"The knowledge of defensive skills should be applied in every aspect of life, or you can use defensive skills when you are usually bullied by your classmates, or when you meet hooligans outside."

"In the magic world, learning cultural subjects is to let you talk to scoundrels calmly, and learning defense is to let them talk to you calmly!"

Listening to Dracula's speech, the little wizards were a little confused, but also a little excited, feeling that the door to a new world had been opened.

"Of course, you are still young and don't have much magic foundation. At this time, you have to learn to use other powers to defend yourself - such as alchemy armor, external weapons, or the simplest and most effective method, Call someone!"

There was a burst of knowing laughter in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious." Dracula knocked on the desk, "For you little wizards, it is not shameful to seek help from adults, but it is the most sensible choice."

"For example, when you go out on an adventure with the adults,

The most convenient way is to buy two magic looking glasses.When you are in danger alone, press the contact button on the mirror, and the other mirror that is paired with it will sound an alarm, leading your elders to where you are. "

"In addition, the two signal spells of red sparks and green sparks can also play a good role in alarm and communication. After you go back, you can preview by yourself, and you will officially start learning these two spells in the next class."

"However, I do not recommend that you use the spark spell to send a signal when you are facing danger." Dracula said, "Because this signal will not only be seen by your friends and elders, but will also expose your position to others. under the enemy's sight."

"That's why it is necessary to mention some spells that hide your body, such as the illusion spell..."

Dracula stood on the podium and talked freely, giving full play to his life experience of thousands of years, and talked about the most basic defense knowledge vividly and interestingly.The little wizards in the audience were fascinated by what they heard. Even the students who didn't like to study felt that it was full of dry goods, so they picked up a quill pen and took notes.

Suddenly, the bell for the end of Hogwarts get out of class rang melodiously.

This Defense Against the Dark Arts class had already been delayed for more than half of the time, and now Dracula and the students were all in the mood, time passed quickly, and it was time to end the get out of class before they knew it.

Hearing the bell for the end of get out of class, Dracula was slightly taken aback.

It had been a long, long time since he had experienced the feeling of the rapid passage of time.

"Okay, that's all for today. When you go back, remember to preview the green sparks and red sparks in the textbook, and check the preview in the next class." He smiled easily, put away his wand, and took it out of his pocket. Take out a cross pendant made of spooky wood.

"In addition, since I have taught you so much knowledge about using foreign objects to defend yourself, I also have some small gifts for you."

The center of the cross pendant is engraved with an ancient runic symbol representing the moon.Unlike the cross of the church, its shorter horizontal bars are slightly inclined upwards, like a pair of spread wings.

"This is an amulet I made when I was bored. It can resist a lot of black magic, and it is quite practical." Dracula held up the pendant and showed it to the little wizards in the audience. The student with the best score in the final exam of the defense class will receive this amulet."

"So, learn your Defense Against the Dark Arts well!"

Chapter 18 Earn money

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Since he discovered that time passed quickly when he was teaching seriously, Dracula completely changed his teaching attitude, and no longer perfunctory as before.

And Professor Earl Vampire, who teaches with heart, naturally has good teaching ability and unparalleled profound experience. Soon, he was recognized by almost all students in Hogwarts.

The students are very happy. Hogwarts has finally had a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor after many years!

Next, the gossiping students began to discuss Professor Dracula's appearance, and then his strength.

The little wizards in the first grade said that Professor Dracula could easily throw five adult wizards like Quirrell out of the door; the third grade said that Professor Dracula was immune to damage from magic spells; Release dozens of spells...

In the beginning, they still analyzed and speculated on the strength of the new professor based on the existing evidence and the record in the classroom. Later, these speculations became more and more outrageous among the gossip students:

Some people swear that Professor Dracula could single-handedly defeat Voldemort as early as during the war; some people said that they saw Professor Dracula subdue a ferocious big dog with one hand; It is a devil who has been sleeping for thousands of years, and when the time is right, it will stir up the situation...

Fans of the professor quarreled with those who made the guesses, which they felt were too far-fetched.The professor is so handsome, he is definitely not that kind of evil devil!


In the lively noon, Fred and George walked back and forth on the long table in Gryffindor.

"Quietly tell you, our first class after the start of school was taught by Professor Dracula." They mysteriously introduced the scene of the first class to students of other grades.

"Wood, let me tell you, at that time, Professor Dracula resisted all of our attacks without blinking his eyes, and didn't even shake!" George put his arms around a strong Gryffindor student. shoulder, said to him.

"How old is this news for you, can you tell me something new?" Wood looked at the two with disdain, and pointed to the long table of Slytherin.

At this time, there was a little Slytherin wizard over there who was vividly describing the scene of Professor Dracula flying to the sky with his companions.

"Look at what you said!" Fred was displeased, and jumped up from the bench. "We'll show you the first-hand information we just got right away, so prepare to be surprised!"

"The two of us just went to talk to Professor Kettleburn with two jugs of wine." George said proudly, "We got more exciting news from him, do you want to hear it?"

The Gryffindor cubs next to each other came over one after another, looking at the twins excitedly, trying to get a share of this even more exciting news.

"According to the news from Professor Kettleburn, Professor Dracula had a brief encounter with Snape!" Fred managed to whet everyone's appetite, "According to him, The two professors had a little contest at the entrance of the auditorium."

"The market is open. Let's bet on who is better, Professor Dracula or Snape. The odds are one to two!"

