"I agree with this point, some wizards are simply boring." Dracula nodded approvingly, "But you haven't told me the most important thing—why doesn't this rune snake attack the basilisk? ?”

"This is because before I went down to the inside of the cave, I saw the rune snake with its middle head sticking out at the front." Newt explained, "When the illusionist in the middle is the leader, the rune snake is very aggressive. low."

"If it wasn't for the basilisk threatening him too much, I even doubt that he would suddenly go into a daze."

"Is that so..."

Dracula looked at the rune snake, which was paralyzed on the ground, and had been in a daze for an unknown time, and then turned his head to look at the basilisk, which was full of grievances and stuck in the ground, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

So, he snapped his fingers silently, and used the transfiguration technique to restore the ground where the basilisk fell to its original state, and rescued the basilisk from the ground.

Afterwards, Dracula thought for a while, and cast two more healing spells on the basilisk and the rune snake.

"It's true that I blamed them wrong just now." He said to Newt, "Now that I've treated them, there shouldn't be any major problems."

Speaking, Dracula looked at the two big snakes in turn.

"Do you have any other questions?" he asked in a "gentle" tone.

Hearing Dracula's icy tone that was gentle on the surface but actually made the air drop a few degrees, the huge bodies of the rune snake and the basilisk couldn't help shivering, and then began to shake their heads non-stop.

The basilisk shook its head better, but the three-headed rune snake was a little funny.

The three heads have three different thoughts, and there is no tacit understanding at all. They can only shake around each other in a disorderly manner. There is often a phenomenon that one head bumps into another head, and even the neck behind the middle head and the right head almost hits. Knot...

Rune snake three brains

The peace that had been kept in Newt's suitcase for decades was almost shattered today!

The messy movements of these three big heads made Newt terrified. He hurried to the rune snake and tried his best to calm their emotions.

After finally calming down the three heads, Newt turned around and saw Dracula standing behind him watching the scene with great interest.

"Uh, Professor Dracula, otherwise you can go outside to admire other magical animals."

After deliberating for a long time, Newt thought of a way to tactfully drive Dracula away, "I can handle this well, so I don't need to trouble you to help here."

However, Dracula is quite ignorant of himself, completely unaware that he has been rejected, and is still watching the show with great interest.

"I'm just looking at these two big guys, where did Nagini go?" He asked Newt while looking around in the cave.

"It should be on the other side of the cave?" Newt guessed. "Another normal-sized rune snake is on the other side. Nagini should be with her."

Dracula nodded slightly, and walked to the other end of the cave.

After walking a few steps, he saw a twelve-foot-long adder staying with a six-seven-foot-long rune snake, making a "hissing" sound from time to time, obviously happily using the snake's old tongue. communicating.

As Newt said, the other rune snake was indeed a normal size, with a brown leather hood covering the right side of its head.

The position of the mouth on the right side is firmly sealed by the hood, which completely eliminates the possibility of "critics" commenting on the behavior of the middle and left side of the head.

Now, it is the head in the middle that is communicating with Nagini. The two snakes seem to be freely talking about the past and imagining the future.

"These two snakes seem to be getting along quite happily and don't need any adjustments." Dracula called back to Newt, "So do you need any help from me, Mr. Scamander?"

"No need, Professor Dracula, I can handle it alone!" Newt shouted quickly, "Nagini and Mr. Basilisk will be assigned to two suitable areas to settle here!"

"Well, you're a professional."

Dracula shrugged, and flew away from the dark cave a little bored.

He roamed aimlessly in different environments, watching the different postures of magical animals in different ecology, and his mind drifted to the distance unconsciously...

On a lonely island, under a tall guardian tree, a few slender green tree-bending hunchbacks looked curiously at this silver-haired figure floating over.

Dracula leaned on the tree, his wine-red eyes flickered slightly, and a memory belonging to Nagini's past quietly appeared in his sight——

He still remembered that in the memories detected from Viper's eyes, besides the early days of Momo Lake, there were some other very interesting contents.

After Nagini's consciousness belonging to the Viper completely became complete, he experienced an unknown number of years alone in the Albanian forest.

Until one day, a remnant soul that has been stripped of its body, worse than a ghost, and more fragile than the humblest wandering soul quietly appears, and this forest has an unexpected visitor.

That was Voldemort who died under his own Killing Curse!

Voldemort's state is too weak, so that he can only parasitize on various small animals, absorbing the few vitality in animals.

Until one day, Voldemort found Nagini.

As Voldemort's favorite snake, Nagini also possesses wisdom that is not inferior to others, which makes him very satisfied.So Voldemort didn't absorb the life force from Nagini, but instead made friends with the adder.

Chapter 150 Eight Pear Blossoms

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In theory, Voldemort really has no reason to go to Albania to hibernate.

Ravenclaw's diadem had long been taken from a hollow tree in the forest by the young Tom Riddle, who later made it into a Horcrux, which remained in existence for decades. Displayed in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts.

So he didn't come to Albania to find his Horcrux.

In addition, according to Nagini's memory, as Voldemort's only friend during hibernation, she did meet him in this forest after Voldemort died in Godric's Hollow.

In other words, Voldemort did not know the existence of Nagini before.

Nor did Voldemort come to Albania in search of his fellow Vipers.

In this way, there is likely to be something in this forest in Albania that can attract Voldemort, allowing him to drag a remnant soul that is worse than a ghost and weaker than a wandering spirit, and come here from a long distance.

What would that thing be?

