Dracula glanced at Newt's dull, stiff face, and always felt that it was unbelievable that this good old man had such a grandson.

"So that little bastard Rove killed the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching assistant?" Newt's face became even more rigid, "Don't worry, Professor Dracula, I'll go to Hogwarts to teach Rove a lesson right away." That kid!"

"There is no need to make such a conclusion before the matter is clear, Mr. Scamander." Dracula raised his hand to stop him, and said with a chuckle, "Maybe it was really just an accident?"

A possibility popped up in his mind, thinking of Voldemort's curse on the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Could it be that when Riddle was acting as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he personally experienced the curse of his main soul?


Time went back more than a month ago, the day Rolf Scamander had just been sent back to Hogwarts from Mount Olympus by his grandfather.

Holding the tie-shaped portkey embroidered with golden patterns in his hand, Rove appeared on a tall bridge made of marble.

Surrounding the bridge is an endless deep lake. The temperature in winter is very low, and most of the lake is covered with thick ice, without any fluctuations.

When Rove raised his head in a daze, his heart was filled with boundless shock——

A tall and majestic castle stands under the sun, and the light shines from behind the clouds in the sky. The sun is half hidden behind the clouds, and the red, orange and gold colors are scattered, adding a touch of sparkle to the largest main tower. golden light.

The buildings and minarets all have a simple and atmospheric atmosphere, against the clouds and sunlight in the sky, as if they are in Rove's heart.

He looked at the end of the bridge where he was in amazement, and saw a square and rectangular courtyard surrounded by a connected corridor.

Where the bridge connects to the courtyard is a huge oak gate.

When Rove saw this amazing scene, he couldn't help but think back to the magic school in Scotland that he would often mention to himself every time he went out on an adventure with his grandfather——


Newt would tell him about the towering and majestic main tower of Hogwarts, about the resplendent auditorium, about the spacious and open Quidditch pitch, about the kitchen next to the Hufflepuff lounge, about all kinds of The Forbidden Forest of Fantastic Beasts and the Isle on the Black Lake...

Perhaps after decades of time, even Newt has long forgotten some places, but these scenes of Hogwarts have already carved a full impression on Rove's heart.

"I was able to visit Hogwarts with my own eyes!" A look of surprise appeared in Rove's eyes.

Immediately, he strode his legs wildly, and ran towards the entrance courtyard of Hogwarts, wanting to enter the school that his grandfather praised so much and dreamed of.

However, as a normal opening time, the oak gate at the junction of the marble bridge and the entrance courtyard is firmly closed, and there is no sign of opening.

After all, this is not the gate of Hogwarts, it can only be regarded as a side gate to welcome new students, and it is rarely open.

However, this can't help Rolf Scamander, who aspires to become the greatest magizoologist in the future!

Rove looked around cautiously to make sure that his grandfather did not come to Hogwarts with him, then reached into the inner pocket of his clothes, and took out a green sphere from it.

The orb looks like a green, spiny cocoon, but it's actually a crooked demon that Rove secretly brought from home.

"I'll leave it to you, little guy." Rove affectionately touched the green cocoon-like sphere in his hand, and whispered to it.

The next moment, the sphere suddenly unfolded, stretching out a pair of wings with blue inside and green outside.

When it spread its spiked wings, it looked like a weird big bird, or a huge butterfly.

The Winged Demon flapped its wings and flew up, hovering over the lake on the side of the bridge.

Upon seeing this, Rove made a rather bold move——

He climbed onto the bridge's marble balustrade, stood on the narrow balustrade, and stood silently facing the cloister window on the side of the oak gate.

The Winged Demon was still circling non-stop, flying past Rove's eyes from time to time.

Rove took a deep breath, jumped up from the railing suddenly, and jumped straight into the air, as if he would fall from the high air in the next moment, and fall into the hard ice of the lake in winter. Seriously injured...

However, this scene did not appear.

Even though the Winged Demon has been hovering in the air, it can appear very precisely at Rove's landing point at the moment of his take-off, giving him a support.

Then, Rove used this power to jump into the window of the corridor at the entrance to Hogwarts.

"Nice job, little one!"

Rove gave a thumbs up to the great-skilled Winged Demon, then walked out of the corridor happily and walked into the entrance courtyard.

He has officially stepped into Hogwarts now!

In fact, under normal circumstances, entering Hogwarts is not as simple as Rove, just jump to the side of the bridge.

He was able to enter Hogwarts because of the golden patterned tie in his hand, which is the Portkey made by Dumbledore.

In fact, as early as the late period of the Global Wizarding War, as Dumbledore continued to fight against the dark wizard Grindelwald, his reputation also increased.

Therefore, during the period when Armando Dippet was the headmaster, Dumbledore became the vice headmaster of Hogwarts early on, and had part of the authority of the Hogwarts castle.

Whenever Dumbledore made portkeys for members of the team who resisted Grindelwald, he would use the relevant authority of Hogwarts Castle by the way, so that the portkeys could directly enter the range of Hogwarts' guardian spell , thereby reducing the danger to members.

The Portkey in Rove's hand directly led him to break through the protective magic on the outside, and teleported him to the inside of the protective magic spell.

Therefore, Rove entered the Hogwarts castle with a random jump or two.

However, even after easily entering Hogwarts Castle, Rove's eyes went dark again...