Before Fred could finish speaking, George pulled out a spliced ​​gaming table out of nowhere, with a line in the middle dividing it into left and right sides.

"I knew it, Weasley, it really is another trick of you two to collect money!" Wood turned over the silver, but in order to hear the latest news, he still put a silver Sickle in his hand on the gaming table.

The twins looked at the roulette and found that most of the people in Gryffindor had beaten Professor Dracula even more. They looked at each other and were quite dissatisfied.

So they turned their minds on Slytherin, "How about it, the rich young men of Slytherin don't come to suppress your dean? Or are you afraid of Professor Dracula?"

Hearing Fred and George's provocative words, some people at the long Slytherin table couldn't sit still.

A first-grade boy with a proud expression came out first. He had neat platinum hair, a pointed chin, silver-gray eyes, and a tall and thin build.Behind him, two fat servants followed closely.

"Why would Professor Dracula's odds

So much lower than Professor Snape? "He raised his head and asked in disbelief.

"Because the approval rate of Professor Dracula is obviously much higher than that of Snape." Fred said with a playful smile.

"Two ignorant Weasleys, I want to show you what the financial power of the Malfoy family is!" As he said, he took out several gold coins from his pocket and threw them into the pile of copper and silver coins inside.

Seeing that the eldest and young masters of the Malfoy family had all placed their bets, the other purebloods were not to be outdone, and one by one they took Gold Galleons and pressed on their headmaster.

In a blink of an eye, under the money offensive of Slytherin pure-blood wizards, the odds ratio between Dracula and Snape became 1:1, almost even.

After everyone had put down almost all their money, the twins got together mysteriously.

Fred secretly made a mouth shape for George-"It's hard to make money".

George smiled knowingly and put away the coins of various colors.

"Listen up, everyone. The final result is——Professor Dracula won. His record is to push back Snape with a single look!"

There was a loud cheer in the Gryffindor area, but there was a silence on the Slytherin side.

"No, you have no evidence!" Draco Malfoy said unconvinced, "Why should I believe your nonsense, you can't guarantee that the news is correct!"

The twins looked at each other, and as expected, they suddenly pulled out a big ear from their pockets.

They pressed a button on the ear, and immediately, Professor Kettleburn's voice came from that ear.

"Oh, you said Dracula, he drove Snape away with just one look at that time!" Professor Kettleburn said in a bold tone, "I didn't expect that with the Defense Against the Dark Arts Now that he is notorious and famous, Dumbledore can still recruit such a reliable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."


Draco Malfoy walked away in a huff, leaving only the many golden Galleons gleaming with golden light in the wooden barrel under the roulette.

This little money might not be a big deal to the Malfoy family, but to Fred and George, it was more than the income of the family in a few months.

The two of them admired these Galleons fascinatedly.

At this moment, an angry voice rang in the ears of the twins, almost spreading throughout the auditorium:

"Weasley, how dare you set up a gamble again?!"

Chapter 19 It's Nice To Be Young

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Fred and George were overjoyed.

"Professor, you are my God!"

"Professor, if you still need a performance, you can call us anytime!"

Dracula waved his hands with a smile, telling the two to go back to the dormitory to rest.

The twins looked excited and made a comical bow as they walked to the door.

Fred, who was walking behind, grabbed the doorknob of the office, and as he was about to close the door, he seemed to think of something, and put his face in through the crack of the door again,

"Professor, you must come to our Quidditch match then!"

Seeing Dracula nodding, Fred closed the door happily, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office finally became quiet.

Dracula was half lying on the sofa, the cheerful smile on his face didn't fade for a long time.

"Well, doesn't being around young people make even you more energetic?"

On the desk not far away, the figure of Nicole Flamel appeared on the bronze mirror carved with phoenix relief, and smiled at Dracula.

Dracula nodded slightly and sighed:

"Yeah, it's nice to be young."


After class in the afternoon, Dracula left Quirrell with the task of writing lesson plans and correcting homework, and then left Quirrell's simple office with a look of disgust covering his mouth and nose.

Compared with Professor Dracula, who has many admirers and is passed on by students as a god, Mr. Quirrell, the teaching assistant of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, is much miserable.

Regarding the smell of perfume on Quirrell's body, one of the sayings most recognized by the students is that, as Harry said, men with kidney deficiency need to rely on such external things to find self-confidence!

As an adult male wizard, Quirrell's eyes often twitch and his face is always pale.There is a big difference between his paleness and Dracula's pale complexion. Quirrell's complexion is sick at first glance, while Dracula's paleness has a strange beauty.

In addition, Quirrell is always very anxious, often trembles, stutters, and wears a strange purple hood.As we all know, the color purple has a special connotation in Britain at the end of the twentieth century...

These kinds of wonderful characteristics made Qi Luo a recognized image of a man with kidney deficiency in the hearts of everyone.Everyone felt disgusted with pity for him, stayed away from him, and at the same time couldn't help but find him funny, and couldn't help but want to see his jokes.

At this very moment, the whole Hogwarts joke is respectfully sending Dracula out of the office.

Afterwards, Quirrell carefully looked outside the door, and after making sure that Dracula was far away, he placed a lot of defensive spells on the door of the office, and then slowly sat down between the two mirrors, and took off his purple turban .

With the reflection of the light from the two mirrors, Quirrell tremblingly looked at the hideous face at the back of his head.

"Master...Master, I have become the laughing stock of Hogwarts now, no one should notice our actions anymore, right?"

Quirrell said to Voldemort tremblingly.

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