There are only the last three days left before the first event of the Final Four Tournament begins. On the afternoon of next Tuesday, the first event of the Final Four Tournament will officially begin.

If Harry couldn't think of a way to deal with the fire dragon within these three days, he would inevitably make a fool of himself in the arena, and then he would be looked down upon by students at Hogwarts and even other schools.

"But... I think Hagrid might have something important to see me too." Harry hesitated, but finally decided to live up to Hagrid's invitation, "He has never asked me to visit him so late before! "


Facts have proved that choosing to live up to Hagrid's invitation has indeed given Harry a lot of gains.

At 11:30 that night, Harry, who pretended to go to bed early, put on the Invisibility Cloak, walked quietly through the Gryffindor common room, and came downstairs.

There were a few more people in the common room—Harry saw that Colin Creevey had gotten a stack of "Supporting Cedric Diggory badges" from somewhere, and was trying to magically change the words on them into "Support Harry Potter".

All he could do, however, was to get the insignia fixed on "Potter Stinks" with a lot of trouble.

Harry slid past them on tiptoe to the Fat Lady's portrait hole, his eyes fixed on his watch.

At exactly 35:[-], the door opened suddenly.

It was Hermione who opened the Fat Lady's portrait for him from the outside as originally planned, thus enabling Harry to leave the common room through the hole without the Fat Lady's knowledge.

Harry whispered a "thank you" and walked past Hermione, heading for Hagrid's cabin.

The grounds behind Hogwarts Castle were pitch black.

Harry walked down the lawn towards Hagrid

Looking at the light from the other side of the house, he found that Beauxbaton's huge carriage was also brightly lit.

When he knocked on Hagrid's door, Madame Maxime could be heard talking in the carriage.

"You're here, Harry?" Hagrid whispered mysteriously, opening the door and looking around warily.

"Yeah," Harry felt a little baffled, and pulled the invisibility cloak off his head while flashing into the cabin, "what's the reason for looking for me so late?"

"I'll show you something," Hagrid whispered.

It can be clearly seen that Hagrid's expression is very excited at this time.

In the buttonhole of his coat was a sprig of flower that looked like a very large cabbage.Apparently he doesn't put machine grease on his hair anymore, but he still spends a lot of time getting his hair done like Professor Dracula—

There were a lot of broken teeth from combs on his hair. It should be that the fragile combs couldn't withstand the hardness and thickness of Hagrid's hair, so they broke in the hair.

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"Hagrid, you really don't suit Professor Dracula's hair..." Harry said helplessly.

"Really? I think it's not bad, at least it's better than what I was before!" Hagrid tugged at his hair, and pulled out a bunch of broken teeth from the comb.

Harry wanted to persuade him a few more words, but Hagrid suddenly clapped his hands together, put his index finger in front of his lips and let out a "shh".

"Oh, I almost forgot the business," he said in a very low voice, "come with me, don't make a sound, cover your body with an invisibility cloak. Let's go without Fang Fang, it won't like it..."

"Listen, Hagrid, I can't stay long...I have other important things to do," said Harry.

But Hagrid didn't listen. He opened the cabin door and strode towards Beauxbaton's carriage.

After calling Ms. Maxim together, Hagrid led them—including Harry who was covered in the Invisibility Cloak, and the three of them walked a long distance around the edge of the Forbidden Forest until the castle and the lake could not be seen...

Gradually, the loud shouts of several wizards came to their ears, followed by deafening high-pitched roars.

Hagrid led Ms. Maxime around a bush for the last time, approaching the place where the sound of filial piety came, and then stopped.

Harry stood under the Invisibility Cloak, and quickly followed, standing with them——

The next moment, he opened his mouth wide in shock.

Five adult fire dragons with a very fierce appearance and scales all over their bodies were locked in a field surrounded by planks, standing on their hind legs, roaring and snorting.

Clouds of flame burst from their open, tusk-filled mouths into the dark night sky.

Their necks are so high that their heads are fifty feet above the ground.

A silver-blue fire dragon with a pair of long, pointed horns was angry and roaring at the wizards on the field; a green fire dragon with smooth scales was twisting and stomping desperately; there was also a red fire dragon, Surrounding the face is a circle of grotesque thin, pointed horns, which are shooting mushroom-shaped clouds of fire into the air; a dragon with rainbow-colored pearl-like scales, colorful eyes, and a childless dragon is lying on the ground vigilantly. Look around; at the end is a black dragon, more like a dinosaur than the others.

There are at least thirty wizards on the field, and every seven or eight wizards are responsible for dealing with one fire dragon.They tried desperately to subdue the dragon on the field, tugging at the chains that connected the thick leather straps that held the dragon's legs to its neck.

These fire dragons seem to have just been transported around Hogwarts and have not yet adapted to the surrounding environment, so they all appear a little irritable.

The dragon trainers present tried hard but couldn't control them, and finally they could only use the stun spell to quiet the fire dragons.

"You're here, Hagrid?" A red-haired wizard walked towards Hagrid, and Harry recognized Ron's second brother, Charlie Weiss, "Wait, why did you bring her too? "

Charlie looked at Maxi next to Hagrid

Ms. Mu, with a hint of displeasure in her eyes, "Shouldn't a warrior know what he's up against—she's sure to tell her students, isn't she?"

Harry, who was hiding under the cloak, was a little ashamed.

Charlie has indeed followed the rules of the Big Four, and it can be seen that he is trying to keep these big guys a secret.

But he obviously didn't expect that Hagrid was not a person who could keep a secret at all, not to mention that he was almost fascinated by Ms. Maxim.

