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Harry looked down at his wand, the one of holly and phoenix feather still in his hand.

"If I've already been expelled, it shouldn't be a problem to cast a little more magic?" Harry's heart was pierced at the thought of his possible expulsion.

He has the invisibility cloak his father gave him - if he casts the Lightness Charm on the suitcase to make it very light, then straps it to a broomstick, puts it on himself and flies to London ,so what?

If he does, he can withdraw the rest of his money and belongings from the underground vault and embark on a wandering journey...

But this prospect is also very scary. He can't just sit on a low wall like this all night, or he will have to explain to the Muggle police why he is still on the street in the middle of the night, carrying a box, a spell Books and a broomstick.

Thinking wildly, Harry opened the suitcase again, shoving the contents aside. What he was looking for was the Invisibility Cloak - but before he could find it, he straightened up suddenly and looked around again.

Harry suddenly felt a strange, needle-like sensation in his neck, making him feel like someone was watching him.

He looked back and forth on the dark street many times, but he didn't find any traces of other people on this street, and there were no lights in the neat houses.

Harry thought he was delusional, so he leaned down again to look at the trunk.

But the next moment, almost instantly, he straightened up again, while grasping his wand tightly in his right hand.

It's not so much what he heard as what he felt—

Someone or something was standing behind him in the small space between the fence and the garage!

Harry squinted down the dark alley.As long as the thing moved, he'd know if it was just a stray cat or...something weird.

"Lumos," Harry whispered softly.

Under the spell of the Wand Illumination Charm, the tip of his wand released a ray of light, illuminating the dark street.

He held his wand high above his head, the light reflected off the gravel of the second wall, the garage

The door was also shimmering, and between the two, Harry could clearly see, a big black dog with big, shining eyes!

Startled, Harry stepped back abruptly.

His leg touched the suitcase, tripped, his body suddenly lost its center of gravity, and fell backwards.

Just when Harry's body was about to hit the ground heavily, he suddenly felt his clothes being pulled by something, and then he was gently pulled by the clothes, and stood on the ground again.

"You have a letter from the Department of Prohibiting the Misuse of Magic from the Ministry of Magic." A nice female voice came from behind.

Harry turned around and saw a young witch with pink hair and bubble gum blowing in her mouth holding an envelope.

She was still holding a wand in her hand, and it seemed that the pink-haired witch had just pulled him up in time when he was about to fall to the ground.

Chapter 190 Second Sirius' Past

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Harry's lips trembled as he looked at the letter handed over by the pink-haired witch.

"I... Am I expelled from Hogwarts?" He closed his eyes and asked with a particularly painful expression.

"Expulsion? What are you thinking?" The pink-haired witch seemed to be a little bit amused, "It's too late for the Ministry of Magic to love you, why would you want to expel you?"

"Huh?" Harry's eyes widened, and a burst of ecstasy welled up in his heart, "So... I don't have to be fired?"

"Of course." The pink-haired witch nodded. "Let me introduce myself first. I am an official Auror in the Auror Office of the Ministry of Magic. You can call me Tonks."

She pronounced the word "official Auror" very emphatically, with a very proud expression on her face, as if she was afraid that others would not know that she passed the official Auror assessment this summer.

"Uh, hello, Tonks." Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief, and took the letter that Tonks handed over, "Since it's not about expelling me, what does this letter prohibiting the abuse of magic mean? You know ...I violated the rules after all."

"You are right. You did violate the regulations of the Ministry of Magic." Tonks nodded, "Therefore, there is still a process to follow. The first time you violate the regulations, you will be given a warning and no other punishment will be imposed."

As she said that, she glanced in the direction of Privet Drive from afar, "An amnestic has already gone over to take care of you, don't worry, your uncle's family won't remember what happened today!"

Only then did Harry feel completely relieved, he lowered his head and opened the letter in his hand, looking at what was written on it——

Mr. Porter:

We have received reports that at [-]:[-] tonight you cast an expansive spell on your residence.You should know that underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside of school, and if you do so again, you will be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ("The Act for the Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards", [-], Paragraph [-]).

Also, please keep in mind that according to Section 13 of the International Federation of Wizards' Secrecy Act, any magical activity that may attract the attention of non-members of the magical community (Muggles) is a serious offense.

Have a nice summer!

Mafalda Hopkirk

Ministry of Magic Prohibition of Misuse of Magic Division


Harry looked at the letter in his hand with some sadness and some relief at the same time.

Relaxed because he knew that this illegal use of magic was over, and he would not be expelled from Hogwarts; but sad because Harry just learned that there would be a reminder for the first violation of the rules.

If he had known about this earlier, he would have found a better opportunity to use magic on the Dursleys to his heart's content and teach them a lesson!

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot the business!" Tonks suddenly exclaimed, interrupting Harry's contemplation, "Harry, is there anything else you haven't dealt with?"

"If there's anything else to do or something to get, then I think you need to hurry because you might not know it, and now you're in great danger!"

Tonks' originally lively expression suddenly became serious. She took Harry to a darker place beside the street, searched around professionally, and cleared away all suspicious things in the vicinity according to the requirements of the Auror assessment. s things.

"Hey, why is there a big black dog here?" She saw a big black dog beside her, she didn't pay much attention to it, and just casually drove it to the other side of the street.

"I don't have anything else to take, I can leave here at any time." Harry shook his head, and took his suitcase and Hedwig's cage, "But... Tonks, why am I in danger? ?”

"I'll talk to you about this matter in a safe place. I need to send you to the Ministry of Magic now..." Tonks said with some urgency, "Can you reveal your entourage?"

"A entourage manifested? What's that?" Harry asked blankly.

