At this moment, a Gryffindor girl whom she had never seen before came from nowhere and asked Harry if she could be her dance partner.

Harry was shocked to find that this girl was in the fifth grade, and judging by the way she acted, if Harry dared to refuse, she might punch him unconscious.

"Uh...I have an appointment with Hermione and Ron today to go to the library to prepare for the next project." Harry quickly used Hermione's persuasion just now as a reason, and brought the topic over, "Let me think about it again, May I?"

After finishing speaking, he immediately pulled Ron and Hermione out of the common room as if fleeing.

When they ran to the corridor outside, Ron laughed for a long time, and after laughing enough, he said fairly:

"Actually, she's pretty pretty."

"She's a foot taller than me!" Harry gasped, still in shock, "Imagine I danced with a girl who was a foot taller than me, and she might wear high heels, then I Are you still making a fool of yourself?"

"Is that why you used preparing for the next project as an excuse to run away?" At this time, Hermione pursed her lips and said rather sternly.

"I just...can't find another excuse," Harry murmured.

"Anyway, I have already said the reason. In order not to make you a liar, let's go to the library to study the next project now!"

With that said, Hermione involuntarily pulled the reluctant Harry and Ron to the library.


"I'm sure there isn't a screaming golden egg in any of the books here," Ron complained, yawning, on the way back to the common room.

After checking the information until midnight, until Mrs. Pince drove them out of the library, Harry, Hermione and Ron did not find any useful information.

"This is a specially made game prop, Ron," said Hermione. "There will definitely not be any related information that is exactly the same as the golden egg in the library, but at least we can find something similar..."

"But we haven't even figured out what it is." Harry said with some disappointment.

"Maybe you can ask Professor Dracula?" Ron thought

Said, "He seems to be very good at researching all kinds of messy things."

"But the rules of the game say that the warriors cannot seek help from the professors!" Hermione retorted.

"What's the matter, I don't think the principals of other schools follow this rule much..." Ron muttered.

At this moment, a man wearing a moldy suit, pale face, sunken cheeks, and a pair of bulging eyes stopped in front of the three of them.

"Curfew is coming soon, you guys better move faster, don't let me catch you violating school rules!" He was holding a dim oil lamp, the flesh on his double chin trembling viciously.

"Understood." The three of Harry agreed perfunctorily, but they didn't intend to speed up their pace at all.

There was still a few minutes before curfew, enough time for them to return to the common room at their leisure.

"Wait a minute." Filch suddenly stopped them from behind.

Harry and the others turned their heads and frowned at the vicious gatekeeper.

"It's not curfew yet, is it, Mr. Filch?" Hermione asked confidently, putting on her good student posture.

"It's true that the time hasn't come yet, but it doesn't mean that you haven't violated the school rules at all." Filch said with a sullen look on his face, "I know you, you and the twins are in the same group."

"The two of them don't know what kind of messy props they've been thinking about recently, and I suspect that you guys also contributed to it!"

"We didn't!" said Hermione angrily.

She had been a good student for so long, and today was the first time she was classified as a troublemaker like Fred and George who went against school rules.

This made Miss Xueba very angry.

"If you say there is no, then there must be?" Filch said, grinning, "Those two little bastards don't know where they put those nasty, nasty prank props they made, maybe they are hidden in you. body!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Ron stepped forward and retorted loudly, "This is blatant slander!"

He couldn't help being in a hurry, because he and Harry were indeed carrying some prank gadgets made by Fred and George. If Filch really found out, he would definitely not let them go easily.

"Leave him alone, Ron," Harry whispered to Ron, taking Ron's arm from behind.

"It's not that long before curfew, and Filch must be trying to buy time so we don't get back to the common room in time... so he can grab us and clean up for him."

Hermione also reacted, turned her head and gave Filch a hard look, then ignored him, and dragged Harry and Ron to the Gryffindor common room...


They rushed back to the common room at the last minute before curfew, and Harry gave the password to the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Saying goodbye to Hermione before the stairs leading to the upper level of the lounge, Harry and Ron entered the boys' dormitory area together.

However, as soon as they entered the space, they found Fred and George crouching by the fireplace inside, studying something furtively by the light of the fire.

"What bad things are you two doing again?" Ron asked angrily because of the reason why he was implicated by these two guys just now.


Fred put his finger to his mouth in a silent gesture.

Afterwards, he looked around cautiously, and after making sure no one was eavesdropping, he took out a book from George's back.

"Books?" Ron asked, looking at Fred and George in surprise, "You two are sneaking around here to study? You don't have a fever, do you?"

Having been an older brother and younger brother for more than ten years, he never thought that these two troublemakers would like to read, let alone secretly read by the firelight of the fireplace after the lights were turned off.

Could it be that there is something in this book that people can't see?

Ron showed a suddenly realized expression.

"Oh——" he dragged his tone, raised his eyebrows, and showed a knowing smile on his face, "I didn't expect that you two are here to peek at that kind of dirty novel!"

"What the hell are you thinking, little Luo Luo?" George gave Ron a disgusted look. "I really don't know what you learned at Hogwarts. You didn't learn well all day long."

