Draco nodded in understanding.

At this time, a man with a purple turban on his head just walked over.For some reason, when Lucius met his gaze, he felt a tremor from the soul.

"Good morning, Mr. Quirrell." In front of his father, Draco was happy to be polite, so he greeted the man in the hood.

"Good morning, Malfoy." Quirrell said in an erratic voice, "I don't know if I'm lucky enough to know what you were talking about just now?"

"What we're talking about has nothing to do with you!" Lucius retorted indifferently, suppressing the fear and trembling deep in his heart.

Quirrell took a deep look at him, then turned and walked towards the gate of Hogwarts Castle.

What Lucius didn't realize was that in the pocket of Quirrell's arms, there was a blank diary exuding a strong dark atmosphere, soaking into Quirrell's body, controlling his consciousness.

"Strange, why doesn't Mr. Quirrell stammer?" Draco looked back at Quirrell in surprise.

"Let's go, Draco." Lucius urged tremblingly.


Draco was suspicious

The confused mood was put down, and he quickly followed Lucius' pace.


When Malfoy and his son came to the Hogwarts school board meeting room, all twelve school trustees had already arrived.

They sat in a circle around a long round table, looking at each other in silence.

"Lucius, so you called us here today just to fire a professor?" One of the trustees was the first to break the silence.

"Yes." Lucius put his cane on the round table and stared at the member of the school board who spoke first, "I think that the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has problems with Dracula's teaching methods. He Its courses often put students in danger and disregard their safety. If there is a teaching accident one day, it is difficult for Hogwarts to take such serious responsibility."

"In addition, I surveyed several informed students, and they unanimously stated that Professor Dracula often used corporal punishment on students."

He took out a questionnaire to the students from his pocket and showed it to everyone present.

In fact, those who filled out the questionnaire were Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and Draco's friend Parkinson and other Slytherin students.

The members of the school board quickly passed through the questionnaire and frowned slightly.

"Principal Dumbledore, what do you think of these behaviors of Professor Dracula?" One of the school managers looked at Dumbledore who was dozing off in the main seat, and asked.

Dumbledore glanced at him, and then said with a smile: "I think Professor Dracula is a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor with the highest teaching level and personal quality in recent decades."

Hearing Dumbledore's evaluation, the eleven school managers except Lucius were a little surprised.

After all, although Dumbledore is old, his reputation and personal charm still belong to the magic world, and the sun never sets in the magic world. After defeating Grindelwald, there has been no decline in the past few decades.

The boss gave such a high evaluation, so the school directors couldn't help but take it seriously.

"Principal Dumbledore, but you can't deny that Professor Dracula used corporal punishment on students, can you?" Seeing that the situation was not good, Lucius quickly added, "There are provisions in the Education Act formulated by the Ministry of Magic that any teacher Groups must not inflict severe corporal punishment on underage wizards."

"And my child Draco suffered serious psychological trauma after being physically punished by Professor Dracula. This alone is enough for the school board to expel him!"

He stared into Dumbledore's eyes and said with a sneer.

Chapter 40 Dismissal of the Board of Trustees

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"Lucius, maybe you want to hear the thoughts of the person involved?" Dumbledore glanced at the position by the window and said absently.

Seeing Dumbledore's performance, Lucius frowned.

"Principal Dumbledore, you don't seem to care much about the fate of this Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?" He asked suspiciously.

Lucius still remembers writing a letter to Dumbledore before deciding to convene the school board, hoping that he would personally expel Dracula.But Dumbledore's reply euphemistically rejected his "suggestion", which led to the convening of the school board today.

"He really doesn't care, and there's no need to care about it." Just then, a mellow and clear voice came from the window.

Lucius was taken aback and looked towards the window of the meeting room.

A man with silver hair and burgundy eyes was leaning against the window with a bright red lollipop in his mouth, looking at the school managers on the round table with interest.

"Who are you, how dare you come to eavesdrop on the school board meeting?!" One of the elderly school managers knocked on the table angrily and asked Dracula.

"Eavesdropping? No, I was here before your meeting started. Didn't you tell me?" Dracula said with a playful smile, "Or, the school directors' eyesight is so bad Is this the case? If Hogwarts is left to you to manage, the four of them, Slytherin, won’t be at ease, will they?”

The old school manager who raised the question was so angry that his teeth itch and said angrily: "Young man, report your name, I will definitely expel you from Hogwarts!"

Hearing the word "young man", Dracula raised his eyebrows and his expression became extremely strange.

"You old man is quite good at talking, I like you." He said happily.

The old school manager didn't understand Dracula's strange words and wanted to continue the attack, but Draco who was standing behind Lucius interrupted him.

"Sir, this is our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor Dracula." Draco whispered to the old school director.

"So you are the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!" The old school director was stunned for a moment, then slapped the table heavily, and said loudly, "Just such a guy who doesn't respect the elderly, I don't think he can teach students well." .I vote for expulsion!"

He was the first to take out the badge of the school board from his arms and raised it above his head.

Lucius smiled secretly when he saw this, and also took out a badge and raised it above his head.

Immediately afterwards, after a little hesitation, four other school directors also raised their school director badges one by one and voted in favor.

The adoption of resolutions by the Board of Trustees is determined by voting.

Every school manager has a school manager's badge, and these badges are connected to the magical nodes of Hogwarts Castle. Whenever a vote is successful, a contract will be reached between the badges.More than half, that is, seven or more school directors cast affirmative votes, and the resolution can be passed.

Except for the appointment and removal of the principal by such a resolution.

