The time has quietly come to June, and the exam week at Hogwarts is coming soon.

In the various classrooms in the teaching area, the little wizards quietly flipped through the books, reviewing the knowledge they had learned this school year.

The professors were not present today, and every class turned into self-study, allowing the little wizards to do their final review before the exam.

Harry's condition is still not very good, he has not fully recovered from the shocking thing that Cho Chang and Cedric started dating.

In addition, there will be a Quidditch match in two days. This is the last match before the exam, and the final team will be determined.

But Gryffindor had already lost the chance to enter the finals ahead of time——

Unless the gap between Slytherin and Slytherin can be widened by 4 points in the last game before the exam, it is impossible for Gryffindor, who is temporarily ranked No. Slytherin, who is second, gets a ticket to the final.

When it comes to Quidditch, Harry is not as excited as before, but full of melancholy.

He also had no intention of reviewing, just looking out the window aimlessly.

Chapter 180 The familiar Harry is back

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The sunlight outside the window is dazzling, and the branches outside the window seen through the transparent glass have already been drooped by the scorching sun, and the emerald green branches and leaves are about to wilt.

The black lake in the distance is calm and calm, without any waves, as if entering a dreamland, it is extremely quiet.

In the classroom, except for the "rustling" sound made by the rubbing of the quill pen and the parchment, there were almost no unnecessary sounds. The little wizards were all preparing for the final exam in the near future, and even Ron next to him was also starting under the supervision of Hermione. Do a set of test questions.

Harry, however, had no interest in studying.

He held the quill in his hand, and placed both hands on the parchment. The same place on the parchment was soaked with sweat, but there was still not a single word on the paper.

His thoughts wandered outside the window, thinking about messy things aimlessly, and before he knew it, the melodious bell for the end of get out of class rang.

Hermione put away her books and was about to go to the library to review the contents of History of Magic.She also wanted to pull Harry and Ron over to study together, but Harry refused on the grounds that he had a Quidditch practice tonight.

Of course, he himself knew that this training had become dispensable, because Gryffindor had already lost the chance to enter the finals.

And Harry also knew that he really should seriously review the courses that he didn't listen to very well this semester...well, or preview it once, otherwise he would definitely not get the ideal grade in the final exam, and he might even fail to pass. can't do it.

But thinking that Cedric might be in the library right now helping Cho Zhang review the content of the third grade exam, he didn't have any idea of ​​going to the library to study together.

Harry climbed the stairs aimlessly until he reached the Gryffindor common room on the eighth floor, and came to a portrait of the doorkeeper of the lounge, in front of the Fat Lady.

"Fennel granola."

He gave the password to the fat lady.

The Fat Lady glanced at Harry and smiled at him.

"Oh, a first-year little witch was looking for you just now, go in and have a look." She said cheerfully.

The portrait then swivels open to reveal the opening into the common room.

"Oh, thank you." Harry responded with some surprise.

As the chief culprit for the Gryffindor team's loss in several Quidditch matches, Harry actually received a lot of criticism within Gryffindor this semester.

Coupled with the fact that his mind is on Cho Chang and he doesn't pay much attention to the other original loyal admirers, he is not as popular now as he used to be.

Therefore, Harry didn't know what first-year students would come looking for him at this time when final exams were approaching.

In fact, Harry is also a fan of the authorities.

The first-year little wizards who are willing to look for him at such a critical time before the exam are basically only those two who still maintain a loyal admiration for Harry. Both of them are little wizards from Gryffindor ——

One is Colin Creevey, who holds a camera all day and wants to take pictures of Harry all the time.He was originally from a Muggle family, and he heard about Harry's deeds from newspapers and related books before going to school, so he immediately became a die-hard fan of Harry.

Another admirer is Ginny.Unlike Colin Creevey, who became a die-hard fan of Harry after going to school, she grew up listening to Harry's deeds since she was a child, and has always been Harry's little fan from beginning to end.

Harry has always felt guilty towards Ginny and Colin, because he felt that he was just an ordinary little wizard, not worthy of their worship at all...

Walking into the common room, Harry looked around, and sure enough, he saw a little red-haired witch circling anxiously by the fireplace.

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"Ginny?" He hesitated for a moment, and stopped Ginny, "Just now the fat lady said that there is a first-year little witch looking for me. The person she said was you, right?"

Ginny's anxious steps were interrupted by Harry's voice, she raised her head abruptly, with a look of relief in her eyes.

"Harry, you're back at last!" she said restlessly, "we

need your help! "

"What happened?" Harry asked in surprise, seeing Ginny's anxious expression.

"Luna is missing, she hasn't come back all day!" Ginny's brows were full of worry, "Last night was the last time I saw her, she told me to go to the Forbidden Forest to feed thestrals .”

"Luna? That new Ravenclaw friend of yours?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that girl with light blond hair and a mysterious look." Ginny said, "I thought she wanted to go to the Forbidden Forest just as a joke, because I've never heard of an animal like a Thestral..."

"I didn't know until I met Rolf Scamander that there really are thestrals in the Forbidden Forest, and Luna is obviously familiar with them!"

"So you mean, Luna is in danger in the Forbidden Forest?" Harry frowned.

"I think it should be like this." Ginny nodded, "I didn't see Luna all day today, and she didn't come to the self-study class that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had together."

"Later, I went to find some of her roommates at the door of the Ravenclaw common room, and asked them if they had seen Luna, but they told me that Luna didn't come back to the dormitory last night!"

"But this kind of thing... shouldn't you go to the professor for help?" Harry hesitated for a moment, then said, "Don't you know where Professor McGonagall's office is? I can take you there."

"I know where Professor McGonagall's office is, Harry!" exclaimed Ginny, "but none of the professors are on campus today, not even a single adult staff member!"

