In addition, Easter is very close to the final exam week in June, and professors often assign a lot of homework during the Easter holiday, so as to prevent these young people who have no self-control from playing the whole holiday and forgetting to study .

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

Whenever encountering such a lot of homework, the little wizards who complained about Professor Dracula because of the devil's training began to think of him, and hoped that every professor would be like Professor Dracula...

Hmm... No way, if every professor arranged devil training like Professor Dracula, wouldn't they be exhausted in school?

So the little wizards made a decision, thinking that the best professors at Hogwarts would be taught by the casual Professor Dracula, the rigorous and serious Professor McGonagall who set the scope of the exam, and the amiable Professor Sprout. , the tireless Professor Flitwick accompanied the practice...

As for Professor Snape... Well, don't worry about it!

During the Easter holidays, Harry and other second-year students had new things to think about——

It's time for them to choose their [-]rd grade classes!

This matter, at least in Hermione's opinion, needs to be treated with caution.

"This will affect our entire future." Hermione said to Harry and Ron very seriously in the Gryffindor common room.

At this time, they were all sitting on the sofa in the lounge, carefully studying the list of new courses and making marks on them.

"I just want to give up Potions," Harry said distressedly.

Ever since the relationship with Snape eased at the end of the last school year, and they broke up again, Harry didn't know how to face this potions professor who had saved him, but was always against him.

After entering the second year, Snape even started to target Harry even harder. If Gryffindor did not deduct more than [-] points in any Potions class that Harry participated in, it could be counted as It was Snape's conscience who found out!

"Impossible," said Ron dejectedly, "we have to take all the original subjects, otherwise Neville would have thrown away Potions long ago..."

He glanced at Neville who was sitting not far away.

Neville was also a big deduction for Gryffindor's Potions class.

Snape found that he was terribly clumsy about potions, so he spent part of every class looking at Neville with Harry in mind, ready to find reasons to deduct Gryffindor points from him.

"But Potions class is very important!" Hermione said in surprise, "Whether you want to be an Auror in the future, or you want to take a path like a pharmacist or a healer, potions are a must." An essential course."

"According to this posture, I think Neville definitely doesn't plan to choose these professions," Ron shrugged and said, "I guess Neville will choose a job related to herbalism. The professor's herbal medicine class is the most positive."

Neville Longbottom seemed to have undergone some subtle changes in his personality since Dracula's public Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the auditorium.

Originally, even in Herbal Medicine, which Neville was best at, he rarely raised his hand to speak due to introversion.

But after that public Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Neville became more enthusiastic. Whenever Professor Sprout asked questions he was familiar with, he would immediately raise his hands, and even stole a lot of money because of this. The score originally belonged to Hermione.

Not only that, but he also became active in other classes, at least he was willing to raise his hand to answer the questions he could answer.

Of course, Snape's Potions class was still the hardest hit for Neville, and his fear of the Potions professor could not be resolved by Dracula's few words of enlightenment!

At this point, Neville was sitting in the Gryffindor common room, just like Harry, Ron, and Hermione, picking out electives for third year.

The wizards and witches at home wrote to him one after another, giving him many different suggestions on choosing courses.

Neville had a choice phobia, feeling a little at a loss and extremely nervous.He sat there looking at the list of courses, with a troubled face, and asked if others thought that arithmetic and divination sounded more difficult to learn than ancient runes.

The little wizard sitting next to Neville was Dean Thomas, who, like Harry, had grown up around Muggles.

This little wizard really didn't know how to choose a course, so he closed his eyes at last, and used his wand to randomly click around on the list, muttering "I will choose whoever the little cock clicks", and the last course he clicked on will be selected. Which course did you take.

Of the young wizards in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione was probably the calmest.

She took no one's advice and signed up for all her subjects.

By the time almost everyone had chosen their courses, the quill in Harry's hand hadn't moved.

Harry always felt that he was not really good at subjects other than Defense Against the Dark Arts - between the five elective courses of Divination, Protection of Magical Creatures, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, he Can't make a decision at all.

Percy Wesley noticed his hesitation and came over eagerly to teach him by example.

"It depends on where you want to go, Harry." He said, "You must plan for the future early, so I recommend divination classes to you. This class can provide a certain reference for your future."

"Other than that, students say it's stupid to take Muggle studies, but I personally think that wizards should have a thorough understanding of non-magical society, especially if they want to pursue a career with strong Muggle ties. When it comes to work - look at my father, he has to deal with Muggle business all the time."

"My brother Charlie has always loved the outdoors, so he took Care of Magical Creatures, and he went on to work at the Dragon Sanctuary in Romania. So play to your strengths, Harry!"

Percy patted Harry on the shoulder encouragingly.

After Percy left, Harry thought for a long time by himself, and felt that besides Defense Against the Dark Arts, the only thing he was really good at was Quidditch.

"Why is there no Quidditch elective?" He sighed distressedly while lying on the table.

Finally, he took Ron's course selection list and filled in the same elective courses as him.

Harry felt that even if the choice was not good enough, and he had chosen a few courses that were very difficult to learn, there was at least one person who was willing to help him friendly, and the two of them could copy each other... No, share the homework!

Speaking of Quidditch, Harry remembered that the Gryffindor team's next Quidditch match was against Hufflepuff.

Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, insisted that the players train every day.

Because there are duel club gatherings before dinner every night from Monday to Friday, so Wood arranges the daily training after dinner, so that the players will be exhausted after the duel devil practice, and then go to Quidditch after dinner Odd devil training.

