"Mr. Scamander, how do you know that His Majesty Dracula will be fine? This place is several thousand meters above the sky!" He still asked with some concern, "And I'm not afraid of your jokes, I'm actually not worried about Dracula the most Pull Your Excellency, but my own life..."

"Look, the operation of this Muggle car looks so complicated, neither of us can drive it. If Lord Dracula falls from here, there is a high probability that we will not survive..."

Chapter 140 IX The Invincible Andros

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"This giant is... the Patronus Charm?"

Newt looked at the patron saint who seemed to be as tall as Mount Olympus, and murmured.

Abertel was already in shock when he saw this otherworldly scene in front of him, but when he heard Newt's words, he almost popped his eyes out.

"Malaka! You tell me it's a Patronus?!"

He stared at the tall silver-white giant, and couldn't believe that a Patronus could reach such an exaggerated size.

"I don't know..." Newt also shook his head in a daze, "I just inferred from the appearance, color and characteristics of this giant. Except for size, it is the same as the Patronus in every way ...but I'm still not sure it's a Patronus."

"It shouldn't be the Patronus... the size is too outrageous." Alberto shook his head again and again, making it clear that he didn't believe Newt's judgment.

However, at this time, seeing the reactions of Newt and Albertel, Dracula raised the corners of his lips in a funny way:

"There is nothing unbelievable, this is the Patronus Charm!"

"What?!" Albertel was shocked, "Don't scare me, Mr. Dracula... how could there be such a big patron saint? You must be joking with me, right?"

"No, it seems that there has been a Patronus as big as a giant in history..." Newt said suddenly, interrupting Albertal's astonishment, "I remember a very famous wizard a long time ago—"

"He's called Andros the Invincible!"

"You mean the invincible Andros?"

The two said almost in unison.

"However, Mr. Scamander..." Albertel wiped the sweat from his bald forehead, "Even though I would like to believe in our great wizard in ancient Greece, even if it is an existence like Andros, Can't cast a Patronus the size of a mountain either?"

"Who knows what happened in the past." Newt murmured softly.

Immediately, he suddenly opened a button on the top of his old-fashioned suitcase, and shouted to the inside:

"Teddy, help me get the chocolate frog card Rove left in your nest!"

"You are..." Alberto looked at Newt puzzled.

"It suddenly occurred to me that my little grandson likes to collect chocolate frog pictures, and he has a set of pictures that has been collected and secretly hidden by Nixie." Newt explained with a smile, "There is a set of pictures about the invincible Anne. Dros' card."

Not long after, a small yellow paw poked out from a gap in Newt's old-fashioned suitcase.

The little paw deftly pawed along the crack of the suitcase, found another button, and flicked it up.

Then, another same little paw reached out of the box, lifting the suitcase up a notch.

A small animal with a long mouth like a duckling, shiny black eyes, and covered with black down poked its head out of the box.

"Is this a sniff?" Albertel moved his head curiously.

"Yeah, Teddy is quite a senior, and even helped me steal the blood alliance from Grindelwald back then." Newt's eyes flashed a flash of reminiscence, and he stretched out his hand to caress the black fluff on his body.

"Ah, this is the legendary Niffler from back then." Albertel looked at the Niffler in Newt's arms with reverence.

"Have you brought the things I asked you to bring?" Newt gently stroked the head of Xixiu, with an involuntary smile like an old mother on his face, and said gently.

Snuff Teddy nodded proudly.

Newt stretched out his hand, wanting to take out the chocolate frog card that Rove left behind from the pocket in front of Nixie's stomach.

As a result, Teddy grabbed his stomach, and in turn stretched out a small paw to Newt.

Newt shook his head with a grin, took out two gold coins from his pocket and stuffed them into Sniff's little paws.

Xixiu's little paw was not big enough to grab two gold coins at once, so Teddy had to lift the other little paw covering his pocket, and held the two gold coins handed over by Newt. between the two paws.

Taking this opportunity, Newt reached into the front pocket of Niffler's stomach and pulled out a whole set of chocolate frog cards.

These pentagonal pictures with squiggly characters are blue in color as a whole, and what attracts the sniff is mainly the shiny gold frame around the pictures and the gold border on the periphery.

Newt and Albertel searched separately in the chocolate frog card, and after a while, Albertel was the first to find the great wizard from ancient Greece—the invincible Andros.

"Andros the Invincible (dates unknown): Said to be the only known wizard capable of casting a giant-sized Patronus."

Abertel read to the chocolate frog card in his hand.

"This card only introduces so much, and there is no other more recorded." He shrugged at Newt, "A patron saint the size of a giant does not mean a patron saint the size of a mountain, right? "

"Does Professor Dracula know who summoned this patron saint?" Newt frowned slightly, looking at Dracula in the driver's seat.

"It's the Andros you guessed." Dracula, who had watched the play for a long time, raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

"It really is the invincible Andros?!" Abertel changed his questioning attitude before, and his expression became very excited, "I said, we Greece must be saved, even an invincible figure like Andros is still alive." Alive! Wow, he is so invincible!"

"I don't know if Andros is invincible or not. Anyway, I know he must be very happy..."

Dracula's faint voice came from the front seat.

A rare look of envy appeared in the eyes of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

"I really don't know how that guy's brain circuit is so long. After such a long time, this patron saint is getting bigger and bigger." Dracula muttered to himself.