"No, why does it feel so strange to say such words from your mouth..." Ron's face wrinkled into a ball, "And what is this book, why do you need to shrink back so mysteriously?" Do you want to see it here?"

"You don't understand, this book has a lot of background!" Fred glanced around again, and then whispered to Ron and Harry and said, "It was obtained secretly from Filch's office." of!"

"What?" Harry's eyes widened in astonishment, "You sneaked into Filch's office?"

Filch was clamoring to catch these two troublemakers just now, but he didn't expect them to go to Filch's office to steal the house first!

"Yeah, let me tell you, Filch's office is a treasure trove!" Fred said excitedly, "From time to time, you can find some useful things there, and I don't know where he confiscated them from." of."

"In the past few school years, we found a particularly magical piece of parchment from his filing cabinet drawer, which was full of various secret passages in Hogwarts, and we could see other people's whereabouts! added George. "It's because of that parchment that we've been able to trick Filch so many times."

As he spoke, George proudly pulled out a square, tattered piece of parchment from his cloak, with nothing written on it.

Ron thought it was another twin's joke, and stared at them with puffy eyes.

"Don't worry, little Luoluo, we haven't finished yet." Fred gave him a dissatisfied look, "We took a big risk and threw several pills into the corridor outside Filch's office." Big dung bomb, just out of Filch's drawer."

"That drawer says 'Confiscated Supplies, Highly Dangerous', but it's all good stuff for us..."

"Since then, the two of us have had the opportunity to visit Filch's office every school year. You see, didn't we find something very useful?"

Fred patted the book by the fireplace.

"You didn't make up so many things to deceive us, did you?" Ron asked suspiciously, looking at the tattered parchment.

"Oh, do we need to lie to you?" George grinned and stood up.

He took out his wand, tapped lightly on the parchment, and said:

"I solemnly swear that I will not do good deeds."

After hearing his solemn "oath", the expression on Harry's face almost froze, and Ron even laughed outright.

Ron was about to laugh at George's stupid behavior, but the next moment, the tattered parchment suddenly changed——

From where the wand touched, thin lines of ink emerged like spider webs, and these lines met and crossed each other, extending to every corner of the parchment.

Then, writing began to appear on the top of the parchment. It was a big curved green character, which read:

Introducing Vendors for Magical Mischief Makers - Moonface, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

This map exhaustively shows all the details of Hogwarts castle and grounds, and this is not the most exaggerated, the real noteworthy things are the little ink dots moving along the map, each ink dot Each is marked with a name in tiny letters.

Harry and Ron opened their mouths in surprise, and leaned over eagerly to take a closer look.

A small ink dot in the upper left corner shows that Dumbledore is pacing in the study of the principal's office; Professor McGonagall is motionless in his office; there are several Gryffindor juniors sneaking out for night tours in the teaching area little wizard...

"Hey, did Filch run so fast? He's back in his own office?" Ron noticed that at the bottom of the map, the name of the gatekeeper of the castle remained motionless in the gatekeeper's office. .

"Maybe he was sleepy all of a sudden?" Fred shrugged. "Looking at Filch's frail appearance and staying up all night, I don't think it's strange that he died there suddenly."

"Wait a minute, look at this

inside. "Harry suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed to a position on the Marauder's Map, "Barty Crouch... Do you have any impression, I don't remember him coming to Hogwarts as a guest today?" "

"Maybe he just came here?" George guessed, "Sneakily come to Hogwarts at night to discuss with Headmaster Dumbledore about problems during the game, so as not to be heard by the warriors?"

"Maybe." Harry shrugged, not paying attention to the name of the director of the International Magic Cooperation and Exchange Department.

What they didn't notice was that this "Barty Crouch" didn't make it to the headmaster's office, as they thought, after going around the castle a few times.

He went straight to the janitor's office that belonged to Filch.


Chapter 260 The third dance partner candidate

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"Then what is this book?"

Ron watched George reluctantly put away the Marauder's Map, and could only look at the book that he also got from Filch's office.

The cover of the book is bright yellow as a whole, with a line of strange words engraved on it unevenly - "The Ingenious Combination of Alchemy and Mischief".

"It's actually a book about pranks, no wonder you read it with gusto..." Ron curled his lips, "By the way, did someone really write a book just for pranks?"

Neither Harry nor Ron took much interest in the prank book.Compared with the magical Marauder's Map before, both of them felt that this book seemed a little ordinary.

"You two don't know who you are!" Fred rolled his eyes at the two blind people, and then held up his "The Ingenious Combination of Alchemy and Mischief" fondly, and said to the two :

"This book talks a lot about alchemy, and it's not the obscure and difficult tomes in the library. Instead, it's quite easy to understand, and people without any foundation in alchemy can learn it."

"That's right, the author who wrote this book is so talented!" George was also full of praise for this, "You don't need to fully understand alchemy, you only need to borrow some small details of alchemy to make our joke products It extends in a variety of different directions.”

"I can already imagine how many funny joke merchandise we will produce in the future!"

Both Harry and Ron were also temporarily intrigued by the blueprint drawn by the twins for the future.

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