
"Professor, why does your lollipop smell like rust?!"

Dracula smiled happily, with two sharp side teeth sticking out of the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you see what role I'm playing now?" He said to the two with a chuckle, "This kind of lollipop is the most normal, right?"

"You won, professor! I give you full marks for playing a vampire!" Fred and George dropped their bodies.

At this time, Dumbledore, who had watched the play for a long time, waved to the twins.

"If you've had enough of Professor Dracula's suffering, come to my place. There's a lot of candy here." He took out two large honeydukes collector's edition sweets spree and handed them to the Weasley twins.

The two of them took the candy and were moved to tears.

Compared to the languid Professor Dracula, the principal is so kind!

Chapter 22 The Troll Unleashed

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After playing around for a few more minutes, the students from the four colleges gradually arrived.

Dumbledore stood up and announced the official start of the Halloween banquet, and grandly introduced the first guest of the banquet - the famous singer, Loken Deyce!

A pale, handsome man in a black high-necked wizard robe walked onto the stage in front of the giant pumpkin.

He held a microphone composed of a string of skulls in his hand, and smiled handsomely at the little wizards, with two sharp side teeth protruding from his mouth.

There was warm applause from the audience, especially the excited little witches, who even let out bursts of screams.

"Thank you, thank you everyone!" The half-blood vampire Loken waved to the audience, then turned around and respectfully bowed to the professor's chair, "I dedicate the song "By Your Side" to everyone!"

Since his debut in the magic world, Loken has always followed the cool and ascetic style of a vampire. His handsome appearance and sexy voice have been sought after by many witches.

This song "Beside You", as his famous song, has a strong vampire style.

Judging from the title part, the English title of this song is called "Nks o You (your neck)", which is a pun, and its pronunciation is very similar to "o You (by your side)".

It vividly describes a handsome vampire leaning over the neck of a young witch, kissing and biting seductively, and describes the vampire's eating as a seductive and harmless action.

Because of this captivating depiction, this love song became extremely popular, ranking first in the music charts of the wizarding world for 19 consecutive weeks.

Its birth and popularity have greatly beautified the impression of vampires in the minds of wizards, and also allowed more types of vampire delicacies to develop rapidly in the magic world.This is one of the reasons why Dracula was able to find all kinds of vampire snacks during this time.

After singing a song, the students were completely immersed in the music and the blushing pictures.

Loken Deis bowed deeply to the audience before walking off the stage.

At the same time, Dracula winked at him, got up and walked out of the auditorium.


Amidst the thunder that came from time to time, Dracula left the auditorium, found an empty corner in the corridor of the entrance courtyard of Hogwarts, leaned against the delicate stone pillars, and thought.

After a few minutes, Loken Deis also came out of the auditorium.He trotted to Dracula's side, and suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Mixed-blood vampire Loken Deyce, I have met Count Dracula!" he said solemnly.

"Don't be so restrained, just call me Professor Dracula at Hogwarts." Dracula pulled him up and said.

"Based on your age, you are the great-great-grandson of Deis?"

Looking at Loken's black hair and blue eyes, Dracula asked guessingly.

"Yes, my great-great-grandfather left the ancestral precepts. For generations, the Deyce family must obey Count Dracula's orders unconditionally, and no violations are allowed!" Loken said seriously.

"You don't need to obey. Now you just need to tell me about the living conditions of the vampire group during the 100 years I have been sleeping." Dracula asked, "It seems that it is rare to see it in the UK. Vampires, are they still gathering in Romania?"

"Yes, Master Dracula." Loken replied, "Most low-level vampires still prefer to gather in Romania, because there is a unified leadership and a more reasonable allocation of blood resources. So Romania is a low-level The place of choice for vampires."

"Our family doesn't have much contact with that side, and we don't know the specific situation. But in the era when my father was active, I vaguely heard that there was a conflict between the vampire group and the werewolf group, and there was a big conflict .”

"As for the UK, most wizards still have a prejudice against vampires, believing that vampires can only rely on brutal blood-sucking to grab life force. The few songs I released are all trying to change the status quo, and in fact they have received pretty good reviews. repercussions."

Dracula nodded slowly, "I see, thanks to your family's hard work."

"Master Dracula, don't you go to Romania to see for yourself? If

With your presence, the grievances between werewolves and vampires will be resolved soon! "

"Let's talk." Hearing Loken's question, Dracula shook his head noncommittally.

Then he turned his gaze to the auditorium, and saw several ghosts drifting towards the auditorium from other parts of the castle.

"Let's go back to the auditorium first. The ghost is about to start performing, which means that the Halloween banquet is almost over."

When Dracula and Loken entered the auditorium, the Halloween banquet had already come to an end, and ghosts in twos and threes got into the wall and left the auditorium.

The little wizards were also making their final struggle with the meal in front of them.

Harry was eating a potato with the skin on, when Quirrell, the teaching assistant, suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his big scarf on his head, his face full of horror.

Everyone stared at him as he walked over to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaned over the table, and gasped, "The troll—in the dungeon—thought you should know."

