"It's time to teach our warriors, isn't it?" he said. "Barty, will you tell?"

Mr. Crouch seemed suddenly to come out of deep thought.

"Okay, guide," he said curtly, "yes...the first project..." He stepped forward, into the light of the fire.

The contestants all looked at Mr. Crouch, who looked very haggard from a close distance


There are two deep shadows under the eyes, and the wrinkled skin is paper white and transparent. He didn't look like this in the Quidditch World Cup final.

"The first project is to test your guts," he said to Harry, Cedric, Fleur, Viktor, and John, "so we're not going to tell you what it is. It's wizards who dare to face the unknown. An important quality of ... very important ..."

"The first project will be carried out on November 11, in front of other students and the jury."

"A warrior is not to ask or accept any help from his teacher in completing the competition. The only weapon a warrior has in his first challenge is his wand."

"As for the content of the second project, you must wait until the end of the first project to let you know. Since the competition is very demanding and lasts for a long time, the warriors don't have to take the school year exam."

"That's all. Is there anything else you need to know?"

Chapter 240 The Conspiracy Behind the Eighth Contest

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Time goes back to 10 minutes ago.

After leaving the auditorium, Snape and Karkaroff hid in a dark corner of the entrance courtyard corridor, discussing something secretly.

Neither of the two of them opened their mouths to discuss the matter of this semi-finals competition. Instead, after observing the surroundings vigilantly, they talked about another rather secret matter——

"Severus, do you feel it?" Karkaroff asked mysteriously.

Unlike in the public, he called Snape by his name directly, as if he knew the potions professor very well.

"...I don't understand why you make such a fuss, Ingor." Snape said coldly, "You're just scaring yourself."

"Severus, you can't pretend this didn't happen!" Karkaroff's deliberately suppressed voice sounded terrified and hoarse, afraid of being heard, "It has become more and more obvious over the past few months. I Very worried right now, I can't deny that..."

"Run away, then," said Snape impatiently. "Run away, and I'll excuse you. But I'll stay at Hogwarts—"

"Severus, you clearly know what I'm talking about!" Karkaroff suddenly pulled away the sleeve of his left arm, and growled hoarsely, "This mark, it has become more and more active recently... ...that person is back!"

On the inside of his left forearm, there is a tattoo of a skull with a snake's head out of its mouth——

It is the Dark Mark representing the Death Eaters!

"If the Dark Lord can come back, wouldn't it be a good thing for us?" Snape glanced at the Dark Mark on Karkaroff's arm, and said calmly.

"Good thing?" Karkaroff sneered, "When did you start, you, a Hogwarts professor who joined Dumbledore as soon as the war ended, can be regarded as a loyal follower of the Dark Lord?"

"I have my own plans, which have nothing to do with you." Snape said bluntly, "You better hope that when I go back, I won't tell the Dark Lord about your performance today, otherwise you should know what happened to you."

"Oh, it looks like you're determined to go back, isn't it?" Karkaroff gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, I just ask you one thing, Severus... When you see the Dark Lord When you really come back, you must tell me immediately."

"At that time, I will find a safe place to hide. As for how you want to describe me in front of the Dark Lord, you can do whatever you want, anyway, I have already left by then..."

"...I agree." Snape thought for a moment, then said slowly, "That's all for this matter, now we should discuss the matter of this match."


Mr. Crouch and Bagman left after explaining the game process and precautions and answering the questions of the five warriors.

Bagman originally wanted to stay at Hogwarts for one more night, and planned to secretly give Harry some individual tips, so that he could make money with gambling.But Mr. Crouch didn't let his wish come true.

As for Ms. Maxim and Karkaroff, because they were both dissatisfied with the current competition format, they quickly left the room with their own students.

"Thank you so much for your help today, Larry." Dumbledore looked at the only headmaster who hadn't left besides himself, and smiled, "If you didn't stand up suddenly, I don't know if I can convince Maxi Where's Tom and Karkaroff?"

"If I remember correctly, Headmaster... I should have persuaded Karkaroff." Snape's sullen voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Ah, of course, of course I also want to thank you for your help, Severus." Dumbledore nodded happily, "But Professor Hicks is not an employee of Hogwarts after all, so of course I still have to take care of the guests first Emotions……"

"You're too polite, Albus." Professor Eulalie Hicks waved her hand casually, "I just said a few words of justice, and I sincerely hope nothing happens to this little guy during the competition. "

"Take care of yourself this school year, little one." She gave Harry a sympathetic look.

"I will, Professor Hicks," said Harry, nodding firmly.

After looking away from Harry, Professor Hicks looked angrily at

Dumbledore said: "Albus, you must check who did this kind of thing... They didn't even let a child go!"

"Really, the older I get, the less I see such things..."

Muttering all the while, she took John Kowalski with her and left the room.

"Harry, Cedric, I suggest you go back to sleep early." Dumbledore then turned to the two Hogwarts warriors, looked at them with a smile and said.

