"I see..." Harry said and stood up, not realizing that he had knocked the fork to the ground with a crisp "crack".

"Good luck, Harry," Hermione whispered to him, "you're going to make it!"

"Yes, Harry, don't forget your Firebolt when the time comes," Ron whispered too, "I'll take it outside the auditorium."

"Yeah, I'll make it," Harry said vaguely, his voice hardly being his own.

He left the auditorium with Professor McGonagall and walked towards the Forbidden Forest northeast of the castle.The five fire dragons are placed in that direction.

Professor McGonagall looked equally distraught.

In fact, she was almost as anxious as Harry, because she couldn't imagine how she, a fourth-year student, would deal with the dangers of the Final Four.

She accompanied Harry down the stone steps, out into the open, and put her hand lightly on his shoulder.

"Okay, don't be nervous," she said, she didn't know whether she was comforting Harry or herself, "keep your head calm...Professor Dracula will watch you from the side of the field as a security officer. If the situation is not good, he will I will step forward to control the situation..."

"Although you are the youngest warrior, as long as you give full play to your abilities, no one will think that you are inferior to others... Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, Professor," Harry heard himself say.

Professor McGonagall led him around the edge of the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the place where the fire dragon was.

As they approached the clump of trees where they should have had a clear view of the grounds, Harry saw that a tent had been erected there, keeping the dragons out, and that the entrance to the tent was facing them.

"You have to go in with a few other warriors," Professor McGonagall's voice became a little trembling, "you have to wait in the tent for a while, Potter. Mr. Bagman is also inside, and he will tell you the steps one by one. Good luck to you..."


Harry thanked him in a monotonous, drifting voice, then moved his legs and moved himself into the tent.

Not only Harry, but all the warriors present seemed very nervous.

Fleur Delacour sat on a low wooden stool in the corner of the tent.She was not at all composed as usual, she looked very pale and sickly; Viktor Krum looked more sullen than usual, and the veins on his b pacing back and forth...

Only John Kowalski looked relaxed, sitting on a chair with his eyes closed.

"Harry! That's great!" Bagman seemed relieved when he saw the last warrior coming in, as if he was afraid that Harry would run away, "Come in, come in, relax, just like at home !"

bagman put on again

He took off his old Hornets jersey and stood among a few pale warriors, looking like a hunk cartoon.

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"Okay, everyone's here now—it's time to introduce you!" said Bagman cheerfully. "When the audience is assembled, I'm going to pass this bag to each of you in turn,"

He held up a purple silk bag and shook it at them.

"You need to pick out a small model of the thing you are going to face! There are different types of them. Also, I have one more thing to tell you... Your task in this game is to pick up the golden eggs!"


On the other side, a huge platform has been built on the site.

This platform hadn't appeared a few days ago, and it was temporarily built with magic. The purpose was to hide the content of the competition, so as to give the audience and warriors a "surprise".

At this time, the arena was already crowded with people, and countless shouts came from the audience seats in all directions.

This kind of spectacular scene could only be seen in the finals of Hogwarts' Quidditch competition every academic year before, but this time, the audience around the arena was even larger than during the Quidditch competition.

This is because there are always people who are not interested in the Quidditch game, but no one wants to miss this four-wild tournament that has not been played for hundreds of years!

Dracula was lazily reclining on a broom, dangling and suspended in the mid-air of the arena, and occasionally glanced at the enthusiastic students around the auditorium.

He saw many little wizards waving banners with the names of the warriors they support, loudly cheering for them——

As the home ground of Hogwarts, the banners with the words "Support Cedric" are naturally the most.

However, to Dracula's surprise, looking at the past, there are no fewer flags with Krum's name on them than Cedric's, which shows the huge influence of this Quidditch star.

At the same time, there are quite a few students who support Furong, most of them are boys who have become Furong's fans in just one month. Powder combat effectiveness is poor.

In contrast, Harry and John's supporters seem to be not so many.

John, as an Infrogmorny warrior with little fan base and seemingly no advantages in appearance, except for a few students of Infrogmorny who came to Hogwarts, no one else would go to support him.

Although Harry is a "native" of Hogwarts, his becoming a warrior is not recognized by many people. Hufflepuff College with the largest number of people even thinks that he has stolen Cedric's honor.

As a result, apart from Hermione and a few good friends of Gryffindor, no one is willing to cheer for him.

In contrast, there are many people on Slytherin's side holding a banner with Harry's name on it——

Of course, it says "Potter stinks"...

Afterwards, Dracula looked away from the auditorium and looked beyond the entrance of the arena.

A little red-haired wizard was sneaking up with a broom and carefully hiding it behind a thick willow tree.

"It's really them who can think of using a broomstick to deal with the game." Dracula watched Ron's sneaky behavior from a distance, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, a helpless call came from below.

Dracula looked away from Ron, frowned and looked at the place where the voice came from.

