"Exercising spellcasting ability?" Dracula frowned.

"That's right, I have many and very complicated spellcasting skills in my memory, as well as many powerful spells, but this body is still too new after all, and it's hard to fully integrate the spellcasting skills in my memory." Riddle said,

"So I need to find some hostile creatures to help me practice spellcasting. Only in this way can I gradually improve my strength."

Dracula glanced at him indifferently, took out a blood-scented lollipop from the drawer of the desk, and peeled off the outer packaging of the candy.

"In order to improve your spellcasting ability, you went to the Forbidden Forest to kill magical animals?" He stuffed the lollipop into his mouth and said casually, "Why don't you find a wizard at Hogwarts to be your partner?"

"There are so many professors here, there will always be someone who is willing to help you. Even if there are no professors who are willing to help you at all, you can go to Slytherin to scold Professor Snape. I think he must I will be willing to accompany you through a few tricks."

Dracula was biting a lollipop in his mouth, with a playful expression.

"Well... I didn't think of this." Riddle smiled veiledly, "For a newcomer like me who has not been in Hogwarts for a long time, I always feel that it is not appropriate to bother other professors because of this kind of thing. .”

"What's inappropriate? We're all colleagues, and you don't seem to be a few years older than the students. They treat you as patiently as they treat little wizards." Dracula chuckled, "I see You don't think it's inappropriate, but you clearly have other plans!"

The reason Riddle improvised was too false, so false that there was no need to doubt the truth of this matter, and it could not stand scrutiny at all.

I don't know why this teaching assistant who should be very intelligent in theory made up such an unrealistic excuse.

Is it because he never thought that his actions in the Forbidden Forest would be discovered?Or did he think the matter was open enough to be undisguised?

"Riddle, don't hide anything, or you should know the consequences." Dracula put on a cold expression.

It's just that with the lollipop in his mouth, the cold expression looks a bit nondescript...

"Professor Dracula, I really can't tell this secret." Riddle shook his head helplessly, "If I just tell it like this, it might make you unhappy."

"But you're hiding it like this just makes me even more unhappy." Dracula said coldly.

Dracula's eyes suddenly flowed with light, staring straight at Riddle's eyes.

There were vague images of the lake emerging from Riddle's eyes, but these indistinct images quickly disappeared.

"Compared to spellcasting level, your Occlumency is pretty good." Dracula sneered.

"After all, in order to guard against Dumbledore's prying eyes, this is what my Taoist soul valued the most during school." Riddle smiled, "Even his Legilimency has gradually become proficient."

Dracula glanced at Riddle again, waved his hand, and drove him out of the office.

He stood up from the seat, while tasting the blood-scented lollipop in his mouth, feeling the salty taste on the tip of his tongue, while thinking about the secrets in the Forbidden Forest.

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Even though Riddle's Occlumency Technique is considered the top rank in the magic world, but in the face of Dracula's spiritual prying, there is no wizard who can make his mental protection perfect.

From the pictures of the lake just now, Dracula saw an ancient building filled with endless snakes.

Dracula used to be very familiar with this place, but he never bothered to recall it.

If Riddle's abnormal behavior in the Forbidden Forest was to find this location, then Dracula would indeed be displeased by it, and would indeed be too lazy to talk to him about it.

That was something he didn't want to mention for a long time.


The dawn of Christmas has come.

It was cold and it was white all around.

Looking out of the windows of Gryffindor Tower, you can barely see the spire of the opposite tower, nor the Quidditch pitch or the frozen Black Lake.

The wind and snow roared around Hogwarts Castle, sending a cloud of snow and dust in the air.The snow seemed to be a white brocade, spinning and falling from the sky one after another, making the little wizards staying at school feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

In the usually lively Gryffindor second-year dormitory, only Harry and Ron were left.

It wasn't until almost noon that Ron sat up from the bed with his pet mouse Banban in his arms, and stretched lazily.

"Harry, how is your preparation for this year's Christmas present?" He saw Harry sitting by the window unwrapping presents, and asked vaguely while yawning.

"Everyone else's Christmas presents are almost ready, but there is one who doesn't know what to prepare." Harry responded.

Harry unwrapped a small package, and his owl, Hedwig, stood on a nearby table, watching him curiously.

The little package was from the Dursleys—they gave Harry a toothpick as a Christmas present, along with a note asking him to find out if he could stay at Hogwarts for the summer Ci spent.

In fact, Harry also wanted to stay at Hogwarts during the summer vacation, but unfortunately Hogwarts never agreed to the little wizard's request.

"Is there another gift that is not ready?" Ron glanced at the bad weather outside the window, "Then you may have to hurry up, otherwise the owl will definitely not be able to deliver the gift on the same day in such a heavy snow day."

"I know." Harry said, "The presents that needed to be delivered to a place a little further away were sent out last night, and the remaining gift is at Hogwarts, and it will definitely be delivered on the same day."

"Gifts from within Hogwarts?" Ron asked in surprise, "There's no need to hesitate. The students are all related anyway, so just pick a few and give them away?"

He leaned over to Harry, looked at the signature on the envelope, "Hey, haven't you prepared Professor Dracula's gift yet?"

"Yeah, I don't know what to give Professor Dracula," said Harry.

"It's not easy?" Ron slapped his thigh and said decisively, "Didn't we analyze it last Christmas? Professor Dracula's favorite things are wine and lollipops. I choose vodka and sunshine sweet orange Flavored lollipops are absolutely fine!"

As he spoke, he also took out a bottle of vodka from his gift pile and put it in front of Harry, "I bought an extra bottle of vodka and I can lend it to you!"

