In fact, he really thought about it that way.

"More than that!" Dumbledore commented with a nod.

In a blink of an eye, it was revealed that Dracula didn't ask the principal for leave at all, approved his own leave, threw his work to the teaching assistant, and sneaked out of Hogwarts alone.

Newt and Rove both looked a little stiff.

The two wizards, one old and one young, were still praising Dracula for giving up his vacation and returning to class. The next second, he heard Dumbledore say that Dracula slipped from Hogwarts by himself.

the act of walking...

"So the last time we met on Mount Olympus, didn't you take time out to go there during your vacation, and instead just slipped away from Hogwarts?" Newt couldn't help asking.

When he took Rove to Mount Olympus to observe the weird weather phenomenon, he at least greeted the professors and leaders of Inflawmorny, and asked Rove to leave early.

Although at this moment, Rove's previous vacation has already expired, but at least he didn't leave without saying goodbye like Dracula, giving himself a vacation...

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"It was true that I had just run away from Hogwarts. I felt a little bored at the time, so I suddenly thought of going to Mount Olympus to visit my old friends." Dracula shrugged. Went back, but did not expect to meet Mr Scamander."

"A lot of things did happen in the middle, and it was delayed for a long time."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have let a little wizard attack my teaching assistant and seriously injure him."

Dracula glanced at Rove and laughed softly.

Chapter 160 Seven Tom Riddle Cursed Tom Riddle

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"I'm really sorry this time, Professor Dracula." Newt said, "Rove has caused you a lot of trouble."

As he said that, Newt was about to put on a very fierce expression and teach his grandson a lesson in front of Dracula and Dumbledore.

But he is completely a good-natured person, and the expression he made is completely incompatible with "fierce". Instead, he looks a little kind and a little funny...

"Don't embarrass yourself, Mr. Scamander." Looking at the weird expression on Newt's face, Dracula said with some laughter, "Actually, Riddle's assistant teacher is not entirely to blame for Rove alone."

"You don't have to worry about my face, Professor Dracula, who is not to blame for this incident?" Newt waved his hand, "If it weren't for Rove's ignorant behavior, how could Assistant Professor Riddle be trampled by magical animals? , and get seriously injured?"

"I didn't take your face into consideration, Mr. Scamander." Dracula chuckled, "But the accident may not be entirely the fault of Rove, and Riddle's assistant teacher can't deny it. thing."

A look of bewilderment appeared on both Newt and Rove's faces.

"Professor Dracula, Luna didn't make a move from the beginning to the end!" Rove seemed to suddenly think of something, and his expression suddenly became anxious, "The whole thing is fake, please don't implicate her !"

"Luna? Luna Lovegood from Ravenclaw? Was she also there?" Dumbledore froze for a moment, then looked at Rove with a smile, "Little Mr. Scamander, you just now Miss Lovegood was not mentioned in what was told to us."

"Um... so you didn't know that Luna was here?" Rove opened his mouth wide, "Then why did Professor Dracula say that this incident is not entirely my responsibility?"

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"You, the only person involved, didn't tell us, so how do we know who else was there?" Dracula shrugged, "I guess you misunderstood me saying that you don't need to take full responsibility .”

"Let's not mention this for now. According to you, Miss Lovegood was responsible for the injury to Assistant Riddle, right?"

", she really didn't do anything from the beginning to the end!" Rove was so anxious that he was about to cry. He really didn't expect that his own carelessness would involve the innocent Luna.

But speaking of it this way... it seems that the horn of the "Curved Horned Beast" that Luna gave him the most meritorious service?

"To be honest, little Mr. Scamander, besides you and Miss Lovegood, who else was at the scene where Assistant Riddle was injured?" Dracula folded his arms and looked at the scene with a half-smile Rove asked.

"It's really gone..." Rove smiled wryly, "It's really all done by me alone. Who else would go to the Forbidden Forest in the middle of the night?"

"Except for Percy Wesley, everyone in Gryffindor is possible." Dracula replied of course, "Oh, no, Percy Weasley seems to be fighting with Ravenclaw The prefect's talking partner, and the two of them often sneak out to the Forbidden Forest for dates."

"Thinking about it this way, everyone in Gryffindor could be your accomplice!"

Hearing Dracula's analysis, Dumbledore sitting behind the desk drew two black lines on his face.

"Professor Dracula, have you forgotten that there is a Gryffindor-born wizard here?" He said with a smile on his face, "As a professor, the prejudice of the college is absolutely unacceptable."

"I'm not prejudiced by the academy." Dracula retorted without retreating at all, "I just made a reasonable analysis and guess based on the personality differences of the little wizards of different colleges, which is very important for solving the problem of Mr. Scamander. The backlog is beneficial."

"But your analytical behavior itself is a product of the college's prejudice." Dumbledore said, "Gryffindor College is not all reckless, there are also students who abide by the school's rules..."

"And Hufflepuff House is not necessarily loyal, kind, and sincere. There are also naughty, swindling little wizards there."

While speaking, Dumbledore subconsciously glanced in Rove's direction.

The faces of Newt and Rove froze at the same time.

One of their grandparents was expelled halfway for raising magical animals in violation of school rules; the other sneaked into Hogwarts at all, and sneaked into the Hufflepuff common room skillfully.

Dumbledore's words undoubtedly gave them a sense of substitution...

"Let me say something first, my lord, I didn't assign little Rolf's Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat that was also placed in the principal's office jumped out at this moment, "It means that Dumbledore indulged him, or else How can the Hufflepuff common room be entered by others?"

"Is that so?" Dracula looked at Dumbledore.