The headmaster of Hogwarts has always been a very famous and powerful wizard. The appointment and dismissal of the headmaster will even have a great impact on the entire British wizarding world.Therefore, both the appointment of the principal and the removal of the principal require the unanimous vote of the members of the school board.

But this vote on whether to fire Dracula is clearly not included.Now six school managers have voted in favor, and as long as one of the other six school managers votes in favor, Dracula will be expelled from Hogwarts.

It can be said that the position of Dracula's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor has become precarious.

However, Dracula did not have any sense of crisis.He watched the voting process of the school board, and his originally excited expression gradually became disinterested.

"Why does it have to be so complicated for such a simple thing as voting? Not to mention it's boring." He pouted, "Why don't you guys stop voting, it's too troublesome, and just fire you."

Hearing Dracula's words, Lucius subconsciously looked over and opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"You mean, you yourself agree with us to expel you?" He asked in disbelief, not even noticing that the school trustee's badge in his hand had been poked in Draco's face.

Dracula takes the bloody lollipop out of his mouth and tilts his head to look

To Lucius, he immediately sneered.

"I think you may have misunderstood, Mr. Malfoy." Dracula said, "I mean--I just fire the entire school board!"


The members of the school board looked at Dracula in bewilderment, feeling extremely funny in their hearts, and couldn't understand how this professor Dracula could say such inappropriate words...

"You? Dismiss the school board? Hahahaha..." The aged old school manager couldn't help laughing out loud, "The young people nowadays just don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and always think that they are the boss of everyone. As a result, all kinds of jokes were made!"

With someone taking the lead, the other members of the school board couldn't help laughing, watching Dracula and laughing.

Dumbledore sat at the head of the round table, watching Dracula and the performances of the school managers with relish, and from time to time showed a pitying expression to the members of the school council.Of course, none of the board members thought Dumbledore was pitying them, they just thought he was trying to plead for Dracula.

Amidst the laughter of the school trustees, Dracula took out an old parchment from his pocket - the title deed of Hogwarts.

He injected his own vampiric magic power into the land deed, and the mysterious and obscure symbols on the land deed immediately flowed, and every magic power node in Hogwarts appeared on the paper.

Dracula compared the school director's badge that Lucius raised above his head, and quickly found a node connected to this badge at the magical node of Hogwarts.

Face slaps always come too fast, before the members of the school board have finished laughing, they can't laugh anymore...

They were trying to form a contract with the school director's badges in their hands to expel Dracula from Hogwarts, but then they found that all the school director's badges had lost their magic power, and at the same time lost all their functions.

"The school trustee's badge seems to be broken." Lucius patted his own badge heavily, and found that it had indeed lost its function, so he asked Dumbledore, "Principal Dumbledore, will you repair the school trustee's badge? They seem to have suddenly failed."

Dumbledore glanced at him happily, but didn't reply, then looked back at Dracula who was watching the show, his expression became very expectant.

The next moment, Dracula's voice suddenly sounded.

"The magical connection between Hogwarts' school board badge and the castle has been cancelled. Congratulations, you have been expelled!"

Chapter 41 Sanctimonious Malfoy

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Feeling that the badge of the school board of directors had lost its magic power, the originally high-spirited school board members panicked.

Even if they spend tens of millions of money and countless resources every year, what is the reason why they still firmly control the position of the Hogwarts school board?Isn't it for such a school board badge? !

As the only wizarding school in the UK and one of the oldest wizarding schools in the world, Hogwarts has always been the cradle of countless outstanding wizarding talents, and has educated many top people in various industries in the wizarding world.

Controlling the position of the Hogwarts school board is equivalent to holding a ticket to socialize with elites from all walks of life, which can provide families with an endless stream of invisible wealth and expand their social circle. Provide vital support.

This is also one of the reasons why many top wizards who have achieved fame are willing to return to Hogwarts to teach at the peak of their careers, not just because this is their alma mater.

The school board badge is an important symbol of the school board. It is closely related to the magic system in Hogwarts Castle, and it also has the special function of making centralized decisions on the development direction of the school.

It can be said that the school directors with the school board badge are the behind-the-scenes managers of Hogwarts, while the school board members without the school board badge are just a group of people who don't benefit from paying money and effort!

Seeing that the magic light on the school director's badge gradually faded, the school managers turned pale in panic.

"Why is this?!"

"This is not right! There must be something wrong!"

Seeing the badge in his hand gradually lose its light, Lucius also fell into a panic, then suddenly raised his head to look at the half-smiling figure beside the round table.

"Dracula, what did you do to our badge?" he asked, forcing himself to be calm.

"It turns out that you not only have poor eyesight, but also your hearing is not very good." Dracula said to Lucius with a faint mocking smile on his face, "I made it very clear that the school board of Hogwarts will be punished. fired!"

"Why, I don't believe that the rules of Hogwarts can be controlled by a single person!" The irascible old school manager looked at Dumbledore who was watching the play, and asked loudly as if grasping at a straw, " Dumbledore, as the headmaster of Hogwarts, how can you allow others to control the only magic school in the UK!"

He looked at Dumbledore expectantly, hoping that this legend in the wizarding world would stand up resolutely as he did against Grindelwald, and use absolute hard power to imprison Dracula in Azkaban, just like putting Grindelwald's tower in Nurmengard.

However, he was doomed to be disappointed.

Dumbledore just smiled, and said words that chilled his heart gently:

"Mr. Yaxley, I'm just an ordinary headmaster who wants to retire at Hogwarts. I'm too busy managing the school and recruiting a few professors. As for the change of the school board, it's a matter of time." It's really beyond my scope of responsibility."

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