"Uh...Ron, I was actually wondering, does Professor Dracula dislike vodka?" Harry glanced at the bottle of the legendary eau-de-vie, hesitating.

"I remember that after last Christmas, both of our Defense Against the Dark Arts homework was called back and rewritten... Do you think it is because Professor Dracula is not satisfied with our present?"

"No way?" Ron froze for a moment, "My analysis should be fine, and is Professor Dracula so narrow-minded?"

"Professor Dracula is so narrow-minded!"

Harry complained secretly, but he didn't dare to say it, for fear that the walls have ears and the narrow-minded Professor Dracula would hear him.

"Ron, your general direction of analysis should be fine..." Harry said with reason

Dao, "But when Professor Dracula usually drinks, he drinks red wine in a goblet very elegantly, which seems to be different from the "ton, ton, ton" temperament of vodka."

"It seems to make sense." Ron fell into deep thought.

"So I think we should buy some high-quality red wine!" Harry raised his head confidently.

"But in this weather, where can we buy high-end red wine?" Ron muttered in a low voice, "And the ordinary red wine Professor Dracula definitely doesn't like, we don't have that much money to buy that kind of luxury."

Hearing what Ron said, Harry's head drooped too.

"Then what should we do?" Harry said dejectedly, "I don't want to be punished to rewrite my homework again because of the present."

Ron squeezed his chin, thinking, with a wise expression on his face.

"I see!" He clapped his hands fiercely, "Although we don't have the money to buy the most expensive red wine, we can make the most ingenious red wine!"

"How?" Harry asked.

"Look, Harry, the main difference between vodka and red wine is the color. It would be weird to drink vodka from a goblet." Ron said confidently, "But if we put the transparent Vodka dyed red?"

"Huh?" Harry opened his mouth wide.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Ron's idea, and he couldn't tell what was wrong, but he just felt that it was a little unreliable.

"Don't worry, Professor Dracula definitely wants to taste a high-quality wine like vodka, but he feels that it is not elegant enough and detrimental to the image, so he thinks our gift is not good enough." Ron said,

"But what if the vodka turns red? As long as it is disguised as red wine and packed in a high-end wine bottle, Professor Dracula can hold vodka in a goblet grandly, and even drink it elegantly."

Ron's eyes became brighter and his expression became more and more confident.

"Let's go, Harry, let's go to Greenhouse No. [-] to pick some cockscombs." He put on his thick coat, pulled Harry and rushed out of the dormitory, "It's Christmas, there must be nothing in the Greenhouse Man, my plan is totally feasible!"

Harry was dragged by Ron, stumbling all the way to the greenhouse in the northeast corner of the castle.

His heart was a little drumming for Ron's whimsical ideas, but he couldn't bear the overconfidence of his buddy, and he didn't hear any questioning words from Harry at all.

In the evening, the wind and snow outside had not stopped, and the strong wind was blowing, and the people outside wrapped their robes tightly.

But on the contrary, the hall of Hogwarts is warm under the effect of magic.

At the Christmas dinner, everyone ate with gusto.

The auditorium looked grand, and thousands of candles in the sky glowed brightly and softly.

There were a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees strewn about the Great Hall, and the ceiling was criss-crossed in pretty friezes of mistletoe and holly.

Enchanted snow fell gently from the ceiling, warm and dry, not as cold as snowflakes in the cold wind outside.

Dumbledore leads the young wizards in some of his favorite Christmas carols.

Although these carols are sung by the little wizards, they are out of tune, outrageous, and broken... But compared with the Hogwarts school song, at least they still have a standard tone, which will not make the singing completely There is no score, only nonsense singing.

During the singing, Hagrid poured down glass after glass of eggnog, and his voice became louder and louder. In the end, he was almost the only voice in the auditorium that could be heard singing like ghosts and wolves...

Percy Wesley also did not go with the Wesleys to visit the eldest son, Bill.But his explanation to the other young wizards was that he stayed for Christmas only because, as an A student, it was his duty to support the professors during the overstaffed holidays.

So Fred, who couldn't see it anymore, secretly cast a spell on his elder brother, adding a few small letters to the word "P" representing the prefect on his prefect badge, turning it into "Pinhead" )".

Percy didn't notice it at all, and kept asking Daddy stupidly.

What are you laughing at.

During this lively Christmas dinner, Dracula sat bored in his professor's seat, watching the little wizards laughing and playing, and even some professors joined in.

He casually took out a bottle of red wine that he didn't know where to get, and poured it into the goblet in front of him.

The red wine in the goblet was crystal clear, with a slightly purplish color in it, which looked extraordinarily attractive.

Dracula nodded in satisfaction, gracefully raised the wine glass to his mouth, and took a sip...


The "red wine" in Dracula's mouth instantly sprayed Snape who was sitting across from him.

"Dracula!" Snape stood up suddenly, gritted his teeth and pulled out his wand, the drink on his face was still dripping on the table, "If you are trying to provoke me, then I admit that you did !"

"I'm sorry, Professor Snape." Dracula knew he was wrong, so he cast a cleansing spell on Snape's hooked nose, and cleaned his greasy hair by the way, "Really This glass of wine is a bit unexpected..."

"Vodka?" He looked at the high-end red wine bottle in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Dracula instantly thought of the bottle of red wine he had picked out from a pile of Christmas presents, and also thought that Potter and Wes, who gave the presents, had finally learned to be smart and knew what they liked...

Now the new and old grudges are counted together, plus the bottle of vodka and sunshine orange lollipops last Christmas, these two goods can basically be announced as dog belts!

"How about this, Professor Snape..." Dracula looked at Snape, who looked a little handsome after his hair was not greasy, "As compensation, I will return the homework from Potter and Wes Rewrite it once, no, three times!"

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