Unknowingly, the silver car landed on the ground as smooth as water.

Dracula, Newt, and Albertel got out of the car together and stepped on the ground, causing circles of ripples like water waves.

In front is a group of buildings with a strong ancient Greek style, most of which are built of hard stones, almost seamless.

The dignified and elegant roof and flat ground are connected by many stone pillars. The stone pillars are stacked with drum-shaped blocks, and the blocks are connected with mortise and tenon or metal pins.Even the walls are made of stone blocks, flat and fine, with tight joints.

The entire building complex is extremely tall and magnificent, full of vicissitudes of history.

The silver light shines on the pure white stones, creating a majestic and magnificent sense of shock.

Anyone who faces this group of buildings will feel their own insignificance. However, if compared with the silver-white giant next to the building, even such a tall and magnificent building group is like the contrast when humans face this group of buildings. .

Unlike sitting in the car and flying high in the sky before, you can barely see the whole picture of the giant.

Standing on the ground now, one can only see a pair of extremely abstract silver-white feet of the giant, and even only the side that looks like a high wall, but not the top of the feet.

If the silver-white giant is the only light source in this world, then there seems to be an aura that can annihilate the light source in the building complex, and it is impossible to see what exists behind the empty stone pillars.

But whenever the line of sight wants to go deep into the interior of the building, people will always feel a sense of heartache.

Of course, Dracula is not included in this list.

Not only did he look into the building, he even wanted to go in.

"Hey - Andros, where are you?" Dracula walked into a stone temple and shouted loudly.

A puff of black air emerged from the temple, circling around him, as if trying to corrode the tourist who stepped into the building without authorization.

Dracula glanced at the black air, slapped it away, and exited the temple.

Then, he walked to the next building.

Just after he turned around three or four buildings, a tall man wearing a white dress similar to a wrap robe with his shoulders bare walked over from a distance.

"Ah, Dracula, my old friend!" He laughed loudly, stretched out his arms, and hugged Dracula, "We

It's been a long time since I saw you! "

The tall man has long red curly hair tied in a braid at the back and a silver band around his forehead to hold the curls in place.

Chapter 150 Despicable Haierbo

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The conversation between Dracula and Andros just now was actually conducted in ancient Greek.

There is a big difference between ancient Greek and modern Greek——

During the classical Greek period, the various dialects at that time were collectively referred to as ancient Greek.Gradually, these dialects underwent linguistic homogenization, forming Common Greek, the common language in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and later evolved into Middle Greek.

Since then, modern Greek has been divided into two main types, informal popular Greek and formal pure Greek.Modern Standard Greek is largely a descendant of Vulgar Greek and retains some features of Proper Greek.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Albertel, a modern Greek, not to understand ancient Greek.

And Dracula, a guy who has lived for more than 1000 years, has learned most of the common languages ​​​​in the world without knowing it.

In order not to miss the fun around the world, he often uses the language of the place when he talks to anyone, which can be regarded as well-intentioned...

"Dracula, my old friend, who are these two people?" Andros asked enthusiastically, "Besides you, this is the first time I see outsiders here!"

"An interesting Magizoologist, and a Greek," Dracula said casually. "I'm mostly interested in the Magizoologist, and the Greek is incidental."

Albertel next to him didn't understand what Dracula was saying at all, showed a polite smile, and nodded confidently to Andros.

"Uh, have all of us in Greece become like this?" Andros looked at Albertel with a shiny forehead, subconsciously stroked his hair, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hmm...he might be considered a special case?" Dracula said casually, "Most of the Greeks I see are still very handsome. He may have bald because he is worried about the Greek magic world."

A clear emotion suddenly flashed in Andros' eyes, and then he sighed deeply.

"Sure enough, the wizarding world here still inevitably declines?" he sighed.

Dracula frowned, his eyes moved slightly: "How do you feel... You don't seem surprised by the decline of the Greek magic world?"

"Well, I'm not really surprised." Andros said softly, "But let's deal with Hai Erbo's matter first, and I will explain the rest to you later."

Dracula nodded slightly, then turned to look at Newt and Albertel.

"Mr. Scamander, Minister Albertel, please wait for us here for a few minutes." He smiled at the two of them, "The buildings here are quite artistic, you can take a stroll around , as long as you don’t step inside the building.”

After Newt and Albertel nodded, Dracula and Andros walked side by side into the depths of the complex, looking for the wizard that Andros had guarded for 2000 years...

Hai Erbo was a dark wizard in ancient Greece. Throughout the history of the magic world, he was a pioneer and leader in the field of black magic. Basilisk" wizard.

It was because Salazar Slytherin unintentionally acquired the inheritance left by Haierbo that he slowly became obsessed with black magic when he got older, unable to extricate himself.

Because of Haierbo's evil reputation in the field of black magic, he can be regarded as notorious, and he was even called "Despicable Haierbo" by his contemporaries.

"So... is Hai Erbo secretly hiding now?" Dracula asked, looking at the various ancient Greek buildings around him.

"That's right." Andros shrugged. "That coward Hai Erbo fought like a raging fire with me just now. As soon as he sensed someone coming in, he didn't know where he shrank."

"But I'm even more surprised now that after all these years, you haven't found a solution to him?" Dracula rubbed his brows inexplicably, "I won't ask why you've been so happy this time, I just want to know... are you willing to play peek-a-boo with Haierbo all this time?"

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