Snape didn't reply, but kept changing the direction of attack, while shaking the wand in his hand continuously, throwing ordinary attack spells one after another in Dracula's direction.

The Petrification Curse, the Stunning Curse, the Disarming Curse... These basic spells, which have hardly changed for hundreds of years, shot from the tip of Snape's wand without interruption, and were picked up one by one by Dracula. Generally, without the slightest pause.

Faced with these basic spells, the expression on Dracula's face became more and more impatient, and in the end he didn't even bother to use the wand, and stretched out his hand directly to grab those ordinary spells in the palm of his hand.

"Are you only going to use these basic spells?" He said impatiently, "If your next attack is still in this boring way, then this duel will end like this."

Dracula raised his wand.There seemed to be a dark moon rising behind him in a trance, setting off his silver hair like a dream.

Then, a crescent-shaped blade of light silently struck Snape's direction from the moonlight.

There was silence in the classroom, and in this silence, the speed of the crescent moon was so fast that it was difficult to catch it with sight!

Snape subconsciously cast an Iron Armor Curse, blocking the transparent barrier in front of him, and at the same time stretched out his wand to point forward——


The next moment, the crescent moon hit the barrier created by the Iron Armor Curse, smashing it to pieces instantly.Snape flew out together with the barrier, knocked over an unknown number of desks, and finally slammed heavily on the classroom door behind.

And the hidden ripple released by Snape at the last moment also flew in front of Dracula in an instant.

Dracula's eyes moved slightly, showing a hint of curiosity about this never-before-seen spell.He raised his hand, wanting to hold this hidden colorless ripple in his hand.

With the sound of "dong", there was a heavy muffled sound from the door, Snape's body fell to the ground, and his face instantly became extremely pale.

At the same time, Dracula's slender palm shrank reflexively.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at his palm - at this moment, there was a straight and narrow line of bright red blood in his palm!

The blood line is healing, but it is not like the extremely efficient healing speed of vampires in the past when they are injured. Instead, the blood line is shrinking bit by bit, like a slowly burning lead, or a trace of water that is gradually evaporating under the sun .

"Interesting spell, did you create it yourself?" Dracula looked away from his palm and chuckled.

"It has nothing to do with you." Snape leaned weakly against the door of the classroom, clutching a wound on his waist, and said coldly.

Dracula didn't take offense at all, and walked slowly towards Snape as he walked across the ruins of tables and chairs with a smile on his lips.

"Professor Snape, I always thought you were the most standard

Slytherin, will not be an impulsive person. He walked slowly to Snape's side, squatted down, and a soft white light lit up in his hands, "No matter what, the most beneficial way for you will never be to come to me for a duel alone, let alone in the Without knowing my details. "

Snape wanted to speak harshly at first, but then he was surprised to find that the wound on his waist just cut by Dracula's crescent moon was now healing at an extremely exaggerated speed.

"If you want me to say, you should report to the principal after you have doubts about me. This is more like Salazar Slytherin's egoistic style." Dracula continued, "But you still come to me in the end If so, it means that Principal Dumbledore believed me, and he did not agree with your inference."

Snape remained silent.

"Then there is another problem here. Even if the headmaster denies your inference, it is also unlikely that you will rush over to fight me recklessly. Professor Snape and I will never be too idle like me." Are you looking for some excitement?"

In a short while, Snape's wound had completely healed.If it wasn't for the large wizard robe being cut open, it would be impossible to tell that there was a serious wound on his waist.

"You're thinking too much. I'm just annoyed at the previous embarrassment at the entrance of the auditorium, and I just want to save face." Snape said coldly.

He flicked his sleeves heavily and stood up from the floor, showing no appreciation for Dracula's treatment.

Dracula squatted halfway on the ground, just happened to look up when Snape was flicking his sleeves, but saw vaguely on his left wrist... There seemed to be a tattoo?

With his excellent night vision and memory, Dracula vaguely recognized the pattern of the tattoo - it seemed that the main body was an ugly skeleton, and a python emerged from the skull's mouth like a long Tongue.

"This is... the Dark Mark?" Dracula was taken aback.

Flamel has seen this pattern in newspapers of recent decades, which he has collected an entire bookshelf.

Immediately, Dracula thought of Snape's uncharacteristic behavior this time, and his eyes lit up, showing a clear look.


In the darkness, Snape didn't notice the change in Dracula's expression.

After standing up, he walked towards the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, but the scene of talking with Dumbledore in the principal's office 10 minutes ago involuntarily appeared in front of his eyes.


Chapter 34 The Cause of the Duel

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"Tell me, what should I do?"

"Fight with Professor Dracula, and use your suspicion of him as an excuse." Dumbledore said softly.

"Professor Dracula's behavior during this period has already forged a great enmity with the Dark Lord. The worse your relationship with Professor Dracula is, the easier it will be for you to get him when you return to the Dark Lord's team to go undercover in the future." trust……"


Snape walked towards the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom while recalling what happened in the principal's office in his mind.

With a "squeak", the door opened first.

A tall, lanky elderly witch appeared at the door, followed by a large group of professors of various subjects.

"Okay, that's great! I really didn't expect that two professors would fight privately in our classroom?!" Professor McGonagall tightly pursed his lips, his chest heaved and heaved quickly, looking very angry, " Do you know that the sound of your fight can be heard throughout the castle! What kind of example are you trying to set for the students? Are you encouraging them to duel in private?!"

She waved her wand heavily as if venting, and lit the oil lamps and candles in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and the classroom instantly became brightly lit.

The next moment, Professor McGonagall saw the shattered desks and chairs in the classroom.She suddenly became even more angry, and almost lost her temper.

