Chapter 26 Blank Journal

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The next day, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the British Ministry of Magic received an anonymous letter of complaint.

The letter mentioned that there are a large number of illegal items related to black magic hidden in Malfoy Manor, and these items are hidden in the dark warehouse under the fountain in the center of the courtyard.

Amelia Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, took the report letter from her assistant, and her expression of indifference gradually became extremely surprised.

"Rufus, take a look at this report letter." She waved to the director of the Auror office, Rufus Scrimgeour.

A man with gold-rimmed glasses and tawny hair came over. His legs seemed to be a little limp, but he walked with a kind of striding style.

"What's the matter, Amelia?" Scrimgeour glanced nonchalantly at the letter in Burns's hand, and said casually, "The report letter to Malfoy Manor? Isn't the Malfoy family often reported, but we never No real evidence has been found."

"No, Rufus, this report letter is different this time." Burns shook his head lightly, and handed the letter to Scrimgeour.

Scrimgeour took the letter with suspicious eyes, and immediately his eyes became suspicious.

"This letter actually contains the detailed structure of Malfoy Manor? I am afraid that only someone who is very close to the Malfoy family can draw such a clear drawing." He frowned and said doubtfully, "Who wrote this letter?" Who is man, and what is his purpose?"

"No matter what, this is a rare opportunity, we can't miss it." Amelia Bones quickly made a decision, "Well, Arthur and Malfoy are deadly enemies, so they should know a lot about that Yes. You and him lead the team together, bring two teams of elite Aurors, and go to Malfoy Manor to search carefully!"

Scrimgeour also nodded resolutely, then turned and walked towards the Misuse of Muggle Substances Prohibition Office, preparing to notify Arthur Weasley to go on a mission with him.

After Scrimgeour left, Burns pulled out a document from a drawer and began filling out a search warrant for Malfoy Manor.

Just then, a taller man with long light blonde hair braided into a neat braid appeared next to her desk.

"What's the matter, Yaxley?" Burns also noticed this wizard in gorgeous robes who was out of tune with the atmosphere of the Ministry of Magic, and asked with a frown.

Yaxley put on a smile that was easily unpleasant at first glance, and said: "Our department has a document that needs to be signed by the director. I will trouble Director Burns."

Burns frowned slightly, signed his name on the document Yaxley brought, and then let him leave his office area.

However, what she didn't know was that after Yaxley left, he did not deal with the document he had just signed in his hand. Instead, he secretly took out a quill and opened it in the corner of the empty corridor outside the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. , start composing a letter.

The addressee written on the envelope is clearly visible - L. Malfoy.


Wiltshire, England, Malfoy Manor, a weekend night.

A wizard wrapped his entire body in a pitch-black cloak, standing in the shadow of the street, staring at the incomparably luxurious and extravagant manor with an uncertain expression on his face.

"Master, if Malfoy doesn't take out what you need and dispose of it as you imagined, what shall we do?"

Quirrell's slightly trembling voice sounded from the shadows.

"Don't worry, I have already considered this point." Voldemort's gloomy voice sounded from the same shadow, "If Lucius didn't bring out what I want, it would be better, it proves that at least he still has something in his heart. A trace of loyalty to me."

"If his loyalty to me has not completely dissipated, we can contact him with the Dark Mark and ask him to transfer that thing to you. Of course, if Lucius is really stupid enough to take out my things and dispose of them , we can naturally purchase directly according to the original plan!"

"It should be mine, it must be mine, no one can stop it."

Voldemort's low tone echoed in the shadows, making the surrounding atmosphere quietly extremely eerie.

time one

Minutes and seconds passed, and fine snowflakes gradually floated in the sky.And there was still no movement from Malfoy Manor.

Quirrell was shivering from the cold, and couldn't help asking:

"Master, I think Malfoy should still have a lot of loyalty to you. He hasn't taken out the things and disposed of them so far. It shouldn't be too late."

"I hope he really does." Voldemort's voice also brought a hint of complacency, "Get ready, I'm going to teach you how to use the Dark Mark."

Just when Voldemort was about to teach Quirrell to use the Dark Mark to contact this loyal surviving subordinate, the door of Malfoy Manor suddenly opened.

A wizard wearing expensive wizard robes and covering his face with a silk veil sneaked out from the gate of the manor.

It took a long time to pack up many illegal items. Lucius lived up to Voldemort's prediction and came to the joint with the precious items left by Voldemort.

"You are the black market dealer in Knockturn Alley that I contacted, right?" Lucius handed over a cloth bag and said arrogantly, "This is the treasure that I spent six hours packing up, and I understand their How high is the quantity and value?"

"If I hadn't been in a hurry to make a move now, two thousand Galleons wouldn't be able to buy even a fraction of it!"

Quirrell stared blankly at Lucius, who was covering his face in front of him, trembling all over his body.He could feel that Voldemort was almost in a rage at the back of his head.

"I knew the Malfoy family was unreliable, they've always been a bunch of fools!!" Voldemort's cursing voice kept echoing in Quirrell's mind.

Suppressing his trembling emotions, Quirrell tremblingly took the bag that Lucius handed over with the Untraceable Stretching Charm, and began to check whether there was anything Voldemort needed among the large number of illegal items.

"Yes, what I need is here." Voldemort's suppressed angry voice sounded in Quirrell's mind.

Quietly heaving a sigh of relief, he handed Lucius the two thousand Galleons just dug out from someone else's grave, and then left Malfoy Manor without looking back.

In a remote corner of Wiltshire, under Voldemort's guidance, Quirrell took out a blank diary with a black cover from the cloth bag with trembling hands.