"Oh, I forgot, you're still just a student who hasn't even reached the third grade yet." Tonks held his forehead helplessly, "Hmm... Appearance is the ability to apparate with other wizards , you grew up in a muggle family, surely no adult wizard taught you this

indivual. "

"But the distance from here to the Ministry of Magic is too far, and I don't dare to Apparate with a little wizard who can't show his followers. This is going to be troublesome..."

"We can take taxis and subways." Harry suggested, "Muggle transportation is actually quite convenient."

"That's not okay." Tonks denied his thoughts, "Muggle vehicles don't have any protection, if Sirius Black finds you on Muggle vehicles, I'm afraid not only you will be trapped In the midst of danger, it will even affect the surrounding Muggles."

She tugged at her hair in a tangle, and the pink hair color turned into a colorful mess of colors, and then turned into a gray.

"Sirius Black?" Before Harry had time to be curious about Tonks' changing hair color, his eyes widened in surprise, "I seem to know this name, he is a wanted man on the Muggle government's bounty What does this man have to do with the wizarding world?"

He'd only seen the name Sirius Black in Uncle Dursley's newspaper subscription this morning, and on the front pages of the Muggle papers he was listed as an extremely dangerous murderer.

"Ah, I accidentally slipped my mouth..." Tonks' face froze for a moment, and he covered his mouth with two fingers, "Forget it, it's okay to tell you now, we just took the opportunity to wait My colleague, ask him to deliver the Portkey to the Ministry of Magic."

"Listen, Harry, Sirius Black is an extremely dangerous criminal who just escaped from Azkaban! The Ministry of Magic judges that he is probably looking for you!"

Tonks looked straight into Harry's eyes and said seriously.

What the two didn't notice was that not far from the street, a big black dog that had just been chased away quietly pricked up its ears.

"So, the wanted man named Sirius Black is actually a wizard?" Harry asked in astonishment, "Then why was he published in the Muggle newspaper?"

"Because the Ministry of Magic has contacted the Muggle Prime Minister." Tonks said in a nonchalant manner, "You can see it by reading this newspaper."

She took a newspaper from the little bag she was carrying and handed it to Harry, pointing him to one of the paragraphs on the first page—

Some members of the International Confederation of Wizards have criticized Fudge for informing the Muggle Prime Minister of Black's escape.

To which Fudge responded angrily: "Oh, I had to, don't you know? Black is crazy. Anyone who comes across him is in danger, whether you're a wizard or a Muggle! "

"I got a guarantee from the Muggle Prime Minister that he would not reveal a word to anyone about Black's true identity. We cannot deny a fact-if the Muggle Prime Minister tells Black's true identity , what other Muggle who has never seen magic would believe him?"

Muggles are told that Black carries a gun (a metal wand, a weapon used by Muggles to kill each other), and the wizarding community is constantly worried about the recurrence of the massacre 12 years ago, when Black used A single spell killed thirteen lives.


Compared with the seriousness and formality of the official newspaper of the Muggle world, the content of the "Daily Prophet", the official newspaper of the wizarding world, is often as casual as this report, and even the funny quotations of Fudge, the Minister of Magic, are left intact. Put it on.

In comparison, the status of the "Daily Prophet" in the wizarding world is like the Times of the British Muggle world, but its content is like the "Sun" of the Muggle world.

Harry stared at Black's blurred eyes in the newspaper, the only eyes that seemed to have some residual life in that sunken face.

Harry thought of the pictures of vampires he had seen in Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks, and Black, with his waxy white skin, thought he looked like a vampire.

Of course, if Dracula finds out about his dangerous thoughts, he might be able to duel four times a day in the Dueling Club this semester...

"I didn't expect Sirius to look so scary now..." Tonks also glanced at the photo printed in the newspaper, with a slightly sad expression, "I saw him several times when I was a child, and he was so scary when I saw him. Most handsome wizard ever."


Met him as a kid? ' asked Harry in surprise.

"Not only have I met, I have seen it many times!" Tonks said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce, Sirius Black is my mother's cousin."

Harry looked at Tonks' pretty cheek, and then at Sirius Black's haggard, withered, sunken face in the newspaper. He really couldn't connect the two, let alone believe that he was Tonks. The handsomest wizard that Stanley had ever called.

"Don't you believe it, Sirius was the school girl at Hogwarts before he entered Azkaban!" Tonks saw Harry's disapproval, so he added, "I think about how to describe him How handsome... By the way, you should know Professor Dracula, right?"

She suddenly thought of the silver-haired man who had met twice in the Cairngorm Mountains and on the island of Azkaban.

"What does this have to do with Professor Dracula?" Harry looked at Tonks suspiciously.

"Sirius was a little worse than Professor Dracula when he was young!" Tonks said in a very affirmative tone.

The two of them didn't notice that the big black dog by the street raised its head proudly after hearing Tonks' evaluation of Sirius. When Tonks mentioned Professor Dracula, a trace of curiosity appeared in its eyes. look.

"Wow, is it so exaggerated?" Thinking that this Sirius could be as handsome as Professor Dracula, Harry almost had a good impression of this wanted criminal.

What he didn't know was that the greater reason for this inexplicable affection was not because Sirius was once handsome, but because he had a strange sense of familiarity with this face.

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"No, no, he is a murderer, he has killed thirteen people!" Harry shook his head violently, shaking off the distracting thoughts in his mind, "He killed thirteen people with a single spell!"

"Yes, a spell," said Tonks, "caused the Ministry of Magic a lot of trouble in broad daylight, in front of witnesses."

Speaking of this, Tonks scratched his hair in some doubts, and changed the hair color back to his favorite pink, "It's strange, judging from Sirius' later performance, he is the most supportive of the mysterious man."

"What? Voldemort?" Harry asked subconsciously.

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