However, now Rove didn't even miss a potion class, and even arrived at the classroom earlier than usual.

He did it for his new friend Luna, a crazy little witch who was unexpectedly nice to him, and the two quickly became close friends.

Of course, what interested Rove the most was never the various courses, the sumptuous delicacies in the auditorium, the simple and atmospheric castle and the spacious Quidditch pitch...

What really interested Rove had always been the Forbidden Forest where students were prohibited from entering and leaving, where there were many dangerous magical animals, and the small islands in the center of the Black Lake where many magical animals lived.

This is what Infalmoney really does not have, and it is also the biggest bargaining chip that attracts future magizoologists like Rove!

Almost every day, Rove took the Hufflepuff students who were still abiding by the school rules and disciplines, to explore the Forbidden Forest, visit the lake island, and play with magical animals. They lived a very comfortable life.

Because of this, he also specially wrote a letter to his grandmother and mother, which meant that he wanted to transfer from Infalmorny to Hogwarts to study, and because of this, Tina thought it was Newt. Honest man's idea...

In this way, more than a month passed quickly, and Rove was very happy here, and it could be said that he couldn't think of leaving.

But his joy came to an abrupt end a few days before Christmas, which also made Hogwarts experience a different kind of Christmas.


Chapter 160: Rove and Luna

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"Luna, are you sure we can find the Horn-Horned Beast and Bubble-Snot Monster in the Forbidden Forest?"

In the silent night, two small figures appeared in the Forbidden Forest.

The shallow moonlight shines into the Forbidden Forest through the trees, and the trees of different heights cast jagged and mottled black shadows, which look like ghosts.

The snow-covered pine tree was rickety, and occasionally a few scattered snowflakes fell on the matted and dirty blond hair.

"Maybe we found it?" Luna grabbed some pieces of snow from her hair, watching it gradually melt in her palm with a dazed expression.

Rove looked helplessly at this somewhat crazy little witch, hesitating to speak.

"I still can't believe that magical animals like the Snaghorn, the Bubble-Snot, and the Hook really exist?" he asked, "I don't understand how my grandpa can be considered an authority on magical animals." , but he hasn’t found any trace of the existence of these magical animals you mentioned after searching for his whole life.”

As tablemates in Potions class, Rolf and Luna quickly became good friends.

Rove was pleasantly surprised to find that Luna, like himself, was very interested in magical animals, and often talked about those cute little guys.

What surprised him even more was that Luna confidently admitted that she knew many kinds of rare magical animals that were not recorded in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", such as the curved horned beast, the bubble snot monster, the hook hook, and the harassing gadfly. ...

So after a month of being thoroughly familiar with Hogwarts Castle and its surroundings, Rove specially invited Luna to join him on a night tour of the Forbidden Forest, looking for traces of those new creatures.

Luna glanced at Rove in surprise, as if she couldn't believe that her friend would have doubts about these magical animals.

"Of course it's true. My father once got the horn of a horned beast." She said with a serious face, "I always carry that horn with me..."

"What? There is such an important evidence?!" Rove became excited instantly, and couldn't wait to get close to Luna, "Take it out and see!"

With a calm expression, Luna was pawing and tugging inside her robe inlaid with silver sequins, and a string of chains made of metal bottle caps dangled inside the clothes, making crisp sounds.

"found it."

She didn't know from which string of chains she found a big thing that looked like a rhinoceros horn, lifted it up, and brought it to Rove's eyes.

"Look." Luna said in an erratic tone.

Rove looked excitedly at the big animal horn in Luna's hand, feeling particularly excited.

He felt that as long as he could help Luna prove the existence of the horned beast, he would be recognized by his grandfather as the youngest magizoologist in the magic world!

However, the next moment, Rove's hopeful eyes went out.

"Luna, are you telling me that this is the horn of the Crooked Horned Beast?" His face was a little stiff, as if he had the urge to curse, but he couldn't bear to curse in front of Luna.

"Yeah!" Luna nodded gently with a calm face.

"But it's actually the horn of a poison horned beast..." Rove covered his face helplessly, thinking that his dream of being a magizoologist might not come true for a while.

"Luna, have you been tricked by your father?" he asked.

"I can feel that this is the horn of the horned beast." Luna held the big animal horn with both hands, and said firmly, "the horned beast will definitely help us tonight."

Rove was desperate.

He always felt that according to how unreliable Luna was talking about the so-called "Curved Horned Beast", it was very likely that other magical animals that Newt had not discovered were either made up by her or her father. lied to her...

"I knew... my grandfather has been busy all his life, it is impossible to miss so many magical animals." Rove said helplessly, "Forget it, anyway, this time I came to the Forbidden Forest not only to find those magical animals. "

"The food for the little Winged Demon hasn't been found for the past few days... I can't steal Hagrid's lamb anymore, he seems to have found that the sheep is lost, and today I saw him strengthening the fence around the sheep. "

Listening to Rove's doubts, Luna seemed to be used to it.

Take it for granted, like you don't care at all.She was still holding the Horned Horned Beast, or the horn of the Poison Horned Beast, with both hands, and her eyes were wandering around the Forbidden Forest.

"Rove, have you stolen ten sheep this month? Hagrid didn't find out until now?" she asked curiously.

"Ahem, Hagrid is a little careless, and has never counted the number of sheep." Rove said with some embarrassment, "That is to say, I have stolen a lot recently, and it doesn't look right at first glance, which arouses suspicion."

"I mean..." Luna looked thoughtfully at the snow-covered ground, "Mutton often appears when eating in the auditorium recently."