"I'm sure your fellow Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are waiting to celebrate with you. They've finally had an excuse to make a scene, and it would be wrong to take this opportunity away from them." .”

Professor McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore reproachfully, but rarely raised any objections.

Harry looked at Cedric, who nodded, and they walked out of the room together.

The auditorium is now empty, and the flames of the candles have been suppressed very low, which makes the grinning smile of the jack-o-lantern flickering and weird.

"So," Cedric said with a forced smile, "we're rivals again, outside of the Quidditch field."

"I suppose so," Harry murmured.

He had absolutely no idea what to say.There seemed to be chaos in his head, as if the whole brain had been looted.

"So, tell me..." Cedric hesitated for a while, but finally asked, "How did you put your name in?"

"I didn't," said Harry, looking up at him. "I didn't vote, and I told the truth."

"Ah...well," said Cedric, and Harry could see that Cedric didn't believe him, "well...see you then."

Even though Professor Hicks' analysis of all this is very reasonable, thinking that someone wants to harm Harry, most of the students don't think about it.

Compared with the danger in the hegemony competition, the honor in it is more eye-catching, and it is easier to deceive the eyes.

Would anyone but Ron and Hermione believe him?

Harry thought so in the back of his mind.

Everyone thinks that he himself signed up for the competition?But how could they think that way?You know, all his competitors have received three years more magic education than him - you must know that the project he will face not only sounds very dangerous, but also has to be completed in front of hundreds of people!

Yes, he'd imagined it, he'd fantasized about it... but it was just a joke, a daydream, a daydream... He'd never really, seriously thought about participating in the...

But someone thought about it...somebody wanted him to play and made sure he got in.

Why?To do him a pretty good favor?He doesn't think so.

So, is it to make a fool of him?If so, they probably got their wish. As for whether they really wanted his life...?

Could someone have put Harry's name in the goblet just as a prank, as a joke?Did anyone really want him dead?Harry couldn't answer the question right away.

Yes, someone did want him dead, someone had wanted him dead since he was a year old...that was Voldemort.But how can Voldemort guarantee to throw Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire?

Voldemort should be somewhere far away, hidden, alone, weak...

But in the dream he'd had, the one in which he woke up with pain in his scar, Voldemort wasn't alone, he was talking to a young man...

Harry woke up suddenly, and found himself in front of the fat lady. At this time, there was another pale witch in the portrait. He vaguely remembered that she was originally hung in the small room in front of the auditorium.

"Yes, yes, that's great!" said the Fat Lady excitedly. "Violet—that's a portrait friend of mine just told me all about it. Who's just been voted a school champion?"

"Gibberish," said Harry dryly.

"I'm absolutely not talking nonsense!" said the pale witch angrily.

"No, no, Violet, this is the password." The fat lady comforted,

Then she swung it forward, allowing Harry into the common room.

As the portrait opened, Harry nearly fell backwards from the sudden noise that filled his ears.Then, all he knew was that he was dragged into the common room by a dozen or so hands, facing the entire Gryffindor House class.They were all screaming and cheering and whistling.

"You should have told us you signed up!" Fred yelled.He looked half exasperated, half agitated.

"How did you get by without growing a beard?" George shouted.

"I didn't," said Harry, "I don't know how..."

"We have something to eat, Harry, come and eat!" Someone dragged him to a table.

"I'm not hungry, I ate enough at the banquet—"

But no one wants to hear him say that he is not hungry, and no one wants to hear him say that he did not put his name in the goblet, and no one seems to notice that he has no mood to celebrate this at all...

Lee Jordan wrenched a Gryffindor flag out of nowhere and insisted on wrapping it around Harry like a cloak.

There was no way for Harry to escape, and every time he tried to sneak up the stairs leading to the dormitory, the crowd closed in on him and surrounded him, forcing him to drink another butterbeer or stuff biscuits and peanuts into the In his hand...

Everyone wants to know how he did it, how he cheated Dumbledore's age line and put his name in the goblet...

"I don't know," he said over and over, "I don't know what's going on."

But everyone ignored it at all, as if he didn't say anything.

"I'm tired!" he yelled at last, when he could bear it no longer, after about half an hour. "No, seriously, George . . . I want to go to bed."

He was desperate to see Ron and Hermione, to find some sanity, but neither of them seemed to be in the common room.

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Harry kept insisting that he needed to sleep, and finally got rid of the crowd and hurried upstairs to the dormitory.

To his great relief, he found Ron lying on the bed fully clothed, alone in the dormitory.Ron looked up as Harry slammed the door shut.

"Where have you been?" Harry asked.

"Oh, hello," said Ron stiffly.

Ron smiled, but it was a very awkward, forced smile.

Harry suddenly realized that he was still wearing the bright red Granadian flag that Lee Jordan had tied around him just now.He wanted to take it off quickly, but the knot was tight.Ron lay motionless on the bed, watching Harry struggle to untie the flag.

"So..." Ron said when Harry finally took off the flag and threw it into the corner, "Congratulations."

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