Dracula saw that his tense shoulders suddenly drooped down with the fluttering cloak behind him, as if he relaxed a lot at once.

Immediately afterwards, he stopped staying and left the auditorium with another step.


After Halloween is over, the first project is less than a month away.

All five Warriors are basically trying to get ready for the upcoming games, except for one of the youngest…

Compared with the other four warriors, Harry's life is not good.

Except for Hermione, who has always believed that the Four-wild Tournament is very dangerous, almost everyone in Gryffindor College does not believe that he did not sign up, and complains why he did not tell them the way to cross the age limit;

The relationship between Hufflepuff College and Gryffindor has always been good, but recently it has become cold to the naked eye. Apparently they think that Harry stole Seid

Kudos to Rick.

As for the Slytherin students, Harry could have imagined this for a long time, they went too far -

One day after lunch, he and Hermione came to Snape's dungeon for Potions class, and found the Slytherin students waiting outside the classroom, each with a large coin pinned to the front of their robes. badge.

Those badges were all printed with the same text, and the bright red letters shone in the dim light of the underground corridor, like they were on fire:

"Support Cedric Diggory--

The true warriors of Hogwarts"

"Like it, Potter?" exclaimed Malfoy, seeing Harry approaching, "they've got other tricks - look!"

He pressed the badge hard on his chest, and the words on it disappeared, and then another line of words appeared, shining green:

"Potter Stinks"

The Slytherins laughed strangely.

Each of them clicked their own badge, and finally, all around Harry flashed the glaring words - Potter Stinks.

Harry thinks being a warrior sucks!

Chapter 250 Interview

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In Potions class, for some reason, Harry felt that Snape had been crueler to him.

"This class, learn the antidote!" Snape said.

He looked around at the whole class, his cold black eyes flashed an unpleasant light, "You should prepare your own recipe now. I ask you to cook it carefully, and then, we will choose one person to try it... ..."

Snape's eyes met Harry's, and Harry knew what was going to happen - Snape wanted to poison him.

"Potter, heh, the warriors of the Final Four..." he said coldly, "If I were you, I would definitely force myself to study how to save my life during this short period of preparation. For example, learn a few more knowledge..."

"Why, it seems that you are not convinced by your expression? Can you ensure that there will be no poisoning scenes in the game? Or...our arrogant warriors think that they can deal with all dangers?"

Harry watched Snape pick up the poison in his hand, his heart was pounding, and he imagined that he would suddenly pick up the cauldron and smash it on Snape's head when Snape was unaware—

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the dungeon, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

It's Harry's little fanboy, Colin Creevey.

Colin slid sideways into the Potions room, smiled at Harry, and walked towards Snape's podium at the front of the room.

Harry felt that Colin was extremely brave at this moment. If it were him, he would not have dared to jump onto the podium while Snape was giving lectures...

"What's the matter?" Snape asked impatiently, squinting at Colin.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm taking Harry Potter upstairs," said Colin with a proud smile.

Snape looked down at Colin from his hooked nose, a strong sense of oppression crushed him, and the smile slowly disappeared from Colin's eager face.

"Potter still has an hour's Potions class." Snape said coldly, "He'll go upstairs after class."

Colin's face flushed red.

"Mr. . . . sir, Mr. Bagman wants him to go," he said uneasily. "All the brave men are going. I think they're going to take pictures. . . . "

Seeing Snape's more gloomy expression, Harry shuddered, hoping to stop Colin from uttering those last words.

He dared to glance at Ron out of the corner of his eye, hoping that Ron, who was always good at changing the subject, could smooth things over and maybe save Colin from the podium before Snape got angry.

However, Ron had been fighting with Harry all this time, just staring at the ceiling intently.

"Very well, very well -" snapped Snape, "Potter, leave your things here, I want you to come back later and test your antidote."

"I'm sorry sir...he has to take his stuff," said Colin in a nervous squeaky voice, "all warriors need..."

Harry swallowed.

I have to admit that Colin, a little fanboy, was so brave that he dared to refute Snape in class.

"Very good!" Snape said gloomily, "Potter... take your schoolbag and disappear from my sight immediately!"

It seemed that Snape still had some scruples about this match.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, thinking to himself.

He threw his schoolbag over his shoulder, stood up, and walked towards the door without wanting to stop for a moment.

The words "Potter Stinks" flashed at him from all directions as he walked past the desks where the Slytherins were sitting.


After getting out of the bitterness of Potions class, Harry had to face another scene that he never wanted to face anyway.

Reporters were coming to take pictures of the warriors and post their images in the Daily Prophet.

Unlike the other warriors who won honor for the school, Harry felt that his status as a warrior was not visible and was obtained through abnormal means. If he was exposed to the general public in the wizarding world, it would probably make him further embarrassing... …

"Good luck!"