"I just think she'd love to come and meet these lovely big guys." Hagrid shrugged his shoulders, still staring at the five dragons fascinatedly.

"What a romantic date, Hagrid." Charlie shook his head helplessly and sighed.

Ms. Maxim pursed her lips and smiled reservedly, an unknown light flashed in her eyes.

Then, Charlie began to introduce the names of these dragons to Hagrid——

"This is the Hungarian Horntail," Charlie said, pointing to the black-scaled, dinosaur-like Charmander.

"The smaller one over there is the common Welsh green; the silver-blue one is the Swedish short-nosed dragon; the red one is the Chinese fireball; and the prettiest one, the colored one, is the Australian opal-eye."

After introducing these fire dragons one by one, Charlie asked Hagrid in a low voice: "How is Harry? Although I really want to have some confidence in him, after all, these are fire dragons that only seven or eight of us can barely subdue."

"Oh, don't worry, Harry will be fine." Hagrid glanced at the air next to him without showing any trace, and then continued to stare at the dragons in a daze, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"I really hope he is still safe and sound after facing this danger." Charlie looked at the field where the dragon was locked up, and said with a heavy heart.

"I dare not tell my mother what Harry is going to do in the first project, she is already flustered by Harry..."

Chapter 250 The fifth turning point

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Knowing that the thing he was going to face in this match was a fire dragon, Harry couldn't wait for the chat between Hagrid and Ms. Maxime to end, so he left the scene wearing the invisibility cloak.

On the way back to the castle, he accidentally ran into a sneaky figure.

Harry recognized Karkaroff by the light in the distance. He must have seen Hagrid and Ms. Maxime from the boat on the Black Lake far away, so he slipped away secretly. Came over to see what the two of them were doing.

Now, as long as Karkaroff looks for the place where the two tall figures are, he will also know what awaits the warrior just like Ms. Maxim.

As it stands, the only people facing the unknown on Tuesday are Cedric and John Kowalski.

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""Magical trimming of claws...remedy for scale rot..." doesn't work, it's for weirdos like Hagrid who want dragons to get stronger..."

On the fifth floor of Hogwarts Castle, in the corner of the library, Ron scratched his head and flipped through the thick stack of books in front of him, muttering.

Both Harry and Ron never thought that they could have such a hardworking day, and they spent almost a whole day in the library.

""Dragons are extremely difficult to kill because their thick hide is impregnated with ancient magic, which only the strongest spells can penetrate..." Whoever came up with this project is too much to let you face Such a monster!"

Hermione was fighting for Harry while reading the tome in her hand.

"These books are useless, and I won't be able to learn these spells in two days," said Harry, throwing aside the book called The Dragon Lover. "I think we should try some simpler spell books." .”

He carried a large stack of spell books to the table and put them down, and began to flip through one by one. Hermione kept muttering next to him:

"By the way, there is also the conversion spell...but what's the use of conversion? Unless you convert the dragon's fangs into fudge or something, making it less dangerous..."

"Wake up, Hermione, even a dragon with teeth made of fudge can easily crush Harry with its upper and lower jaws," Ron complained.

"How about transforming it? But transforming such a behemoth, you will definitely not succeed. I doubt even Professor McGonagall...Dumbledore must be fine..."

"Or you put a powerful spell on yourself to increase your strength? But no amount of strength can deal with a fire dragon, right? Besides, we haven't learned it. I only learned about them when I was doing the practice questions of the ordinary wizard level exam..."

"Hermione," Harry said through gritted teeth, "please, can you be quiet for a moment? I need to concentrate."

Hermione fell silent, but Harris felt a hollow hum in his head, and there seemed to be no room for him to concentrate.

He stared hopelessly at the index of "Basic Charms for Hyperactive and Restless Animals" in front of him, his thoughts wandering somewhere.

For a whole day, Harry, Hermione, and Ron couldn't think of any effective method that Harry could learn quickly.

By the time they left the library listlessly, Harry felt like he was about to lose hope for the match.

"Harry, I don't think there is a quick way to do it within three days..." Ron looked at Harry with flickering eyes, and whispered, "Otherwise... it's actually a good idea to wait for Professor Dracula to save you." choose."

"Haven't officially faced the fire dragon yet, how could Harry just give up like this?!" Hermione gave Ron a vicious look and said loudly, "As long as the match hasn't really started, we all have a glimmer of hope, it's better than directly Much better to give up!"

"It's okay, Ron, I'll think about it again." Harry shook his head lightly, "I still want to try again, what if I can find a solution?"

Ron sighed and said nothing more.

At this moment, Harry suddenly saw a tall and straight figure coming out from the other side of the library.

surrounded by him

Many young Hogwarts wizards, especially Hufflepuff badgers with yellow collars, were all cheering for the figure.

"Oh, why is Digory treated so differently from you as both warriors?" Ron glanced over there, and muttered dissatisfiedly, "I'm telling you, Harry, you must defeat him when the time comes... ...Wait, where are you going?"

Ron saw Harry go straight to Cedric after hesitating for a moment.

" don't want to..." He grabbed Harry's arm in disbelief and asked.

"It's okay, Ron," Harry shook his head at Ron, "I just want to bring the five warriors to a fair place."

"Have you really decided?" Hermione pursed her lips, looking at him with a somewhat relieved and hesitant expression.

"Well, I've decided."

Harry nodded emphatically, as if he was convincing his two friends, or himself, and then said: "Ms. Maxim will definitely tell her students about the fire dragon, and I also saw that Karkaroff I sneaked into the Forbidden Forest that night, and Krum must have known about the competition..."

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