"Professor Dracula, can I trouble you to be a little more serious?" I saw Ludo Bagman standing helplessly on the long table in the commentary seat, shouting to Dracula, "Karkaroff The headmaster and Ms. Maxim have protested against you..."

"They felt that you were not vigilant enough and asked the race team to replace the safety officer," he said.

"I'm so dedicated, why do they think I'm not vigilant?" Dracula lowered the height of the broom,

He said innocently, "I'm already serious, okay?"

Bagman watched Dracula reclining on the broomstick with leisurely movements, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Have you misunderstood the word "seriousness"?

"I really don't understand how Hogwarts would hire such an irresponsible person as a security officer." Ms. Maxim's stern voice sounded from the referee's seat next to her, "I seriously doubt that when there is an accident in the game, There is no way he can save our warrior from the dragon in time!"

"I'm also a little skeptical... Can this posture really control the broomstick well?" Karkaroff also echoed, "If something happens to Krum, the consequences are not something Hogwarts can afford .”

Dracula looked in the direction of the referee's seat, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Tsk, I really can't help you..." He chuckled softly, "I suspect I can't control the broomstick well, right?"

Under the eyes of all the referees, De Gu stretched out his hand and held it on the handle of the broom behind his back.

The next moment, he suddenly threw the broom on the referee's bench.

But his figure was still suspended in mid-air, shaking leisurely.

Chapter 250 Seven Shocking Changes on the Arena

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The judges on the referee's bench looked at the broom that fell on the table in front of them, and their expressions gradually changed from doubt to consternation.

Among the six judges, Dumbledore seemed to have expected such a result, but shook his head helplessly.

As for the remaining five judges, Ms. Maxim, Karkaroff, Professor Hicks, Mr. Crouch, and Bagman, all of them stared wide-eyed at the same time, looking at the German who had no support but was suspended in the air. Gula.

"This... this is not a broomstick at all!"

Bagman didn't know when he jumped from the commentary seat to the referee's stand, and picked up the broom that Dracula dropped with a face full of shock, "It's just an ordinary broom, it doesn't have the effect of flying at all! "

After hearing Bagman's exclamation, the expressions of the other judges changed again.

How dare this security officer not need a broomstick to fly at all, this broomstick is just a show in front of them?

Karkaroff, who just questioned whether Dracula could control the broomstick well, now wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in... He felt his face being slapped.

"How about it, judges, do you think I can control the broomstick well?" Dracula crossed his arms and looked at Ms. Maxim and Karkaroff with a half-smile.

The two principals didn't know how to answer, but Professor Hicks next to him coughed twice, which was a relief for them:

"Ahem...Professor Dracula, the warriors seem to be coming out soon, do you want to take a look?"

Dracula turned his head, and sure enough, he saw that the first warrior had come out of the tent.

It was Cedric Diggory, and the audience suddenly burst into extremely warm applause.

The little wizards of Hogwarts vigorously waved the yellow flag representing Hufflepuff College. Cheers, screams and applause merged together, and even formed a tsunami momentum.

Charlie Weiss waited for the dragon trainer of the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary to drag a silver-blue scaled dragon into the competition field, and then tied it firmly to the ground with many iron chains.

Bagman returned to the commentary booth, pointed to his throat with his wand, and spread his voice in all directions:

"The first warrior to play is Mr. Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts. His opponent is a Swedish short-nosed dragon... You can look at the feet of the fire dragon, where the A golden egg."

"Now, there are professionals who have tied the dragon's four feet to the ground and will not let it break free. All the dragons participating in the competition this time are female dragons. Now they have all been confused, thinking that the golden egg is My own dragon egg..."

"And what Mr. Diggory has to do is to snatch the golden egg from the feet of the fire dragon! The judges will score according to his specific performance..."

Dracula's attention was indeed attracted by the upcoming match.

He flapped his wings that turned into transparent color so that no one else could see him, and he came to the top of the arena, looking at Cedric with interest, wondering how he would face a fire dragon.

A piercing whistle sounded amidst the crowd, and all the dragon trainers and staff left the arena, leaving this space for the participating warriors.

The auditorium suddenly fell into silence, and everyone was staring at Cedric——

This kind of situation of fighting against a huge monster like a fire dragon with one's own strength, almost no one present has ever witnessed it with their own eyes.

They all kept their eyes peeled, wanting to see whether the warriors on the field would live up to their trust and get the golden egg, or would they be defeated by the fire dragon instead?

Cedric stood at the entrance to the field fence and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled out his wand abruptly, and pointed at a huge stone next to him——

"Vera Verto!"

A spell belonging to Transfiguration was uttered from his mouth.

The next moment, the stone that was nearly half the size of a fire dragon quickly changed its shape, gradually becoming rounded from a sharp-edged stone to a big dog made of rocks.

"Beautiful Transfiguration!" Bagman shouted from the commentary booth, "Mr. Digory used a very clever method to divert the fire dragon


The big rock dog rushed towards the Swedish short-nosed dragon, but turned abruptly before entering the enveloping range of the dragon's claws.

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