After speaking, he fell headlong to the floor and passed out.

The auditorium suddenly became chaotic.Dumbledore had to make purple fireworks explode from the tip of his wand several times before everyone fell silent.

"Prefect," he said in a low voice, "immediately lead the students from all colleges to the dormitories!"

At this moment, Dracula frowned when he saw Quirrell who fell into a coma easily.

No matter how he thinks about this person who can escape from his hands, he can't even look down on a brainless giant.And the cleaned troll has already been placed in the level below the trapdoor, so where is there a troll in the basement?

Thinking of this, Dracula jumped off the professor's seat, and a teleportation appeared in front of Quirrell.

"Tell me, are you pretending to be dizzy or are you really dizzy?" He pulled Quirrell up all of a sudden, and asked coldly, "Also, didn't you send the troll into the level? Where did the monster come from?"

Quirrell's expression was unreadable, and he seemed to be completely unconscious.

But after the flame in Dracula's hand rose, he immediately turned around and said with a blank face: "I... I have a spare giant... The giant is hidden in my office, but I seem to be Didn't take it seriously, let it run out."

After listening to Quirrell's words, the corners of Dracula's mouth curled slightly, but he smiled lightly instead.

"That's interesting," he said, "Then tell me, where in the basement should I find the troll?"

Chapter 23 Go outside and don’t say I taught you your defense skills

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"I...I don't know..." Quirrell said tremblingly with an innocent face, "I...I only saw that giant monster running... rampant in the basement, and I didn't know that it would... run to where!"

Dracula stared closely at Quirrell, and Quirrell looked away in fear.

"It's up to you, as for where you want to sneak to next, it's up to you." Dracula patted Quirrell on the shoulder, his eyes deep.

Afterwards, he left the auditorium again, took the Hogwarts title deed in his hands in the unmanned entrance courtyard corridor, and injected his magic power into the old parchment.

The magic of Dracula and the imprints of the four founders flow on the paper, slowly interweaving into a grid in the shape of Hogwarts castle.

Every magical node of Hogwarts is vividly displayed on the paper. Immediately afterwards, the structure of each part of the castle became more and more distinct, and the picture of every corner gradually became more and more detailed.

Dracula turned his attention to the auditorium on the parchment, and saw the little wizards being led by the prefects of various colleges, with reminiscence of the Halloween banquet on their faces and regret for the early end of the dinner, and they still wanted to rest to the public. room.

In addition, he also saw that Snape was walking towards the restricted corridor on the right hand side of the fourth floor with unrecognizable steps.

On the contrary, Quirrell seemed to be stunned, standing blankly in front of the big pumpkin in the auditorium, without the slightest movement.

Under this kind of comprehensive monitoring, the giant monster that got lost was quickly found by Dracula.

Just when Dracula was about to watch a good show under the live broadcast of the title deed, two sneaky figures caught his attention.


Dracula was surprised, and then disappeared in place.


The picture returns to the previous banquet, Harry was eating a potato with skin on, but Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, talking about the troll in horror.

Percy, the prefect of Gryffindor, was familiar with this, and led the lion cubs to the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor, where they were crowded with a group of Hufflepuff badgers.

However, just as they walked up the stairs leading to the eighth floor, Harry suddenly thought of something, his face became very panicked, and he grabbed Ron's arm suddenly.

"I just remembered - Hermione!" he said to Ron.

"What's the matter with her?" Ron froze for a moment, and asked somewhat conflictingly.

Just this morning in a Charms class, Ron was extremely dissatisfied with Hermione's pointing behavior, so he said bad things about her to Harry, and said that she should reflect on why she didn't have any friends.

Coincidentally, Hermione heard the bad things Ron said.

The little witch with strong self-esteem was extremely depressed, and she didn't want others to see her weak emotions, so she didn't show up all afternoon, and she didn't even attend the Halloween banquet.

Just now, Harry suddenly thought of a piece of news he overheard before the start of the Halloween banquet——

At that time, everyone was rushing to the auditorium to attend the Halloween banquet. On the way, Hermione's roommate Parvati Patil told Lavender that Hermione was crying sadly in the girls' bathroom and refused to let others comfort her.

Harry suddenly realized that Hermione was not in the Gryffindor team, maybe he would encounter the troll alone!

"Ron, Hermione doesn't know about the troll yet!" He said anxiously to Ron, "It's our responsibility that she didn't attend the banquet, we can't just sit idly by!"

The red-haired boy bit his lip hard.

"Oh, all right," he said decisively, "but it's best not to let Percy see us."

Having made their decision, Harry and Ron buried themselves in the passing Hufflepuff crowd and walked in the other direction.

They slipped quietly down an empty side hallway and hurried to the girls' bathroom.

Accompanied by the increasingly intense stench, a low grunt and the sound of huge feet dragging on the ground rang in the ears of the two of them.

The next moment, a shocking scene suddenly crashed into the sight of the two of them——

A monster twelve feet tall suddenly appeared from the corner of the corridor!

Its skin is dull, like granite

The gray, huge and clumsy body is like a huge pile of mud, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top.

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