her eyes were full of fighting spirit, and asked:

"Brother Dai, are you ready?"

Davis smiled, held the golden sword in his hand, and followed the footwork of "A Thousand Miles in a Flicker". After flying out like a swan goose, he left his answering voice in place:

"I've been looking forward to fighting with Brother Xue again all night!"

Qian Renxue smiled again, but didn't say anything more. At the same time, the golden wings on her back fluttered and flew high into the sky, catching up with Davis' walking figure.

Next, it will be a bitter battle between them and the Wild Cyclops King, but both Davis and Qian Renxue are full of confidence in themselves.

Never lacking the confidence to win, this is the characteristic of the same peerless genius.

The two were one in front of the other, one was flying in the sky, the other was galloping on the ground, and soon arrived at the rocky mountain where the wild Cyclops tribe lived.

This time, the Wild Cyclops King did not sleep deep in the ground, but lay on the top of the mountain, so he found their tracks immediately.

"Human reptiles, you dare to seek death!"

The savage Cyclops King, over 30 meters tall, stood on the top of the rocky mountain, like an additional small peak protruding from the top of the mountain. His bloodshot one eye was staring at Davis and Qian Renxue. two people.

On the skin of the giant's bronze-colored chest, there was only a shallow gash, and no blood could even be seen.

The almost fatal injury Davis caused to it two days ago has almost healed!

The recovery ability of this kind of tyrannical wild soul beast race is really amazing.

An angry roar came from the rocky mountain, followed by a huge rock thrown by the Wild Cyclops King.

The target locked by the boulder is——Qian Renxue in the air.

Although being injured by Davis made the Wild Cyclops King angry, but it was inferior to others. In the eyes of the Wild Cyclops King, it was not worth being too angry. Just look for a chance to win and come back.

But just yesterday, its most important clansman was hunted down by Qian Renxue, a "female weakling", with a sneak attack, and his soul ring and soul bone were also plundered.

This made the Wild Cyclops King's anger towards Qian Renxue suddenly surpassed that of Davis by ten times.

With the terrifying arm strength of the Wild Cyclops King, even though it was a huge boulder weighing tens of thousands of catties, it was thrown out at the terrifying speed of a siege crossbow.

Although the flying boulder was huge, its speed was so fast that even Qian Renxue almost didn't realize it, until the boulder was within one meter of her, and she narrowly escaped with her wings.


The Wild Cyclops King was fine and wanted to knock down Qian Renxue with just this flying rock, but when the blow missed, its anger increased again, and with a roar, all the Wild Cyclops on the entire rocky mountain were summoned.

Perhaps it was the last time Davis was under Wuhunzhen's body, and the swordsmanship manipulated by the "White Tiger Imperial Sword" really threatened it with death. This time, the Cyclops King did not intend to deal with Davis alone. up.

It wants to use human sea tactics to submerge those two annoying human reptiles!

Hundreds of savage Cyclops swarmed up and filled the entire area, but they were easily avoided by the nimble Davis and Qian Renxue.

"Catch the thief first and catch the king!"

Davis shouted to Qian Renxue in the sky, and then activated the second soul skill "Golden Feather Assault", turning into a beam of light, and rushed towards the wild Cyclops King at top speed.

Qian Renxue, who was flying in the air, also activated her first soul skill "Angel Strike" after being reminded by Davis. The giant king outside flew away.

For a moment, Davis and Qian Renxue turned into two golden streamers, one from a high altitude and the other from a low altitude close to the ground, respectively passing through the entire battlefield.

In the process of rushing, the two of them activated their boosting skills at the same time.

Including Qian Renxue's new Wuhun avatar.

Of course, Qian Renxue has the disguise effect of an angel spirit bone, and what is revealed under the spirit avatar is not an angel, but a swan with golden feathers all over.

Fighting against the Wild Cyclops King, or being surrounded by hundreds of ordinary Wild Cyclops, Davis and Qian Renxue did not dare to have any luck, and had to use their full strength immediately.

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