"Both of you will be sentenced to probation!" Professor McGonagall clenched his fists and angrily reprimanded Dracula and Snape, "If you don't perform well within a year, I will definitely You will be expelled, even the dean!"

Snape shrugged indifferently, as if he didn't care about the punishment of detention.

He just glanced at Quirrell who was huddled in the crowd of professors out of the corner of his eye, and saw that he was indeed looking in this direction, so he pretended to cast a resentful look at Dracula, acting like the two It seems that people have some mortal hatred.

Dracula felt a little puzzled by Snape's malicious eyes, but he was never willing to suffer, so he also stared back viciously.

Seeing the two staring at each other, Quirrell secretly took out a blank diary and wrote a line on it with a quill:

"The relationship between Dracula and Professor Snape is extremely bad!"

After staring back at Snape, Dracula said to Professor McGonagall indifferently: "I'm sorry, Professor McGonagall. I have objections to the detention for probation, and I need to appeal to the principal."

Professor McGonagall and Dracula came to the principal's office together.

Dumbledore was flipping through a copy of "Transfiguration Today", listening to Professor McGonagall telling him about Dracula's "crimes" without looking up.

"This... Minerva, for the sake of Professor Dracula's first mistake, why not punish him?" Dumbledore raised his head helplessly when he heard Dracula's name. .

It's not that he doesn't respect Professor McGonagall's opinion, it's simply because Dracula still holds the Hogwarts title deed!

Chapter 35 Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson Not in the Classroom

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After all, Dracula was not punished by detention.

On the contrary, Snape, the dean of Slytherin House and a senior professor of Potions, was sentenced to probation by Professor McGonagall for provoking a fight between the professors, and was detained for half a year at the same time. salary.

According to the very gossip old professor Kettleburn, it seems that Professor McGonagall wanted to do this a long time ago, but he didn't take action because he didn't find an opportunity.

As the dean of Slytherin, Snape usually has too much history against Gryffindor House. In addition, he never deducts the house points of his own house, and even picks Gryffindor House to deduct points. The "good" habit has made Gryffindor the bottom of the four colleges for several years.

Professor McGonagall hated it, but in order to ensure his justice as the vice-principal, it was really not good for him to attack this matter.

Now that she finally got hold of Snape, why didn't she make good use of it?

But Snape was also innocent.

He himself had no idea of ​​fighting Dracula. It can be said that this crooked idea was completely arranged by Dumbledore, and even such an arrangement caused him to be beaten severely.

For this reason, the old principal who was the culprit said he could only shrug his shoulders.

The big landlord of Hogwarts can't be offended, so the hardworking Snape can only be the one who takes the blame

November is slowly passing by, the weather is getting colder, and Christmas is getting closer.

One morning in mid-December, the students of Hogwarts woke up from their dreams, and suddenly found that the surrounding area was covered with several feet of snow, and the lake was covered with hard ice.

The Weasley twins were punished by Professor McGonagall for bewitching several snowballs to chase Quirrell around, eventually smashing them into the back of his purple hood.

Chilo, who was shot, fell to the ground in a five-body style in the snow, looking extremely embarrassed, not at all what an assistant teacher should be.

But he was secretly relieved.

Since Voldemort got the Horcrux diary, the weak remnant soul living on Quirrell abandoned Quirrell's body, occupying the place of the soul fragment in the diary Horcrux.Today, Quirrell wears the hood not for Voldemort, but just to hide the ugly scar on the back of his head.

Quirrell pulled his arm out of the snow, touched the back of his head, and secretly rejoiced that Voldemort had moved his position and was not hit by the snowballs of the two troublemakers.Otherwise, Voldemort, who feels humiliated, will and can only vent his anger on Quirrell, and his life will be difficult.

However, before Quirrell had time to get up from the snow, his expression suddenly trembled.

He seemed to have remembered something, and hurriedly stood up.Looking at the diary in his arms that was completely soaked in snow water, Quirrell suddenly wept, showing an expression of extreme grief and indignation

It was snowing heavily outside the castle, and every classroom inside the castle was burning with vigorous stoves, warming the air.In such an environment, the students yawned sleepily one by one.

Holding the textbook, Dracula couldn't help frowning as he looked at the yawning little wizards under the podium.

"What are you doing, Weasley?!" he yelled suddenly, amplifying his voice.

The twins who were nodding in sleepiness under the stage were startled and jumped up all of a sudden.

"Ah, report to the professor, we didn't do anything!" The two said in unison.

"Then explain, are you two so sleepy that you dare to sleep in my class?" Dracula asked with a sneer.

"Professor, we were locked up by Professor McGonagall until the curfew yesterday, and then we returned to the dormitory to finish the homework you assigned." Fred began to complain to Dracula, "Last night, we only slept Three hours, I really can't stand it..."

"What bad things did you do again?" Dracula became a little interested, and then asked. "How do I feel that Professor McGonagall will lock you up every two days?"

George first glanced at Dracula's face quietly, seeing that he seemed to be in a good mood, and then said: "Professor, don't you know about this? We hit Quirrell with a snowball."

The teacher's head! "

After saying this, the twins looked at each other, then puffed up their chests, showing a proud expression.

Seeing Fred and George's success, Dracula also shook his head dumbfounded.

Under the movement of shaking his head, his eyes accidentally turned to the window, caught a glimpse of the snowflakes fluttering outside the window, and an interesting idea came to his mind——

"Well, I think everyone is quite sleepy in this weather." Dracula said to the students in the audience with a smirk on the corner of his mouth, "In that case, let's learn something different today .”

With that said, he walked to the window of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and waved all the windows open.

The cold wind from outside surged into the classroom, instantly making the little wizards who were still sleepy shiver.

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