She fell to the ground and was about to take it back for a thorough inspection.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Ms. Hooch looked at Harry, who was covering his mouth as if he was about to vomit, and said worriedly, "Oh, poor kid, this is the first time I've ever been on stage. .”

"Don't worry, boy, the Slytherin team's shots when your broom is out of order won't count. You can compete next time."

As she spoke, Ms. Hooch pointed her wand at her throat, spreading the referee's voice throughout the audience——

"I declare that today's competition will be..."

"Wait, Ms. Hooch!"

Harry finally spat out the contents of his mouth, interrupting Ms Hooch just in time to deliver the sentence.

"I caught the Snitch!" he yelled, swinging the ball high above his head.

The game ended with cheers from Gryffindor and protests from Slytherin. After the referee's approval, Gryffindor won the final victory!


In the chaos, in a corner where no one saw, a young wizard with black hair, handsome and sullen face quietly left the Quidditch pitch.

He has a blank diary in his hand, on which two words written in ink are gradually disappearing——

"All curses end (Finie Inae.")

Chapter 30 The mysterious black-haired boy

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Outside the chaotic Quidditch pitch, the mysterious black-haired boy walked slowly towards the Hogwarts castle.

Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly, as if he felt something.Immediately afterwards, his figure suddenly became transparent and completely disappeared into the air.

The blank diary in his hand fell to the ground without any movement, just like the most common notebook left by a little wizard.

Holding an umbrella, Dracula quietly appeared near the area where the black-haired boy disappeared.

His burgundy pupils glanced around, and when Ruoyou Ruowu passed the diary that fell on the ground, he froze slightly, but found that it was just an ordinary notebook, and then moved away indifferently. Opened the line of sight.

"Strange, there were indeed some different magic fluctuations here just now." Dracula said with some doubts while holding an umbrella.

At this moment, a group of energetic Gryffindor cubs in gold and red uniforms ran over carrying brooms.

They surrounded Harry, who had just made a great contribution, and waved to Dracula excitedly.Two of Harry's friends, Ron and Hermione, also followed the procession.

"Professor, thank you so much this time!" Wood, as the captain of the Quidditch team, was the first to suppress his awe of Dracula, and stepped forward to thank him.

Harry also squeezed out from the middle of the line, looked at Professor Dracula whom he admired, hesitantly didn't know how to speak.

"Professor, you saved Harry's life!" It was his good friend Hermione who spoke first, and she said guiltily, "Because of my misjudgment, I interrupted Professor Snape's counter-curse just now, and almost killed him." Harry got killed. If it wasn't for your bat, I'm afraid I'd be blaming myself forever..."

"Yeah, Professor!" Ron echoed excitedly, "That big bat of yours is so cool! When can you teach it to us in Defense Against the Dark Arts class?"

"I'm serious, Ron!" Hermione gouged him out.

"Do you all want to learn?" Dracula withdrew his gaze from looking around, and looked at Ron and the little Gryffindor wizards with interest.

The little lions nodded hurriedly.

"Of course, I can teach you." Dracula said.

But before they showed surprise expressions, he smiled maliciously again, "But you have to wait for your Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Protection of Fantastic Beasts courses to pass the ordinary course." After an "O (excellent)" in the Wizarding Level Examination, you have enough ability to learn this magic."

Hearing this sentence, the lion cubs who were looking forward to it suddenly froze.

As freshmen, Harry and Ron looked blankly at the other seniors who were about to cry, not knowing what this "O" stood for.

"You may not know what "O" means." Seeing the blank expressions of the two, Fred moved closer to them...or closer to Harry, and said to him, "Harry, do you know that Percy Right? Look at his posture that he is about to learn to be stupid, just to get a few more "Os."

"And it may not be possible to get it!" George also added in front of Harry.

Harry couldn't help shivering when he thought of Percy rushing to the library every day after class, with no sign of taking a break.

"Hey! I'm your younger brother!" Ron yelled dissatisfiedly, looking at the backs of the heads of the two brothers who were facing Harry.

The Weasley twins turned their heads and winked at him, without any intention of explaining to him.

Standing under the umbrella, Dracula happily watched their performance of complaining, and deeply felt that the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was not in vain, just persecuting the little wizard was very pleasant.

"Okay, congratulations on winning the game." He said perfunctorily, and then walked to his office with an umbrella.

He really doesn't want to bask in the sun anymore!


After Dracula and the little wizards left one after another, they fell to the ground, and the ordinary-looking blank diary suddenly changed——

Streams of ink drilled out of the diary, gradually condensed into a pitch-black human shape, and then transformed into all the colors on the human body.

A tall boy with dark hair appears next to the diary and bends down to

The notebook was picked up.

The boy was very young, never more than sixteen.His outline was indistinct, and there was a strange, misty gleam about him, so strange that it seemed to be looking at him through a window that was foggy.

"It's really uncomfortable to borrow your own Horcrux to show your body." The boy stood up straight while holding the diary.There was a faint hint of sinister prey in his expression.

The next moment, the diary automatically turned without wind, and suddenly it opened to a blank page in the boy's hand.