He didn't know the geographical structure of the castle at all, and he didn't know which direction he should go, so he could only look around in the entrance courtyard in a hurry.

At this moment, Rove saw three young wizards who seemed to be about the same age as him approaching, and his eyes lit up.

"Hi everyone, I'm a second-year student, and I want to ask how to get to the Hufflepuff lounge." Rove lied without blushing.

After thinking about it for a while, he finally decided to visit the common room that his grandfather often mentioned.

"Are you really a second-year student?" Among the three young wizards, two men and one woman, the little witch with disheveled hair and long front teeth questioned, "You have been in Hogwarts for a year and a half. How come you still don't know how to get to the lounge?"

"Maybe...I'm usually a little forgetful, right?" Rove rolled his eyes and found an excuse very quickly.

The two little wizards next to the little witch are very recognizable. One has messy hair, round glasses and green eyes, and the other has fiery red hair and freckles on his face.

Hearing Rove's explanation, the two of them

They all showed a look of sudden realization.

"Hermione, what are you suspecting? It's normal for Hufflepuff students to be forgetful, right?" The red-haired boy said carelessly, "Look at Neville who is often forgetful. To Hufflepuff."

"So it's true that I hit it by mistake? Is it true that Hufflepuff wizards are prone to forgetfulness?" A surprised expression appeared on Rove's face.

But his grandpa isn't forgetful either?

At this time, another green-eyed boy wearing round glasses couldn't bear it first. He took a step forward and was about to point Rove in the direction of the Hufflepuff common room.

However, it was the little witch with long teeth and disheveled hair who held the boy back.

"Wait a minute, Harry, I always feel that something is wrong." Hermione frowned and stared at Rove, "We are also in the second year, and we often take classes with Hufflepuff, why don't I have any impression of him? And He's not in his Hufflepuff uniform yet!"

"You're not a student from another house who wants to sneak into Hufflepuff, are you?" she asked suspiciously.

Luo Fu was a little hairy from her stare, and quickly explained: "My sense of existence has always been relatively low, and it is normal not to be noticed by others."

"As for not wearing hospital uniforms..." He stretched his whole arm into a small bag that he was carrying, looking for something patiently.

After a while, Rove finally pulled out a black and yellow scarf that Newt had given him as a birthday present.

"Found it! I have Hufflepuff's scarf, so it should be fine!"

Fortunately, Hogwarts school uniforms and scarves have not changed for hundreds of years, so it is not possible for Rove to reveal Newt's scarf.

"Is that so?" Hermione still looked suspicious.

But because the next class was about to be late, Hermione, who was eager to learn, quickly told Rove the approximate location of the Hufflepuff common room that she knew, and then dragged Harry and Ron all the way to the teaching area. go.

Although the little witch is indeed very smart, she never imagined that there would be a student of Inflawmorny sneaking in Hogwarts, let alone that this Inflawmorny student also had a student who used to be Hedge. Grandpa of Patch's faithful student!


After getting a specific location in the common room, Rove happily walked in from a staircase on the side of the entrance courtyard, and walked to the basement level of the castle.

Then, he walked along the long corridor to a pile of large wooden barrels placed on a dark stone trough.

This is the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room.

Next, Rove had a difficult time...

In all the things Newt had told him about Hogwarts, there was no mention of how to get into the Hufflepuff common room!

In view of the excellent virtues of Hufflepuff students' loyalty and diligence, no Hufflepuff student will reveal the method of entering this place to others, not even his own descendants!

Because there is no evidence that Hufflepuff's offspring will definitely enter Hufflepuff House.

Because of this, the Hufflepuff common room is the only common room that has not been seen by anyone outside of Hufflepuff House for over 1000 years, making it the safest of all common rooms between.

However, Rove didn't believe in evil. He patted the wooden barrel a few times aimlessly, wanting to hear if there was any hollowness, and by the way, he also looked for the entrance here.

At the same moment when Rove's hand hit the barrel, the lid of another barrel next to him suddenly burst.

Rove's body was covered with vinegar in an instant.

Rove: "..."

Why is there punishment for hitting the wrong barrel here?

This kind of anti-intrusion magic made Rove cut off the idea of ​​trying to enter the method by himself.

He couldn't think of any other way, and he didn't want to miss the wonderful rest room that grandpa said, so he gritted his teeth and sat aside with a sour smell all over his body.

Rolf is waiting for the other Hufflepuff wizards to come back and open the door for him!

Chapter 160 The First Person to Infiltrate the Hufflepuff Common Room

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Rove used several cleansing spells in a row to clean up the vinegar on his body, but there was still a strong sour smell surrounding him.

He smelled the smell on his body, and secretly felt a little bad in his heart.

If the other Hufflepuffs smelled this unmistakable vinegar smell, wouldn't they immediately know he was deflated in the barrel at the entrance to the common room?

Thinking of this, Rove secretly took out the Winged Demon that was curled up into a cocoon in his pocket.

"Little guy, lend me some of your venom." He whispered, "I haven't learned the Oblivion Curse yet, maybe I will use your venom."

The venom of the Winged Demon has a certain effect of erasing memory after dilution, which is somewhat similar to the Forgetting Curse.

However, the Forgetting Curse can erase any memory, and the diluted effect of the Winged Demon's venom is to make people forget bad memories.

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