He subconsciously used Apparition again, but before his body got into the vortex of space fluctuations, he was pulled out by a big illusory hand, dragging him abruptly in front of Dracula.

"I haven't explained why I'm here, why are you running?" Dracula frowned and looked at Sirius in front of him, and said coldly, "Don't you want to hear why I'm looking for you first?"

"Meeting a weird person like you, would I stay there for Christmas if I don't run away?" Sirius seemed to know that he couldn't run away at this moment, and he fell down on the ground with some abandonment.

"I said, do you want to see what you look like first, and then think about whether you want to say that others are weird." The corners of Dracula's mouth twitched, and he grabbed Sirius by the collar and dragged him to a nearby by the pond.

He pushed Sirius' head down, so that his skeleton-like skinny cheeks were reflected on the water, "Take a good look at your own image! I thought the conditions of the Black family were pretty good, but I didn't expect you Such a skull."

Sirius suddenly calmed down, quietly watching the surface of the water, which was sometimes rippling with waves.

"Hahahaha... so I have become like this?" After only a second of silence, he suddenly laughed maniacally, "You may not believe it, but I used to be a school girl at Hogwarts... ...Professor Dracula?"

After Sirius relaxed from the tense state, he finally recognized Dracula's identity from Dracula's iconic silver hair and strong strength.

"Really?" Dracula glanced at Sirius's face, and then looked away with disgust, "So... will the so-called schoolgirls end up like this in the end?"

He thought of Tom Riddle, a school girl who was very handsome at first, and later turned into a noseless Voldemort; and then looked at the Sirius Black who was tortured into a skeleton by a dementor in front of him...

Dracula was silently worried about Cedric Diggory's future.

"Professor Dracula..." Sirius said suddenly, still looking at the water.


"Before sending me to Azkaban, can you catch someone for me?" Sirius said bitterly, the deep hatred in his voice seemed to soar into the sky, "Compared to me, that person should Being imprisoned in Azkaban should be killed by the kiss of a dementor!"

After saying this, he was afraid that Dracula would disagree, so he continued to add a few chips:

"After this is done, I will allow you to send me to the Ministry of Magic to receive the highest reward, and I can even give you all the remaining wealth of the Black family... We can sign an unbreakable oath !"

Sirius knew that he had no chance to resist, but he still wanted to try whether he could trick this powerful professor into helping him arrest Peter, otherwise he would not be willing to die!

"Forget it, there are not many people left in your Black family, how much money do you have left?" Dracula said in a disdainful tone.

"Wait, Professor Dracula, you may not understand pure-blood families..." Sirius said eagerly, "Even though our family has declined now, the wealth accumulated over the years is by no means a small number! I... ..."

"Don't worry about it, I know how much wealth you have." Dracula interrupted him, "It's only a few hundred thousand Galleons, and most of them are not liquid, so it's not interesting."


Hundreds of thousands of Galleons are not enough. Who is this Professor Dracula?And how did he know how much wealth the Black family had left?

Sirius was very confused.

Of course, it is impossible for him to know that his younger brother Regulus Black has been rescued by Dracula, and the house elf Kreacher has already counted the remaining wealth of the family. Various hidden assets of the Black family were recovered.

"Well, if the man you're talking about is Peter Pedilou, then we've already caught him.

After watching the fun, Dracula finally put away his thoughts of playing Sirius and told the truth.

"Snape used Veritaserum to ask all the truth about that mouse, and now Dumbledore should be thinking about how to eliminate your wanted notice."

Sirius suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Is this true?!" He jumped up instantly, with uncontrollable ecstasy in his tone.

"Of course, there's no need for me to lie to you." Dracula chuckled, "I'll be back at Hogwarts in a while, and I'll take you to see it for yourself."

"...but before you go back, I think you should take a good bath and stop scaring those timid little wizards."

With a malicious smile on Dracula's face, he kicked Sirius into the pond.

Chapter 220

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Dracula returns to Hogwarts with a new Sirius Black.

After taking a bath in the pond, trimming his messy beard and hair, and changing his clothes, Sirius was wearing a black striped suit and tie.

Except that his face is still too thin, and his expression still has a bit of a mad temperament after he came out of Azkaban, Sirius really has a bit of the schoolboy look of that year.

He was tall and slender, his face was too thin but still handsome and elegant, his clean and trimmed black hair was elegant and beautiful, he also had a pair of striking gray eyes, and his gestures showed a kind of careless arrogance, unrestrained and unrestrained.

"I didn't expect you to be the school grass of Hogwarts?" Dracula couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw Sirius coming out of the fitting room of Madam Malkin's clothing store.

"Is it okay for me to be exposed to others like this?" Sirius glanced at Mrs. Malkin who was cutting clothes next to him, and whispered close to Dracula.

He has spent a lot of time in hiding, and at this moment, standing in a clothing store openly, he always feels a little guilty.

"It's okay, don't feel too good about yourself." Dracula said, "Do you think Mrs. Malkin has seen you?"

Only then did Sirius dare to raise his head to look carefully at the owner of the clothing store, and then he found that Madam Malkin's adoring eyes never moved away from Dracula's face.

"Shouldn't it?" Sirius touched his face, "I don't think I'm uglier than you, why does she only look at you?"

"You may not have fully recognized yourself. Although your skull face is much stronger than before, who gave you the courage to compare with me? Go back and eat some good supplements!"

Dracula chuckled and snapped his fingers, and a dark moon quietly enveloped the two of them.


The next moment, Dracula and Sirius appeared together in the Hogwarts staff lounge.