"Well, I just gave Rove a negligible push." ​​Dumbledore nodded slightly, then turned to the Sorting Hat, and asked in a low voice, "Why do you have the courage to follow Professor Dracula when you see Professor Dracula?" Got younger?"

"Isn't that nonsense? He is of the same generation as my creator, and he comes to me all day long. I'm not afraid of who he is afraid of..." The Sorting Hat also whispered.

Seeing that several people were arguing endlessly and seemed unable to stop for several hours, Newt quickly stood up to smooth things over for them.

"Albus, Professor Dracula, don't rush to argue, we haven't finished our business yet!" He interrupted, "Didn't Professor Dracula just say that? Rove doesn't need to take all the responsibility. So if it wasn't Luna, who would share this responsibility with Rove?"

"It's not "someone", but if you really want to count it, you can count it on someone." Dracula thought for a while, then turned to Newt and said, "Do you have any questions about the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" Do you understand the position?"

"I know!" Rove said first, "Every defense professor at Hogwarts always has various accidents and cannot be re-elected to the next one. Of course, Professor Dracula, you are the first Someone who breaks this rule."

"My grandma and mother didn't allow me to study at Hogwarts because of this biggest reason. They all said that it is impossible to teach students well if there is a change of professor every term."

"That's right, that's exactly what happened." Dracula nodded with a smile, "You may not be clear, but the facts can prove that after Voldemort's second failed job application, he harbored hatred and was interested in the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Cursed."

"Does this have anything to do with Riddle's injury?" Newt asked.

"It's not just related, it's quite important." Dracula didn't know what happy thing he thought of, and the smile on his face became more obvious.

"Didn't I just leave for more than a month? During this period of time, assistant teacher Riddle took over as a substitute, that is to say, he was equivalent to Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts professor before I came back. "

"Voldemort's curse doesn't work for me, but it doesn't matter for Assistant Riddle—"

"It was also because of his curse and bad luck that he just happened to meet little Scamander on a night tour in the Forbidden Forest, and in the end, he lost to this little guy by accident. "

"Hahahaha... this Voldemort, this Riddle is too interesting!"

Having said that, Dracula grinned exaggeratedly, and even laughed out loud.

Newt: "..."

Rove: "..."

No, your teaching assistant was seriously injured and you gloated about it, is that appropriate?

Chapter 160 The Sorting Ceremony Is Too Hasty

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Just as Newt and Rove's grandfather and grandson silently condemned Dracula's behavior of gloating in their hearts, another laugh came unexpectedly from behind the desk.


Newt turned his gaze to the old principal with white hair, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Albus, why are you gloating at other people's misfortune?" He asked suspiciously, "Is it so funny that your teaching assistant is injured?"

"Ahem... I didn't mean to gloat." Dumbledore forcibly restored his serious expression, but his facial muscles still twitched strangely from time to time, "I just thought of some happy things."

In fact, it's no wonder Dumbledore couldn't hold back his laughter.

It's really ridiculous that the curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor that has plagued Hogwarts for decades finally took effect on Tom Riddle himself!

Even if this Riddle is just a Horcrux of Voldemort and not himself, it is enough to make the old headmaster happy for many days after having a headache for a long time.

Newt couldn't understand Dracula and Dumbledore's smiling faces, he shook his head inexplicably, and decided to leave these two inexplicable people alone.

He looked at Rove again, raised his hand and knocked on his head, and stretched out a hand with a straight face:

"Now that the truth has been revealed, let's take it out."

"What are you taking out?" Rove blinked, and began to pretend to be stupid.

"Have you learned to play dumb with me now, kid?" Newt said gloomily, "You're only a little wizard, and you don't even have the chance to get close to Riddle's assistant. Close enough to blast his protection?"

Rove was still performing vigorously, with an expression of knowing nothing.This pissed Newt off.

Newt had already guessed what magical animal Rove had taken away, and he had seen the bulging pocket that he covered with his arm from beginning to end.

So, with a flick of his wand, Newt summoned a sheep's brain specially prepared for the crooked devil from his old-fashioned suitcase.

As soon as the sheep's brain left the suitcase, the Winged Demon in Rove's pocket smelled a tempting smell, and immediately began to struggle in the pocket.

Rove, a little boy in his early ten years, with thin arms and legs, couldn't hold the extremely dangerous Winged Demon at all. He could only let it tear his robes with the spikes on the outside of his wings, and then he couldn't wait to fly away. out.

"Sure enough, you secretly took this curled-winged demon away."

Newt stretched out his hand, let the Winged Demon land on his hand to enjoy the food, and at the same time turned his head and glared at Rove, "Do you know how long I have been looking for the Winged Demon since it was missing one? Do you know how much this increases my workload?"

Seeing the Winged Demon fly out by itself, Rove couldn't help but pretend to be stupid anymore.

He covered his torn robe with his hand, which exposed part of his belly, and smiled awkwardly, "Grandpa, don't I also want to go through your route again!"

"Look, when you helped the Magic Congress of the United States arrest Grindelwald, it was the Winged Demon who helped capture his wand—if I encounter any dark wizards or the like, I can also use the Winged Demon to defeat them !"

"So you met the Dark Wizard?" Newt asked deadpan.

"No..." Rove shook his head.

"Who did you beat in the end?" Newt asked.

"Assistant Riddle..." Rove said weakly.

"And you still have to rely on a series of coincidences such as sneak attack, luck, the help of other magical animals, and the explosion of the horn of the poisonous horn, to finally cause trouble for Assistant Riddle." Newt said bitterly, "Just At this level, do you still think you can defeat the dark wizard?"

Rove fell silent and stopped talking.

He admires his grandfather too much, and wants to be an excellent magizoologist like his grandfather too much, but he ignores his age and the time he has been exposed to magic, and ignores the growth law of magic power...

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