A few traces of ink were outlined on the white paper, and gradually combined into a sentence——

"You can't just occupy my things like this!"

The font is very beautiful, but it looks a little distorted and messy, with deep dissatisfaction with the boy's behavior.

"Of course I can." The boy smiled darkly, "I am your past, present and future, and what is yours is mine."

"And I am everything to you!"

He forcibly closed the diary in his hand, and walked straight to Hogwarts Castle.


What happened at the Quidditch match put the Hogwarts professors on their toes.

Professor McGonagall organized a large-scale search, closely inspected all areas of the castle, and conducted a strict investigation of the faculty, hoping to find the wizard who used the breaking spell to eliminate the effect of the slowing spell on her and Snape .

In the professor's lounge, all the faculty and staff have basically been screened. Everyone is an old employee who knows the basics, and there is no obvious problem.And Dracula, who just came to teach, was guaranteed by Dumbledore, leaving only the suspicious Quirrell who was still unwilling to take off his turban.

"Assistant Quirrell, are you really unwilling to take off your turban?" Dracula crossed his legs and leaned on the sofa in the professor's lounge, looking at Quirrell and asked.

Even if it can be confirmed that Quirrell is not the one who put a curse on Harry's broom, Dracula knows that he has a lot of secrets.So taking this opportunity, Dracula was going to reveal part of his secrets.

"Professor D... Dracula, I... I'm really inconvenient to take off the head... the turban." Quirrell stammered.

"Then you are not cooperating with Hogwarts work?" Dracula raised his eyebrows.

"'s not like that." Quirrell blushed, looking like he didn't know what to say.

"It's just taking off a turban, but it won't lose your head." Dracula said with a light smile, "Is there something else hidden in your turban?"

Quirrell made an expression of being wronged, gritted his teeth, and resolutely stretched out his hand to the hood.

Chapter 31 Quirrell cleared?

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Quirrell closed his eyes tightly, grabbed the corner of the purple hood with a deadpan, resolute expression, and yanked——

The entire turban was taken off, and it was thrown on the ground with a swish.

Quirrell *** had a protruding head that looked oddly small and bald without a single hair.

Dracula looked at his egg-like bald head, frowned in disgust, and ordered:

"Don't play tricks, turn around."

Quirrell turned around slowly, showing the back of his head in front of many professors.

The professors were all stunned.

Professor Sprout covered her eyes with a swish, and a clear red mark was made on the lower part of her forehead by this swift covering of her face; Snape's mouth and eyes convulsed at the same time, and the The facial features were completely twisted together; Professor Flitwick was eating, and when he saw the back of Quirrell's head, he vomited it out...

Dracula was the most direct. He slapped Quirrell's head out of thin air when he raised his hand disgustingly.Quirrell was whipped and spun around a few times, and then fell heavily on the ground, smashing a big hole in the professor's lounge, just embedding the back of his head in the floor.

It turned out that just behind Quirrell's head, there were three extremely hideous scars, two on the top and one on the bottom, which together looked like an ugly and gloomy face!

This ugly face disgusted the professors so badly that they didn't even want to eat for several days.


Although he is unwilling to believe it psychologically, Professor McGonagall, as the impartial Hogwarts vice-principal, has to admit that no matter how ugly Quirrell's scar is, there is really nothing under the hood.

Now the villains are the professors.

They are like a group of vicious villains, cornering the weak Quirrell and peeling off his last fig leaf...

"Are you... satisfied now?" Poor Quirrell sobbed and complained with his head stuck on the ground, "I... I have been using my scarf to cover... to cover these ugly scars, just because... I am afraid that you still have The students despise me. If... if laughing at me can make you happy, then I... I will admit it too..."

After listening to Quirrell's pitiful speech, the two middle-aged and elderly women, Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout, were directly moved.

Professor Sprout said sadly: "Oh, poor Assistant Professor Quirrell, it's our fault that opened your wound."

"Don't worry, Quirinus, Hogwarts will never wrong a good person!" Professor McGonagall also comforted him.

After a thousand thanks, Quirrell carefully pulled his head out from between the floor tiles, and then limped out of the professor's lounge, clutching the back of his head.

After Quirrell left, Snape looked at Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout with an unfriendly expression.

"Two deans, because of your kindness, our last clue has been ruined." He said every word, as if every word was squeezed out of his teeth.

"Oh, don't say that, Severus." Seeing the unkind expressions on the faces of the two ladies, Professor Flitwick hurriedly stood on the table, trying to block the sight from both sides with his toes, "Minerva and Pomona just don't want to be wronged." He's just a good guy. I think the assistant coach Quirrell is quite pitiful, why don't you observe and observe?"

"The kindness of a woman." Snape snorted coldly.

Then he flicked his long cloak, and walked out of the professor's lounge like a big bat with an unrecognizable pace.

"Severus is so impolite." Professor McGonagall was so enraged that he almost chased after him, letting him experience what it means for a woman to hold up half the sky!

The good-tempered Professor Sprout quickly grabbed Professor McGonagall's arm, "Minerva, forget it, it won't happen. You also know that Severus has always been like this..."

Because of this unpleasant episode, a group of professors broke up.

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