At this moment, Peter had woken up from the effect of Veritaserum, and was bound by Dumbledore's Binding Curse to the chair, which was also firmly adhered to the ground.

Dumbledore and Lupine were sitting at the table in the lounge, seemingly discussing something.

On a couch, Harry, Ron and Hermione sat on the sofa, all with puzzled expressions.

Ron just vomited, covered his mouth, and looked a little pale.

Seeing Sirius approaching, Peter twisted his body uneasily, trying to escape from the restraint of the chair, but he couldn't move the slightest bit anyway.

"Small...Sirius..." Peter had no choice but to smile flatteringly and whispered in a high-pitched voice, "My friend, my old friend... Long time no see..."

"Do you still know that we are your friends?!" After seeing Peter, Sirius couldn't restrain the madness that had been suppressed and flooded his eyes, "Then how did you treat your friends... How did you treat James? With Lily?"

"Yes... I'm sorry, but the Dark Lord is too powerful, I really can't resist him." Peter said tremblingly, shrinking back on the chair.

"Sirius, think about it... If you were me, I was forced to join them by the Dark Lord and a large group of Death Eaters, otherwise I would let you die, what would you do..."

"I'd rather die than betray my friend!" Sirius roared angrily without the slightest hesitation.

Peter seemed frightened and burst into tears of grief.

The way he cried was terrible, he looked like an oversized bald baby, shaking on the floor, making the scalps of several young wizards present feel numb.

"Sirius, Sirius...what can I do?" Peter murmured, "The Dark Lord...you don't know, you can't imagine how powerful he is...I was terrified at the time !"

"Sirius, I've never been as brave as you, Lupine, or James. I never did it on purpose...the man who can't even be named forced me..."

"Don't lie!" Black snarled, "Before Lily and James died, you have been passing information to him, you are his daughter-in-law! We have long been aware of the ghost, but never

I think about you.We have all been deceived by you! "

"He...he's going to interfere everywhere!" Peter panted, "What's the...what good is it to refuse him?"

"What's the good of fighting the most evil monster ever?" At this moment, Lupine, who had been silent for a while, stood up. "Isn't fighting Death Eaters just to save innocent lives, Peter?"

"You don't understand!" cried Peter. "He'll kill me, Remus!"

"Then you're damned!" Blake yelled. "It's better to die than to betray a friend, and if you're trustworthy, we'll do it for you!"

Black and Lupine stood side by side, and together they raised their wands at Peter.

"You should understand," Lupine's tone seemed calm, "if Voldemort hadn't killed you, we would have killed you. Farewell, Peter."

"Wait a moment." Dumbledore clapped his hands suddenly, interrupting Sirius and Lupine's actions, "Before you do anything, I think we'd better ask the two parties what they think."

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He looked at the three little wizards who had been dazed on the sofa, and said, "Harry, Ron, what do you think of this matter?"

"What can I think!" Ron gave Peter a disgusted look, and then his throat twitched, and he said indistinctly, "Just this ugly, disgusting man, he used to sleep on my bed, and I often Hold him in your arms...vomit!"

He lowered his head and retched painfully.

Dumbledore waved his wand thoughtfully, and pushed a trash can in front of Ron's face, protecting the cleanliness of the ground by the way.

Then, he turned his gaze to Harry next to Ron.

"I..." Harry froze.

He felt that the current scene was a little unreal.

The wanted criminal who he had always thought would be a threat to him and felt that he had a deep hatred with him, Sirius Black, has now become an innocent wizard who has spent more than ten years in Azkaban in vain.

And the pet mouse that was inseparable from Ron and was regarded as a treasure by him turned into an ugly adult wizard, and he was the real traitor who betrayed Harry's parents!

For a moment, this upheaval left Harry a little confused.

"Well...well, Mr. Black, I have a question for you." After thinking for a while, he looked at Sirius who was still staring at Peter angrily, and said cautiously.

"Harry, don't call me Mr. Black, that's not what you should be called. Just call me Sirius." Sirius looked at Harry.

The moment he turned his head, all the madness, resentment, and mania in his eyes disappeared in an instant, leaving only the deepest gentleness and love.

"Harry, I don't know if anyone has told you...I am your godfather." When he said this, Sirius was a little worried about gain and loss, and his voice was very soft.

"Yes, I know. Hagrid told me that once." Harry smiled, and Sirius' gentle eyes made him less nervous than before.

"Br...well, Sirius, I wonder why you stayed in Azkaban for so long?" he asked, "You're innocent, Peter Pedilou is the traitor! "

"No, Harry, I never thought I was innocent... I killed them." Sirius said in a heavy, hoarse voice, "I persuaded Lily and James to replace me at the last moment." Cheng Peter acts as a secret keeper..."

"It's all my fault, I know how big a mistake I made. At that time, I thought Peter was dead, and I had no face to face my former friends, so I thought... Azkaban is also a good place, at least enough for me to repent..."

"No, that's not the case!" Harry said loudly, his eyes flushed, "You're not wrong! It's only the mouse that was wrong. He killed my parents, and you shouldn't be the one to atone for it!"

"Thank you, Harry..." Sirius

Xing's voice was a little trembling, "Actually, I never knew how to face you, whether you would forgive me... It's good, it's good to know that you didn't blame me."

"Okay, Sirius, it's not time to be moved now." Lupine patted Sirius on the back and said softly, "We haven't dealt with that mouse yet, he should pay for his betrayal."

"That's right, he has to pay the price!" Sirius wiped the corners of his eyes, and when he turned around, his expression became fierce and crazy again.

"Wait!" Harry yelled suddenly.

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