Wood's name is to enhance the physique and endurance of the players and improve their ability to deal with protracted battles.

Therefore, Harry and other members of the Gryffindor team have little time to do anything other than dueling clubs, Quidditch training and homework every day.

However, this high-intensity training is not without benefits.

The team members cooperated more and more easily and tacitly in the Quidditch training. Harry's originally thin physique because he didn't eat well at the Dursleys' house, also

Gradually became more angular.

On the night before Saturday's match, when he walked to the dormitory to put down the broomstick, he felt that the Gryffindor team had never been so sure of winning the Quidditch Cup!


The next morning was clear and sunny.

The pleasant breeze gently blew the surface of the lake where the ice had completely melted, causing slight ripples in the lake water.

"Ideal weather for a Quidditch match!" Wood enthused at the Gryffindor table, filling everyone's plate with scrambled eggs. "Harry, cheer up, you need a good breakfast."

As the biggest contributor to the Gryffindor Quidditch team winning the Quidditch Cup last school year, Harry has been favored by Wood to a large extent, which is clearly reflected in the fact that he only adds two to the other players. One piece of scrambled eggs, but added four pieces to Harry.

"It's not fair, Wood!" Fred and George protested. "You're being blatantly partial!"

The two of them had only one extra piece of scrambled egg on each plate.

"You can add eggs yourself." Wood glanced at the twins, and then re-entered the heated discussion with Harry on today's Quidditch tactics.

After dinner, Harry walked briskly to Gryffindor House, picked up his Nimbus 2000, and joined the bustling crowd heading to the Quidditch pitch.

"The overall strength of Hufflepuff's Quidditch team is weaker than ours, but their Seeker, Cedric Diggory, is not weak." Wood squeezed through the crowd and continued to Harry whispered in his ear, "Harry, all you have to do is keep an eye on Cedric and catch the Snitch before he does..."

Nodding his head copingly, Harry looked around for a figure, who was also a Seeker for the Quidditch team.

Just as he gradually approached the tall auditorium of the Quidditch stadium, Harry stopped in his footsteps.

He saw a very beautiful Asian girl with long, waterfall-like black hair and a broom in her hand. Full of heroic spirit.

In Harry's ears, Wood's voice seemed to disappear, and his eyes were all focused on that beautiful girl.

Autumn Zhang.

Harry met this beautiful girl at the end of the last school year when Professor Dracula awarded the amulet to No. 1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts in the first three grades.

Later, when I went to inquire about the content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, I deliberately pretended to meet by chance and chatted with Qiu Zhang once.

However, before the two of them had spoken a few words, Professor Dracula suddenly appeared and interrupted his good deed with great interest.

Since then, he never dared to speak a word with Qiu Zhang.

But Harry would subconsciously look for Cho Chang on any occasion and anywhere in Hogwarts.After confirming that she was there, she would hide away, and even pull Ron beside her to block her view, so as not to be discovered by her.

If Cho Chang didn't catch his gaze, Harry would stare at her for a long time, and he didn't know what to look at, but couldn't get enough of it anyway.If he was discovered, he would turn his head immediately, his face flushed.

In addition, Harry also remembered the places where Cho Chang often appeared, and he would pay special attention to that special location until Cho Chang appeared.

Harry has full confidence in this Quidditch match. He feels that the Gryffindor team has never been so sure of winning the Quidditch Cup as it is now.

So Harry's heart was beating again.

He wanted to go over, walk up to Cho Zhang and say a few words to her, let her cheer for the Gryffindor team, and let her pay attention to the moment when she caught the Snitch and looked heroic!

But Harry couldn't move.

"Harry? Harry!" Wood's big rough hands shook back and forth in front of his face, his face full of anxiety, "You have been standing here for a long time, is there something wrong?"

After a long while, Harry's eyes became focused, and he turned his head blankly to look at Wood beside him.

"Uh...what's the matter, Oliver?" he asked.

"Why do you still ask me?" Wu

De said anxiously, "It's you who suddenly stopped moving here, I don't know what's wrong with you at all!"

"Oh, I'm fine, Oliver." Harry hurriedly explained, "I just thought of something."

"That's good, that's good." Wood breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go, let's go to the field together, you don't dare to think about things like this suddenly during the game."

"Wait a minute." Harry shook his head, refusing to go to the Quidditch pitch with Wood, "I still have something to do, you go first, I will definitely be there before the game."

Wood looked at Harry suspiciously, for fear that he would suddenly run away alone before the game.

"You must come here on time!" he urged Harry.

"Don't worry!" Harry assured, patting his chest.

After chasing Wood away, Harry let out a long sigh of relief, and then hurriedly looked at the position where Qiu Zhang was just now.

Fortunately, the Ravenclaw girl hadn't left yet, she was still standing there with the broom in her hand.

Harry looked at her, and suddenly there was a strange convulsion in his heart, as if he missed a step when going downstairs, beating extremely fast.

Seeing that the Quidditch match was about to start, he gritted his teeth, held his breath as if death was at home, and walked to Qiu Zhang's side.


"Harry Potter?" Qiu Zhang looked at the troubled Harry who moved to his side, and looked at him curiously, "What do you want from me?"

"Hmm..." Harry hesitated.

He desperately wanted to say it, to get Cho Chang to cheer him on and the Gryffindor team, but he couldn't.

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