"Excuse me, Mr. Dracula," Peeves said, "her place was messed up and she didn't want to be seen, so she ran into other portraits."

"I happened to see her running past that picture on the fifth floor, sir, hiding among the trees, crying and saying terrible things."

"Poor fellow," he added, without any pity for anyone else.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"Oh, yes, Head Professor," said Peeves, with a mean smile on his face, "He was very annoyed that she wouldn't let him in, you know what I mean?"

Peeves somersaulted in the air, grinning at Dumbledore from between his own legs.

"He's got a bad temper, this Sirius Black."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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Peeves' words caused an uproar among the crowd.

Dumbledore's expression suddenly became serious, and he drove all the students of Gryffindor House to the auditorium.

Under the very tough emergency arrangements of the professors, the little wizards who had never seen such a battle moved very quickly and cooperated with the professors' work very well.

Only 10 minutes later, students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin came to the auditorium along with the Gryffindor students.

The auditorium suddenly became noisy, even busier than the opening dinner. Many young wizards seemed to be confused about the situation.

"The professors and myself will conduct a thorough search of the castle," Dumbledore said to the students, standing on the dais in front of the Great Hall.

At this time, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium, and even the magic that reflected the sky on the ceiling of the auditorium was also turned off, and a depressive atmosphere lingered in the entire auditorium.

"For the safety of all students, tomorrow's class is temporarily suspended." Professor McGonagall knew, "I ask the prefects to stand guard at each entrance of the auditorium, and the presidents of the male and female student unions stay in the auditorium to take charge of management."

"Report to me immediately if anything happens," she added, looking at Percy who had already followed. Percy looked proud as an important person, "You can find a ghost to bring me a message."

The other young wizards had nothing else to do, and began to discuss eagerly how Sirius Black had come to Hogwarts Castle.

"Who guessed that a wanted criminal had escaped into the castle before?" Ron said to Harry and Hermione. "We thought this guess was the most unreliable, but we didn't expect it to be so!"

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Hermione asked anxiously, not caring about such questions.

"Dumbledore obviously thought so," said Ron.

"It's Harry's luck that he picked today to come, do you know?" Hermione said fearfully, "Today we are going to go out to practice magic, and we are not in the tower..."

She was not only afraid of Harry, but also thankful that her time-turner was taken away by Professor Dracula.

If not, there might have been two Hermiones in the castle when the professors ordered the young wizards to come to the Great Hall.

Hermione was terrified just thinking about it.

What if both Hermiones were dragged into the auditorium by the prefects and professors; what if she was not found by the professors and prefects, but still chose to stay where she was, and then was found by Sirius Black Sample……

Fortunately, Professor Dracula took away her time-turner, avoiding this worst situation from happening.

After listening to the speeches of the professors, Harry, Ron and Hermione went straight to the corner of the long table in Gryffindor, pulled up a few chairs and sat down, propped their upper bodies on the table and talked in a low voice.

Harry's expression was a little unnatural.

He knew that Sirius Black was trying to kill himself to win Voldemort's favor, so he sneaked into Hogwarts Castle.

In a sense, he made it difficult for the students of Hogwarts to go back to the common room, and even caused the class to be suspended tomorrow.

Harry vaguely heard some trivial words from the long Ravenclaw table next door. It seemed that some little Ravenclaw wizards were complaining that he had caused Hogwarts to suspend classes.

Even Ravenclaw, a house that usually gets along well, has people thinking this way, so the house of Slytherin, which has a lot of conflicts with him, must have spoken out how much cynicism towards him up...

"Don't care what they say, Harry." Hermione saw Harry's sadness, and comforted her, "It's not your fault, it's all that Sirius Black's fault!"

"Yeah, Harry, Black must have been tortured insane by the dementors in Azkaban, and he was so brave enough to sneak into Hogwarts." Ron nodded in approval, "Fortunately, I am very happy today." Move forward and take Harry out to practice the spell, otherwise I really don't know what will happen!"

Speaking of this, Ron's expression became a little proud again, as if he had done a great thing to save the world.

Of course, after discussing other issues

, the topic of the three little wizards inevitably returned to the same question—how did Sirius Black get in?

"Maybe he knows how to invisibility," said a Ravenclaw student a few feet away, "by emerging from thin air, you know what I mean."

"Probably came in with makeup on." A student wearing a Hufflepuff College robe said beside him.

Harry turned his head, only to realize that it was Rove and Luna who did not know when they came over to join the conversation, and looked at Harry with concern at the same time.

They all knew that Sirius Black came to Hogwarts with only one purpose, and that was to find Harry!

Therefore, Harry's friends are very worried about him.

Harry greeted them and said he was fine and not to worry about him.

"Or... maybe he flew in." Dean Thomas, who was sitting not far from the Gryffindor table, also came over and gave his guess.

"Honestly, am I the only one who has taken the trouble to read Hogwarts, A History?" Hermione said angrily to the young wizards around her.

"Very likely." Ron nodded solemnly, "But why did you mention this all of a sudden? We all know you're amazing, Hermione, so there's really no need to show it again."

"It's not because of that!" Hermione glared at Ron viciously, ""Hogwarts, A School History" mentioned the protective magic of Hogwarts, if you read it carefully, you won't mention it. So many unreliable guesses!"