Dracula frowned and remained silent for a long time.

He really couldn't imagine that there is anything worth paying attention to in this ordinary forest...

"Pickett, don't mess with other people's things!"

Newt's voice suddenly sounded, interrupting Dracula's thoughts.

Dracula lowered his head and saw a palm-sized animal with two small brown eyes standing on his cuff, fiddling with a delicate button.

The whole body of this little animal has the color of a wooden branch, and it seems to be composed of bark, leaves and twigs. If it is lying on a tree, it may be difficult to be found.

Hearing Newt's voice, Bowtruckle Pickett immediately withdrew his two slender tentacles-like claws, and stood obediently on Dracula's overlapping arms, looking at him innocently. Newt.

"Pickett seems to like you quite a bit, Professor Dracula." Newt smiled at Dracula.

He stretched out his hand forward, took Pickett to his index finger, raised his hand to his eyes, and looked at him dotingly.

"Does this Bowtruckle still have a name?" Dracula temporarily put aside his doubts about the Albanian forest and asked in surprise.

He turned his head to look at the guardian tree against which he was leaning.

The guardian tree is very similar to the common sorbus tree in the Muggle world. Many Bowtruckles like bark, leaves and twigs are lying on the slender branches, looking at Dracula below curiously, and some are kindly He jumped down from the tree to say hello to Newt.

Dracula looked back and forth between the Bowtruckles on the tree and Pickett standing on Newt's index finger, but he couldn't see any difference between these little things.

I don't know how Newt could tell the difference, but he could tell at a glance that the Bowtruckle he was talking about was Pickett.

"Does every Bowtruckle here have a name?" Dracula suddenly thought of a possibility, and looked at Newt in shock.

"It's not that exaggerated..." Newt looked at the Bowtruckle on his index finger, "But I did think about doing this when I was young, giving each magical animal a unique name."

"But when I got older, my memory was not as good as before, and I couldn't remember the names of every magical animal. In addition, choosing a name was never an easy task, so in the end it just didn't matter."

"But Pickett is different. He was one of the first animals to accompany me. During the Global Wizarding War decades ago, Pickett and Teddy helped me a lot. Especially in Germany That time when Theseus was rescued from Erkstag Prison..."

Unknowingly, there was nostalgia in Newt's eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Professor Dracula." Newt suddenly reacted, and smiled apologetically at Dracula, "It's like this when you get old, you always like to miss the past."

"It's okay, I'm also very interested in things during the Global Wizarding War." Dracula shook his head lightly.

Dracula has discovered that the 100 years he spent in a deep sleep can probably be called the most magnificent century in the magic world.


The global wizarding war triggered by Gellert Grindelwald, the wizarding war in the British wizarding world started by Voldemort, the three great wizards who appeared one after another in a hundred years...

Dracula missed it all at once.

Now, he is extremely curious about the stories of his sleeping period, but he can only use other people's dictation to constantly supplement his understanding of various major events that happened in the world during this period.

As a witness of the global wizarding war, Newt can even be regarded as one of the most important roles in it, and what he tells is naturally of high value.

It is precisely for this reason that Dracula invited Newt to his castle on a whim.

While the two were talking, several curious Bowtruckles quietly jumped down from the Bowtruck tree and landed on Dracula's shoulders. They each found a seat and sat down, sizing up Newt across the way.

"Professor Dracula, it seems that you are indeed very popular with Bowtruckles." Newt looked at this scene and said with some surprise, "I thought Pickett was just an exception..."

"Why, shouldn't I be loved by them?" Dracula glanced at the little creatures on his shoulders, and then leaned safely against the trunk of the guardian tree, giving them a safe environment.

"How should I put it..." Newt scratched his chin, "Bowtruckles are gentle and shy by nature, and usually don't get too close to people."

"As for Pickett, because he was injured when he was a child, I was taken care of and grew up, so he will appear clingy. But he is still quite rare."

"Also, there's one more thing I don't know if I should say..." Newt glanced at Dracula, hesitating in his words.

"Tell me, there's nothing you can't say." Dracula folded his hands on his chest with great interest, and said to Newt, "It's not like these little guys can be against me, right?"

Newt took another look at Dracula, focusing on Dracula's back against the trunk of the guardian tree.

"Bowtruckles won't do you any harm, but Bowtrucks do have the potential to..." he said. "If you've read A Thousand Wonderful Herbs and Fungi in Herbalism, you might know—"

"The Guardian Tree is a magical tree that protects those who touch its trunk from dark creatures."

Newt glanced at Dracula again, and said after deliberation: "But as far as I know, vampires should be a kind of dark creature, right?"

"So you're worried about this." Dracula laughed happily, "Mr. Scamander, apart from the features of a vampire, do you think I look like a dark creature?"

Newt looked around Dracula hesitantly, and after a moment, he slowly shook his head.

"If I didn't already know that you are a vampire, I really wouldn't be able to recognize any characteristics of dark creatures on your body." He said blankly, "Could it be said that vampires can also not be classified as dark creatures?"

Dracula slowly raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

"It's not like that, Mr. Scamander. I've always belonged to the dark, and that's never changed." He laughed, "But you know what? When I'm completely a part of the dark, then the dark never Can't affect me passively."

"Instead, I can control the darkness with my fingers, like this—"

In Newt's eyes, Dracula seemed to have suddenly changed his appearance.

Although the Lord Vampire Earl was still leaning against the tree trunk, he didn't move at all, and his expression was still smiling.

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