Outside the room where the photo was taken, Colin sent his blessings to Harry.

Harry knocked on the door and walked in.

It was a small classroom, and most of the desks had been pushed to the back of the room, leaving a large space in the middle.Three desks stood next to each other in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet.

Behind the velvet-covered desks were five chairs, one of which sat Ludo Bagman, talking to a witch Harry had never seen, wearing a magenta robe.

Viktor Krum was as sullen as usual, standing in a corner, not talking to anyone; Cedric, John, and Fleur were chatting, and all three seemed to be very happy.

At the front of the room, a man with a big belly was holding a big black camera that was smoking slightly, and he was watching Fu Rong out of the corner of his eyes.

After Harry entered the room, the conversation of the three warriors suddenly fell silent.

The atmosphere seemed a little awkward for a while, but Cedric stood up and greeted Harry because of his old friendship with Harry, which made him look less ugly.

Bagman saw Harry too, and he stood up quickly, jumping forward comically.

"Ah, here he comes! The fifth warrior!" he said cheerfully. "Come in, Harry, come in... nothing to worry about, it's just a wand-testing ceremony, and the other referees and our security guards are very happy." Coming soon."

"Detecting wand? Security guard?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"We must check whether your wands are fully functional and in good condition, because in the future competitions, wands will be your most important equipment." Bagman explained, "As for the security officer, this is the request from Principal Dumbledore. It came out—in addition to the referee, a new security officer will be added to ensure your safety."

"The wand expert is upstairs with Dumbledore. Then I'll take some pictures of you..."

He pointed to the witch wearing a magenta robe beside him, "This is Rita Skeeter, she is writing a short article about the Tournament for the Daily Prophet..."

"Maybe it's not trivial, Ludo." Rita Skeeter smiled strangely, her eyes fixed on Harry.

Her hair was done up in delicate, stiff curls that looked oddly out of place with her big-jawed face.A pair of jeweled glasses framed her face, her fat fingers clutched a crocodile leather handbag, her nails were two inches long and painted red.

No matter how you look at it, this woman seems unreliable.

"Before we start, can I have a few words with Harry?" she asked Bagman, her eyes still fixed on Harry, "youngest warrior, you know... for the sake of giving the article Add some color."

"No problem!" Bagman said loudly, he very much hoped that Harry, the youngest warrior, would be publicized, and maybe more people would join his bet by then.

"It's just... I don't know if Harry objects?"

"Hmm—" Harry snorted resignedly.

"Great!" Rita Skeeter said, grabbing Harry's arm excitedly with her bright red clawed fingers, trying to drag him into another room.

At this moment, the door of the room where the warriors were was suddenly opened again.

A head of silver hair that was even brighter than Furong's hair came into everyone's eyes.

Rita Skeeter unconsciously relaxed while holding Harry's hand, her eyes were more excited than ever before.

"Ludo, is this a celebrity who came to promote the Final Four?" She asked Bagman without moving her eyes.

"Ah? You said that Professor Dracula is a star?" Bagman shook his head a little amusedly, "This is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and he is also the security officer for the next tournament, responsible for ensuring The safety of the warriors."

"Wait, Ludo, you said...he is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts who was re-elected for the first time in decades?!" Rita looked startled, her eyes were full of annoyance, Regret, excitement, shock and a series of emotions.

"Yeah, Professor Dracula is Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts

, has been going on for more than three years. Bagman didn't quite understand why Rita was behaving so strangely, he stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

"You don't understand... this is big news!" Rita stomped her feet angrily, "This professor can occupy the first page of the newspaper with just one face, far more than the previous Gilderoy Lockhart Much stronger... not to mention he's the mighty Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts."

"It's a wonder why such a character has never been in the papers? Why didn't I see this problem sooner?"

"I thought you should know..." Bagman said inexplicably, "Professor Dracula has just started working at Hogwarts. Students have reported that he looks quite good. As a reporter, you must have heard Have you heard the news?"

"But I didn't expect his appearance to be so good!" Rita replied eagerly, and immediately stopped in front of Dracula who was looking at the room.

"Hello, Professor Dracula, I'm Rita Skeeter, a reporter from the Daily Prophet."

She held out a claw-like hand covered with long red nails to Dracula.

Harry, who had been dragged by Rita, stared dumbfounded at the reporter throwing himself away and approaching Professor Dracula.

He was standing alone in the middle of the room, not going back, not standing there... Cedric beckoned to Harry and pulled him to the stool prepared for the warriors.

On the other side, Dracula lowered his head and glanced at Rita's red claws, and then at the weird curly hair and gaudy glasses frames.

He curled his lips in disgust, looked away, bypassed the reporter in front of him, and came to Bagman.

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