"This castle is not only protected by hardware like walls," she went on to explain, "The castle is also cast with various magics to prevent outsiders from sneaking in. It is impossible to enter by stealth alone."

"And I'd like to see what kind of makeup can fool those dementors outside the door. These guys guard every entrance...even if he flies in on a broom, the dementors can easily see it."

"Not only that, but Filch knows all the secret passages in the castle, and the dementors will block them all..."

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Under Hermione's explanation, the little wizards quickly lost interest in the discussion.

After all, Hogwarts' various defensive measures have already targeted every conceivable infiltration method. With the little wizards' shallow understanding of magic, it is difficult to guess any reliable plan.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this." Harry lay down on the table a little bored, "Instead of discussing this, let's talk about what we can do when we are locked in the auditorium... If there is no class for the entire tomorrow, We'll get bored very quickly."

"Look at it, at least we came to the auditorium without bringing anything," Ron said rather happily, "We don't even have parchment, and we have a reason not to write the homework that hasn't been handed in yet!"

However, things obviously will not develop as he imagined.

Dumbledore stayed in the auditorium for a while, seeing that there was no problem here, and was about to leave the auditorium when he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, you may need these things..." He waved his wand casually, and countless pieces of parchment flew in from nowhere, and they were stacked one by one on the table in front of each little wizard.

With another wave, the corresponding quill and ink also appeared next to the parchment.

"Study hard!" Dumbledore said with a smile, "The more nervous you are, the more you can't forget to study! With these papers and pens, you can also pass some boring time."

Looking at the parchment and quills neatly placed in front of him, Ron's eyes widened, his expression completely numb.


Under Dumbledore's command, all the staff moved.

They searched the entire Hogwarts castle carefully, not missing a single corner, but Sirius Black completely disappeared as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

"Actually, you don't have to let the professors run around."

Dumbledore personally put the whole

After searching the eighth floor, Dracula's figure suddenly appeared behind him.

Dumbledore turned and looked at him inquiringly.

"You know that I can view the entire castle through the Hogwarts title deed, why do you need the professors to patrol back and forth?" Dracula asked with a frown.

"Sometimes, even if you know you can't find Sirius Black, you still have to do the work." Dumbledore turned around and smiled softly.

"The staff of the Ministry of Magic and those dementors are just waiting for our work to go wrong so that they can come in and occupy Hogwarts!"

"If we do nothing, not to mention that people in the Ministry of Magic will think that my headmaster is incompetent, and even the teaching staff group may have discussions. So, Professor Dracula, whether this round of search It is very necessary to be able to search for results," said Dumbledore.

"Tsk, that's why I said, people like you are really troublesome, and you will always be hindered by a department with no strength like the Ministry of Magic." Dracula sneered, "There are so many twists and turns, It's annoying to hear!"

"Sometimes, it's not a bad thing for a person to be restrained." Dumbledore smiled with some sentimental expression, "Let's not mention these, tell me what you found on the title deed, Professor Dracula. "

"If I find something, will I still be bored and talk to you here?" Dracula curled his lips, "Not only did I find no useful information this time, but I also I checked the land deed once, and found no suspicious figure at all..."

"I roughly estimated that the time should almost coincide with the time when Sirius Black destroyed that portrait!"

"From this point of view, this Black is really an interesting person. He can not only escape the heavily guarded Azkaban, but also sneak into the heavily guarded Hogwarts Castle without being discovered."

Dracula raised the corners of his mouth with interest, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Sirius was indeed a very good wizard." Dumbledore nodded, "But I never thought he had the ability to sneak into Hogwarts and escape Azkaban... Maybe it's because of what I know about him It's too little."

He sighed, put his hands on the marble railing next to him, and fell into deep thought.

"Actually, it's not that we don't have a way to catch Sirius Black..." Dracula glanced at Dumbledore with deep eyes, and said softly, "You should understand what I mean, Dumbledore? "

Dumbledore turned around in astonishment, and saw Dracula's meaningful eyes.

"No!" He resolutely refused, "The Time-Turner is not for us to use like this!"

"But the Time Converter allows us to easily find Sirius Black—" Dracula said calmly, "Just hide at the door of the Gryffindor common room and wait for a rabbit."

"Don't you want to catch him and ask him about the past? Or... don't you want the little wizards to go back to the common room and have a good sleep?"

Dracula's two questions hit Dumbledore's mind continuously.

There is no doubt that these two problems are things that the old principal needs to solve urgently now.

With his old hands in his pockets, he gently stroked the Time Converter that Dracula handed over not long ago, hesitating in his heart.

"Don't hesitate, Dumbledore, don't you want to wait until the longest rewinding time of five hours has passed and you have no chance to use it before regretting it?" Dracula urged.

Dumbledore unconsciously clutched the metal necklace on the Time-Turner.

The cold temperature of the necklace gradually made his eyes look a little dazed, as if he had returned to decades ago, holding the cold blood alliance tightly.

Thinking of the Blood Alliance, Dumbledore suddenly woke up.

"It's not necessary, Professor Dracula." He smiled desolately, "Rules are like a dangerous wall that prevents me from going down. Once it is broken once, there is no way to erect it again."

He looked into Dracula's eyes and said softly, "Actually, there is no need to feel sorry. After all, the remaining energy in this time converter is not at all

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