After hearing this nonsense, Rove's expression became even more embarrassed.

Winged Demons, a magical animal, usually feed on the brains of animals, and undomesticated Winged Demons even prefer to eat human brains.

In order to prevent the Winged Demon from getting too hungry and to prevent his head from being eaten first, Rove had to feed the Winged Demon he carried with him on time.

So he turned his mind to the small pasture that Hogwarts Gamekeeper Hagrid had fenced off at the edge of the Forbidden Forest...

Every few days, Rolf would go to Hagrid's sheepfold to steal a sheep, and feed the sheep's brain to the Winged Demon.

As for the remaining mutton, they will take advantage of the convenient location of the Hufflepuff common room, sneak into the Hogwarts kitchen when no one is found, and hand over the mutton to the house elves working in the kitchen. .

Although Luna looked crazy, she had seen it clearly before she knew it, and guessed that the recent changes in the auditorium's recipes must be caused by Rove.

At this moment, the curled wings curled up into a big green cocoon in Rove's pocket moved magically.

"Don't worry, little guy, I promise you will find something delicious today." Rove quickly patted his bulging pockets to calm the Winged Demon.

Then, he looked at Luna and smiled helplessly, "The Winged Demon is hungry."

"And this little guy is also a picky eater. He has eaten too many sheep brains during this period, and he has long felt dissatisfied. He was still protesting to me a few days ago." Rove said.

Luna tilted her head and glanced at Rove's bulging pockets. What looked like an orange carrot, but was actually called an airship Lee earring dangled under her earlobe.

"Then what are you waiting for?" She tilted her head and said to Rove without seeing her turn her head, "Hurry up and find food for the Winged Demon!"

With that said, she bounced towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Rove looked at the back of Luna who was leaving as soon as she said it, but didn't realize it for a while, and followed after a while in a daze.


Rove and Luna were lucky, and it didn't take long before they found a big fat wild boar.

Rove immediately threw the Winged Demon out.

The Winged Demon immediately changed from a cocoon, spreading its wings and turning into a big blue-green butterfly, wrapping the wild boar's head with its two thorny wings very neatly.

"The next scene will be a little bloody, why don't you look elsewhere first?" Rove thought of the Winged Demon's hunting method, and looked at Luna beside him with some concern.

He felt that such a simple little witch would not be able to accept such a bloody and brutal hunting scene.

However, Luna shook her head slightly, looking calmly at the picture in front of her——

The wild boar was wrapped around his head and blindfolded, and felt the severe pain from his head, and began to struggle violently.

It was blindfolded by the Winged Demon's wings, its eyes were pitch black, and it couldn't see the direction, so it could only run aimlessly, howling, shaking its head like crazy, trying to get the Winged Demon on its head to Shake it off.

However, the Winged Demon's small body was exceptionally powerful, firmly imprisoning the wild boar's head, never giving it any chance to break free.

As time passed, the wild boar's struggle gradually became weak.

In the end, its fat body fell heavily on the snow, splashing a flying snowflake...

After eating and drinking, the Winged Demon retracted its wings, flew up from the wild boar's head, and fell back to Rove's palm again, turning back into a cocoon-like form.

And the head of the wild boar on the ground was dripping with blood

, there seemed to be a big hole in the back of the head, the skin on that part of the brain was shriveled, and there was nothing left in the big hole, only a piece of fresh blood that was still flowing.

"Are you okay, Luna?" Rove looked at the bloody scene, and hurriedly looked at Luna beside him, wanting to comfort her young heart.

However, he was surprised to find that there was no trace of fear on Luna's face, just a little dazed, and her eyes were foggy.

"What's wrong with you, Luna?" Rove asked worriedly.He felt that this performance was beyond his comprehension.

"It's okay, I have a friend here." Luna shook her head and looked at the pine trees near the wild boar.

Rove also moved his gaze, but saw nothing.

"Oops, Luna must have been frightened by such a bloody scene?" He was taken aback, and quickly stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Luna's eyes, " you still know me? ?”

"I'm really fine, Rove." Seeing Rove's performance, Luna smiled happily, "It's true that some friends have come here."

Rove suspiciously moved his eyes to where Luna was looking again, but still found nothing, only the unchanging pine trees and snow in the distance.

"As expected, Luna's brain was frightened." He secretly made a judgment.

Just when Rove was about to turn around and take Luna to the school infirmary forcibly to see a doctor, an accident happened suddenly——

A horseshoe-like footprint suddenly landed on the snow-covered ground, very abrupt and very clear, from a single footprint to a single piece in the blink of an eye.

There are more and more footprints in this area, but there is still nothing in front of them, as if the footprints appeared out of thin air.

The footprints stretched far away, from behind a tall tree to the headless wild boar before stopping.

Immediately, there was a frightening scene where wild boar meat was easily torn apart, but disappeared piece by piece into the air...

"Horseshoe-shaped footprints, invisible bodies, carnivorous habits..." Rove looked at the incomprehensible scene in front of him, and murmured, "So there are Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest?!" He looked at Luna.

Luna nodded happily.

"It was Hagrid who adopted a little Thestral decades ago, and gradually cultivated it into such a large group." She explained, "The carriages at Hogwarts during school holidays are all drawn by Thestrals."

With that said, Luna stepped forward and spoke happily into the air.

"So the Hogwarts carriage is like this?" Rove said in a daze.

It can be said that he smuggled into Hogwarts with a portkey. He had never ridden or even seen a Hogwarts carriage, so he had no idea what Luna was talking about.

Wait, the point doesn't seem to be here...

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