" is this possible?" Harry opened his mouth wide in astonishment, "Will Professor McGonagall allow such a situation in the castle?"

"But the fact is that Professor McGonagall is not in the castle," Ginny said.

"I just ran into Nearly Headless Nick, and he told me that Professor Dracula felt that he had been in Hogwarts for more than a year, and he hadn't invited his colleagues here to visit his home, so he suddenly had a whim, All faculty and staff should be invited to their own castle for dinner."

"And Professor Dracula said that those who didn't go would not give him face. In the end, even Professor McGonagall was forcibly taken to his home by him."

"It really looks like Professor Dracula's style..." Harry said dumbfoundedly, "Professor Dracula is so rich, his house must be very big, and it won't be a problem to accommodate all the Hogwarts professors. "

"Harry, now is not the time to think about how big Professor Dracula's house is!" Ginny interrupted Harry, and continued, "The problem now is that Luna is in danger in the Forbidden Forest, we need to Your help!"

"But even if the professor isn't there, you should ask the prefect for help." Harry said blankly, "Percy should be in the library, right? He must be willing to show his prefect's duty of protecting the younger students."

"No, Harry, we don't need Percy, we need you!" Ginny shook her head, "Actually, I'm not the first person to find out that Luna is missing, Scamander was the first ..."

"Scamander has always had a good relationship with Luna since he first transferred to Hogwarts. After he found out that Luna was missing, he skipped the daytime self-study class and went to the Forbidden Forest by himself first. .”

"Just now, Scamander told me that he has found the place where Luna is trapped, but it needs a specific magic to open it, so please let me come to you for help!"

Ginny pronounced the word "we" emphatically.

She didn't expect Harry to be so dull. The two of them talked for so long, but he couldn't even distinguish the words "we" and "I" in his own mouth, and he didn't even have the slightest doubt .

"But I'm just an ordinary second-year student, Ginny. I don't have any special features compared to others, and I don't know any specific magic." Harry said softly.

He had always felt inferior during this time, and he didn't think that what Percy couldn't do could be done by himself.

"Listen, Ginny, I know you have a... well, blind admiration for me, but I'm not the savior you say, Voldemort left

I really didn't do anything that day..."

Ginny looked at Harry, who was obviously giving up on himself, and felt angry at this object of her admiration, and at the same time worried about Luna's current situation, coupled with her long-suppressed admiration for Harry...

All emotions condensed to a certain point, and finally broke out completely——

"Don't you understand me yet, Harry?" She yelled, fixing her gaze firmly into Harry's eyes, "You have always been the most special wizard, not because you are the savior, but because you this person!"

"I admire you not only because of your achievements in driving away Voldemort when you were young, nor because of your fame in the wizarding world, but because of your brave character and responsible quality!"

"Have you forgotten? In the last school year, even though you knew that Assistant Professor Quirrell was a dangerous dark wizard, you still rushed into the dangerous restricted area to protect the Philosopher's Stone. You even dared to face the mysterious man, and with that everyone The duel of the dreaded Dark Lord!"

"Where did that fearless and courageous Harry go?" Ginny said hysterically with her face flushed and her eyes closed.

Harry stared blankly at the youngest girl in the Wesley family in front of him, and suddenly felt that he had never really known her before.

In Harry's memory, every time Ginny saw him, her cheeks would be flushed, she would even become clumsy, and she would often drop things on the he always felt that she was just a naive little girl.

But he had actually heard about Ginny's original character from Ron, Fred and George: She was not such a naive and shy girl since she was a child, but a lively and energetic girl who could do everything well. Have your own opinion.

It was only because she adored Harry that Ginny became such a submissive, shy, and cute character in front of him.

Now, the outburst of the little witch made Harry realize another side of her, and at the same time, it also reminded him of the side he once had.

Harry's thoughts were spinning all over, and the emotion in his eyes gradually withdrew from his heart.

"I..." he said softly, "I have Quidditch practice for a while, and I came back this time to get the broom."

Hearing Harry's words, Ginny's eyes showed extreme disappointment and sadness.

"I see, Scamander and I will rescue Luna." She said indifferently, and walked towards the door of the common room without looking back.

"Wait a minute!" Harry called out to her suddenly.

"Is there anything else?" Ginny stopped, but she didn't have the thought of turning back at all. "My time is precious now. Every second I delay, Luna's situation will become more dangerous."

"I know," said Harry, "so I was just going to get my broomstick, so I guess it would be a little quicker to get to the Forbidden Forest with a broomstick?"

He laughed easily, and before the end of the first year, the confidence he had when he won the Quidditch trophy, the Defense Against the Dark Arts test No.1, and the Academy Cup at the same time returned to his green-eyed boy.

Ginny covered her mouth in disbelief, and turned to look at a smiling Harry.

She knew that the Harry Potter she admired the most was back!


So that afternoon, in the blue sky under the bright sunshine, a brand-new broomstick flew past with a clean youthful atmosphere.

"Ginny, where is Scamander waiting for us?" Harry held his hand on the front of the broom, facing the howling wind, and asked Ginny loudly in front of him.

At this time, the two little wizards completely violated the rules of using broomsticks, and at the same time flew quickly in the sky on Harry's Nimbus 2000.

Harry sat at the back of the broom, reaching forward to grab the handle at the front of the broom, in a position that almost hugged Ginny's waist, who was sitting in front of the broom.

Ginny's face was flushed, her head almost dropped into her collar, and she didn't hear Harry's question at all.

"Ginny, you have to tell me where Scamander is waiting for us?" Harry had to repeat again, "I need to control the direction, otherwise I will miss the time to save people if I fly to the wrong place!"

Ginny finally heard Harry's voice this time, and raised her head in a daze.

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