Voldemort's original anger faded away, replaced by relief and ensuing ecstasy.

Chapter 27 The Quidditch match begins

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After entering November, the weather in the Scottish Highlands becomes very cold.

The mountains around Hogwarts were covered by heavy gray clouds, the mountains were covered with thick snow, and the lake was as cold and hard as a whole steel plate.Every morning, the ground is covered with frost.

In one such season, the Quidditch season begins.

On the Quidditch pitch, gamekeeper Hagrid, wrapped in a long moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge beaver fur boots, labored tirelessly to defrost his broomsticks; On the lawn, the captain of the Quidditch team gathered the players together and explained their tactics in a low voice.

However, there were two Gryffindor batsmen who were a little out of business. They didn't listen to their captain's speech on the lawn, and they didn't warm up before the game seriously. Instead, they sneaked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

At this time, a pair of red-haired twins were standing in front of Dracula's desk, staring at their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor leaning back in his chair.

"Professor, today is our first Quidditch match this year, you must go to watch it!" the twins said loudly.

Dracula looked up at the sunny weather outside the window, curled his lips secretly, and casually said:

"I'm not interested in Quidditch, go play it yourself, come on."

"Professor!" Fred slapped the table in a hurry, "Today's game is about your forty Galleons, and Harry, the student who admires you the most, will also appear in this game, are you really not excited? "

Dracula watched Fred's movement of patting the table, and the red wine on the desk that was shaken to the edge of the table and almost fell, and raised his hand slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Fred floated up uncontrollably, all the way to the top of the office, hanging on a chandelier.

"Intent to damage the property of the professor's office, this is the punishment you deserve." Dracula casually picked up the goblet that had moved to the edge of the desk, took a sip of the bright red wine, and said casually.

George glanced at his good brother hanging on the chandelier, secretly retracted his hand from the table, and took a step back.

"Professor, are you really so cruel!" George changed his method and began to show off his skills to Dracula.

He half-kneeled in front of Dracula, weeping bitterly, speaking miserable words with snot and tears.

"Poor Harry has lived with his mean aunt since he was a child, and has never met his parents. It was not until he came to the wizarding world that he finally had a professor he admired as his emotional sustenance! There is no Quidditch for you to watch The game is incomplete for Harry!"

The corners of Dracula's mouth twitched slightly. Looking at George who was struggling to sell miserably, he felt that this was the point of his words, and it seemed too indifferent if he didn't go any further...

"Okay, don't cry anymore, I see you have worked hard." He interrupted George's fake crying, and said, "I will go to watch the game."

Hearing Dracula's affirmative answer, George immediately withdrew his sad face and showed a surprised expression.Fred, hanging from the chandelier, also gave him a thumbs up.

However, it is not Dracula's style to admit defeat like this. He then added:

"But George Weasley should be punished for soiling the floor of the professor's office."

Saying that, Dracula also hung George on the chandelier, hanging side by side with Fred.Two red-haired boys in red and gold Gryffindor Quidditch uniforms hung side by side from the ceiling like two identical string dolls.

After that, Dracula ignored the two live treasures, opened a pure black parasol, walked out of his office, and stood under the long-lost sunny sunshine.

The two Weasleys waited until the professor left the office, breathed a sigh of relief, and then winked at each other.

"Wow, it's so thrilling!" George exclaimed, "If it wasn't for my wit, the game would be over this time! Why did we come to provoke Professor Dracula?"

"Don't be silly, George!" Fred retorted loudly. "Did you forget? We spent all the Galleons in a bet with the Slytherin dog! If Harry can't catch the Snitch , then we can only lose everything completely.”

When it comes to

Here, the two were trying to fight as usual, when they suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Wait, we seem to be in trouble!" George suddenly interrupted Fred.

"What's wrong?" Fred asked belatedly.

"Wake up, Fred! We're still hanging from the chandelier!!"


In today's Quidditch match, the players of the Gryffindor team were full of confidence.

Because they have a secret weapon - Harry Potter!

After several weeks of training, Harry is about to play his first game in his life.This game is Gryffindor vs Slytherin.If the Gryffindor team wins, their ranking in the House Cup Championship will rise to No.2.

As Gryffindor's secret weapon, Wood decided to keep Harry's participation a secret.As a result, Harry was hardly ever seen playing Quidditch.

But the news that Harry was going to be Seeker got out anyway.

Because of this, there are worshipers of the savior running up to him and saying that he will play very well, and some old enemies of Slytherin telling him that they will hold the mattress and run after him to prevent him from falling. down...

Harry didn't know which version was worse, nor that the Weasley twins were responsible for the leak—

In order to get the Slytherins to make a bet with them, the twins secretly named the savior Harry Potter, and announced that Harry would catch the Snitch in his first game, ending the whole game!

The Slytherin students were overjoyed to hear this, and they didn't think that a first-year freshman who had only been training for two months was a secret weapon, and they all bet that Harry would fall off the broomstick .

As for the culprit, the Weasley twins didn't rush to the pitch until just before the game.

The two hung on the chandelier in Dracula's office for a long time, until they remembered the Quidditch match, they finally realized that they could use the coming spell to call the broomstick placed at the door of the office, and then rode the broom from the chandelier. Up and down.

Fred and George no doubt took some serious criticism from Wood.

Finally, amidst the laughter of the Weasley brothers, Wood's serious warning and enthusiastic encouragement, and the cheers of the stadium audience, Harry followed Fred and George out of the locker room, and then walked towards the cheering crowd. stadium.

The Quidditch match is finally about to begin!

Chapter 28 The broom that got out of control

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